Okay, so how's it going? I've been gone for awhile, I know, and a lot of you may be mad. Or, hell, maybe ya'll forgot all about this story. I don't fuckin' know. Look the past year has been rough, I'm tired and frankly... I want to quit writing completely. I'm older and different from the year before and my thought process has evolved right alongside me. I'm looking at this and I'm thinking "Where was I even taking this?"

See, this story is probably my best work and I am proud of it.

But seriously?

This wasn't suppose to be a multi-chapter thing. I had nothing planed for it. Every chapter was written off the top of my head and posted immediately. I like writing, but it's stressful to post and have people enjoy it. It puts the pressure on, which raises stress levels, which isn't fuckin' good. And that's why I've decided to ask you all something.

Do ya'll think I should:

A. Keep writing - but posts will be slow
B. Just say "Fuck it" and label this as complete and leave it alone
C. Send it out for someone to Adopt it

Ya'll have until next Tuesday, the first of October, to pick (or not pick) a choice. I will put up a poll. But each choice comes with more details. Choice A is obvious - I will keep writing but updates will be very slow. Choice B is also obvious - label it done and not touch it again. Choice C is not as clear. I like this, I enjoyed writing it, I'm proud of it.

So I don't want someone to half-ass this.

If it's decided that I'll put it up for adoption I'm going to do a... contest, of sorts. Three winners who can all use the five chapters already up before continuing it their way. Any one who would like to adopt would have to write the next chapter and Private Message me it. It is to be at least the same length as my chapters to enter. If you can mesh my style and your style well then even better. I will choose the three who wins and will post their names here. All I ask is if you win and you later can't or don't want to write this then tell me. Don't put it up for adoption, because this is my creation and I'd like to know how it's going.

If I give you a car(I GIVE it to you - no payment) that I use to own you can repaint it, change the tires, change the seats, change the wheel, and all that. But guess what? Guess who's name it's still filed under? Mine. It's the same with this story. It's mine - I'm just letting you create what is basically a spin-off of it.

Do I sound rude? Good. You can't handle that then fuck off.

A contest could be fun, who knows?

So, go to the poll and pick a choice.

(Update of how the story is going so far; Reviews 117, Followers 549, Favorites 408, Communities 4, Views 30,716.)

(May I just say, Daamn?)

Okay, so people have said that they can't find the poll. Which, whoops, my fault. I didn't set to be on my profile. It's there now.

Alright so choice 'A' won. I will be continuing this, though it will be slow. And I'm going to re-watch Supernatural and bits of Danny Phantom. Have a good day ya'll.