[Authors note]

Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha.
i wrote this in my notebook bc college is boring af, just decided to type it out and publish
This story does not follow the events that actually occurred in the series chronologically.


Golden Ai

"Ugh this is seriously awful! Sota should have come to help me clean this place." The smell of disinfectants filled the chalky shrine and left a spray of visible dust and fumes. She coughed from the smoky cloud. Her hand was uselessly swatting the air, the cleaning spray and dust doing her no favors and traveling straight to her mouth for her to breathe.

"Kagome!?... Sis are you done in there?" She heard, and was struggling to inhale. Although, not to worry, she was laughing at how the air was choking her. The light ambience of a bouncing ball drew closer to the shrine. 'Please don't be playing around the shrine with that ball' she thought.

"...Hey are you there?" Footsteps, as well as an inflatable ball were creeping closer as she tried to cough out the tickle in her throat.

"...Ohh. KAGOME…!"

Kagome took a glance above her as she knew that damn ball hurdled toward her. It bounced square into her face, producing a plastic imprint on the inflatable and a nice red circle on Kagome's face.

"AAAggh! Sota!" She stumbled backwards, feeling the wooden opening on the old well touching her upper calf. Her body swayed backwards from the momentum; she quickly went to grab hold of the wooden side, missed, and caught the cleaning agent. Her body swung toward the opening of the well as her legs tried to catch herself on the edge, but had definitely just pushed her faster to the bottom. She promptly fell into the well as she gazed upon her failure-of-a-hand with the spray and frowned. Her eyes closed, waiting for impact.

The light sound of water splashing irritated Jaken as his eyes narrowed at the odd human child playing in it. Her laughs cured sadness, that was for sure, but he couldn't comprehend her wasted energy. He sighed, waiting for his master to return.

Branches and thin brambles glided on and off the demon. He was traveling at a speed hard to see as he could feel the presence of something ancient abruptly imprint in the earth. The sudden clamp of his senses immediately struck danger in his mind, the exposure of this power could be felt for any demon within his territory.

'This power is the impression of the Shikon no Tama.. rumored to have been buried 50 years past. Why has it surfaced?' His movements were slick and covered a great deal of land. The grass bent as he hunted the new sensation to its location.

His body stopped. It was here. Something, some type of presence filled the air. Tenseiga throbbed as golden eyes questioned the unresponsive weapon. He was surrounded by trees, thick brush, and the sun was traveling down. He turned slowly, inspecting the area around him. A tremor from the ground began. Its quake increasing per second, the sensation of power becoming apparent to any sensible creature.

Sesshomaru placed his hand over Tokijin and watched, his feet firmly planted. The waves of the ground were audible as he scanned over at a thick shrubbery shaking, when abruptly, a pale figure bursted from the bush. Her landing was simple and lax, yet, pale legs bent oddly from the soft landing. Startled, he eyed the human girl lying on the ground.

Kagome felt a soft padding on her bottom, as she waited for a painful crash to occur.

"...Huh..?" She looked down. Her mouth separated in confusion. Long grass tickled the bottom of her legs as she sat still. 'I must have fallen unconscious from the landing.. I hit that hard, huh?' She patted the dirt and surprised herself from how real it felt. The cleaning agent dribbled around her other hand as she frowned from squeezing it too hard from the landing.

"Where did you appear from, human?" A low voice disrupted her thoughts as she viewed what was in front of her.


"..Who are you? And where am I for that matter?" Kagome was consumed in her own thoughts as her hands pressed into the cold ground to stand up, dropping the product. The man in front of her wore an incredibly odd costume, swords hung from his left hip, clearly showing no left arm either, a large fur pelt draped over his right arm, and long white hair completed his look. He had metal armor lining the vital areas of his chest as she inspected the sharp maroon markings on his face. A crescent moon centered his forehead.

'I must have hit my head really hard...ha..haha..' She stared at the assumed theatrical figure in front of her.

Sesshomaru blankly stared at Kagome standing up. She brushed the rubble and dust off her uniform and glanced behind her. 'This human has no place here, why is she emanating so much power..' He thought.

"Where have you come from human?"

Kagome whipped her head back to the man looking like he just came out from a historical play and retorted, "Didn't I just ask you where I was? The last thing I remember is falling down my family shine… I must be dreaming."

Sesshomaru blankly stared at the girl's disobedience. Many villagers around his territory would run, attack, or submit fully to his presence. He dropped his hand from his waist to study the girl. They were a few feet away from each other and she smelled human, however, his senses could still pick up the Shikon no tama within her. Kagome lifted one eyebrow and gave the man a demeaning look, then turned around to leave.

"What is your name since I'm feeling a little loopy." Kagome asked, shuffling through coarse vines and shrubbery. She stopped struggling to get past the dense forest and turned back to the man. Her question hung in the air.

"I am Sesshomaru. What is a human with such power doing on my territory?"

Kagome jumped a little at his response along with a cold glare that followed.

'Sesshomaru hmm?' He was a beautiful man, but what kind of a name is that!?

'How did I even dream of that name?'

Sesshomaru quickly turned from the human, thinking it was a youkai in disguise. His surroundings consisted of thick bramble, trees, and shrubberies followed by a patch of open land, perhaps the size of a large pond. He questioned killing the being behind him.

'She possess a great power that many youkai would want… Perhaps even find Tessaiga for me… She is useful.' He thought.

"Well, my name is Kagome and I was wondering if you know how I can go back to Higurashi Shrine? I have to yell at my brother for-..." Her sentence became drowned by a rumble erupting from the ground as thick miasma began sizzling out of the open area of the grassy field while Sesshomaru scoured the tract. The human behind him let out a sharp yelp and shrank to the ground holding the bottom of her stomach.

Sesshomaru pulled his weapon out of its sheath and faced the newly appearing demons lurking from the ground. Loud growls echoed the land as they continued form a dark grey presence in front of the dog daiyōkai .They threw themselves at Sesshomaru, as if their bodies were puppets in a play.

Sesshomaru's weapon lashed out and sliced the yokai in half as it dissipated. Glancing back at Kagome, her body was crawling through the thick brush behind him. She grabbed a tree, steadying herself up seeing that her sudden stomach problem had evaporated. She was speechless seeing the odd formations, they were starting to come from all angles of the field. The monsters roared and evaporated from thick black fog to tiny specs of dust as Sesshomaru easily fought.

Ghost-like skulls loomed in the distance above them, their translucent bodies were almost difficult to see for Sesshomaru. He glared at the darkening sky. Pushing off from the ground, wind tunneled his ascent as he swung at the figures, only to be evaded by his blade and scattered. He landed and-

"Sesshomaru!-look!" Kagome indicated behind him, her eyes wide. He turned to see the scattered skulls circling themselves in the sky. 'Tch..That idiot. ' He knew this type of summon. There was only one demon that could make these yokai sacrifice themselves to this type of ritual. Naraku.

"Human. Find Jaken and Rin South of this expanse."

"Jaken? Rin? Who...Uhh...Sesshomaru..?!"

She looked at his backside and then up, her eyes locking onto the target in the sky. Her heart was jumping out of her body when suddenly a loud 'THWUMP' that disrupted her thoughts. Kagome froze. Her body unresponding, and now sudden quakes in the ground were nearing.

'I..can't.. control my body… I can't even move it!' She could feel something warm and wet dripping down the sides of her neck. Looking peripherally down to find a way to get out of this bind, she noticed- 'I..I can't hear..'

Sesshomaru rendered the situation, but stopped from advancing when he caught scent of Kagome's blood. The potent trace of her blood made his head whip around. The body was still, as if she was petrified.

He swiftly made his way to her, only to see her ears were bleeding and her mouth and eyes were grotesquely open; almost as if her jaw had dislocated, and her eyes had been sewn open. He could hear her heartbeat and touched her pale skin. Kagome was becoming cold, her body felt stiff from his touch as his heart gave the same noticeable 'ba-dummph' it did when Rin followed him after being resurrected. Although, his chest seemed to pound in terror.

"..Human..No…!" His growl shook her as she tried to scream what was wrong. Nothing was audible and nothing could be heard. She looked hollow.

Sesshomaru took his sight off the miko and felt a large spirit entering his field of vision. His shoulders squared the beast emerging, defensively covering his prey's body. The ground below their feet cracked, even trees nearest the summon split in two from the shattering sound and quake the demon emitted.

The creature had surfaced to the ground. It's malformed black claws dug into the dirt from the weight and it's upper torso resembled a bull with curled goat horns. It towered on all fours and was covered in a deep purple aura. The eyes shined a dull orange coloring and every move the beast made was slow but powerful.

Sesshomaru grabbed the icey cold miko and hauled her unresponsive body over his right shoulder. 'I can't fight with her detaining my movements, but this will have to do.' He glanced at Kagome, and began to whisk away from battle when abruptly, the armor covering his left shoulder crushed into his flesh. Red liquid spilled from his left shoulder as the claw of this demon ripped his spiked pauldron in half and tore his sleeve clean off.


Sesshomaru grunted in shock, his eyes wide looking at his left shoulder, luckily still attached to his body.

The demon grabbed hold of his waist as Sesshomaru quickly tangled his right hand tightly around Kagome's peasant uniform and slung her off his shoulder. They were already off the ground, a black claw digging into Sesshomaru's abdomen hauling him higher in the air. Within seconds, the dog grunted loudly in pain and swung the girl off his right shoulder, his only hand tightly gripping her clothes as he forcefully threw Kagome's body half across the plane. This was the only way he knew they could both survive.

It was at that point that Kagome regained mobility as she was launched away from Sesshomaru getting crushed in the talons of this demon. She tried to scream as her body flew 20 feet from where he was before violently hitting the ground. Her body tumbled, spinning 360 degrees from every impact with the dirt, the momentum and speed too great to simply halt herself. She threw up her arms protectively covering her neck and head from serious injury as she grit her teeth.

Her clothes tore in large holes around her back, arms, legs, and shoulders as she skidded to a painful stop. Adrenaline kept her conscious. Kagome lifted her head, thankfully not critically damaged. She tried to prop herself up but screamed in pain, noticing a shoulder out of socket and two sprained ankles. With her right arm, the capable side, she dragged her bruised body from the clearing.

Bubbling black aura arose from Sesshomaru. Tenseiga vibrated on his belt as a hand grabbed the weapon, usually unresponsive, nonetheless Sesshomaru plunged his sword into the monstrosity. He carved the appendage off the demon that was ruthlessly holding him and fell along with it to the ground. Howling in the night atmosphere from pain, Naraku's minion jumped high into the air. Sesshomaru pulled the talon out of his abdomen while he held his hand to it. Blood trickled from the wound around his hand. The dog looked to the night sky and quickly grabbed the pulsing Tenseiga from the beasts lifeless arm.

The demon reached its peak height in the sky, twisted its figure, and came down spinning its body head first to the ground. The horns from the monster produced a blue fire, lighting up the surrounding area while Sesshomaru had just reached for his weapon.

Sesshomaru aimed Tenseiga above him, his sight becoming slightly blurry from blood loss. With a fast thrust, he launched Tenseiga at the beast's head, directing the sword to stick right between the horns. Pulling his final weapon from his waist, he gripped Tokijin and jumped up.

The fiery demon collided with Sesshomaru, the dog ripping past the keratin horns and flipping his body completely upside down. Sesshomaru forcefully struck Tenseiga, stuck in the top of the demons head, with his foot and followed the black gunk spilling from the brain of the beast.

As they descended to the ground, the spinning demon was ravaged from the inside-out. Sesshomaru pierced the vitals of the beast with Tokijin as it began to turn into thick black smoke.

Tenseiga exited out the backside of the beast and continued to fly into the air after departure. As they landed, Sesshomaru braced his legs from the fall and sheathed Tokijin. The demon poofing into dust behind him. Tenseiga fell from the sky, easily being caught thereafter the battle.

Sesshomaru sighed, looking for the girl. Spotting her trail of blood leading into the forest, he quickly grabbed his own wounds and followed after her.

He discovered her broken body resting against a tree, seemingly drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Kagome…" He felt odd saying her name.

"Master Sesshomaru..!" Jaken squawked from the air above him.

"What happened my lord? Did this human girl injure you!?" Jaken flew A-Un down to the ground and inspected Sesshomaru's shoulder and stomach wound, hoping his master would survive.

"Mr. Sesshomaru! What happened!?" Rin cried out behind them on A-Un.

"Nothing life threatening. Jaken, Rin, help me carry this girl. We are settling at the cave West of here.. We can rest for the night there." Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome's body and grabbed a limp arm to dangle around his neck. He stood up as Jaken and Rin carried her lower half and set it on top of A-Un's saddle.

Jaken mumbled hateful words toward the new human addition. They mounted the two headed dragon and flew to the new location West.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This website is confusing to someone new just wanting to post a story so I'm sorry if I keep deleting the story and re-uploading it. I tried to save new changes to the first chapter after I had publicly published it, however, my changes didn't seem to change on the public story. (it was correct in my document manager but incorrect in the public story).

Thanks for reading. See you soon.