Ok im banging my head on my desk. I did not want to jump on the WIldehopps ship but hey here i am ...ugh oh well. Just a little idea i had after watching the movie and seeing the clear chemistry these two had. So heres my first attempt at a fic based on a super popular movie. Enjoy :)

Soft thudding filled the narrow hallway as someone was walked towards their apartment. "Crummy tiny little..." a female voice muttered. Soon the sound of said someone rifling through a handbag searching for something, followed quickly by a jingle of keys. She stopped at her door, unlocked it and slowly made her way inside, dragging her feet in disappointment. Her long ears droopy against her head. She reached around her back with one paw, grasped the zipper and gently pulled down to undo the fabric. Once loose, the sheer black evening dress fell from her small shoulders and bunched at her paws on the floor leaving her only in lacey panties and bra. She sighed and grabbed a spare ZPD t shirt, threw it on and collapsed on her rickety bed mumbling about the night. She rolled on her back and just glared at the discolored ceiling. Those once striking purple iris's dull from anger. Her thoughts racing. Here she was, Judy Hopps, first bunny cop, still alone after living here for about two years. 'Well not quiet two', she thought, 'Academy was 4 months long...and I've only been an official cop for 1 year...' She just couldn't believe her night went so bad. She pulled her ears in front of her face in frustration.


Her ears perked at the noise. "Ugh it better not be that jerk." she mumbled. She swiped the screen and was met with a face that normally brought a small smile to her muzzle. Not now however, this time she wasn't sure she could handle his jokes. She sighed and read the text.

Nick: Hey Fluff, hows my favorite bunny?

Judy tried to hide her raging disappointments and sadness.

==Oh I'm just peachy. :)

Bzzz Nick: Peachy?...since when is my Carrots 'just peachy' ...Everything ok?

"Damn it." she groaned. She did not want him to crack any sarcasm right now...and since when was she 'his'anything .

==Yep never better.

bzzz Nick: OK so then way did you cut your date short? Finnick called said he was driving by a fancy restaurant and saw you leave bout half an hour ago looking upset. What happened? Mr. Bunny buck not get your motor running?

Judy was starting to get mad. Its not his place to butt into her life. She could just see the smirk on his face as he typed that. "arggh" she grunted. She took a deep breath and tried to change the subject.

==How is my favorite fennec fox doing these days, he ever get his business license?

Bzz Nick: Almost got it..but don't change the subject Carrots lol come on I want to know how my friends date went. :)

"Ugh" she fell back onto the bed. Nick did not need to know anything, she wasn't sure she could handle any snarkyness right now. But she relented and decided to tell him.

==Look It went really bad ok, bad enough I really don't want to tell you because i don't want to hear any sarcasm or wit from anyone...especially you Nick so just let me sulk and ill see ya in the morning for our Saturday jogs ok.

She felt bad for snapping at him like that.

==sorry to snap but...I'm just so ...ugh...right now ya know.

Several minutes went by with no response. The lapin doe wondered if she insulted him. She began to worry, she didn't mean to snap. He just has a way of making things like this worse by being himself...cocky snarky...sarcastic. Its funny most days but not like this. She sat up and started to watch some Gazelle videos on Zootube to try to calm down. After about 15 minutes she was startled by soft knocking at her door. She was confused, who would be here at...10 at night. Judy jumped off the bed and cautiously walked over to the door, her hand reached for both the handle and her police issued tranq gun. She opened the door and was surprised to see a wall of red fur and tacky shirt.

"Nick!?" she gasped in surprise and slight annoyance,"What are you doing here?" The fox had a look of sorrow and seriousness. A look he rarely had. He walked in quietly and sat on the edge of her bed holding a Snarl-bucks cup and a foam box. He gave a small smile and held them up as Judy shut the door.

"Piece offering? Carrot smoothie...and a sweet carrot muffin."

She sighed and smiled, walking over to sit next to him. His smile faltered, "Look Judy,"

Her brain clicked into overdrive...He never calls me Judy unless he serious. A lump formed in her throat. "I know there are times I joke and all that...but when comes to you having a super bad day...Your my best friend Judy and i would never make it worse by saying stuff like that ok...I...I just want you happy."
The whole time Nick had an odd expression...like he was fighting with words...or thoughts.

Judy sighed, "Ok Nick...Ill tell ya...it went bad like really bad."

"You mentioned he was a lawyer...was he a bad one?"

She smiled that he remembered when she talked about her potential suitor. "No hes very successful, has several clients, honest and a real gentlemammal, pulled my chair out, showered me in compliments."

Nick glanced over confused, "Then ...what went wrong?"

"Uh well it started out fine, then we talked about careers, I said i was a cop and that i loved it. And that's where it went south fast. He pretty much said that a beautiful doe like me shouldn't be out in dangerous conditions like that." Judy sighed, " He said that I would be much better suited to be at home in safety raising children."

Nick stifled a chuckled, which earned a death glare, causing his ears to fall back flat," Sorry fluff...but i don't see you sitting at home trying to take care of several dozens fuzz balls."

Judy's face softened, "Thanks, to top it off...he then looked and said we should cut the dinner short, go back to his place and work on our math."

"He didn't." Nick gasped in anger, Judy turned to her friend and saw he was genuinely pissed, a small snarl on his upper muzzle. A bolt of fear made her shudder just how much he looked like a predator, "He pretty much said..'Hey screw your job, lets go make you a stay at home mom'." She gave a slight shudder, "He pretty much said we should mate and breed."

Nick clenched his paws tight, claws digging into his pads."How can you put up with this crap Judy? Have you brought this up to your parents?"

"Um well ...no not yet but..."

"But nothing fluff, your my best friend and I don't like thinking that these bucks are treating you like some trophy doe to conquer and brag about. You deserve to be treated like the Judy Hopps i know." Nick said exasperated.

Judy's breath caught in her throat, she never knew Nick cared this much about her...yea true they were best friends and partners, doing nearly everything together, but this struck a nerve. Why couldn't there be a buck out there like him to treat her right. She sighed, "To top it all off...He talked about showing me the city at night. I've heard so much from you, Clawhauser, Fru Fru, ...even Bogo. About how beautiful the city is at night. Ugh but i guess there isn't one male in this town to do that."

'Male?' Nick thought, 'hmm' "Come one Judy, it cant be all bad.?"

"Nick" she sighed taking another drink of smoothie, "I've had 33 bad dates in a row...Im hopeless."

Nick pulled her into a deep hug, one that she returned, "Judy...its not you, its them. They see you as some way to fame. To claim that they dated, or married, or well...mated with the great Judy Hopps, THE first bunny cop. They are the ones with a messed up view of you. You just want an honest date with a great guy that will treat you right. If i was a bunny...well, you'd be treated like you want to be treated."

Judy smiled at his words, he was right. "Hey Fluff, ..how bout you and i...uh well" Nick stopped and scratched the back of his neck. Judy turned to see him actually nervous. "Yes Nick?" she asked.

"Well, i was wondering, since you said male earlier not buck...if i could have a shot.? Show you a date you deserve.?"

Judy beamed in joy and jumped into another hug, before a feeling of sorrow and dread caused her to pull back and nearly cry. "I cant Nick..as much as id love to ..my parents would never..we bunnies are very traditional when it comes to courting...Im sorry." She looked away from her friend.

"Oh." his ears fell, "Well i wasn't fully serious fluff, just trying to cheer ya up, oh and i almost forgot another silver lining."

Judy wiped a small tear, "Whats that slick Nick?" she giggled.

"Well...isn't this weekend your last in this crappy place? Your lease runs up Monday morning and your new apartment right next to mine starts." He said with a wink.

"Oh my ...jeez your right Nick, i cant believe i forgot." She again leaped and gave him a hug around his neck. He laid his muzzle on her shoulder and inhaled her scent. God how he loved that. He loved everything about her. Her drive, her scent, her humor, those lovely eyes, those..."Nick? You ok" He laughed nervously as he realized he was really enjoying the hug. He let her down and chuckled. "Well carrots, since your feeling better i guess ill see ya in the morning, we still up for our Saturday routine? Coffee, jogging, and lunch?" He gave her his usual smirk and gaze. She smiled, "Of course wouldn't miss it for the world."

With that he gave an exaggerated bow and left her apartment, gently closing her door. She locked it up, finished her smoothie and muffin and laid on the bed as sleep started to take over. She smiled thinking of her friend as the stresses melted away. "If only..." was the last coherent thought she had before falling asleep.

Alright first chapter down and ...several to go lol. Im not going to let much info on the plot out all at once..ill let the other chapters tell that. Until then...all you readers know what to do. Pm and review any thoughts or ideas. Im open to any and all ideas for chapters, stories, ships etc.

Till then -Fyrewolf-