Episode 26: An Unexpected Quest - Part II

Maul has returned to the Changeling Kingdom after the biggest failure coup on Equestria. Black Alpha and his Dark Sacred Knights have exposed the Changelings' plans and identities to the world. And now, he is leading the team and coming to them now.

Inside her throne chamber, Queen Chrysalis screamed in anger and fury after receiving latest report about her failure. She even slammed her head on the chair and walls for few times, while leaving Maul annoyed and irritated by her.

"How could this have happen?!" Queen Chrysalis demanded in anger and fury, "My plan was supposed to be foolproof!"

"Fool them once, won't fool them twice." Maul said in annoyance, "I told you that your Changelings really need to work on their acting skills, unlike mine."

Queen Chrysalis snarled in anger, "Shut up! We need to do something now! They're coming here now!"

"Don't worry, I've got everything under control," Maul said amusingly. He turned to his Demon Changeling Scout, "Get them ready now. Our enemies are coming. And no matter what, take them down!"

Demon Changeling Scout nodded and saluted firmly. He turned and headed off at once. Queen Chrysalis grumbled and muttered in anger that she made same mistakes twice again while Maul hummed amusingly and even secretly chuckled at her.

Black Alpha and his team, which consisted of Starlight, Sunset, Lance, Nyx, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Flash, Sunburst, Dragon Lord Ember, Trixie, Discord, Thorax and Kevin, stood on the edge as they were looking at the Changeling Kingdom's Castle. Some were scared and worried while others remained firm and brave. Black Alpha has no reaction or expression about the Changeling Kingdom.

"Alright." Black Alpha said firmly as he turned to the ponies, "Here's the plan. I'll engage the enemies by myself. The rest of you-!"

"Hold it!" Discord interrupted. Everyone turned and looked at him. He scoffed, "Don't you think it's strange? We're here and that's there, and we were meant to be there and not here."

Thorax hissed in concern, "Oh, I-I can probably explain—"

"Lizard, are you questioning my authority?" Black Alpha asked darkly.

Discord hummed, "Let me think..." He the shouted at Black Alpha's face, "Yes, I am!" He scoffed arrogantly, "Well, in fact, who needs the plan when you have me!" He turned and looked at Starlight and her friends, "Unlike them, I can do anything! I am the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony!"

Starlight groaned before gave a facepalmed, "Discord..."

"Wow... He's mouthful..." Sunset whispered to Starlight.

Trixie nodded, "Definitely. A draconequus with magic and half a brain might help."

Ember giggled amusingly, "Good one. After all, he has half a brain."

"Yeah. And not to mention, challenging the Mystic Councilpony of Darkness," Sunburst said in concern before hissed, "Might not be great idea."

Flash nodded, "Yeah. That's his big mistakes."

Lance and Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded and hummed in agreement, "Yeah. Not a good idea."

Discord groaned in annoyance, "You know what? Who cares what you're think about me! I'm going to save Fluttershy, without any of you!"

"Fine..." Black Alpha said firmly as he crossed his arms. Everyone was surprised by his statement. He scoffed while closing his eyes, "Be my guess."

"Alright, then!" Discord exclaimed proudly as he snapped his fingers. He has summoned the flying armored pig as he was riding it. He has the greenish marks on his face while armed with the lance. He roared, "For Fluttershy!"

Discord charged off as he was heading straight to the Changeling Kingdom. Just as he flew passing by the edge, his flying pig and war paint disappeared at once. He yelped before grabbed the edge in time. Everyone but Black Alpha and two reformed Changelings yelped in concern and worried. They quickly grabbed and got him up on the stand.

"What was that?!" Discord asked in shock.

Black Alpha clapped his hands proudly, "Thank you, Discord for demonstrating how stupid and arrogant you really are for not heeding my instruction or anyone else."

"What's that supposed to be mean?!" Discord demanded in anger.

"It means you're stupid," Black Alpha answered bluntly.

And just before Discord could say anything, Thorax interrupted, "Don't blame Black Alpha! I've been trying to tell you!" He turned and looked at the Changeling Kingdom, "Nothing other than changeling magic works here. Chrysalis' throne is carved from an ancient dark stone that soaks up outside magic the same way changelings soak up love. It's how she keeps the hive safe."

"WHAT?!" The Unicorns asked in shock and concern.

Discord groaned, "You could have told us sooner?!"

"What about my dragon fire?" Ember asked curiously as she approached to the edge. She took a deep breathe before firing her purple Dragon Flame. She whistled, "Good thing my dragon flame is non-magical."

"Because you're a dragon?" Starlight asked amusingly. Ember smiled and nodded proudly. She then looked up and found a something blackish figures emerging out from the Changeling Kingdom. She hummed as she used binoculars to look through. She gasped, "Oh no! We've got company!"

Everyone looked up ahead. They but Black Alpha all gasped in shock and concern. They found the large army of Dark Mystic Ponies - Akumarshi, HYADE, Necromancers and Demon Changelings. The enemy army are coming and charging at them now.

Flash yelped in concern, "Oh boy! There's a whole large army I ever seen! Looks like we're back to Third Mystic War!"

"There's no way we can beat them all!" Lance said in concern.

Cutie Mark Crusaders screamed in fear, "We're doom!"

"For them..." Black Alpha said firmly as he summoned his Oryuken Sword. Everyone was surprised and confused. He turned and marched to the battlefield, "The Dark Stone may inflict some damages on me, but I will not be easily defeated. I will take care of it. I hold them long enough for you all to enter the kingdom."

Sunburst yelped, "B-B-But you can't be seriously! You're outnumbered!"

"He's right! You can't beat them!" Thorax said in concern.

"I've fought many battles before this. This is nothing." Black Alpha said firmly and calmly. He turned and looked at Starlight, "Starlight, I'm leaving you in-charge to rescue your friends."

"W-What?!" Starlight asked in shock and concern, "Y-You can't be serious, Black Alpha! I'm not a 'leader' material. I can't do it!"

"Starlight, do not argue with me. Proceed and complete your mission."

"B-But I can't! I can't do it! There must be somepony else can do better than me! Maybe Lance, Sunset, Flash or maybe-!"

"That is an order, Starlight!" Black Alpha shouted in anger, shocked and scared everyone off. He turned and readied his Oryuken Sword, "Do not disappoint me. Prove to me that you have changed your way and be one of us."

"W-What?!" Starlight asked in confusion and shock.

And just before she could ask, unfortunately, Black Alpha headed off to the battlefield. He charged and engaged the large army of Dark Mystic Ponies. He fiercely and swiftly swung and struck his Oryuken Sword at them one-by-one or even a group.

Lance whistled, "Wow. That knight is good..."

Nyx nodded, "Yeah. No wonder Mystic Ponies considered Black Alpha - one of most powerful and strongest Mystic Warriors."

Sunburst turned and looked at Starlight, "So, uh, what kind of plan were you thinking?"

"Without magic, I have no idea." Starlight said in concern, "And not to mention, Black Alpha is battling and distracting the army. And we're not getting some help from everyone because Equestria needs protection. So somepony better come up with something."

Everyone looked in confusion and concern about what ideas they have. At the same time, they even looked at Starlight, hoping she has the idea.

"Seriously?" Starlight asked in annoyance before looked at Sunburst, Flash, Lance, Nyx and Sunset. She sighed, "Come on. You guys have been on battlefield and missions before. You must have some ideas about what we can do."

"Well... I'm actually good at reading books of magic, history and artifacts. Not much on war." Sunburst said uneasily. He hummed thoughtfully while tapping his hoof on chin, "Though I have a little thought about Dark Stone, if we destroy it, then we can use our magic, right?"

"Uh-huh!" Thorax nodded firmly, "It should be."

"Alright. Looks like we've got the plan," Flash exclaimed proudly before showing concern looks, "Still, we need to stick and work together as the team. We're dealing with the Changelings. No telling what tricks they have for us especially they could split or pick us off."

Lance hummed in concern, "Yeah, Flash's right. They've got shape-shifting ability. They could turn into anyone or anything. We won't able to tell the difference. We'll be in trouble."

"Well, I think I have an idea," Sunset said confidently. Everyone looked at her. She smiled, "We need a secret password or a code that only us knows about it."

Nyx gasped, "That's a great idea. That way we can tell who's us or the Changelings!"

"Oh! I like the idea!" Apple Bloom exclaimed happily, "We, Crusaders, are good at making names. Just like how we do with ours!"

Sweetie Belle gasped, "Ooh! I've got it! How about this you say 'Who do you call'? And I say, 'CMC to the Rescue'! Or 'Twilightlicious'! Or 'Equestria Girls'! 'Mane Six'! 'Power Ponies'! 'Mystic Power'! 'Superheroine Squads'!"

Scootaloo whistled, "They all sound awesome! They're perfect."

"Maybe too awesome..." Sunburst said in concern.

Flash hummed, "As much as I liked those ideas, but we need something that the Changelings aren't familiar with. Those words are easy for them to figure it especially Maul and his Demons."

"Okay? Like how?" Ember asked curiously, "Hopefully, it's simple for us to use."

Trixie smiled amusingly, "And funny too..."

"Well, I have the idea!" Discord boasted proudly. Everyone looked at him. He continued about his ideas, "How about if I say "we are" and you say "doomed"? Or you say "rescue" and I say..."

Discord yelped as he got tripped and fell to the ground hard. Everyone then laughed amusingly at his clumsiness. This gave Trixie some inspirational ideas.

"How about if we say 'klutzy' and you say 'draconequus'?" Trixie suggested.

"Hey... That's not bad," Flash commented.

Sunburst smiled, "An excellent secret code! That will confuse some Changelings but us."

Ember laughed amusingly, "Oh! I like it! That's the best secret code ever!"

"'Klutzy draconequus'. Works for me." Starlight said in agreement.

Thorax nodded, "I'll definitely remember it."

"Me too!" Cutie Mark Crusaders supported happily, "I like it."

Lance smirked while looking at Discord, "Thank you, Discord."

"Seriously?!" Discord asked in annoyance while crossed his arms. And just before Starlight and her group could move. He exclaimed, "Wait! It's a terrible plan!"

"Why is that?" Starlight asked in annoyance.

"How are we even supposed to get to the hive?" Discord asked angrily and annoyingly.

Trixie answered dryly, "We walk..."

Starlight's Team climbed down the hill as they were marching straight to the Changeling Kingdom. Discord looked annoyed and irritated.

"Oh, come on!" Discord complained, "I haven't walked that far in a millennia! I mean! Oh, I don't know how any of you manage not being able to disappear and reappear whenever you want!"

Everyone groaned in annoyance and irritation by Discord's complains. They all wondered about why would he be part of their expedition.

"Is he always like this?" Ember asked in annoyance.

"Unfortunately..." Lance and Cutie Mark Crusaders answered dryly and annoyingly, "He is..."

Trixie scoffed and muttered, "Well, I, for one, definitely miss him being able to disappear!"

"Give Discord a break." Starlight said calmly, "None of us knew we weren't going to be able to use magic."

"Well, we have to use whatever tools and tricks we have to overcome the problems," Sunset said in concern, "Otherwise, we're next for meal..."

"Actually, we did," Kevin answered calmly, "We know about the Dark Stone."

Thorax nodded, "Yeah. We warned you earlier."

Sunburst yelped, "I forgot you talked!"

"Really?" Flash asked in annoyance.

As Black Alpha was battling and engaging the army of Dark Mystic Ponies, Starlight's Team was able to sneak past the enemies. With the help of both Thorax and Kevin, they have arrived at the Changeling Kingdom's entrance. They even entered it at once.

As they entered the hive, Starlight's Team gasped in shock and concern of what they were looking at - the hive's interior. It was made of rock-like maze formation and greenish slimy cocoons, like they're actually inside an ant farm.

Ember gulped in shock, "Wow... So, this is what the hive really looks like. Big..."

"OMG! We're really actually inside the Changeling Hive!" Sunburst commented in shock and happy, "This is so exciting!"

Flash shushed Sunburst, "Sunburst, lower your voice. We're inside the Changeling's Hive. And the last thing we want is unwanted attention."

"He's right. They still don't know we're inside the hive," Sunset said firmly, "They think Black Alpha is the only knight they have to deal with."

Lance nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We'll have to do what we can to save our friends. And hopefully, we have enough time."

"As much as I liked the optimistic ideas," Trixie said fearfully and concerned, "I'm more worried about this place."

Nyx gulped in concern as she looked at Thorax and Kevin, "Glad you came, Thorax. I don't think we'd be able to find our way without you. This hive scares me because..."

"Buggy! Creepy! And Dark!" Cutie Mark Crusaders exclaimed in concern, "I don't like being inside the hive!"

"Yeah, it is. You definitely wouldn't able to find your way out of here," Thorax explained before looking at the entrance, which slowly closed down. He sighed, "It shifts and changes like we do, and we're the only ones who can navigate it. It's total chaos to non-changelings."

Kevin nodded, "Yeah. Totally chaos..."

Discord grumbled in annoyance, "Well, it's decent chaos. I don't know if I'd call it 'total'."

Starlight sighed, "Either way, lead the way. We don't have much time now. I don't know how long Black Alpha can distract and hold the enemy lines."

Thorax and Kevin nodded as they helped and guided their friends through the maze of Changeling's Hive to find and rescue Twilight and her friends.

For hours have passed, Thorax and Kevin did their best of helping their friends - finding their way to the throne chamber and also save their captured allies through the Changeling Kingdom. And so far, there was no signs of Dark Mystic Ponies or Changeling Troops. It was a good sign if not for someone complained about not getting and using his magic power to defeat his enemies.

Discord groaned, "Are we sure that I'll get my magic back when we destroy this throne thingy?"

"Should be possible," Sunburst confirmed firmly, "I mean. Without the Dark Stone's power, we should able to use our magic again."

"And how are we supposed to destroy the throne when we find it?" Trixie asked curiously.

"Eh... I... I have no idea." Sunburst said in concern. Everyone groaned in disappointment. He hummed thoughtfully, "Though I do have some theories, we might have the chance to destroy it. The first will be using incantation or light magic to destroy it. Second is that we could use our brute strength, but you might get injured. The third one is that we could use explosive device to blow the throne up."

Flash hummed amusingly, "We don't have magic spells or explosive devices, we'll just have to use our brute strength to destroy it."

Discord groaned in annoyance as he remarked sarcastically, "Well, that's reassuring."

"Not like you have any better plan," Ember remarked dryly to Discord.

"Definitely. All you ever did is complain," Apple Bloom said dryly.

"And it doesn't help us find and save Rarity and others too," Sweetie Belle added in.

Scootaloo nodded, "Makes us wonder why we even brought you. You might as well stay back at home than helping us."

"Hey! Watch it!" Discord exclaimed in anger and annoyance.

"Everypony, cool it! No need to get into some fights!" Lance exclaimed in concern.

Nyx nodded in agreement, "Yeah. We need to work together, not against each other because the regular Changelings is the only enemy we should be worry about."

Starlight hummed in concern, "They're right. Maul and his Demon Changeling could sense our negative emotions. We need to keep it in check."

"And the last thing we want is some unwanted attention," Sunset said in concern.

"True enough..." Trixie said in agreement. She then noticed Discord open her bag while thoroughly looking and searching through it. She groaned, "What the heck are you doing?!"

"Finding some weapons!" Discord answered dryly, "I don't suppose you brought any throne-destroying tools along with these useless sideshow props."

Trixie scoffed, "Asks the Lord of Chaos who can't go for a walk without whining nonstop!"

Discord smirked, "Yes, but when the throne is destroyed, I'll be able to rip the very fabric of reality to save our friends."

"Yeah, right..." Ember scoffed a bit, "You may look like a dragon, but your appearance is just insulting!"

"Insulting?! How dare you!" Discord snarled in anger, "I am the Lord of Chaos, and I demand you apologize, hotheaded dragoness!"

Ember groaned, "Well, I am the Dragon Lord, and you should apologize to me, you slithery man-child!"

Trixie giggled, "Good one! She got you there!"

"Me? A man-child?" Discord asked in fury, "For some dragoness with hotheaded attitude, you sure like to brag. All bark, but no bite."

Ember hissed in anger, "You better take back what you said about me!"

Discord chuckled a bit, "Even in front of your pipsqueak boyfriend?"

Ember blushed before groaned in anger, "For the last time, he's not my boyfriend!"

"What? Too chicken to admit it?" Trixie asked amusingly. "Maybe they should've just called you Chicken Lord instead."

"Is that so?!" Ember asked in annoyance, "At least, I have pride and honor as the dragon. Unlike you, you're nothing but a self-absorbed, below-average illusionist!

Discord laughed amusingly, "That's a good one!"

Trixie gasped in anger, "Why, you...!"

"Cut. It. Out!" Starlight exclaimed in anger, scaring everyone else off. She continued, "I'm just barely keeping it together, and it would be wonderful if you three could actually try to help instead of bickering like foals!"

Sunset sighed, "Seriously, put your difference for once. We need to work this out together now."

Discord, Ember and Trixie glared at each other before sighed in defeat and nodded in agreement that they'll work together while putting their difference aside.

"Thorax, I hope you know where we're going," Sunburst said in concern.

"Actually..." Thorax said in concern as he and his team stopped before the edge. He gulped fearfully, "I think we're lost!"

"WHAT?!" Everyone asked in shock and concern.

Trixie groaned, "That's just terrific! Really terrific!"

"This is bad! Like really bad!" Scootaloo said in concern.

"The Changelings are gonna find and soak up all of our love! We're doomed!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed in concern. She stopped in realization, "Wow. I do sound like Rarity. But then again, I did play and act like her during the play." She sighed, "Good old days."

"We can't just give up! We just can't!" Apple Bloom protested firmly, "There must be something we can do to find and get to the throne chamber! We can't let those monsters soak our love!"

"Thorax, I'm kinda curious. How hungry do your kind gets?" Nyx asked curiously.

"Actually, I haven't been since I met Spike." Thorax answered, "And changelings are always hungry. We can never get enough love."

Kevin nodded, "Yeah. That is true. But Thorax and I aren't hungry at all now. Kinda weird?"

Thorax hummed thoughtfully, "Now I think about it, Kevin. Once I made a few friends, I guess I just sort of forgot about the whole feeding thing."

"Yeah. I guess we're use to it now," Kevin remarked in surprise.

"Wait, does this have to do with your wings changed?" Lance asked in surprise. Thorax and Kevin turned and looked at their wings as they both shrugged. He hummed, "Hey, maybe there is a way..."

Nyx gasped, "You're right, Lance. It could work!"

"What are you thinking, Lance, Nyx?" Sunburst asked.

"If we can befriend and shared our friendship and love with those Changeling," Nyx suggested, "They won't get hungry and soaked our love!"

Lance nodded, "They might able to turn and help us instead, especially leading us straight to the throne chamber."

Cutie Mark Crusaders gave some thoughts before smiled, "That sounds a great idea. It could work!"

"I don't know. Could be risky..." Flash said in concern. Lance and Nyx sighed in disappointment. He continued, "But it's better than nothing."

"So, you're okay with this? You're not suggesting that we just approach and talk with them, are we?" Sunburst asked in concern, "That sounds like a bad idea!"

Sunset sighed, "Might be the only way to find and get to the throne chamber. And if making these two Changelings our allies could work, maybe we should do the same with their kind as well."

"It's a long shot," Starlight said, "But better than nothing."

Ember sneezed a bit, surprised everyone. She giggled, "Sorry. Talking about feelings make me allergic. I rarely talk about it. After all, I'm a warrior."

"It's understandable. Just good thing that your sneeze didn't attract some attention," Thorax said in relief.

Discord yawned in bore manner, "While I would love to sit around chitchatting about feeding and not feeding," He then shouted out loud, "I have a Fluttershy to save!"

His statement has echoed out loud across through various caves. His loud voice has attracted the attention of both regular and Demon Changelings. They're all hissed and screeched wildly as they left their posts and caves to find and hunt down their enemies now.

"Discord, what the hell?!" Lance groaned in anger.

"Are you're trying to get us killed?!" Trixie asked in annoyance and anger.

Discord scoffed, "Oh, you keep saying that, but I haven't seen an actual changeling since we got into this hive."

BUZZ! Starlight's Team yelped in concern and scared upon hearing the noise. They realized one thing. Discord's echo voice did attract some unwanted attention now.

Kevin screamed like a little girl, "A changeling patrol! We're gonna die! We're gonna die!"

"Thanks a lot, Discord!" Scootaloo remarked in anger.

"Yeah! You've alerted the Changelings of where we are now!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Can't you do something right for once?!" Apple Bloom gave the dead glare at Discord.

"What?! It's not my fault!" Discord exclaimed in annoyance, "How am I suppose to know that my voice could echo and attract some unwanted attention?!"

Ember snarled, "I'd say you purposely do that to save your skin and leave Fluttershy here!"

Discord gasped, "How dare you?! You take that back!"

Ember hissed, "Make me, snake!"

"Guys, not now!" Flash exclaimed in anger, "We need a plan now! We have to fight them now!"

"Are you crazy?! We're heavily outnumbered and outmatched!" Sunburst exclaimed in concern, "You, Sunset, Lance and Ember are maybe the warriors. But none of us are! I'm just a helpless unicorn, who loved reading books!"

"Sunburst, I still can fight with martial arts," Starlight said in annoyance.

"Not the point, Starlight," Trixie said in concern, "We have no magic, and it's not like my illusions are gonna save us!"

"Wait a minute!" Starlight exclaimed in realization. Everyone turned and looked at her. She smiled proudly and slyly, "I've got an idea!"

Starlight whispered to her team about her plans. Most of them smiled amusingly as they liked it, though Discord was annoyed and disappointed.

As both regular and Demon Changelings were searching, they came across to Starlight's Team from different caverns and locations. The Changelings engaged the intruders, who put some a fight against them.

Ember used both combat skills and Dragon Flame in defeating the Changelings. Using their unique and personal weapons; Flash, Lance and Sunset teamed up and defeated the patrol together. Nyx and three Cutie Mark Crusaders playfully taunted and misled the Changeling to different caverns. Like the children, Trixie used her smoke bombs to teleport and misled her enemies to different locations, with the help of Thorax and Kevin - disguised as her.

Starlight, Sunburst and Discord hidden themselves on the higher level as they watched the event. The warriors have defeated the patrols. The children and the illusionists have tricked and misled the Changelings to different yet faraway from their locations. With mission accomplished, three teams escaped and regrouped with Starlight's main team. Thorax and Kevin turned back to their regular forms.

"'Klutzy'..." Starlight said calmly.

Three team smiled and answered, "'Draconequus'!"

Discord groaned, "Ugh. I really think we need a new code word!"

"Starlight! That's an excellent plan!" Sunburst commented, "It's amazing!"

Flash nodded, "Yeah. Splitting our forces and using our methods, we managed to defeat and mislead the Changelings away from us! Nice work!"

Sunset giggled as she gave a nudge on Starlight's shoulder, "Guess Black Alpha made a right choice about you being leader."

Starlight smiled and blushed a bit, "Thanks. I learn from the best. Amon taught me everything I need to know. His strategies and all of your methods help us out a lot."

"Cool. In fact, Flash and I could have lead the team. We both got experience in fighting and leading the team," Lance said proudly.

Nyx giggled, "Well, mostly fighting the enemies, not using your brain." Cutie Mark Crusaders giggled and laughed amusingly. She smiled, "Looks like I've got the agreement."

Lance groaned, "Not funny..."

"Good thing we drove those Changelings off," Trixie said in relief, "But we still don't know where we're going."

Ember groaned, "She has the point. It's not like some Changeling come to us and say that 'Wait, don't kill us', 'Friendly', 'Take us with you', 'Save us' and more sappy feelings make us to believe in them." She then sneezed out loud, "Sorry! Sappy Feelings again."

"Guys, there they are!"

Starlight's Team yelped in surprise and concern. They turned to their back as they found a group of ten Regular Changelings approaching them. They've got caught and trapped by the enemies. And now, Starlight's Team need to work together to defeat them.

The Changeling Patrol Leader yelped, "Wait! Friendly! Friendly! Friendly!"

"Seriously?" Discord asked in shock and surprise.

"Friendly? Why?" Starlight asked in surprise before realized in shock, "Y-You want to join us and betray your own queen and prince?"

Sunburst nodded, "Yeah. Why would you do that?"

"The Queen has abandoned and sacrificed us for her personal gain. We can no longer serve her," Changeling Patrol Leader explained in upset, which surprise the team. He explained, "Allied with Dark Mystic Ponies is one thing, but siding with Demon Changelings or turn into one of them? We can't accept that! The queen has lost her mind. It's too much for us! We cannot accept it!"

Changeling Patrols chatted and nodded in agreement, "It's true! They've ruined our life. They bullied us! They've tormented and mistreated us! They called us 'cowards' and 'weaklings'. I don't wanna feed on hatred and anger. Love is what makes us Changelings. I don't wanna be a monster. This is not why we're fighting for."

"Wow... I didn't expect that..." Trixie said in surprise.

Thorax nodded in surprise, "You and me both."

Ember hummed and looked suspiciously at Changeling Patrol, "How do we know that you're not lying to us or even want to lure us to your traps?"

Changeling Patrol Leader sighed, "We would have alerted the rest and the queen about this."

Starlight's Team gave in some thoughts about what the Changeling Patrols have said. They realized that the Changelings are telling the truth.

"Guys, this is our perfect chance," Lance said firmly, "We can get more help from these Changelings."

Nyx nodded, "Yeah. Thorax and Kevin can teach them about sharing love and friendship with others will sustain their hunger."

"It's pretty good idea..." Kevin agreed.

"But it's risky," Sunburst said in concern.

Starlight smiled, "I'd say we go for it."

"Wait a minute! You mean there's another way to sustain our hunger?" Changeling Patrol Leader asked in surprise. Thorax nodded. He sighed in relief, "So, the rumors about you befriending with ponies were true. This might be our chance to survive and won't go hungry again! You will help us, Thorax? Will you be our leader?"

Thorax was uncertain and worried. He turned and looked at his friends sans Discord, who smiled and nodded confidently.

Thorax sighed, "I'm not exactly good at leading and fighting. But with my friends, we'll turn the tide."

Changeling Patrol Leader sighed as he bowed down, "Oh, thank you, Thorax!"

"Are there more of you to join us?" Sunset asked curiously.

"There are some and even General Pharynx want to mutiny against the Queen and Demon Changelings," Changeling Patrol Leader said firmly.

"My brother is with them?!" Thorax asked in surprise. Changeling Patrol Leader nodded firmly. He smiled, "Okay. Can you convince them to join us?"

"And can you lead us to the throne chamber?" Starlight added in.

Changeling Patrol Leader smiled and nodded, "Will do. We'll get more help."

"Kevin, you should go with them," Thorax said calmly. Kevin was surprise. He explained, "If you can show them your wings and explain them about another way, the Changelings may help us."

Kevin hummed, "I see. Will do, sir."

"Looks like our group is getting bigger and bigger," Apple Bloom commented, which Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

"Looks like our objective is cleared. Let's get moving," Starlight ordered firmly.

Kevin went with the Changeling Patrols to find and convinced some mutinied ones to join their sides. Starlight's Team went and follow Changeling Patrol Leader, who led them straight to the throne chamber.

"Does anyone think this is a bad idea?!" Discord asked in annoyance.

The Changeling Patrol Leader has led Starlight's Team to a large cavern, where it was heavily guarded and defended by Changeling Elite Guards.

"That cavern will lead you straight to the throne chamber," Changeling Patrol Leader explained.

"Okay, now what?" Sunburst asked in concern.

"We... go in." Starlight suggested.

"Starlight, that's a bad idea!" Flash said in concern, "There could be more inside. We need a distraction to move them away from the entrance."

"Where on earth are we gonna get one?" Lance asked, "No way Nyx and her friends could outrun them now."

Nyx sighed, "Yeah. No telling whether we can make it back."

Ember and Trixie hummed thoughtfully before smiled slyly. They turned and looked at Discord, followed by their friends. They all also have same thoughts, which make Discord uneasy and worried.

"Oh no..." Discord said fearfully.

As the Elite Changeling Guards were on high alert, Discord screamed fearfully as he was charging at them. And before they could do anything, he turned and ran to the western cavern. Changeling Patrol Leader stopped before the elite guards. He panted heavily before turned and glared at Discord.

"There's the intruder! Don't let him escape!" Changeling Patrol Leader exclaimed, "I'll go and report to the queen now! Go! Now!"

All of Changeling Elite Guards hissed as they quickly gave chase after Discord now. After seeing the Changeling Elite Guards left, the Changeling Patrol Leader signaled Starlight's Team to march in at once. They all quickly entered and charged straight to the throne chamber now.

As Discord was running as fast as he can, he quickly moved to his left corner and hide. He then watched the Changeling Elite Guards flying and passing him by. The Draconequus emerged out from it as he gave a sigh that he is safe from danger.

"It is certainly a pleasure to have such dedicated fans." Discord remarked, "I'll have to come back with some new material after I rescue Fluttershy."

WHIMPERED! Discord looked surprise and shock as he slowly turned to his back. He found a few more of Fluttershy clones. They all cried and whimpered tearfully while pleaded him for helping them.

"Uh oh..." Discord said fearfully, "Which one is the real Fluttershy?!"

After entering the cavern, Starlight's Team was waiting for Discord's return. But so far, he hasn't. Both Thorax and even Changeling Patrol Leader became uneasy and worried.

"We have to move now," Changeling Patrol Leader said in concern.

"But we can't just leave Discord behind," Nyx said in concern and worried.

"Yeah. He's our team," Apple Bloom said.

"He maybe a little bit of jerk," Scootaloo admitted in shame before sighed, "But he's our funny jerk friend."

Sweetie Belle nodded, "We will wait."

"No. You don't understand," Thorax said in concern, "Between seeing all of us, the castle will be crawling with guards soon."

"Even if we go without him, there is no way we can beat them all," Sunburst said, "And we don't even know how many Changeling Turncoats join us!"

Flash sighed, "Hate to admit it again. We really need Discord."

Starlight nodded, "That's the point. He's the Lord of Chaos. He could take on the entire changeling army by sneezing if he wanted to."

"He's probably already been captured!" Trixie said in concern.

"Hello? Fellow rescuers?" Discord's voice called.

Everyone turned and looked at Discord, who just entered the throne chamber. They all sighed in relief that he is safe from harm.

"We can't stay here. We gotta find the throne." Thorax said in concern.

"Ooh! I heard some of the changelings who were chasing me say that they know where it is!" Discord said amusingly.

"'Klutzy'..." Trixie asked fearfully.

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah." Discord chuckled uneasily, "I-I can be klutzy. Now, follow me."

"No. We're not." Ember said firmly and darkly, which surprised Discord, "You don't fool us easily, Changeling!"

And just before Discord could react, Ember punched on his face. This not only pushed him out of the entrance, but also turned back into Changeling Elite Guard. He hissed in anger. His unit was also there as well. They all armed and readied to fight.

"That isn't good..." Sunburst said in concern and feared.

The Changeling Elite Guard snarled as he pointed at Thorax and Patrol Leader, "Traitors!"

"Oh no!" Starlight shouted in concern, "RUN!"

"You go! I'll hold them off!" Ember shouted, "Go now!"

Flash said in concern as he armed with spear, "You can't beat them alone! I'll help!"

"Me too!" Lance said in agreement as he armed with Oblivion Dragon Blade and Oathkeeper Blossom Blade, "You'll need more backup!"

"What?! No! Don't!" Starlight protested.

Flash interrupted, "There's no time! Sunburst! Sunset! Nyx! Help her!"

Sunburst and Sunset hissed in anger as they were against the idea. Nevertheless, they quickly moved and pushed Starlight and others to move into the throne chamber. Thus; Flash, Ember and Lance gave a loud battle cries as they charged and gone into a battle against the enemies fiercely and wildly.

Starlight's Team continued running as fast as they can. Trixie turned to her back as she found more of Regular and Demon Changelings charged and chased after them. Trixie quickly stopped moving as she turned and faced the army.

"Trixie?! What are you doing?!" Starlight asked in concern.

Trixie shouted, "I'll handle them. Keep going!"

Starlight gasped, "No! You can't!"

Trixie interrupted, "No time! Now go!"

Trixie threw the smoke bombs on the ground, which made the area covered in smokescreen. Starlight tried to reach her friend but Sunset and Sunburst pushed and moved her away from the battlefield. Trixie used various tools and props in tricking and misleading the Changelings to fight among themselves crazily, fiercely and wildly.

"We have to go back now! Trixie needs us!" Starlight exclaimed in concern.

"Starlight, we can't! We have to move now!" Sunburst exclaimed firmly. Starlight was too stubborn as she was pushing her friends aside. He then shouted, "Starlight, listen to me! If you go back now to save them, their sacrifice will be in vain! They're counting us to save the day! We can't let them down now!"

Starlight hissed, "We can't just leave them!"

"Starlight, you got us this far with just our methods and skills." Sunset said firmly, "You don't need magic to figure out what to do next. I know you're afraid to be in charge, but you are really good at it! You're good as any of us."

Nyx nodded, "She's right. We're almost there. We can't give up now. Don't let their sacrifice be nothing."

Starlight was upset and reluctant to leave some friends behind. She sighed in defeat. She and her team quickly moved out at once. Running through the hallway of cavern maze, they all come across to forked road. They weren't sure where to go.

But they heard some buzzing and hissing noise, the enemies are coming close to them. Starlight's Team split up. Starlight, Sunset and four Cutie Mark Crusaders head to left while the rest moved to right direction. And hopefully, they can regroup and destroy the throne chamber.

Minutes have passed since their split up, both Sunset and Starlight have arrived at the slimy throne chamber-like cavern with sharpen rocks and holes. This place scared them a lot. They moved in slowly and cautiously while looking around until they felt something slimy on their horns. They looked up and found couple of cocoons, which consisted of not only their teammates but also Mane Six, Dragon Strike Force, Royal Sisters and Crystal Empire Royalty.

LAUGHED! The evil laughter scared both Sunset and Starlight. And just before they could do anything, something swiftly and fiercely charged and attacked them. Both mares dropped to the ground as more of Changelings and Demon Changelings came and surrounded them. They even glued their hooves to the ground.

Starlight and Sunset groaned in anger as they struggled of getting out of sticky situation. Maul smirked amusingly as he gave the death glare at them. Queen Chrysalis flew and landed on her throne chair while looking at them amusingly.

"Well, well, well. The Princess of Friendship's pupils." Queen Chrysalis said amusingly, "Honestly, I'd never thought that you make this far. But it ends now..."

Starlight groaned in anger, "You won't get away with this!"

"I already have. Nopony is coming to save you." Queen Chrysalis confidently remarked while looking at her nemeses. She turned and looked at Starlight and Sunset, "Your little squad was it. And now, there's just you."

"Oh yeah?" Sunset asked confidently, "Thorax, Kevin, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sunburst and Black Alpha are out there!"

Maul laughed amusingly, "Oh, that's rich! Those traitors are idiots to think that leaving our hive is the right thing to do for getting some love."

Queen Chrysalis snarled as she jumped in front of Starlight and Sunset, "It was because of their betrayals. Some of my Changelings and even General Pharynx refused to obey my command lately because of my decision to turn my hive into Demon Changelings. When I find those two, they'll learn just what happens to those who betray the hive!"

Starlight and Sunset gulped in concern and worried. Maul sniffed cautiously and firmly on two mares. He chuckled amusingly.

"Well, well, well, you're not who you claimed to be..." Maul said amusingly before firing his dark magic spell on Starlight and Sunset. They transformed back to Thorax and Patrol Leader, "Thorax!"

Queen Chrysalis snarled and hissed in anger, joined by both Regular and Demon Changelings. And just before they could finish Thorax and Patrol Leader off, they all heard some rocks pounding against each other. They turned to their back, where they found Starlight and her remaining team were trying to knock it down.

Queen Chrysalis and Maul hissed in anger as they powered up their magical horns. They fired their magical blasts at their targets. Sunburst noticed it as he quickly moved and pushed Starlight and her team aside before got blasted. He dropped to the ground. The Changelings grabbed and held him down to the ground.

"Very clever. And clearly Thorax revealed to you the secret of my throne." Queen Chrysalis said amusingly as she and Maul approached to throne chair, "I can't have powerful ponies using their abilities against me. Even with your rather embarrassing little rescue attempt, everything has gone according to my plan."

"You mean the plan that your minions screw up for not being actors?" Maul asked amusingly, "Yeah. You really make things so obvious and easy for everyone to figure it out."

"Shut up!" Queen Chrysalis snarled as she slammed Maul to the rock hard. She sighed, "That plan was supposed to be perfect and foolproof! By replacing the most beloved figures in Equestria, my drones will be able to store all the love meant for them and return it here to me. Everypony will do as I command, and my subjects and I will feed on their love for generations!"

Maul cleared his throat, "Don't forget about the deal with us. You will help us get to Mystic Realm to conquer it. Sending some squadrons to the land will be suicide because securities are tight. And you fail to do so!"

Queen Chrysalis groaned, "Stop reminding me, fool!"

Starlight, Sunset and Cutie Mark Crusaders held each other tight and firmly. All of them afraid and scared as they realized that they have no idea of how to overcome the odds. They're finished. Starlight turned and get a glimpse on Thorax's wings. She then recalled of the conversation she had with her team

"What if you didn't have to?" Starlight asked gently.

"FOOLS!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed in anger as she jumped in front of Starlight's team. And just before they could do anything, she fired her magical blast on them. They all fell to the ground hard. The Changelings came and held them to the ground. She continued while glaring at her enemies, "The hunger of changelings can never be satisfied!"

"Exactly," Sunset said in agreement, "Thorax left the hive and made a friend. He shared love, and now he doesn't need to feed. You don't have to live your lives starving all the time!"

"And not only that, you all don't have to become Demon Changelings for your hunger," Nyx pleaded.

The Regular Changelings were surprised and shocked by Starlight's Team chats. They all wondered if that is even possible.

Queen Chrysalis snarled in anger at Starlight's Team, "You know nothing of the changelings or what it takes to be their queen! I decide what is best for my subjects, not some mewling grubs!"

"I know what it's like to lead by fear and intimidation! And I know what it's like to want everypony to do what you say!" Starlight said in shame, "But I was wrong. A real leader doesn't force her subjects to deny who they are! She celebrates what makes them unique and listens when one of them finds a better way!" She smiled at both cocoons and her remaining teammates, "Just like today. Black Alpha entrusted me for this mission because I trust them and they trust me."

Queen Chrysalis snarled as she turned and glared at Thorax, "Fools! The only thing Thorax has found is what happens to those who turn their back on the hive!"

Changeling Patrol Leader snarled, "At least, Thorax doesn't force us to turn into monsters and service to Dark Mystic Ponies!"

"I agree!" Kevin exclaimed firmly as he arrived and landed besides Thorax. He wasn't alone as more of Changeling Deserters and even General Pharynx emerged out and aimed their weapons at Queen Chrysalis. He hissed, "Thorax taught me true friendship when we met each other again. He said I didn't have to be so mean all the time and to be friendly to others. And guess what? I don't have to go hungry again!

Changeling Patrol Leader nodded while glaring at Queen Chrysalis, "You are the real traitor! You don't deserve to be our queen!"

The Changeling Deserters gave a loud cheers and battle cry. The Regular Changelings chatted and muttered in agreement about what Queen Chrysalis did, compare to Thorax's way. They realized that the deserters have found a better way than becoming the Demon Changelings. They turned and glared at her.

"SILENT!" Queen Chrysalis shouted in anger. She turned and glared at Thorax, "You have corrupted so many of my Changelings. I shall punish you now! I'll drain every last ounce of love from you and show my subjects what a real leader is!"

And just before any could react, Queen Chrysalis used her magic repel spells in knocking her former minions off. As she opened her mouth wide, she absorbed magical love aura from Thorax's chest. He screamed in pain, while his allies gasped in concern and shock.

"Oh no! Thorax!" Cutie Mark Crusaders cried out.

"Damn it! We've gotta do something!" Sunset exclaimed in concern.

As she was thinking about a way to save her friends, Starlight gasped in realization. She turned and looked at Thorax, "Thorax! Listen to me! Sharing love is what made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis! Give her all of it!"

"Starlight?!" Thorax asked in shock and confusion.

"Do it! Trust me!" Starlight insisted.

And just before anyone could react, Thorax screamed wildly as he unleashed a powerful ring beams of his love. It fired and knocked Queen Chrysalis to the throne chair hard. And at the same time, he slowly was covered by strange crystallized cocoon-like. Everyone gasped, awed and chatted in concern and surprise of what they saw.

Maul hissed like he was communicating his allies. Demon Changelings nodded as they quickly turned and leave the scene at once.

Starlight and her team got up and approached to the crystallized cocoon. It then opened and revealed the new form of Thorax - greenish gentle Changeling with antler horns, purple eyes and pair of beautiful butterfly wings-like and tail-like. Everyone awed in surprise and amazement.

"Beautiful..." Nyx commented.

"I didn't know they can do that..." Sunburst said in surprise.

Starlight turned and looked at the Changelings, "This is what happens when you give love freely instead of taking it!"

"You heard her! Share your love now!" Kevin ordered firmly.

"Thorax is our true leader!" Patrol Leader exclaimed wildly, "For our hive! Share your love with everyone!"

Inspired and touched by the scene, the Changelings including Kevin and Patrol Leader unleashed and shared their love with each other and everyone else. They all began their transformation into their true gentle forms.

Not only that, the transformation magic is also affecting the Dark Stone Throne Chamber carved as it began to crack. Queen Chrysalis gasped as she turned and looked at Maul, who summoned his portal and prepared to enter it.

"MAUL!" Queen Chrysalis cried in anger.

Maul chuckled, "See ya, mom. I've got what I need. Most of the portion you delivered to me - they're mine. This is for betraying me from a long time ago."

Maul entered the portal, leaving Queen Chrysalis alone. The throne chamber was engulfed by pure magical power of Changelings' transformation. She screamed in shock and fear of what she was looking at now...

Black Alpha has defeated the last remaining of Dark Mystic Ponies. He heard a loud explosion. He turned to his back, where he found the tower has exploded. He teleported and appeared on what was used to be throne chamber. He was surprised and amazed of what he was looking at - the once demonic featured Changeling has turned into more gentle-like Changelings.

Starlight and her team slowly got up and also witnessed the event. Starlight turned and gave Sunburst a hug. He returned it to hers as well. Cutie Mark Crusaders cheered as they hugged each other. Starlight's Team then found their captured allies are freed from the cocoons.

Both they and their newly reformed Changelings headed off and assisted their friends by getting up from the ground. And at the same time, Cutie Mark Crusaders jumped and hugged their respective family members including Nyx reunited with hers. Ember and Thorax helped Spike up as they gave him a hug. Starlight's Team also helped Trixie and Flash up. Discord comically hugged both Fluttershy and Terrorcreep happily, though it annoyed Vampire Pony a lot.

Twilight turned and looked at Starlight, "Starlight? What happened?"

"Yeah. The last thing I remember is we get attacked and knocked out," Shadow Dragon groaned in pain, "That really hurt. I hate those parasites."

"We defeated the changelings, regular and demon types, with no magic at all, they found a new leader, and... they're all kinda... good now." Starlight answered uneasily and amusingly. Twilight and Shadow Dragon were surprised and shocked by it. She smiled as she looked at her friends, "I couldn't have done it without my friends."

"Indeed. You have proven yourself as one of us," Black Alpha commented, "Truly amazing..."

BANG! HISSED! Everyone turned and found Queen Chrysalis got out from the rubble as she armed and readied her dark magical power. However, they all armed and aimed their weapons at her. All of them are ready to fight and battle against her.

"No... I've lost?!" Queen Chrysalis asked in shock. "Curse you all! You will pay for this! You will pay for turning my subjects against me!"

"No. It was you, who turned against them," Black Alpha said darkly, "You have no honor."

"How dare you?!"

"You hide behind cheap tricks and disguises, using deception to defeat your enemies rather than face them in combat. All you ever did is to sit on your throne while enforcing your subjects to do your dirty work and punished them for failures and betrayal when they have solution. They risked their lives for your tyranny, but instead, you reward nothing but mistreatment. Truly weakling."

"I am not weak! I once fought Celestia and won!"

"Did you really win? You're just using her ponies' loves and hostages to prevent her from unleashing her true power. You are no queen. You're just an arrogant and incompetent fool."

Queen Chrysalis was in furious anger before her body has shaken in both rage and fear as sweats coming down on her face. Everyone chatted as they're agreeing with Black Alpha's statement. Starlight approached and faced at Queen Chrysalis.

"When Twilight and her friends defeated me, I chose to run away and seek revenge!" Starlight said firmly and calmly, "You don't have to! You can be the leader your subjects deserve. You can prove Black Alpha that you can be a good leader. And don't end up like Maul."

Queen Chrysalis remained silent as she looked down. Starlight raised her hoof before the queen. The former queen raised her hoof while approaching to Starlight's. Instead of friendly hoofshake, Queen Chrysalis smacked Starlight's hoof hard.

"There is no revenge you could ever conceive of that will come close to what I will exact upon you one day, Starlight Glimmer! And my son will pay for his treachery!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed in anger. She turned to Twilight and the others, "I'm not finished with any of you yet, especially you, Twilight Sparkle! Someday, I will get my power back! And when I do, you will all pay for what has happened!"

And just before anyone could react, Queen Chrysalis hissed in anger as she quickly flew off at once. All they could do is watch her flying away from them.

Starlight sighed, "I'm sorry, Twilight. I thought I could convince her, like how you do with me."

"I know," Twilight nodded while looking at Queen Chrysalis, "But some ponies can't change their ways..."

Shadow Dragon hummed, "She'll be back. For certain, it won't be good."

"Let her try. We'll stop and defeat her. Just like before," Twilight said confidently.

Shadow Dragon hummed, "I guess you're right."

"Nice work, Thorax! You did it!" Kevin cheered.

Patrol Leader nodded, "Yeah! You became our new leader."

Thorax blushed in red, "Gee. Thanks, guys, especially you two - Kevin and uh..."

Luther bowed humbly, "Luther, Lord Thorax! I am honored to serve you faithfully."

"Thorax, as the new leader of the changelings," Princess Celestia said calmly and firmly while bowed before Thorax, "I look forward to discussing how we can improve our relationship in the future. However, for the moment, perhaps it is best that we leave the Changeling Kingdom to the changelings."

Thorax nodded, "Yeah. But we could use help. That way, we can get to know more from each other."

Discord gave the applause, "Splendid idea!" Everyone turned and looked at him oddly yet amusingly. He groaned, "I said it's splendid idea. No sarcasm."

"We know. Let's get to work, everyone," Starlight said happily.

Everyone chatted and cheered happily as both Mystic-Equestria Ponies and Changelings worked together as they cleaned and cleared some mess at the Changeling Kingdom. And at the same time, they get to know from each other now. Everyone was glad that everything is over...

Or is it...

Dark Curse, Maul and Amon stood on the ground before the Changeling Kingdom. Though their alliance with Queen Chrysalis was a failure, but their true objective was the success - recruiting and turning Changelings into their servants - Demon Changelings.

"Well done, Maul. You have served me well," Dark Curse said calmly.

Maul chuckled, "I lived to serve, my master. What are we gonna do with Starlight now?"

"Yes, good question..." Dark Curse said calmly as he turned to Amon, "I leave this to you, Amon. Do as you wish with her."

Amon sighed, "Yes, my lord. I will do what I must. I will not fail you..."


Review and Suggest...

Main Casts:
Kelly Sheridan: Starlight Glimmer
Rebecca Shoichet: Sunset Shimmer
Kathleen Barr: Trixie, Queen Chrysalis
Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry, Kevin
Ian Hanlin: Sunburst
Jesse McCartney: Lance Justicestrike
Kira Tozer: Nyx
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeleine Peter: Scootaloo
Kyle Rideout: Thorax
Willa 'Ali' Milner: Dragon Lord Ember
John De Lancie: Discord, Changeling #1

Minor Casts:
Kevin Conroy: Black Alpha
Ted Lewis: Maul
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Matt Lanter: Shadow Dragon
David Oyelowo: Luther/Changeling Patrol Leader

Latham Gaines: Dark Curse
Jason Statham: Amon Blood Statham

Author's Notes:

Finally finished it! My Little Pony Mystic Season 2 or MLP: FIM Season 6 Adaptation is finally over for over 2 years because of some bad days, working, fanfiction stories, art practicing and art sketches. And now, I'll proceed with Mystic Season 3 (Based on MLP FIM Season 7), Mystery Magical Case (Based on Equestria Girls Mini-Series), and then My Little Pony: The Lost Soul (Based on My Little Pony the Movie 2017). This is one big hell of project I'm going to do now.