HEYYYY! I feel the deepest regret ignoring my Fanfiction account for so lonnngggg. I decided to give viewers a late christmas upload of my continued stories... I truly don't know what the result will be, but heeerrrreeee week ggooooooooooo! (Disclaim Hima Papa owns all)

After that little incident at Mattie's, I really couldn't go back to Sey. Thank Gott that ended fast! Although the next day it was quite awkward when I turned Sey down for lunch after sounding so interested... (Real nice job, me *le eye roll*)I still had my...*ahem*... graphic dreams, but none to terribly graphic as the first ones had been.

In the meantime, Mattie seemed to have returned to normal...not. He acted quite strangely around me sometimes...most of the time. Every bus ride we talked as normal, but he was always looking out the window or at his lap. Huh, might've been my awesomeness.

The next week I got real tired of his shit and on the bus went and asked him: "Yo Mattie. Are you fine? You've been acting less awesome."

"What?" the Canuck uttered quizzically, looking at his lap.

"My face is not on your dick, son. Look at me when I speak to you,"I huffed, grabbing his face in my hands.

His weird ass colored eyes (Not that it wasn't a pretty color...) seemed to flicker with fear and his face lit up red.

"Shove off, hoser," he replied, shaking me away.

"GAAAYYYY!" I heard Alfred scream.

Many male occupants of the bus looked right at him(A lot of guys at our fine establishment of governmentally required torture swung either "the other way" or "both ways". Yeah, nice going Dickfred). Even the girls looked pissed...

Matthew's eyes angrily glinted as he retorted with some choice words and a phrase something like:"That isn't that what I heard you scream last night with Ivan!"

As usual, Matthew's spicy come-back invoked copious laughter and Alfred's sullen expression, but this time around, Matthew looked nearly livid.

"Matthew? Are you ok?" I asked in a frightened tone.

"I'm...fine,"he seethed through gritted teeth. "I really wish Al would mind his own Goddamn business."

I chuckled. "It's just classic Alfred, you know that right? He's up to his same bullshit-ery."

Matthew sighed. "Yeah. I'm just more wound up than usual... It's nothing," he breathed.

The rest of the ride to school was full of the same loud occurrences. Yes, I had a hand in most of them. Yes, I did get yelled at by the bus driver(So worth my time), and the day came and went. There was nothing special about that day until after school.

Word spread throughout the halls that two boys had gotten in to it during P.E. and there would be a fight after school. Naturally, if there was trouble the BTT would be there to oversee the chaos. I was elated, that was until I heard who the fighters were. None other than my own Matthew Williams and the huge Cuban kid I bumped into once(y'know. The one who almost made me unawesomly shit my pants).

After school, I raced to the park across from our establishment of perpetual homework, to see a gigantic crowd. Shouts and shrieks filled the air as I shoved my way to the center, where Francis (He really should've been with Matthew too, being one of his childhood friends) and Antonio were jumping around yelling encouragements and trash talk (I would've been too had Birdie not been in the fight). I entered the eye of the storm, and I saw Matthew squatting on the ground speaking with Alfred, Ivan, and Matthias.

"-ducks right, use an immediate right hook," Alfred finished as I approached.

"What the hell, Birdie!" I yelled. "Do you have a brain in your head?"

He looked at me sourly and spat "Don't think I can handle myself, Gilbert?"

"Quite the contrary!" I snickered. "I'm worried about what's-his-face. I just can't believe you didn't tell me yourself."

"Well, I was busy," he said darkly.

"Mattie nearly whipped his sorry ass in PE!" Matthias squealed. "He was so calm for a minute then that Carlos dude came up and messed with him!"

"He thought I was Alfred," Matthew spat."Again."

"Are you fucking serious?" I snarled.

"Either way, I think Matthew's stronger than that brainless jerk," Alfred said, waving his hand in the air.

"It's all that hockey, da?" Ivan remarked. "Matvey is rough on ice. He looks like ice demon."

"That's on the ice, Ivan," Alfred commented.

I knelt down and looked Birdie right in the face.

"Go get em," I smiled, grasping his fist.

He smiled devilishly.

"Of course, Gilbert. I didn't come with the intention of loosing,"Matthew said.

I nodded, and stood up.

"HEY! Where is Alfred!?" a booming voice sounded.

Alfred looked really pale.

"Good luck, bro," he said before running through the crowd at break-neck speed.

"It's Matthew, asshat," an aggressive voice replied.

"Asshat?" the Cuban giggled."You amuse me."

That was all that was said before the guy Carlos threw a punch. Matthew was hit in the jaw and he flew to the side.

I watched helplessly as Matthew was pummeled by his opponent who was sadistically laughing. Everyone was laughing and yelling. I couldn't. Seeing Matthew get beat into the dirt was... painful. Matthew wasn't doing terribly, however. He had gotten a few punches in edge-wise, but for the most part, Carlos was brutal.

I could handle it barely right up to the point the Cuban's friends started joining. I jumped at Carlos, punching him in the gut, face, shoulders. He hit me back multiple times, but I fought hard. Then, Carlos' fist knocked into my head and the world went black.

I woke up in a warm cozy environment. My cheek was wet and my back was warm. I shot up and looked around, but pain bolted through my head like lightning. I sharply inhaled. I slowly examined my surroundings. It was night, and the room was dark, but easily identified as Mattie's room. I looked at my side to see Matthew curled up in a little ball.

I brushed the hair from the side of his face; his eyelid was slightly puffy. He had been...crying? I bent down to see his face better in the darkness. The remains of tear tracks were drying on his smooth pale skin. Suddenly a cloud or something must've moved because moon-light streamed into the room, and Matthew shifted. His whole face radiated with the glow of the moon. He was... beautiful. Just like a goddess or something from a manga... WOAH THERE PAL.I got pretty gay there, huh? Well there is absolutely no way that I would say anything like that.

Or caress his cheek lovingly, feeling his skin. Or lean down closer, looking at his delicate eyelashes. Or kiss him, feeling his warm lips brush against mine. Nope. I did no such thing. OH WHO AM I KIDDING. I SO DID THAT. Thank Gott he never woke up. Ok never mind, he did. And what did the awesome me do? Definitely not fall out of the bed onto the hardwood floor, hitting the same spot on my head in which the giant Cuban had punched.

"FUCK!" I screamed into the floor.

Matthew did not move. He sat up and stared at me, his face visibly going red.

"I was out for awhile, huh?" I coughed, trying to make conversation, while vigorously rubbing my skull.

"Gilbert...?"he whispered, his eyes wide in shock. "What the fuck did you just do to me?"

"I..uh...was dreaming I was saving little Bruder from drowning?"I offered, feeling the blood draining out of my head.

"Are you playing with me?"he muttered."Yes, yes that must be it."

"Mattie I-"

"Get the hell out, Gil,"he said, forcefully.


"You heard me. Go"

"Mattie, I can explain-"


I stood up, dusted myself off, and got the hell out of that house, confused as shit.