Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to The Little Mermaid, Atlantis the Lost Empire, or Pirates of the Carribean. They all belong to Walt Disney Pictures. I also do not claim ownership of Jack the Giant Slayer which belongs to Warner Brothers Pictures. Finally I claim no ownership over the BFG which belongs to the author Roald Dahl. This is a part of the Aquatic Kingdom Hearts Universe made by Stone-Man85 who has given me permission to create this part of the story. It takes place after the Rise of Atlantis and between events in the Dead Man's Chest stories. To understand certain terms in the story such as the Three Hearts, Seablade, characters, and other things, please refer to the previous stories by Stone-Man85.
This is also my first attempt at a full story, just as a heads up. On with the show as they say.
Aquatic Kingdom Hearts: Giant's Land
Chapter 1: Legend of the Giants
Seven Years ago
Depths of the Atlantic Ocean
Deep in the ocean, near Atlantica. A nine year old Ariel is swimming through the water with an excited look on her face as equally excited thoughts flow through her mind. 'I can't wait to see what's inside it,' she thinks as she swims faster.
"Ariel! Wait up!"
She turns her head around and sees a young Flounder finally catching up as he is out of breath. "Sorry Flounder, but I'm just really excited to see what new things are inside the ship that sank a few days ago," Ariel says with excitement in her voice for searching for new things from the Surface that sank beneath the waves. Flounder on the other hand was scared and worried as shown by his frown on his face as he and Ariel continued to make their way towards the ship. "It's just.. King Triton forbids all interaction with the Surface."
"But this ship is down here now. That means it's part of the sea now," Ariel countered with a smile on her face as they stop before the ship that sank below the waves. It was a small sized cruise ship currently leaning on a large rock formation as the sun shines through the water illuminating the ship. Aside from the large hole in the front of the ship, it was the most intact ship Ariel had seen since she start looking through sunken ships. Ariel looks at the ship with a amazed expression as she makes a smile and has excitement in her eyes while Flounder expression shows he's very nervous about going inside the ship. "All right, let's go," Ariel says as she starts to swim over.
Ariel stops when she hears the voice and sighs in sadness as she and Flounder turn around to see Ariel's eleven year old sister and Triton's fourth daughter, Arista as she swims over to her sister with a concerned look on her face. "Ariel! Let's go back! You're a kid and this is too dangerous," she says with fear in her voice due to what her father had told everyone about the surface world. About how humans would catch and eat fish. Ariel rolls her eyes back while groaning at Arista's request as she looks at Arista, "Arista. It's not dangerous, it's just empty. There's nothing to worry about." Arista arrives in front of her younger sister and fish friend as she catches her breath from the swim and being able to catch Ariel before she put herself in danger. She looks at Ariel with a concerned expression, "None of us are supposed to be here. Daddy made it very clear that everyone is forbidden from interacting with the surface."
Ariel shakes her head as she looks back at the ship with fascination in her eyes and a smile on her face, "But just look at it Arista. It's amazing." Arista looks with a mix of worry for her sister and fear of the human ship on her face while Flounder simply has a nervous look as he looks at it while Ariel continues, "How do humans build such huge vessels like this? I mean, we build our chariots with giant shells left over from Nautilus shells, but these ships... they must have bigger creatures to build such things." Arista sees the size as she chuckles nervously, "Yeah, huge creatures. Great," she says with her voice tone showing that she doesn't share Ariel's excitement. 'Even bigger fish eaters. That's just what the world needs,' she thinks to herself with fear from the thought of large fish eating monsters. She takes deep breath, "Now let's get out of here. As your big sister-" she starts as she tries to live up to the role of what an supportive older sister should be like. "As my big sister, you'll look out for me," Ariel interrupts while continue to look at the ship. She then turns around and gives Arista a smile, "Right?"
Arista opens her mouth to argue, but she stops as she slowly realizes that Ariel was right. "She makes a good point," Flounder added in despite not liking the idea of going into the ship either. Arista continues to think of something, but finally gains an expression saying she knew she lost, and hung her head in defeat. "Uh... alright," she says after a minute. Ariel face brightens into a smile as she cheers that her sister was going with her and Flounder. "But I'm not going to like this," she says as after raising her head up and looks towards the ship. "This ship is just as spooky as the others that sink into the sea. It's like going into an eel cave with no illuminating crystals," she says showing she's uncomfortable going into the ship.
"Yeah, it's exciting, isn't it," Ariel says with happiness as going on an adventure into the unknown. She swims towards the ship, "Come on!" Arista and Flounder start swimming to catch up to her. "Since when has Ariel been good at finding ways around the rules like that," she asks herself without noticing she said that out loud. "I'm not sure," Flounder starts as Arista looks at him, "but she used the same move on me when I said that his majesty doesn't want us interacting with the Surface. She said the ship is a part of the sea now that it's down here." Arista has a surprised look on her face as she thinks about it and realizes that Ariel was right from a certain point of view. "Wow, she is good," she says as she and flounder continued to swim after Ariel.
Inside the Cruise Ship
Ariel, Flounder, and Arista entered the ship through an entry door on the top of the ship. Before the three of them were a long, white hallway with multiple doors on the side that was barely visible thanks to the light from the doorway.
Arista was doing her best to hide how nervous she was at being inside a human ship. 'Keep calm Arista. If you show how scared you are, Ariel won't have anyone to depend on,' she thinks as she looks at Ariel as she moves her hands on the walls with a look of fascination on her face. "The walls feel so strange. It feels smooth like a seashell, but it's hard and cold like rocks. What did the humans use to build this ship," she asks out loud while Flounder looks around nervously.
Arista slowly placed her hand on the wall as well and noticed that Ariel was right. It felt cold like the stone walls at their palace home but smooth like a seashell used in their chariots. She then knocked on it and felt that it was as hard as rocks, maybe even harder.
"I'm not sure," Arista responds, "But we've looked and now we should-" turns to finish telling Ariel they should go only to find she was going from room to room quickly in search of anything new with Flounder attempting to keep up. "There's nothing here at all," Ariel says in disappointment, "All of the rooms look like they've been cleaned out."
Flounder looks sad for Ariel not being able to find anything knew but Arista seems silently relieved at this. 'Thank goodness. She didn't find anything for daddy to find and become angry about.' "I'm sorry you weren't able to find anything," she tells her little sister, "Come on, let's head home and I'll get us something nice-," she says as she heads for the exit while trying to get her sister out of the human ship as fast as she can.
However Ariel and Flounder had already gone deeper into the ship to see if there were any other treasures. Arista becomes nervous from being alone in the human ship. "Ariel? Flounder? Where did you go" she says while calling out their names. With no choice and concern for her youngest sister, Arista journeys deeper into the darker part of the ship. 'I wonder if I'm the only one having this kind of trouble,' she asks herself as she moves through the dark halls.
London, England
A city known for it's landmarks such as it's clock tower Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace, the home of the ruler of England. It's also known for it's heavy rain. In the far end of the city, there stood an old, building made of bricks with up to three floors. It had different sets of windows ranging from four medium sized windows going up vertically to sets of windows with eight pieces of glass. The front had a metal fence with pointed tops on every other post and a heart shape frame eleven posts from the doors. The doorway to the building has a metal arc over the doors with the word "Orphanage" on it and the gate had similar design as the fence only it had fewer pointed ends, and arches going bended horizontally across the gate. On the door into the building were two green doors with a white frame with a window above them in a arch and the number 9 in the middle of the glass. This was one of many orphanages in London that was used for children who had no home to go to for various reasons.
In the backyard in the middle of the day, there were children playing in their doing different things. Some were playing different games with others, others were playing by themselves or just reading. However there were a three boys with ill intentions as they began to search for one particular boy.
"Where that little shrimp go," the skinny one with black hair said as he and the others looked around for their target.
"Maybe he's hiding out in his room or trying to hide behind the head mistress," the chubby one with brown hair responds as he looks around.
The taller blonde one just looks annoyed, "No problem. I'll just act innocent like I always do. She always falls for that," he snickers at the thought of how easy it was to make everyone else look bad with just a lie. "Come on. Let's see if we can find the little, fantasy loving bug," he and the others laugh as they enter the orphanage unaware that the person they were looking for was hiding in a tree not that far from them.
The victim of being bullied concealed in the leaves was an eleven year old Caucasian boy with short brown hair, and brown eyes. He had slim yet strong figure for a boy his age and was slightly shorter than the other kids in the orphanage. He wore a simple green shirt and brown pants. This was Jack Stalkman, an orphan who lost his parents four years ago, and has been at the orphanage in London since then.
Jack looked through the leaves branches as the resident bullies go into the building in order to find and torment him. He carefully moves across the strong branch of the tree he was on into the back of it in order to continue to hide. 'Why do they have to keep picking on me? So what if I believe in mystical things like giants. It's what I've always liked,' he thinks to himself as he curls himself with his arms around his legs as he hid his tormented expression from the bullies.
He couldn't go to the any of the workers due to believing the bullies innocent act that made him look like the bad guy and the other kids were afraid of the bully trio. Jack looked up at the sky with sadness and frustration on his face. 'Mom... Dad...,' Jack thinks to himself as he remembers how happy he was on the farm with his family years ago. Helping them tend the fields, feed the animals, playing with his father when the work was done, listening to his mother's songs, and enjoying the starry nights together with them.
Then everything changed when on a boat ride to do some trading, their ship met with tragedy as it sank with his parents getting him on a life boat to save his life as he watches the ship they were on sink into the darkness of the sea. When his life boat drifted to shore in the morning, he was taken to the orphanage due him not having any other family to take him in. Since then, it's been one cruddy day after another of bullies and being rejected by couples who came to adopt others. 'I wonder if I'm the only one as miserable as this,' he asks himself as he continues to look at the sky.
Back in the sunken ship
In a Room
Inside the room which was a basic one person bedroom with a bed and closet. Ariel and Flounder who were unaware that Arista wasn't with them were looking through the room for anything special. Ariel was looking through the closet when she comes out looking confused, "I don't understand," Ariel says out loud as she moves to look under the bed, "there are usually lots of amazing things on these ships."
"I'm not sure Ariel," Flounder says unsure as well. "But I have a bad feeling about this place." Flounder continued to look around nervously at the oddly empty ship. It was strange that a ship this large had nothing on board. "Maybe we should go since there isn't anything here. Right-" Flounder starts when he notices that Arista isn't with them. He realizes that they lost her somewhere in the ship and looks concerned, 'Oh no! If King Triton finds out about this, he'll be really angry,' Flounder thinks to himself as he imagines King Triton's furious face.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!," Flounder yells in fear at the yell as he swims back inside and under the bed from the fear of something attacking them. Ariel however has a happy smile on her face, "I knew there we would find something on board this ship!" Ariel holds up her prize in joy at finding a new treasure which was a green book with a sapling on the front and the words "The Legend of the Giants" in brown over the sapling and on the side of the book.
She brought the book before her as she looked at it closely. "I wonder what it is though," she said as she turned it from side to side trying to figure out how it worked. Flounder came out to look with wonder as Ariel placed the book on her head.
"Maybe it's something you put on your head," she said as she smiled at her success of discovering the purpose of her new treasure before the book began to tilt to the side. She tried to keep it on but the book fell off her head despite her attempts to catch it.
The book landed on the floor opening up to reveal it's contents. Ariel and Flounder approached it with curiosity in their eyes as they looked at the pages in the book. On one side were words and the other was a picture of a very tall human in robes looking down at something but the angle of the picture made it look like the reader was the one the giant was looking at. Ariel continues to look at it, "Just what is this-"
Ariel looks aware from the book as Flounder swims behind Ariel due to the scream in the air. "That sounds like Arista," Ariel responded which finally led to her noticing that Arista wasn't with them. "Uh oh," she looks behind her at Flounder, "Come on Flounder," she says as she picks her the book, "I'd say my sister has had enough adventuring for one day."
In the hallways
Arista continues to look through the dark hallways for Ariel and Flounder so they could leave the human vessel. She becomes more nervous as she has no idea where she's going due to the lack of light. All she can see is the darkness that filled the ship. "Ariel? Flounder? Where are you," she calls out every few minutes in hope of them hearing her, so they could regroup, and leave of the ship. 'What does she see in exploring these things,' she asks herself as she continues to slowly wander through the halls not knowing where she's going, 'For all she knows this ship was meant to use those hooks humans use to catch fish.'
She couldn't understand why Ariel always had a fascination with the above world even though their father told them to stay away from there. 'As soon as I find her and Flounder, we're leaving this place and-' she was so lost in her thoughts along with the lack of visibility that she hit her back on what she thought was a wall. "Ow," she said out loud as she drifted down to recover, and then she felt something land on her tail. 'What was that,' she asked herself in panic as she looked where she felt her tail get hit. Before her were a pair of big, orange eyes, and green iris as they stared right through her.
She screamed in fear at the pair of eyes thinking they were on some kind of creature with ill intentions. She quickly swam up and grabbed onto the wall as it suddenly tore off the wall as it was part of something else. She let go of the wall and swam up for the wall to the ceiling and waited with a tense face for whatever was going to happen. Maybe it was some kind of flesh eating creature that liked to eat merfolk or some kind of human creature for hunting sea creatures were the thoughts going through her mind at the moment as she stayed perfectly still.
Minutes passed and nothing happened as she stayed perfectly still from fear. 'Why doesn't it-' she opened her eyes slowly to discover that there was no creature and there was small amount of light now. While looking for Ariel, she had swam into a room with an open door, and into a closet door that was now open and empty.
On the floor was rack used to hold a simple white curtain that was blocking the window preventing light from the ocean from entering the room. She looks around the room realizing that all the fear was all in her mind. She sighs in relief, 'It was just my imagination, that's all,' she tells herself 'Nothing to worry about-' she notices a strange object on the floor that was face down.
She moved towards it while reaching for it, 'That must have been what fell on me,' she picks it up with both hands as she turns it to face her. "But what is-" she begins but stops mid sentence as her eyes become wide in shock and her mouth gapes at what she held.
It was an old wooden mask in the shape of a heart with ten large spikes on it. It's main body was purple with a large portion of purple in the shape of an arrow with a longer point going between the eyes along with three small black spots on each side inside the white marking, and three horizontal black lines above the black spot on each side. On each side of the white marking were three yellow smooth sided triangles with some of the paint faded away above the eyes. On the top of the mask were two orange rectangles with a black outline, six black vertical lines with four on one side, and two between a large yellow spike on each side of the mask. On the side of the mask were four large spikes with different colors going down, starting with yellow, a red tipped on with a yellow bottom, a green one with the color becoming lighter going down before becoming yellow, and a blue one becoming brighter before becoming yellow. Where the green spikes were protruding from, was a green curved shape with a black outline, and a white line between the green part, and the middle of the mask. The center of the mask was red, outlined with a black line, and shaped almost like a set of insect wings. In the center were five black dots on the side of the mask with four on the bottom and two in the center and a white line drawn in a way that separated the two black dots from the others below it. The most distinguishing and scariest part of the mask were the eyes that shined as if they were real ones. They were two large eyes, larger for a normal person's anyway. The edges of the eyes were red but turned to orange and then yellow closer to the center of the eyes. The iris in each eye were green and smaller than regular ones.
Arista stared at the mask that she held the same expression, as if it was frozen in place. 'What is this thing? It is so spooky,' she stared at the eyes the most as if they were calling her. She even saw her own shocked reflection in the eyes as if the eyes were looking at her as well. 'I can't stop staring at it, no matter how much it creeps me out,' she thought to herself as if she and the mask were trying to see who could stare at it each other the longest.
"Arista, where are you?"
Arista snapped out of the stare off with the mask as she heard Ariel call out her name. "Ariel? I'm in here," she called out with excitement in her voice and relief on her face at knowing her sister and her friend were all right. Then she realizes that she's still holding the mask, 'Oh no. If Ariel sees this, she'll want to take it home, and I'll never be able to relax knowing she has this at home,' she thinks knowing that Ariel will see the mask as a treasure, and bring it home with them.
Quickly, she takes the mask, puts it back into the closet it came out of when she bumped into before, and closed the doors making it look like it was never opened.
She hears Ariel say as she turns around, quickly swims out of the room, shuts the door just as Flounder and Ariel sees her, and finally turn to them with a goofy smile and her hands behind her back. 'Okay, just keep them out of the room, and away from that scary thing. No prob,' she says to herself. She waves at the two of them, "Ariel, Flounder, Hi."
Flounder and Ariel look surprised at Arista's sudden change of emotions as Ariel awkwardly waves back, "Hi Arista," she then looks apologetic as she approaches her sister, "Arista I'm sorry. I thought you were still with us before and-"
Arista swims forward in order to keep Ariel from noticing the room, "No it's all right. I wasn't paying attention then and earlier when I was looking for you," she says in a happy yet nervous tone, "Then I got lost, made myself scared, and spooked myself when I hit a wall."
Ariel looks confused by Arista's change of attitude, 'Why is she acting so strange. Did she find some-' "That's when you screamed right," Flounder said as he pieced it together.
Arista nods quickly, "Yes. That was my own doing," she then took her younger sister's shoulder with her arm and Flounder with her other free arm. "Now why don't we head back and get some supper," Arista asks as she slowly guides them towards the exit of the ship.
Ariel looks at her sister as she acts strange compared to earlier, more cheerful than when they entered the sunken ship. "Arista, are you okay? Was there something else that-" she was about to look over her shoulder to look at the door Arista was at before when Arista pushed them out faster down the dark hallway.
"Me? Strange? No Ariel. I just feel we should head back before dinner," Arista says with hints of being nervous in her voice as they pass through the dark hallways illuminating by the doors opened by Ariel when she looked through all the rooms.
Flounder looks at her, "But supper isn't for a while yet," he points out to Arista. "All the more reason we should head back now and avoid being late," she says as they reach the door they came in from. "Oh look there's the exit," she says with relief in her voice as they go through the door, "We might as well head home now. Last one home is a rotten clam," she says as she lets go of the two and quickly swims in the direction of Atlantica as a confused Ariel and Flounder look at her going before catching up no longer wondering what had gotten into Arista.
King Triton's Daughter's Room
It was a lonely dinner due to it just being Ariel and Arista due to King Triton taking the other girls on a royal trip to a neighbour's land. Ariel wanted to go but she was still too young for a trip that far from Atlantica and Arista volunteered to stay behind to keep her company and watch over her. The rest of the girls' family wouldn't for another two days.
Later that night, Arista was now in her room that she and her sisters share. It was a large room with seven large clam shells that they used for their beds, three on one side, and four on the other. Behind each bed was a mirror with green coral with holes surrounding the mirrors. At the end of the room was a large opening which served as a window with some undersea flowers growing above the opening.
Arista was currently in bed staring at the ceiling after the eventful day she had watching over Ariel as questions flow through her mind. 'How does she do it? Where does she find the courage and curiosity to go into dangerous places like that,' she asks herself.
She looks over to the door as Ariel swims in after she finished getting ready for bed. Ariel went over to her bed which was one away from Arista's with an excited look on her face as she picked up the book she found on the empty ship and looked at Arista.
"Arista, thanks again for coming with me today," Ariel said with a big smile on her face, "It made the trip even better." Arista looked at her sister and say how happy she was that she went with her.
"Sure," she nodded at her happy younger sister as she looked down, and noticed the book in her hand. "Are you sure that human object is safe? What if it's something related to hunting sea folk," Arista asked with a nervous tone. Unlike Ariel, she was cautious when it came to things from the above world. Ariel shows her the book by showing it to her, "I don't know what it is, but it's not dangerous," she responds to her older sister's question as she opens the book, "It's like the scrolls used for our classes, but it opens like a clam." As Ariel opens the books multiple times in front of her to show it wasn't a threat, Arista saw that on one side were words that she could understand, and different pictures on each page depicting different things.
Flounder than swam into the girl's room through the window due to her inviting him in before the girls returned home to eat supper. Ariel turned to see Flounder while waving at him, "Hi Flounder, ready to see what is written in this scroll clam," she asked referring to the book as she moves over to her bed as Flounder joins her. "Yeah I guess," he said with a look of interest but still nervous due to it being a human object.
Ariel turned her head to Arista, "Arista, do you want to hear this story too," she asked hoping her sister would want to hear it as well. Arista nodded, "Sure, but I'll just listen for now," she gets up as she goes for the mirror fix her hair for bed, "I'll join you after I finish getting ready for bed," she finished with a smile.
Ariel nodded, "Okay." As Arista began to comb her hair for the night, Ariel sat in her bed with Flounder by her side as she opened the book. This time at the beginning instead of a random page. She began to read out loud.
Ages ago, there was a time when the land was endlessly green and food was plentiful. Trees, strong and tall were everywhere, fruits ripe and delicious grew on the branches. The fields were filled with vegetables that rose from the ground. All because of a infinite source of magic seeds from a powerful magical one of a kind plant called the Seed of Demeter. Thanks to it, the world knew peace that seemed endless.
Then one day, a group a monks using the seeds from magic beans from the Seed of Demeter grew a mighty beanstalk to the sky. They climbed up the beanstalk in search of Heaven and their God. What they found at the top of the stalks between Earth and Heaven was a dangerous place.
The land they found was one filled with a race of giant men that ruled it, Giant's Country. With a bridge between their land and Earth made, the giants came down the stalks to land of man, and began taking all they could. Food, animals, gold, anything they could grab. But the one thing they love to take to eat, was man which they would devour, blood, bones, and all.
Ariel looks at the pages of the giants grabbing all they can with a excited smile on her face. "Wow, this is amazing. Can you imagine it," she says as she imagines the idea of giants before her eyes. "A land full of green seaweed, a land high above the clouds, and creatures that are larger than whales," she says out loud as the thoughts of the ocean floor being green with seaweed as high as her home rather than just coral and sand, and giants that could hold whales in their hands with ease. "Wouldn't it be great to see a place like that and see what things there are to collect," she asks with excitement in her voice from the adventures and things to collect.
"No way!"
Ariel turns her head away from the book in the direction of Flounder's voice to see him and Arista hiding under her blanket on her bed showing that unlike Ariel, they were very afraid of the giants in the story. "Seriously Ariel... this is too scary," Arista added from under the shaking blanket, "As if humans with fish-eating hooks weren't more frightening, now there are even bigger humans that devour us and them in two bites whole... while we're still alive." Ariel could not see their faces, but she could tell by Arista's voice that she was clearly scared of the thought of even larger humans with an even worse apitite than regular humans. She pulled the blanket out from under her to reveal her scared face along with Flounder, "Please stop reading, Ariel; I can't take it anymore," she pleaded to stop her sister from reading anymore.
Ariel shook her head no, "No way. I wanna see how this tale ends," she responds as she looks back at the book where she left off, "Besides, it is almost done."
Soon the giants found the Seed of Demeter and ravaged the temple despite the monks efforts to protect it. Soon the Seed of Demeter was crushed by the leader of the giants, a two headed giant known as Fallon with only a single dying seed being found by the survivors.
With their world in danger, King Erik asked for help across the land, and soon three armies rose to fight for their world. One army used the waters of the ocean to push the giants back, a second army that attacked from the skies with bolts of lighting, and King Erik leading the third from the ground using their size to their advantage.
In battle, King Erik fought with a staff made by the monks who breathed new life into the seed of the Seed of Demeter, mixed it with King Erik's blood, and created the Stalkman Staff. A powerful weapon that only those of King Erik's blood could wield, the power to control plants, and the forests around them.
Soon the war came to a standstill with neither side gaining ground. To avoid more bloodshed, the three Kings had the monks use the heart of a slain giant, mixed it with dark magic, and formed a crown that would bend the will of giants to whoever wore it. With the crown, King Erik sent the giants back to Giant's Country at last, and the three armies cut the beanstalk down. The land despite being scarred by war, was at peace once more as the three armies rejoice at their victory in a party that lasted for three days.
After the celebration ended, the three kings agreed to separate the three items of the war to ensure that the terror of the giants could never be unleashed again or misused by others. One of the leaders took the crown, the second took the Stalkman Staff, and King Erik kept the seeds, and the three armies went their separate ways.
King Erik ruled the land until the time of his passing had come, and took the secret of the seeds to his grave. Soon with all things, the Great Giant War was forgotten with time by the world, but not by the giants, whose homeland had become their prison. Who now wait for the day when a bridge between their worlds is found, and return to the Land of Man to wage the war again. With them as the victors and consume the descendants of the three kings.
Ariel looked at the illustration of the final page showing one giant looking down with a war helmet with a face plate covering his face except for an angry glare on his face. A look of satisfaction at the ending, "What a fantastic story. I wonder if all the stories humans tell are as exciting as this one," Ariel said as she hugged the book that she greatly enjoyed. With the thought of finding more stories like the one she just read, she turns to Arista and Flounder with excitement in her eyes, "Hey, we should look for more of these scroll clams the next time a ship-" she sees that both Flounder and Arista had fallen asleep. Arista had the covers over her head and Flounder had moved to Ariel's bed after Arista had fallen asleep.
Ariel looked at the two sleeping as if they didn't have a care in the world, 'It must not have scared them as much as they said it did if they fell asleep this easily,' she thought before she yawned from fatigue. 'I think I'll join them,' she thought before getting under her own covers, turned the light off, and fell asleep.
What Ariel didn't know was that Arista was still awake as her eyes opened when she knew Ariel had gone to sleep. Unlike her sister who felt excited at such an adventure, Arista was left feeling afraid at the story of the giants. 'An entire land of giants that eat people and possibly merpeople alive... Who would actually enjoy a story like that,' she asked herself as she tried to go back to sleep without the risk of a nightmare.
London, England
3:00 a.m.
The city was now in the dark blanket of the night with the only source of light on the streets were street lights help those out to see. None of the lights were on showing those outside that the occupants of the rooms were asleep. Inside the rooms which seemed like they were used as classrooms were filled with the kids outside asleep on makeshift beds. All except for one which was the occupant of the bed by the window. It was Jack who was currently reading a book as well which sat on his pillow, a flashlight in his hand for illumination, and an orange cat that always chose his bed to sleep on. Jack was looking at the page of the final illustration of the book which was the ending that showed the giants in battle armor as they looked down at the land below with angry expressions at their imprisonment.
'Giants Country, a land filled with man eating giants, and humans are the insects of the land,' Jack thought with wonder at such a land, 'I'd take living there over this place.' He turned the pages back to a illustration of King Erik fighting against the giants with his army despite the danger and disadvantage he was at and focused on King Erik wielding his magic staff, 'You never backed down or ran away. You stood up for yourself and protected your land,' he thought in admiration at King Erik's courage, 'You were a lot braver than I am,' Jack thought feeling depressed at how he hides from bullies that were mosquitoes compared to the giants that King Erik faced.
Jack continued to stare at the picture silently wishing to find the courage to stand up against his bullies. What he didn't know was that someone was watching him from outside through the open window. The figure was in shadows, was wearing a cloak, carrying a suitcase along with a long horn like object, and had a pair of brown eyes that were on a human shaped head. But for those who saw him, they would see that he was taller than a regular human due to him looking through the window that was on the third floor of the building without a ladder to assist him.
Wow! This was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I do not blame any writer if they have a hard time coming up with story content or need time to make sure everything is ready for viewing. That and it's summer and I can't focus when it's too hot. I hope everyone enjoyed this, newcomers, and original fans of the Aquatic Kingdom Hearts series. Also here are some questions that some may have.
1) This series is once again based around Stone-Man85's Aquatic Kingdom Hearts series. To understand certain terms later on, please read his original stories.
2) The reason Jack has a description is because he is so far the first new main character introduced so far. Ariel, Flounder, and Arista already had descriptions in Stone-Man85's previous stories.
3) After discussing it with Stone-Man85, this story takes place between the prologue of Dead Man's Chest, and ends in time to begin the events of the Dead Man's Chest.
4) I plan to have funny moments from other different series incorporated into the story in a way that makes sense, but I hope to have my own original moments in with Stone-Man's permission as well.
5) I can't promise a steady stream of updates at first due to work along this blasted heat, but I hope to pick up the pace after summer ends, and it's easier to focus in.
6) The mask she finds is from another series, but I'm not saying what it is. I want to see if anyone can guess what it is based on my description of it.
That said, I hope you enjoyed it, and future chapters to come. Please review if you can and I'll try to reply as soon as I can. (I'm not giving spoilers away though.)