"Ran Ran, Myu-chan! Let's go!", Reiji yelled. Filing out of the house, the three got on a train to discharge Ai. Arriving at the hospital, Reiji stayed back to sign the release forms while Camus went to go get Ai with Ranmaru getting the medicine.

"Ai?", Camus called out. Opening the door wider, Ai was happily playing with the nurse that was tending to him. "Ah, Camus-niichan!", Ai said with a lit up face. "Yo, how are you feeling." Stepping up, Camus greeted the nurse, and then proceeded to sit down on the bed. "Have you taken your medicine yet?" Shaking his head, Ai said that he was going to right now, and as if on cue, the doctor came in. "Konnichiwa, Ai-kun, soshite Camus-san. Jaa, Ai-kun, are you ready?", the doctor said. Nodding his head, Ai stuck out his arm and soon a needle pierced his skin. Looking calm, the needle was removed, and about a minute after, Ai felt really sleepy. As Camus understood what the medicine was for, he just told Ai to go to sleep. As he thanked the doctor, Camus left with Ai cradled in his arms, as he headed out to meet his brothers.

Just as Camus got to the desk, he bumped into Ranmaru. "Gomen, Ran." Looking up, Ranmaru was greeted by his elder brother. "Chotto, Aniki, what are you do-", Ranmaru started to say loudly. "Shh, Ai's sleeping." Understanding, Ran immediately shut up and met up with Reiji to head home.

"Man is it cold out here.", Ranmaru exclaimed. "See I told you to bring your coat. 'sigh' Hold on, carry Ai for me.", Camus exasperated. Taking the cyan haired boy away from his arms, Camus took off his coat to reveal another one underneath. Giving the taken off one to Ran, Ai was passed back to Camus, as Ranmaru wore his brother's coat. "Thanks.", he mumbled. As it was snowing, Ai was in his thick winter clothes with a blanket wrapped around him. Also since he had a fever, a cooling pad was put on. "I really need to finish my training*, so we can get Ai around quick.", Reiji suddenly blurted. Approving of his statement, some other topics were brought up as they arrived home. Placing Ai down on to Ranmaru's bed, he was tucked in tight and was left there to sleep, while dinner was being prepared.

"Ne Ran Ran, Ai's going to be sleeping in your room tonight. So you're gonna take the day off from school tomorrow 'kay.", Reiji reminded. "Yah, I know, we're going to take turns until Ai gets better right?" "Yep" Sitting down exhausted, it was almost dinner time, so Reiji, was going to go get Ai, but all of a sudden, Ai appeared downstairs instead. "N-(cough)Nii-ch(cough)an?", the boy called out. "Chotto, Ai Ai what are you doing going downstairs by yourself?", Reiji asked seriously. "Ah, g-gomen, nii-chan, but I felt a bit lonely." Sighing in defeat, Reiji crouched down. "Oide" Carefully walking forwards, Ai was careful of to not reopen his stitches. Arriving into the elder's arms, he was then pulled closer. "Is your fever, okay?" A nod. "How about your cuts and bruises?" Another nod. "Now then, are you hungry?" This time, a fierce nod. "Okay then, can you eat by yourself?" For the last time, it was a shake. Picking him up, Reiji headed towards the dining table, to only sit down with Ai in his lap. Having a bowl of porridge already in front of them, the brunet took a spoonful and put it in front of the forsaken boy's mouth. Opening up, Ai started to chew it a bit, then he swallowed. "Rei-n(cough,cough)niichan, arigatou(cough)." Smiling, Reiji kissed Ai's head, and continued feeding him.

After Ai finished eating, he was giving three types of medicine. The regular, liquid cold medicine, the shot for his pneumonia, and pills for dulling the pain of his injuries(I don't even know if this is possible or safe). Because it was a bit much for him, Ai fell asleep as soon as the medicine started to take place. Going upstairs to put Ai down, Reiji made sure he was in his warm pajamas, covered in thick blankets, and that there was emergency medicine in the drawers of the bedside table. As he headed back downstairs, he was awaited with a plate of food made by Ranmaru. "Yo, Aniki, is Ai asleep?" Nodding, Ranmaru continued. "Well, I made you dinner, since you didn't get a chance to eat." Sitting down, Ran then slung an arm around the elder's shoulder and thanked him. Feeling like the job was done, he went upstairs to start his duty of watching over their little brother.

Creaking the door open, soft snoring was heard. Chuckling, Ran ventured to the bathroom to change, and then to the bed, to change the cooling pad on Ai's forehead. Laying down and setting an alarm, Ranmaru, carefully wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy and soon fell asleep with the steady breathing.

Okay that's another one up. I don't how this is going to end though, but thanks for reading.

As for the * none of the three has a driving license yet, but Reiji is currently working on one, so I hope that cleared some things up.

Ja ne!