Forward Note: I have not forgotten my story, and I want to thank all of you who have favorited it, and left me encouraging notes about it. The past year or so has been incredibly difficult in numerous ways, and I just never felt like I had the time or energy to sit down and work on the next chapter. I can't say how frequently I will be able to update, but to those of you who have been patient, thank you so much, and I am not abandoning this story, it's just been forced to slow down for a while. I hope to be able to get back on top of it this year though. Please enjoy chapter eleven. End of Note.

Standing just outside the city limits, their gaze traveled the numerous rooftops and dotted clusters of trees that expanded through the length of the city of Dublith. It hadn't changed much since they had last set eyes on it, and as far as Envy could tell it was going to be much the same once they got down into the thick of the streets.

I can only imagine the smell will be just as vulgar as it was before too. Why do I have to do this? I want to gut myself right now. I can't even look at myself or I'm going to throw up.

They sighed in a mixture of despondency and anger, and reached up to drag a hand through the short, spiky hair on their head. Quickly withdrawing their hand at the feeling of their new hair style, they snarled softly and looked over at Mustang, who was dressed in simple, slightly tattered and dirty looking civilian clothing, with a worn, floppy cap resting atop his head, and a cigarette dangling from his lips. They found it mildly amusing to be staring down on him for a change, as their form was taller for the time being, but that perspective didn't seem to deter the colonel from giving them a disapproving, stern look that made them frown and lean their head back.

"What? I didn't do anything, why are you giving me that look already?" Envy had yet to alter their voice, and they could tell that Mustang knew how reluctant, and unhappy they were about the whole masquerade they were being forced into. The man shook his head, and set his hands into his coat pockets with a sigh.

"I know you're upset about this; but if we don't make a sincere effort here, we could lose the opportunity for vital information. You're an integral part to making this plan work. I'm counting on you Envy." He glanced at them again, his expression relaxing marginally when he observed the uncomfortable look on the homunculus' face.

"Alright! Alright! I'll put an effort into being that idiot. Here, watch." Stepping forward, Envy rested both hands on their hips, set their feet wide apart, threw back their head, and belted out a roaring, over exaggerated laugh that was cocky and wild, and befitting of Greed. Turning to sneer at their warden, they gestured for him to follow them, and started down the road toward the city. "Let's get going, I'm sure there are a few minions scrabbling around the city, waiting for the day I'll return." They weren't certain if Greed would actually have called his followers such a thing or not, but they had never been around him during the time he had fled from their father, and they were having to piece together his attitude based on what they could remember of him in earlier times, which made them a little nervous.

The city was already stirring with lively activity, shop keepers displaying their wares and sales at their windows, vehicles ambling down the road among the early morning shoppers walking from store to store, as well as those headed to work for the day. Mustang and Envy continued past the main streets where all the hustle and bustle was happening, and weaved their way farther into the city, to the darker corners and less reputable alleys and back paths. Eventually, they came upon a stretch of wall with a singular door and a scrawling of writing over the entry. Glancing from the door toward Mustang, Envy made a disgruntled expression, and then said, with Greed's voice, "You really think anyone will be around who even remembers? Wrath took out most of his old crew of mongrels before."

Darting a sharp glance around them, the colonel raised a hand and shook his head. "Don't mention any of that here. Act like he would, play it off if anyone does bring up the past. Whatever you do, keep your head." He started forward, and then was forced to halt when Envy reached out to pull him back by the arm. Mustang's narrowed gaze turned toward them, but the homunculus only grinned as they stepped around him to be first.

"Minions always walk behind their masters here." They allowed themselves a chortle, and heard the subtle scoff behind their back, but it seemed their warden was allowing them to push the line a bit for the sake of their charade. Entering the Devil's Nest, they took a breath and then headed straight for the bar, their step a confident, easy swagger. Envy could feel the numerous gazes watching them, and they detected the subtle sound of caught breath from a few corners of the room. By the time they had claimed a bar stool and rested one elbow on the smooth wooden surface of the counter, there were two waitresses at their side, a curly brunette with large hazel eyes and wide hips, and a busty red head with vivid green eyes and a spattering of freckles across her nose and her plunging cleavage. The women cozied up close to them and smiled in a manner that Envy recognized as familiarity.

"Greed! You finally came waltzing back, we knew you couldn't stay away for long." The brunette winked, leaning into them while she rested a hand against one of their biceps.

"Well, I knew you would be back, Karen swore that you had been arrested by some military man, but you know I never believed it, I knew you would come back in, this is home after all." The red head pressed so close that her breasts flattened out against their arm, and Envy felt just a tinge of muscle twitching in their lower left eyelid. They shot a quick glance at Mustang, who was casually leaned against the bar beside them and was scanning the crowd in the bar with his eyes, but they could very clearly detect the amused, and almost smug quirk of the right side of his mouth.

"Girls! Leave Mister Greed alone and get back to our customers, you know he always takes a drink before entertaining himself with any of you, run along now." The barkeep, a broad-shouldered man with a bushy mustache and a large cigar clamped between his teeth, headed towards them while shooing at the girls, who left with a peel of giggling and remarks of "Or both of us." Their comments made Envy want to slam their face into the bar counter, but they refrained, barely.

Covering up their disdain with a bark of laughter, they instead leaned a little closer to the barkeep and engaged him in conversation. "I've been out of Dubltih on business for a while, picking up some new blood." Jerking a thumb toward Mustang, they went on after the man glanced over and gave the colonel a nod. "If the girls have been gossiping about where I've been, I'm sure others were talking too, or trying to move in on what's mine. Has anything out of the ordinary gone on while I was away? Anything I need to, set straight, now that I'm back?"

Doing their best to keep their tone and level of interest in line with how they remembered their sibling behaving, they put extra emphasis on the possessive nature of Greed's territory, and looked down their nose at the man as they offered him a pointy looking grin. The barkeep raised his eyebrows, and then ran a hand up and twirled his mustache a bit before taking a drag off his cigar.

"There have been some disturbances around the city, whispers of a sort, but nothing I would think that could be of concern to you Mr. Greed. If you want to head down to your old den, the door still works, and there might be one or two of your old friends down there. I can't always keep up with when they come or go since the military routed most of them out back then. That was quite the ruckus you know, it took over a month for the bar to get back to normal." He nodded, then gave Envy a curious look before asking in a slightly puzzled tone, "Did you want your usual? You didn't ask for it when you came over here."

Having already started to move away from the bar, Envy paused and looked back at the man before nodding. "Of course I'll take it! Give me the whole bottle!" Their bellow was met by a quick glance from Mustang, and the barkeep merely chuckled as he went to retrieve the alcohol. The colonel leaned in close to them, his voice a hushed whisper as he asked, "Do you know where the door is?"

"Nope." Their response was completely honest, and they practically ripped the alcohol from the barkeep when he brought it to them. Holding the bottle in one hand, they started to open their mouth when a sudden exclamation of, "Mister Greed!" Drew their attention toward a lanky looking man with limp, stringy hair, and a smile that had more holes than teeth in it. He hurried across the room, and laughed as he approached, shaking his head.

"Back at last! Come down with me, let's have a drink and wait for the others. They'll be glad to see you sir!" Waving a hand at them, the man turned and began to lead the way across the bar, past the tables and around a corner to a door that was tucked neatly at the far back of the building beside a labeled linen closet. Envy was entirely unimpressed with the lack of secrecy and by the look on their warden's face, they assumed he was feeling the same way. They continued down a flight of stairs into what was partially a storage cellar, and partially a hide out. Various doors lined the side walls, and Envy could only guess at where they led.

Those must be other rooms or access points for Greed and his rats to use to crawl around under Dublith. I can't believe he just ran around out here with these humans, and letting them call him by his name! No alias whatsoever! 'Mister Greed', what an IDIOT!

Spotting a large wooden chair that was centrally placed in the room, Envy claimed it for their own and then set the bottle of alcohol by their feet. They observed the man, who was staring curiously at Mustang, and watched as the colonel gestured toward the scuffed, worn looking boots the man was wearing, which bore a distinct military design to them.

"Most of us in Mister Greed's service are ex-military, discharged for petty incidents or injuries, of course some are less savory types, Mister Greed doesn't care so long as you hold to his rules once you're accepted into his service, but his favorites were always the chimeras." The man glanced over at Envy, and they stared at him with a frown when he asked them, "Where are Dolcetto, Roa, and Martel? They're always at your side."

Mustang gave Envy a sharp glance, and the homunculus furrowed their brows as they stared at the lanky human, their mind racing to filter through all their memories of Greed, but no people with those names came to their mind as ever having been acquaintances of his that they knew about. Shrugging their shoulders, they waved a hand dismissively and replied, "They're out on orders still, I keep my minions busy."

The man seemed perplexed by their answer, but his attention was drawn to the stairs when four other figures descended into the room. A short, rounded man with a receding hairline and a long scar on his cheek was the first to enter, followed by a taller, younger man with a black pony tail knotted tightly against the back of his head, and scrutinizing brown eyes. The next down was a man in a clean suit with short cut blonde hair and a cigarette in his lips, and the last figure was hunched over, dressed in tattered clothing with a hood pulled over their face. All four figures stood still at the bottom of the steps, and the lanky man waved a hand between them and the homunculus.

"Look everyone! Mister Greed came back! We can start over again, and, hey who did you bring with you?" The man's question drew Envy and Mustang's focus toward the hooded figure, but before they could find out who they were, the scar faced man extended a finger toward them.

"And just where has he been all this time? The military raided this place! Lots of us went missing, were arrested, or killed during the whole fiasco, and Greed disappeared! How do we even know this is really him? Maybe he's in a prison and this is some phony dressed up to look like him, the military are sneaky bastards after all." His growling accusation was agreed to by the two men with him, and the lanky man glanced from them to Mustang, and then uneasily turned his gaze onto Envy.

"No military phony could do this could they?" Envy rose to their feet, and then altered the flesh and appearance of their left arm, displaying Greed's ultimate shield and clawed fingers to the men. They stared hard at the group, and then turned and sliced their claws right through the chair they had been sitting on, destroying it.

"Mister Greed is the only one that can do that! It is him! Now stop acting like an imbecile." The lanky man waved a hand at Envy's display, and the homunculus felt a sense of relief wash through them when the scar faced man muttered a consenting acknowledgement. Returning their arm to how it usually looked for Greed, Envy found a new chair to claim, and then motioned toward the hooded figure. "Back to business, who did you bring into my lair?"

Mustang took a slow, casual walk around the room until he was standing closer to Envy, and kept his hands in his pockets as he observed the proceedings. They could tell he was slightly tense over the little altercation they had just navigated, but they were pleased to have proven themselves in front of him.

See Mustang? I'm clever and useful, although it's not that hard to convince the morons Greed kept company with.

Taking a long inhale from his cigarette and then puffing out the smoke, the suited man reached out and rested his right hand against the hooded figure's back, guiding them forward. "This fellow here is just the type you like to take in, we were going to hear out his whole story once we got him down here, after running into him on the road outside the city; now he can tell it to you and us though."

The man shuffled forward a bit more, raising a trembling, mangled looking hand up to pull his hood back and reveal his face, which caused both Envy and Mustang to widen their eyes in slight surprise at his appearance. The left side of his face was distorted with gray scales, half his mouth was elongated up toward where his ear should have been, his teeth distended and curved. His left eye bore a reptilian appearance, and along his head where his hair was fallen out in patches were raised bumps that ran down toward his back. His ear had been removed as a result of some violent action, and blood had leaked down the side of his head and shoulder, staining his clothing under the hood he wore.

"Please, Mister Greed. I've been told, you take in chimera, but I'm not here to ask you to give me a job. I want you to help me. Help me get revenge on the people who did this to me, who made me a monster, and then tried to snuff me out." The man's voice was raspy, a wheezing hiss that was followed by a round of coughing and guttural growling.

The group that had brought him in seemed incensed by his request, and started toward him with angry complaints.

"That's not how you address Mister Greed!"

"We didn't bring you here for this!"

"Show some respect!"

After sharing a look with Mustang, Envy got to their feet and snapped at the group of irate humans. "Shut your mouths you fools, I'm interested in hearing him out. Get yourselves upstairs and keep a watch at the door, all of you!" As the men started up the stairs with disagreeable looks on their faces, the lanky man gestured for Mustang to join them, but Envy shook their head as they caught the movement with their gaze. "Not him."

Once the footsteps of the group had ascended the stairs and the door had shut behind them, Envy sighed, then turned their gaze on the man. "Explain your story."

"I was traveling with a friend to Dublith about a month ago, I think, we were going to sell something, but I don't remember what now, our trailer had a flat tire and we had to change it; we were, attacked on the road at night." Rasping as he spoke, the man rubbed at his head and scratched flakes of dried blood from the side of his face.

"The next thing I remember is being in a room with little light, behind bars and naked. My friend was unconscious in another cage, and there were more people in the room, some of them asleep, and some moaning in pain or weeping. There were soldiers, military, and men in white coats, but they weren't doctors like I've seen before. Whenever they dragged someone out, they would come back screaming and wild. When it was my turn, they took me to room with bright, hot lights, and they injected things into me, drugs or something I don't know what, but it made me feel sick and cold every time." Narrowing his eyes, the man kept scratching at the bloody scales on his left side as he recalled the incident he was describing.

"After a week, maybe more, I lost track of days in there; they tied me down to this table that had markings all over it, and dragged this monster in with sharp teeth and scales and claws. It was hissing and growling at everything, and then they tied it down right next to me. I started screaming at them to get it away, but the doctors ignored me, and then one of them, put his hands on the table between me and the beast, and this bright light and heat hit me, ripped right through me, and all I could do was scream. When I woke up, I was back in the cage again, and several of the other people in the cages were gone, including my friend." He hissed, and shook his head, reached up to rub the flat of his hand over his eyes, and then went on.

"I knew something was wrong with me, my body felt strange, I felt sick all the time, cold and tired, and my bones hurt like they were all twisted out of place. I kept hearing them talk about 'mistakes' and 'subject termination' whenever they passed my cage, and then one time the soldiers pulled me out, took me outside into the woods at night, and shot me in the back of the head. I was out for a long time, but when I woke up, there were animals sniffing at my wounds and it took all my strength to get them away and stumble my way out to a road. That's where I met your men, they said I was a 'chimera' and that they used to work with people like me. They told me about you on the way here, said that if you ever came back I might be able to get to work for you, but that I could start with them. I don't want work though, I want revenge. If they did this to me, I know they did it to my friend. I want them dead for this! They mangled me and tried to kill me! I can't show my face to anyone, I can't walk straight anymore, I lost my ear and my humanity because of them!" After raising his voice, the man broke into a hideous coughing fit intermingled with hissing.

Envy stared at Mustang with a tight frown on their lips, observing the tension in the man's jaw. They wondered over the information they had been given, and turned their gaze back on the mess of a chimera in front of them.

Military soldiers. Just like the alchemist I ran into before. So there is a movement of some kind stirring in the dark. That figures. Father may have lost to pipsqueak and his tin brother, but that doesn't mean that everyone who followed his plans was eradicated. Father's reach stretched far across all of Amestris after all. It's no wonder the rats are trying to piece together the leavings of his work, but to what end? Why try to make chimera from humans? That's an old project that had run its course, hadn't it? Pride would have known for certain, the military was mostly his and Wrath's to oversee.

Speaking up finally, Mustang drew Envy's gaze and pulled their focus from their own thoughts. "You said that pulled you from your cage and brought you outside to try to execute you. Do you remember anything about the area while you were being led out? Was it a building, were their stairs? Any recognizable markings or sounds in the area?"

Envy watched their warden with mild admiration. The man certainly knew how to cut straight to the chase, and they could appreciate his efficiency, he showed little indication of compassion for the man's plight, but his straightforward approach was effectively directed, and Envy appreciated his lack of sympathetic display. They had just about endured all the disdain they could stomach being in Greed's form for so long and listening to humans cry and exchange consolation would be the last straw.

"Buildings? No, there weren't any buildings, but I remember stairs, lots of stairs, and then there was cold air, and star light. I could hear birds and a river somewhere close, but I didn't ever see it. Just trees and bushes all around, and the stars in the sky past the tree tops." The man shook his head, and then rubbed a hand against his scales again, scratching at them with a pained groan.

Mustang rubbed a hand to his chin as he mulled over the information, then glanced at Envy before addressing the man again. "You said after you woke up, you found your way to the road, and then, Mister Greed's men discovered you. How far outside of Dublith were you do you think?" Envy caught the subtle tone the colonel had used with their alias, and resisted rolling their eyes at him. They kept their focus on the man, gleaning what information they could from his response.

"I dragged myself through the woods for a while, hours maybe? When I found the road they were driving by, and pulled over to get me in the car. I think it was a couple more hours before we got to the city." The man shook his head, and Mustang waved a hand to stop him from saying anymore.

"All right, we'll confirm with them. Do you think if we took you back toward the area where you were picked up, you could lead us back to where this all happened?" His question was cautiously asked, but the man gave a firm nod in response to it.

"Yes! If I can find the river sounds, I'm sure I can get back to the place. I know it, but you'll take care of them? You'll help me Mister Greed? I'll serve you with my life, till my last breath, in exchange. I don't need a job, but I'll trade the rest of my years to you for this." The man gave Envy a wild, desperate stare, and the homunculus scrutinized him before glancing over at Mustang.

They knew better than to botch up what was a very solid lead on something suspicious accredited to military figures, and so they nodded reassuringly to the man.

"You've got yourself a deal. Stay here tonight, I'll have those wounds looked at and cleaned up by someone trustworthy, and you can get some rest, in the morning we'll collect you to search out this location with some of my minions." Walking toward the stairs, Envy gestured at Mustang. "Get your butt upstairs and bring those fools down here." They caught the narrowing of his eyes as he nodded to them, and rested their hands on their hips, ignoring the delighted gratitude the wounded chimera man was spewing at them.

After the group of men had joined them in the room once more, with Mustang remaining on the steps, Envy extended their hand in the direction of the rasping, coughing man and addressed their lackeys. "Keep him here tonight. I need his wounds treated enough to make him comfortable, but not by someone that's going to ask questions." They scanned the group, observing their warden who was engaging the dark haired man with the pony tail in quiet conversation.

The blonde in the suit motioned to the ceiling with a finger. "Tish and Karen know some basic patch work for treating wounds, plenty of bar fights in this place. They live here with Sully, so they can keep an eye on his condition all night, and a couple of us could stay here too if you want sir." He glanced over at the lanky man who had originally greeted Envy and the man nodded in consent.

"That's fine, make sure he's got food, and something to deal with the pain, there's plenty of alcohol around here, but don't get him drunk. I'll need him tomorrow." With that, Envy started for the stairs and wagged a finger by their head as they began ascending past where Mustang was standing. "I've got a few things to prepare tonight, you all keep things tidy here until morning when I get back, that's an order minions!" At their parting snap, the men seemed a bit uneasy, but called out parting affirmations before Envy and their warden left the room and shut the door behind them.

"Let me tell the barkeep what's going on. I'm guessing that's Sully." Envy shook their head, then sauntered over to the bar and waved a hand to get the mustached man's attention. When he had joined them, they leaned in a little and lowered their voice to a whisper. "I've got a special guest downstairs who needs some cleaning up and pain relief from Tish and Karen. He'll need food and enough alcohol to numb the wounds on his body, but not enough to get drunk. Tomorrow I'll take him out of here."

They watched as the man removed his cigar from his mouth, twitched his mustache back and forth, and then nodded to them. "Whatever you need Mister Greed, but I do hope, now that you're back, we'll be seeing some extra profits around here again." He smirked at them, referring to some old arrangement he must have had established with the real Greed. Envy sneered in return and then threw back their head and let out a perfect replica of Greed's laugh, and nodded at Sully. "I'm back aren't I? You know what that means Sully. Now, I've got to get ready for tomorrow. See you in the morning."

Turning, they started for the exit, and then came to a startled halt when Tish and Karen pounced on them from either side, their bodies coming in close against their own as a pair of lips found either side of their face and glued onto them with fierce, wet, sucking motions.

What are they doing?! Get off my face! Ew! Disgusting! My face is wet! They slobbered on me!

The girls released them with a chorus of giggles, and waved their hands as they sashayed away back to the bar, leaving Envy twitching slightly before Mustang, who was clearly amused, but merely coughed and motioned for them to join him.

"Let's get going, Mister Greed, you have a schedule you want to keep." As he walked with Envy out of the bar, his shoulders shook ever so subtly, and the homunculus didn't catch sight of it until they were far enough away from Devil's Nest that their warden could no longer keep from audibly chuckling.

"You're laughing at me?! That was repulsive! They put their tongues on my skin! Do you have any idea how revolting that felt?! He ENJOYED that?!" Envy raged as they swiped their hands over the sides of their face, finally able to express their horror over the way the girls had sent them off.

"It's a farewell kiss from two admiring women. Rather attractive women at that, I'm not surprised Greed spent time with either of them. Your reaction is over dramatic, as usual, but amusing." Mustang smirked as he chided them, and Envy rolled their eyes while keeping pace with him.

"It's disgusting. I would never slobber on anyone like that. Wherever Greed's run off to this time he's welcome to come back and have those drooling humans all for himself. I don't want anything to do with it, well, except that I'm going to punch him so hard his neck breaks first, then he can have them. Let's move on to things that matter, so we've got a lead on where to take this guy tomorrow, and if he can find the right location, we'll have a shot at finding these military soldiers, and maybe our renegade alchemist with them." They curled their lips into a slightly predatory grin, and then glanced at Mustang and raised their brows. "Did you find out where those morons picked up the chimera?"

The colonel nodded as he walked along, and as they increased their distance from the alleys and stepped back into the more open, brighter and busier streets, replied to them. "We're looking at a drive south, almost three hours. When we get back tonight we'll convene with everyone about the plan and see if anything they might have found out today ties in with this lead."

Mustang was quiet after that as they walked through the city, and Envy didn't pester him as they continued on their way out of Dublith. The more they spoke, the more breath Mustang would waste responding, and that would slow him down, which would make the journey to the house longer, and that would force them to stay in Greed's form for however long it took to get to their destination. Envy could barely stand the waiting as it was, so every step, every second was direly important to them. The moment their feet hit the open road, they wanted to break into a run, but opted instead to walk a little faster.

The last thing I want is to make him think I'm suddenly trying to run away, he'll fry me to a crisp all because I just wanted to get out of this body. If I have to wear his stupid face again I'm going to slap myself. Oh, wait, I have to do this again tomorrow. Crap.

When they finally reached the house it was still light out, though the colors of the sky were starting to turn more golden orange and pink as the sun began its descent behind the horizon. Envy was glad to cross the threshold, their body crackling with red alchemic light as they reverted their form to their preferred appearance, and they stretched languidly before running their hands through their hair, down their face, and over the planes and curves of their body.

"Ah it's so good to be me again! So much better than clunking around as that snaggle-toothed buffoon." Sighing in self-praising delight, they were entirely relaxed and unprepared for the loud sound and stinging heat of a slap that made contact with their rear.

Jerking forward and away from the direction the blow had come from, Envy threw a hand back to protect their backside, and turned to gawk at their warden in slack-jawed shock. They extended their other hand toward him, pointing as their mouth worked around words that couldn't quite form due to their surprise.

"Did you hit!" Rubbing their hand against the area, they noted that the sting was already fading away, but they kept their distance from him all the same as he watched them with his arms folded over his chest.

"You did a decent job in Dublith today, but don't think for a minute I wasn't aware of your attitude and your antics. I'm onto you Envy, just because you're masquerading as Greed doesn't mean I won't catch on when you're being a cheeky brat." Wagging his finger at them, Mustang walked past Envy while allowing an amused smirk to settle on his lips. "Keep that in mind for next time."

Feeling their face heat up in response to his admonishing warning, the homunculus snorted to cover the awkward twisting sensation in their stomach, and then waved their hand in the air as they followed behind their warden. "I was just acting my part, it's not my fault you don't like to take orders, I don't see anything about that as my being cheeky, as you put it. Actually I think I did a great job, you even said it was decent, so let's go back to that! Tell me how good I did in a more defined way. I need to clearly understand just how great I am at what I do in your human opinion."

"You're very great indeed, at digging yourself holes to fall into, opening your mouth and putting your foot into it, stumbling headlong into trouble, and being obnoxious, stubborn, and vexing." Mustang turned and rested a hand on his hip as he looked down at Envy.

The homunculus felt the burn in their face return as they huffed at him and curled their fingers into fists at their sides. "Oh really? Anything else huh?"

"Yes, you've also impressed me with how well you handled a few tricky moments today, and kept yourself in check and under control. I was very pleased that you met my expectations completely." Reaching his hand out, their warden rested it on the top of their head, and they felt his thumb sweep through their bangs slowly. Blinking at him in pleasant surprise, they felt a bubble of warmth in their chest as they met his gaze, and then muttered a soft, "Oh."

Seemingly amused, Mustang patted their head once, then continued toward the kitchen while they stood still, staring at his back. "Everyone will be returning soon, we should get something made for them to eat while we discuss the information. So, get your butt in here, and help."

"Hey!" Envy ran after him, shaking a finger up by their head as they hurried toward the kitchen. "I thought that was being cheeky!"