A/N Okay, Ballie lovers. This one is definitely AU based on the prompt in the story summary. When I received the prompt, I realized it was going to be a multi-chapter story, because this one decision of not trying to kill Harry would have changed, well, everything! Consider it fate for Ballie though...because even without Wentworth, they are destined to be...right? I guess we will see ) As long as Ballie survives the finale, AllieCat will go on hiatus after I write about 4x12. This multi-chap and other stories are intended to fill the wait!**

On a warm summer night, Bea leaned her aching body against a rusted light pole. She wiped the blood from her eye and winced when she applied too much pressure. She knew it would probably be swollen shut by morning, the bastard hit like a heavyweight.

Taking in her surroundings, Bea stared at the crumbling building across the street. A few women stood beside the doorway, silhouettes in the night, smoke rolling towards the heavens. Though a womens shelter did not broadcast its location, she was in the right place it seemed, unsure of the directions here really, just a vague idea of its location when she ran for her life in the dead of night.

A burly figure blocked the entrance, a man Bea thought at first glance, but realized she was wrong when the woman yelled, "Five minutes till we lock up. Better get your last drag in, loves." So, not a man, even better.

Bea stepped off the sidewalk and into the street. Jolts of pain hindered every step. Her breath was ragged, pressure unrelenting from her ribs that were surely cracked, but not broken, not this time.

Bea crept forward, each step taking the toll of one hundred. When she finally made it to the curb, one little step to go, she tripped and free-fell, not having the strength to stop herself from hitting the ground.

Yet, she didn't. Right before she added more bruises to her growing collection, soft, yet sturdy hands caught her. A frantic, feminine voice yelled in her ear, "Kaz...she's hurt...help me."

Bea looked up to see wide blue eyes, sunken in a little bit, like maybe they saw a lot of pain too.

"It's okay, we got ya," the girl's angelic voice soothed as the hands on her doubled and they lifted her off the ground, linking their hands to form a seat underneath her.

"I can walk," Bea argued. This was ridiculous, she only stumbled over a step.

"Yeah, you're doing a fair job of it," the young woman teased with a light chuckle as they carried her to the doorway.

Bea stared at her in awe. Bea hadn't heard anyone laugh since her daughter went away with her friends for the summer. Harry's drinking had only gotten worse, and so had his temper, since their daughter left almost a month ago. Six weeks to go. It could be a century at this rate.

Bea didn't stop staring at the blue eyed blond until the other woman, Kaz apparently, cleared her throat. Bea met the stern gaze of the other blond, the one around her age. "Anyone coming after you tonight?" Kaz huffed.

"No," Bea answered quickly and honestly. Harry would have passed out by now, not come chasing after her. He couldn't hurt her in public, that would destroy the image he portrayed for himself.

"Can you really walk?" Kaz questioned.

"Yeah, I think so."

"All right, Allie. Let's put her down...slowly."

Her landing pad had a name. A pretty name for a pretty girl. Bea shook her head, what was she doing? She wasn't gay, yet she seemed captivated by this young woman who quite literally swept her off her feet. Must be the adrenaline, Bea justified as her feet met solid ground again.

"This one's with us," Kaz advised the bouncer.

Bea's arm tingled where Allie's touched it when the young woman linked their elbows and began to walk them through the door.

Bea wanted to shake her arm free, this new feeling foreign to her, but she knew she wouldn't. She didn't really mind the feeling that much, and she had to admit walking was easier with help.

They stepped inside the dimly lit building, not enough single light bulbs in cages were hanging from the ceiling. There were stairs to the right, and a long hallway in front of them, but the blonde women led her towards a small room to the left.

"We just got to let Maude know you are here," Kaz said, walking into the open doorway.

Bea stopped immediately, feet planted firmly. She couldn't say she was here. What if she needed to come back? What if he found out about this place and she no longer had a place to go, if she even had one now. Finding it harder than before to breathe, she began to hyperventilate.

The girl attached to her of course noticed. "You don't have to give your name," Allie assured.

Bea met her eyes, but continued to gasp for breath. "It's okay...slow breaths...nice and easy." Allie's free hand brushed across Bea's back, and those same strange tingles appeared, though she was soon able to catch her breath.

"Are you two coming?" Kaz shot from the doorway.

"She just needed a minute." Allie defended before continuing to lead them towards the office.

A robust woman with gray hair, Maude she assumed, greeted her by saying, "Jesus, someone did a number on you."

Bea could only nod. Though she hadn't seen herself in a mirror, she could tell exactly what she looked like by which parts of her body were screaming, and which ones blood were caking at, some still seeping. Bloody hell, literally.

"For funding purposes you are a number. It will not be reported anywhere that you personally were here. This is a safe place, we follow a strict set of rules. Not a lot of rules, we're just strict on the ones we have to protect all the women here. Do you understand?"

Once again, Bea just nodded.

"First off, I'm Maude. You've met Kaz and Allie." For some reason Bea could feel the heat rising to her face at the mention of the young blond's name. Could they notice under her bruising? Bea hoped not. "What do we call you?"

Even though she expected the question, it still left Bea speechless. She looked at Allie, like this girl she didn't know had all the answers. Allie smiled gently and nodded.

She looked back at Maude, who sat beside a plain wooden desk. "Bea," she whispered.

"Like the letter?" Kaz snorted. "Okay, I'm K then. This here is A and M. They talk a lot, like the radio frequency. Makes up for you not saying a whole word."

Bea lowered her head. This woman was abrasive, her temperament scraping across Bea's wounded being.

"Shut the fuck up, Kaz," Allie hissed.

"Karen, why don't you make yourself useful and prepare things for Bea to have a shower." Maude insisted, and Bea was glad when she left without a fight.

"Allie, help her into a chair," Maude directed, pointing at the pair of chairs opposite where she sat.

Together they walked forward, and Allie guided her into a seat.

"Alright, Allie. I have a few questions for B here. It might be easier if you step out for a minute."

The girl had just let go, and Bea whimpered before grabbing her arm. Fuck, she couldn't do this. She couldn't stand against Harry, not now. She had no money and no way to support her daughter; she shouldn't have came here. He would have passed out eventually.

"It's okay," Allie soothed again. "I'll stay with you." She sat in the chair next to Bea's and held her hand out. Bea grabbed it without hesitation and squeezed tight.

They both turned and faced Maude who began her questioning right away. "Do you know who did this to you?" Bea nodded. "Your husband?" Bea closed her eyes. She couldn't say it.

Maude didn't press, but instead asked, "Have the police been notified?"

Bea lost her grip on Allie's hand, and went to stand. "I...gotta...go."

Allie tightened her hold, and ran her thumbs across the top of Bea's hand. The sizzle contradictory to the relief it brought. "Maude won't call the screws. She just needed to know if a report has been filed."

Bea shook her head. A report? What does she look like? Someone that ever came out on the right side of a piece of paper? Birth certificate showed father unknown. Too bad it didn't say the same for her mother, bless her soul. Marriage certificate equaled entrapment. Her daughter's birth certificate the only good in her life, despite the father listed there.

"Actually, I am legally bound to call the police if a life is in danger. Do you have children, B?"

"Teenage dau...ghter...she's away on holiday."

"Can he get to her?"

"No...but...he's never...just me. Only when he's drunk. He drinks more when she's gone." Bea finished in a whisper.

Maude stared at her long and hard, before nodding. "Okay, here are the rules. Number one, no men. Like yourself most of the women here have men they would rather not know where they are at. Number two, no drugs or alcohol. Not everyone here is an addict..." Allie coughed beside her, her hand twitching against Bea's. "But it serves zero purpose here, except a crutch to hinder your true healing. Number three, hands off other people and their property. Everyone here has been a victim long enough. Finally, you go out those doors after curfew, you will not be let back in. No exceptions. Every girl's safety in this building is the top priority...do you understand?"

Bea simply nodded.

"Alright then, we can discuss more in the morning. Anything else you think I should know?"

Bea thought a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, it's not B the letter. It's B-e-a short for Beatrice, except it's just Bea."

Maude grinned. "Alright, Bea, go with Allie. She will help get you settled."

Bea turned to look at the girl in question as they both rose together "At your service, ma'am," Allie winked.

Bea blushed again. It had been a long time, but was this girl flirting with her? Now? When she looked her ultimate worst? Probably not, Bea surmised. No one wanted an old housewife with baggage, that's what Harry always told her. He was probably right, Bea realized with a sigh, though she wasn't sure why that bothered her.