This is not a chapter but an authors note

I got a few reviews that are correct in that Harry is a side character as of right now. as the story progresses he will become more of a main character. I suppose I could show what he is doing at the same time but it might get confusing as to what is happening when and how each scene flows into the next.

Let me explain a few things that might make it easier for you the readers to understand why I am reluctant to change to much of the Bones story to fast.

Making changes to the story is like throwing rocks in a pond each change you make effects the whole of the story more and more as the changes build on each other until the story resembles nothing of the original. Harry being hired, him finding Brennan's mom, talking to Booth, talking to Hodgins, participating in the case, dating Angela are all ripples that are starting to make waves. I don't want there to be a tidal wave before I'm ready for it.

Harry has no one, everyone he cared about is dead or betrayed him and only want him for the things he can do for them. I disregard the Epilogue and the new "Cursed child" book. Harry should have been with Hermione, but being with her would still have kept him in the wizarding world. Without her he needed an escape a way to hide in the Muggle world, Bone's world.
Also I'd like to reply to a guest review.

Guest (chapter 1)

This is not usually a combination that goes well or comes off well, this is an exception, for the most part you have done very well with this one. The characterization slips a bit in places but not badly and not distractingly.

Brennan WOULD NEVER EVER say yeah , she always speaks precisely and clearly.

Wessex and Montrose are already extent titles with incumbents who would not willingly give them up.

Eschewed does not mean what you think it does.

Dexterous has no meaning where you have used it.

EIIR is properly addressed or referred to as Your Majesty, not Your Highness.

This is one of my pet objections to HP stories, the name is Harry James potter, not some variation of Harry.

Don t whine, it is unbecoming.

I have watched the episodes three or four times now. I pulled up transcripts of the episodes for each chapter I write. every thing that is said in the episode is unchanged in the chapter unless I make big changes to the story. Chapter 1 had no changes to the actual words anyone said in the show.

Wessex and Montrose are not extent with incumbents they are extinct I made sure to only use extinct titles so as not to step on the toes of actual nobility.

Eschewed, and Dexterous where in the actual show so weather or not I know what they mean or how they are used is meaningless.

I will remember that about the Queen thank you.

I am not J.K. Rowling. I personally believe the name Harry is childish and to common for an Ancient and Noble wizarding family such as the Potters. Having his name as Harald named after Harald Fairhair the first King of Norway, but calling him Harry for short as a childhood nickname makes more sense in my mind. If you don't like it you don't have to read it.

Criticism is appreciated as it allows the author to grow and make their style of writing better. Flames, just bashing said story by posting things such as: "This is stupid" "Worst story ever" "Stop writing this sucks" are unappreciated and just fuel my deep seated anger management issues. warning people not to flame is not whining.

As for what the future holds you will just have to read the next chapter when this is taken down and replaced by an actual chapter 3