Okay, first don't hate me, because sometimes my imagination gets out of hand. Here, my aging of the four are a bit awkward. In my story, Ai is HUMAN. (I apologize if it could be a spoiler for you.) This is mostly fluff, so if this isn't what you are looking for, I advise you go look for something else. By the way, the quartet are in order of eldest to youngest. Their FAMILY NAME is SASAKI.

Reiji-17 (Overprotective of Ai)

Camus-17 (Overprotective of Ai)

Ranmaru-17 (Overprotective of Ai)

Ai-6 (Gets sick easily, late bloomer)

DISCLAIMER: I do not own UtaPri, just the plot

The bright morning sun leaked through the windows of a certain household silently, well it was supposed to. Winter had suddenly came and it was a time of observance. As it may seem quiet from the outside, there could be heard loud snoring from the inside. May it seem like there was a big family inhabiting the house, there was only 4 brothers in place. In fact, the snoring was coming from only one person, and that was the eldest Reiji. With the two middle brothers sleeping silently, and the youngest mumbling nonsense to himself.

Soon came around the time where each of them would wake up. The first riser was surprisingly the youngest. As Ai dragged his blanket behind him, his first stop was the 3rd eldest, Ranmaru. Pushing his red door open, the room was completely covered in rock related things. Venturing to the tall bed, the cyan haired boy tried to climb it. Getting half of his body on, Ai couldn't get the other half on, so he tumbled off. Hitting the table behind him, it took a moment to process what had happened. After a minute, tears started to well up, and Ai had started to cry.

Immediately waking up, Ranmaru searched the room. Spotting his little brother on the floor, he swiftly got off the bed to pick him up. "Shh, it's okay Ai. What happened.", he asked bouncing up and down. "R-Ran-niichan. I was trying to wake you up, b-but I fell and hit my h-head." Comforting him, Ranmaru was just about to head out of the room just when the other two came in. "Oi Oi, what's wrong, Ran Ran, Ai Ai.", Reiji asked worriedly. "Sou. Why was Ai crying.", Camus stated. Approaching, the younger two, Ai was then traded off to Reiji. "Ne Ai Ai, what happened, hm? Why don't you tell Niichan?" Looking up at the brunet, Ai's face was stained with tears. Hearing his explanation, more comforting and gentle reprimanding was taken place (Camus), before they headed off for breakfast.

"Ne Ne, Rei-niichan, what are we having today?", Ai said excitingly. "Well Ai Ai, today I made your favorite Japanese miso soup and fish. So enjoy it okay.", Reiji answered proud. Eyes gleaming, Ai began to devour the food. Smiling at their little brother, the three elder also began to eat. Wiping off the food from his mouth time to time, it was soon time to get ready for school. With Reiji and Ranmaru cleaning up, and Camus helping Ai get ready, it was the one of the most peaceful times off the day.

"Yosh, are you ready Ai?", Camus asked. Nodding his head, Ai gave a smile. "Are you warm enough, how many layers are you wearing?", Ranmaru asked as well. Trying his best, he held up 4 fingers. Satisfied, the questions then turned to Reiji. "Okay then, Nii-chan's going to be different today okay. My question is are you excited for today?", the eldest questioned with a huge smile. It took a few seconds, but a grin also appeared on the 1st grader's face. "Um!", Ai yelled. Picking him up, Reiji walked towards the station, with the two middle brothers beside them.

Getting on the train, the three elder brothers were careful of to not losing Ai. As Reiji found a seat to sit down with the boy, Camus and Ranmaru were standing up in front of them. As the youngest was in awe of being on a train, Camus and Ranmaru shared a look. Creeping up to Ai, they started to tickle him. Laughing, some people started to look their way. Some were girls from the triplet's high school, while the rest were women who saw the brothers often. Muttering to themselves the audience couldn't hold back the blushing and quiet squealing that came around. As the train came to a stop. the four brothers got off and headed to Ai's school.

As the four reached the school entrance, Ai suddenly turned cold. "What's wrong, Ai.", Camus questioned. "Mm Mm, nandemonai, Camus-niichan. Ikou." Looking at the boy with uncertainty, Camus brushed it off and continued while holding the youngest's hand. Walking through the hallways, the three brothers caught all the attention of the mothers. Going to the classroom, there were already a lot of mothers there. As they wondered why these beautiful men were here, the thought was soon cut off as homeroom began.

"Okay class, before we start the day, I would like you to state your name and your parent or guardian who has come today. Okay?", Mrs. Tachibana said. "HAI!", the class chorused. "And for the parents or guardians, we would like you to raise your hand, and introduce yourself as well. De wa, first off, Ai-kun!" "H-Hai. Eto, my name is Sasaki Ai desu. Today, my three onii-chantachi came..", he said a bit shaky. "Hai Hai, I'm Sasaki Reiji desu! I'm also the eldest of the four. I am currently 17 years old! I go to Da-mmph", at that, Reiji was soon cut off. "Oi, Aniki, you've said enough. Anyways, I'm Sasaki Ranmaru. I'm the 3rd eldest, and also the same age as my elder brothers." "Lastly, I'm sorry for my brothers' rudeness, I am Sasaki Camus. Yoroshiku." Looking at the teens with all of their attention, the four brothers sweat dropped at the vibe in the air. Feeling the tension, the teacher then decided to continue on, so the rest of the day went on smoothly, well kind of. As the incident that was bound to happen would happen, with the target oblivious of it.