Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia

"Yay, I won! Russia's the strongest!" The personification of Russia jumped up and down in glee. He looked down at the two nations he just defeated, both on the ground, tired and bruised. The blond one looked as though he might be unconscious, while the dark haired one, Lithuania, met Russia's gaze, his eyes full of pain and defeat. Russia thought back to the first time he met the smaller nation, promising to be his friend once he grew strong and powerful. And now he was.

He knelt down to help the brunet up and smiled at him. "Aww, you look smart, so I'll let you stay at my house!"

"Eh?" said Lithuania, with a look of horror on his face. However, Russia was so ecstatic at the thought of gaining a new friend that he didn't notice.

"You lost, so you have no choice, right?" Russia said. This, however, only made the Lithuanian panic and start to struggle. He desperately reached out to his partner as Russia started pulling him along.

"No! I don't want to!" he cried out desperately. "Poland, please wake up!"

The personification of Poland slowly stirred and looked up at the nation who was crying out his name. His face broke out into a lazy grin.

"Oh my God, your face is so funny right now!" he laughed, his head propped up by his hands. Lithuania continued to cry out and struggle, but to no avail. The Russian was too strong, and it didn't look like Poland was going to help him out anytime soon.

The larger man continued to drag him away, paying no attention to Lithuania's desperate attempts to escape, aside from the iron grip he had on his left arm to prevent him from escaping. It was killing him, and every time he tried to escape it felt like his arm was being ripped from the socket. Every further step only caused him agony. Eventually, realizing that it was no use, he stopped struggling and Russia eased his grip a little. As they continued to trudge through the snow, the combination of the cold and pain sapped the energy from his body as he desperately tried to keep up with the long strides of the taller man.

The Russian was still as happy as could be, going on about what great friends they would be and how wonderful it was that Lithuania would be living with him now. Lithuania, on the other hand, was anything but happy. Not only did he just get taken over and lose his closest friend, but said friend let him go willingly, even laughing at him as he was taken away. That alone hurt more than every single pain in his body combined.

"We are going to have much fun together, da? You, me, Estoniya and Latviya, my sisters, we will all be one big family!" Russia cheered. Hearing the names of Estonia and Latvia caught Lithuania's attention. So, Russia was taking them as well? He couldn't say he was surprised. He wasn't especially close to them when they lived with him and Poland, but they got along well enough. It might be nice to see some familiar faces.

Eventually they made their way through the cold and snow and reached the mansion that Russia called home. It was one of the largest buildings that Lithuania had ever seen. The inside was equally impressive, with a couch, multiple chairs, and a gigantic fireplace in the living room. When they entered, Russia and Lithuania were greeted by four people. A tall, busty woman with tears in her eyes sitting on a large white couch, a shorter girl in a blue dress that Lithuania recognized as Belarus sitting next to her, and off in the corner were Estonia and Latvia, both who started shaking when they saw Russia enter though the front door. The tall woman ran over to embrace Russia, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh brother, I was so worried when you went off to fight! I'm glad you made it home!" she cried into his chest. Russia, looking slightly uncomfortable, awkwardly patted her on the head.

"I missed you too, Ukraine."

This did not seem to make Belarus very happy. Her eyes narrowed as she stalked towards her siblings, a knife in her hand. Russia's eyes widened a little and he slowly backed out of Ukraine's embrace, only to be glomped by the shorter girl.

"Big Brother, you should know better than to go places where I can't protect you," Belarus said, snuggling closer to Russia. After a minute, she took notice of Lithuania's presence, and her expression immediately darkened.

"Did you try to hurt Big Brother?" she asked, her voice low and menacing. She walked over and held her knife up against his throat, and Lithuania slowly started to back away, frightened by her intensity. Despite his fear, he couldn't help but to notice that she was quite attractive.

Russia gently pulled her away from Lithuania. "Little sister, that is no way to treat a new family member." He glared down at her, causing her to begrudgingly put away her knife.

"Now everyone, this is Litva, and he will be staying with us. Estoniya, Latviya, why don't you show him to his room?" he looked toward the shaking nations. Estonia quickly got up, with Latvia following behind him. When they were out of earshot from Russia and his sisters, Lithuania turned toward the duo.

"Why did he call me Litva?" Lithuania asked. Estonia turned to him and adjusted his glasses.

"It's Russian for Lithuania sir," he explained. "Mr. Russia insists on calling us by our names in Russian, now that we are living in his house." Well, that might take a little getting used to, he thought.

"Um, thank you. But you do know that you don't have to call me 'sir' anymore, right? I'm no longer your boss."

"What would you like us to call you then?" asked Latvia, who had been pretty quiet up until this point.

"Just call me Lithuania," he answered. They stopped when they reached a tiny room.

"Is this my room?" Lithuania asked. He looked around. There was a small dresser off to the side where he could keep his clothes and few belongings, along with a fairly small bed on the opposite side. It might be a little cramped, but not as bad as he feared. Estonia and Latvia exchanged a look before Estonia turned back to Lithuania.

"Actually, it's our room." The Lithuanian stared back at Estonia for a minute before turning back to said room. This was supposed to be shared by three people?

"There's only one bed," he remarked. Lithuania was used to sharing beds, he and Poland used to do it all the time, but this bed was pretty small, and he wasn't as familiar with the two Baltics. It would definitely be a little awkward at first.

As the Lithuanian went inside to get a better look, he accidentally hit his arm on the side of the door. He really just brushed against it, but that was enough. A shot of pain ran through him. He let out a small hiss and the two other Baltics looked at him with concern.

"A-are you alright?" asked Latvia in a small voice.

Lithuania was just about to lie and say he was fine when another wave of pain ran through him and he gasped. Concerned, Estonia and Latvia gently led him to the bed and told him to lay down.

Estonia slowly tried to roll up Lithuania's sleeve to get a better view, much to the displeasure of the Lithuanian. It was the same arm that he had injured earlier that day.

"Hmm, it might be broken," said the Estonian. "I'll try to find something to help set it. Mr. Russia probably won't mind if you just take it easy for today." Lithuania gave him a weak smile which looked closer to a grimace.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do all of this," said Lithuania. After all he went through today, he was grateful for all the help he could get.

"It's no problem." Estonia then left the room to go find something to help Lithuania's injury.

Now alone, Latvia looked up at the brunet with wide eyes. "Did you and Mr. Poland really go up against Russia?" he asked. "Is he going to be living with us too, now?" The mention of Poland soured Lithuania's mood, and he glared at the smaller nation.

"Don't talk to me about Poland! He's a traitor and..." He let out a sigh, "No, I don't think so. Actually, I probably won't be seeing him again." A frightened look appeared on Latvia's face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry!" his eyes were wide with panic. "I-I just thought you were really brave. Russia is such a big, strong country." Latvia looked down at his shoes. "He scares me."

Lithuania sighed. He didn't mean to snap like that, especially at Latvia who didn't do anything wrong and was so easily frightened anyway. The combination of everything he went through today had just made him a little on edge.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you." He gave what he hopped was a reassuring smile. Hesitantly, Latvia moved closer and sat down next to Lithuania.

"It's okay. Sometimes I speak before thinking." He fidgeted a little. "I-If you don't mind me asking, what do you mean when you said that you won't be seeing Mr. Poland again?" His eyes suddenly went as wide as dinner plates. "H-he isn't dead, is he?"

That question made Lithuania pause for a second. The last time he saw Poland, he was alive, yes, but hardly in the best condition. He was lying on the ground, barely conscious, in below freezing temperatures, and it didn't look like anyone was coming to save him. Could it be possible…?

Of course not! This was Poland after all, the phoenix who rises from the ashes. He always manages to get himself out of bad situations, one way or another.

"No, he isn't dead. All I meant was that Russia probably won't let me visit." He didn't want to worry him about something that might not even be true, and didn't feel like explaining everything that happened anyway.

Just then, Estonia made his way back to the room, with a first aid kit.

"Mr. Russia says it's fine if you just take the day off in here," he said.

He sat next to Lithuania on the edge of the bed "Now, let me see your arm," he commanded.

Reluctantly, the Lithuanian complied. He winced when touched, but was able to stay relatively still until Estonia set his arm with a makeshift sling.

After the most serious injury was taken care of, Estonia went to work on cleaning up the various cuts and scrapes on Lithuania's body. Latvia tried to help some too, but got a little woozy at the sight of blood. After Lithuania was all patched up, the other two Baltics left to work on their chores.

It was now night, and Estonia and Latvia were back. They changed into their pajamas, with Lithuania getting some help from Estonia, and hopped into bed. The other two Baltics let Lithuania take the left side, and tried to give him as much space as possible due to his arm. After they fell asleep, Lithuania couldn't help but to think about Poland.

As angry as he was at him for what he could only call betrayal, he couldn't help but feel worried. After all, it wasn't easy to let go of the one person who had been by his side for centuries, and he didn't want to see Poland dead. But when would he find out if he made it? Would he ever find out? Would he get to see him again if he did live? Memories of the times they shared together plagued him as he lied there in the dark waiting for sleep to come. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw Latvia embracing Estonia in his sleep, a peaceful expression on both their faces that contrasted with the frightened ones they always wore while awake. He couldn't help but smile a little at the sight.

At the very least, he wouldn't be alone.

So, the second chapter should be up soon, maybe tomorrow or the next day, and then we'll see where we go from there. As usual, thanks for reading :)