He was at a bar dancing, it's not often he goes but when he does he likes to pretending he is someone else he calls himself Fox and wore clothes that he wouldn't normally where but it helps him to become Fox. Some nights he would dance his heart out and drink whatever free drink comes his away other nights he would pick up a man, correction the man would pick him up.

But one night a tall dark haired man came up to him, and danced with Stiles his skin felt feverish as the slender man placed his hand on the teens stomach touched his skin where ever his hands could touch. It was like magic rippled from his finger tips to his and spread cross his skin. "Your place for my little fox?" He the man whispered, Stiles shivered at the English accent sending shivers down his spine

"Yours." Stiles purred as he spun around and warped his arms around the dark haired man's neck seeing an old scar on his throat. It reminds to him it looks like he had been strangled with a thin wire but there was another line to match the other.

"I was a prisoner I'm now free." He whispered as he stroked his fingers down the teen's face

"I know the feeling." He whispered as the man spotted the scar on his chest.

They arrived at the man's place he pushed Stiles against the door and breathed in his scent and growled as his mouth at the teen's throat "You know my name what's yours?" Stiles gasped as he rocked his hips up to the man's hips. Pulling back the bright green eyed man looked down at him and smiled

"I'm Loki." He purred

"Like the Norse god." Stiles grinned

"Yes like him." Loki grinned back at him as they kissed they fell through the door as Loki unlocked it.

By morning Stiles had woken up on his own he sat there looking down at the empty bed space next to him. He frowned as he stood up wincing at the pain in his back and stomach "Whoa too much to drink." He thought as he picked up clothes and walked into the bathroom. He had a quick shower and then got dressed and then left quickly never noticing the glass of water and two small tablets left for him by Loki and no they weren't aspirin.

He returned to the club and got into his jeep where his normal clothes were hidden under the seat and he got dressed before driving home, His stomach still felt off and he hand to stop his jeep by the side of the road and threw up and groaned at the dull throb in his abdominal area …Yay I picked up a bug…he thought as he wiped his mouth and grabbed a sealed bottle from the back of his jeep and washed his mouth out, before getting back into the car.

Then life went on as normal Stiles went to school hung out with his friends, dealt with the newest monsters or nut job that came to town. Three months down the road they dealt with an angry witch hell bent on trying to seal alpha powers to make her stronger so she could bind her coven to her but then she set her sights on Stiles. No one knew why she just grabbed him from his house and tied him to an altar and was just about steal whatever she was wanting from him when she suddenly dropped dead. When the pack found him the witch lay dead on the ground her eyes open in a dead stare. Scott and Liam untied him and then helped him stand up, unable to get a clear answer from Stiles as the teen rushed over to the nearest tree and puck his guts and then he passed out.

When he woke up he groaned at the bright lights above him and then he saw Deaton looking down at him "Hey how are you feeling?" He asked Stiles pushed himself up and swung them around and looked at the group.

"Like hell." He mumbled, the vet hummed as Stiles frowned at the man "Did the witch do anything to me?" He asked, Scott was stood by the door and rubbed his hand though his hair.

"No we don't think she did, unless he managed to knock you up." The alpha mumbled, the whisky eyes teen looked at him with wide eyes and snorted

"You're joking?" He tried to laugh but the look he was getting made him feel sick again "Y….You're not joking are you."

"Nope." Lyida muttered, Stiles looked back to the vet who was gazing at him.

"When was the last time Stiles?" He asked. The teen groaned and rubbed his face against his hands and let out a broken chuckle.

"Fuck sake just one night I just had one night where I wanted to have fun." He yelled, as he felt tears burn his eyes as he looked down angrily at his torn dirty jeans.

The pack looked confused at Stiles they didn't know about his night out at the night club so they waited for Stiles to speak or Deaton. "I go this night club called Guilty pleasures, it at the bottom end of town, I found it one night after leaving Derek's loft. I like going there just to dance maybe have a drink and sometimes I met guys there. I am someone else for the night I'm not silly awkward weak Stiles I am…I am Fox I'm fun and flirty, I'm graceful sexy and…" He stopped and started to cry and Scott moved towards him and warped his arms around him. Stiles warped his arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder. Scott rubbed his back and whispered comforting words,

"No one is judging you Stiles." He told him, once they got him to calm down Stiles.

He rubbed his eyes and looked up at them frowned "Sorry I don't know why I cried like that." He frowned as he let Scott rubbed his back

"Your hormones are spiking they are going to be all over the place, even after the baby is born." Lydia said, everyone looked at her and she frowned "What I have an Aunt who was pregnant last year." She said, Stiles looked at her and she smiled at him "So who is the baby daddy?" She asked

"I don't know much about him, he is called Loki and he was tall dark haired and really bright green eyes and he had a chain mark around his throat. He is English." He told them as he tried to remember the man.

"You slept with a man who was called Loki?" Liam asked, Stiles looked at him and bit his lip

"We don't use our names at this place, I'm called Fox, because of the fox tattoo on my back." He tells them.

"What?" They all said at the same time, the teen frown and then made an 'O' with his mouth before pulling his shirt up over his head

"Turn the lights out." He called out, Malia was closes to the light switch and flicked it off the only one who knew of said tattoo "I got it done after the whole demon possession Derek helped me, it stops any unwanted evil spirits wanting to… well you get the idea. What Void put me through was more than enough so Derek came up with this, it only shows up in the dark.

He jumped as he felt a hand on his back and looked over his shoulder to see Kira tracing the lines of the tattoo "It's beautiful Stiles, my dad has one." She said, she pulled her hand back as she got a shock.

"Thanks." He mumbled as he put his shirt back down and Malia put the light back on. The teen looked back at them "Maybe this Loki guy is a werewolf or something, you know magical powerful funk?" He asked as he watched Deaton walk back over to him

"Could be." He told him. "Want to see your baby?"


Loki bolting up right and looked around the room, he frowned as he looked down at the man next to him seeing the blonde sprawled out on his back snoring away. He sat there frowning wondering what woke him it was nothing in this room, and it wasn't his sleeping lover's snoring either he was use to that. Closing his eyes he let himself feel out what woke him and he gasped as he felt the tug and he knew what it was.

The tug was a small and delicate and there was all hum of magic and something else a feel of an old magic…kitsune…he thought, "Oh no." He whispered as he turned and looked at his lover. "Thor." He called out

"What again….Urrrh you just have to bounce yourself." Thor mumbled as he flung the bed sheets off himself, Loki rolled his eyes as he looked down at the blonde

"Thor I impregnated a Midgardian." He told him, the blonde eyes widen and he sat up quicker than he could throw a hammer.

"You did what?" He half yelled,

"When I was on Midgard I slept with a Midgardian and it seems he didn't take the fake painkiller and now he is pregnant."

Thor looked at him with wide eyes "Father is going to kill you." He said, Loki raised an eye brow and tilted his head as he climbed out of bed and went looking for his clothes.

"We need to protect him." Loki said, Thor stood up and walked around the bed

"Protect him?"

"Once Odin finds out about him he will want that baby destroyed and I will not go through that and will not let anyone go through that. I share a small bond with that baby and the mother will share another bond, and it will only grow as the baby develop as their magic develop and something happens to the child the pain will be…" Loki stopped and looked out the window as his hands drifted to his stomach.

Thor walked over to him and warped his arms around his lover and kissed his neck and sighed "I remember what he did to you." He whispered, he closed his eyes wanting to forget the weeks of the pain as Loki laid up in bed crying and screaming "I did not know that the father would feel it?"


"Alright Loki we will protect him."