Tobias, first of his name, King of Goblins, Protector of The Wished-Away, Keeper of the Labyrinth. Toby laughed whenever he arrived at the High Court of Avalon, to hear himself announced. It had only been a year since he had ascended the throne, directly after Jareth and Sarah had celebrated the twentieth year of their marriage. Not long in terms of the Underground but then both Sarah and Toby had started out as mere mortals. And it had become clear to Toby that he would never be as powerful as Jareth was. It wasn't just the Labyrinth that had made Jareth so exceptionally strong when it came to magic. And other things, clearly.
Toby laughed as he spotted his beloved sister, dancing while dressed in the finest blue silk gown he'd ever seen. She was laughing as Jareth led her around the dance floor, blushing from some scandalous thing he'd been whispering in her ear. He moved over to where Queen Carys was seated, knowing Jareth and Sarah would come there once they had finished with their dance. There was a squeak of delight as his niece, Princess Saria came flying towards him, arms outstretched. She had only just been introduced at court and was already the single most sought out young Fae in the whole of the Underground. Small wonder! She was a beautiful as her mother, sharing the same lovely jade eyes but with the hair the same shade of blond as Jareth.
"Uncle Toby! You came! You actually came!" She fell into his arms, and hugged him fiercely.
"Of course I came, Starshine. I wouldn't miss being with the family." Toby had missed many occasions but not the truly important ones. He would not miss his niece being presented to the High King and Queen. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see his brother-in-law's smirking face. Some things never changed.
"Toby, I'm so pleased you made it. Sarah was worried you wouldn't get here before the presentation." He put a possessive arm around Sarah's waist and winked at his oldest daughter, first born of the former Goblin King.
"Now Jareth, I didn't really think he'd miss it. Toby is a very attentive uncle to our brood of brats." She smiled, the term clearly not meant as anything but an endearment.
Sarah took her brother into a warm embrace. It was at this point that Toby's eyebrow shot up in surprise. "Sarah! Your pregnant…again?" He watched her blush as Jareth preened, proud as a peacock. All Toby could do was shake his head and laugh.
Jareth kissed Sarah's cheek and responded to the reaction. "My dear King Tobias, your sister, while having been transitioned to Fae twenty years ago, has retained her mortal fertility. And, as I have not found a way to find her less desirable…" He didn't finish the thought as Sarah placed her fingers over his mouth.
"My darling husband, Toby knows we have a very intense relationship. He walked in on us more than once. Stop bragging, my love." She pulled him into a kiss and he melted into her arms, if only for a moment. Queen Carys clearing her throat put a quick end to that. Sarah placed her hand on her barely expanding waist and smiled. "This little one will give us an even dozen. Perhaps it's time to stop."
"WHAT?" Jareth shouted, clearly quite upset at the words his lovely lady had spoken aloud.
"Time to stop having children, Jareth. Not the other thing." She laughed as she watched him calm back down, relief clearly reflected in his eyes. It was abundantly apparent the his ardor for her would never fade.
"I just think that with Saria having just turned eighteen and this being the most recent addition, it's time to let other family members populate the kingdom."
In addition to Saria, born two years into their marriage, Jareth and Sarah had Kieran, who had arrived the following year. Then came Finn, who was now fifteen followed by Riona who was just thirteen. Then came Lochlan, age ten; Donall, age eight; Bran, age six; Padraig, age five; Orla, age four; Conor age three and the baby, Mairéad who would be one next week.
Jareth thought about it: he could see her point. "Alright my heart. If you wish to cease bearing children than I can understand. Just do not keep me from your side", and he leaned in to whisper seductively, "or your bed."
Toby laughed as Sarah blushed a deeper red than before. He loved his family and his life. And to think, it had all started with the willful and impetuous wish of a frustrated teenager, wishing her baby brother away to the goblins. 'Well, who'd have thought so many wonderful things could have come from such a foolish wish?' Toby thought as he joined in the festivities at the palace. Life was very good, very good, indeed.
The End
A/N: well, that's all, dear readers. If you haven't yet, you might consider my other stories if this one found favor with you. I remain, your humble scribe, Enchanted Peach Dreams.