(A/N: This is one of my favorite movies, so I'll get this out of the way. I don't own the movie or any of the characters except my OC's. And FYI, the whole thing is exactly like the movie, but with the addition of my OC's, and there are a lot of 'em. This is also part story, part song-fic, so I will incorporate the songs from the movie, but Maria will sing them. Not just in her head, either; out loud. So this is like a musical. On with the story, but first: the character profiles. The main characters anyway. Detailed descriptions will be given later. And don't forget to review!)


Maria Wilder: the heroine of our story. Brave, spirited daughter of Jack and Emily Wilder. James's love interest. Spirit's rider, and they're inseparable.

Spirit: Maria's beloved Kiger mustang and best friend. Only lets Maria ride him at first, and he never leaves his pal's side.

Jack Wilder: Maria's father and leader of the Wilder family until his daughter takes Husband of Emily Wilder

Emily Wilder: Maria's kind mother. Esperanza's rider. Wife of Jack Wilder

Esperanza: Sprit's Palomino mother. She didn't have a name in the movie, so I gave her one. Ridden by Maria's mother, Emily Wilder

James Thomas: Maria's love interest. Kind, clever, brave, and strikingly handsome. 17 as well. Son of Charles and Anne Thomas. Rain's rider, and best friend of Little Creek.

Rain: James's pretty Paint mare. Spirit's love interest.

Charles Thomas: James's kind, but slightly strict father. Husband of Anne Thomas.

Anne Thomas: James's strong-willed mother. Wife of Charles Thomas

Little Creek: Lakota Indian that was taken in by the Thomas family as a boy. His people left him behind when they moved their village. Around 24 years old. James's best friend.

Colonel: In charge of one of the Union Army's brigades in Montana. Intent on capturing Spirit to use for the Army's benefit.