A/N: Hold on! Don't go any further! You guys have had the privilege of not having to pay much attention to my rants every chapter, but lemme just get this one in before you finish the story c;
As I've said previously, this story's original is on Archive of Our Own, and is part of a series called Ameliorate ... The second story of the series is titled Tainted, and it is currently being posted still on Ao3. Now, it WILL be posted on HERE when it is FINISHED! (Approximately 8 - 10 days from now... hopefully no longer than 10 days) Of course, if you do want to, you can go onto Ao3 (my profile is ToriWritesStories on there) and read it now while it's going. But I will be doing 2 chapters a day whenever I post it on here, just like this :)
Thanks for enjoying and reading, you beautiful people 3 I loved writing this story, and I'm glad that the people here on FF who don't read on Ao3 got a chance to read it as well 3 xx
Enjoy the last chapter! XX
"Doesn't it feel kind of weird that Clarke is graduating before all of us?" Raven asked, looking around at the group.
Octavia rolled her eyes. "It's a completely different level degree, Raven, chill out."
"Well, I'm excited for our graduation next year," Raven stated, and Bellamy scoffed.
"What about my graduation at the end of this year? No one's excited for me?"
Lexa smirked. Clarke's friends, who were all quickly becoming her friends as well, never failed to amuse her. "Clarke and I are excited for your graduation," she offered up, flashing him a bright smile as he grinned at her.
"Thank you, Lexa."
Jasper rolled his eyes. "Lexa's just still in the phase where she's trying to make sure that we like her, she doesn't mean it."
"Are you kidding? I'm starting to like Lexa more than I like Clarke," Octavia said, and Lexa laughed, shaking her head. "Anyway, Bell, of course we're excited for your graduation. Just not as excited for our own graduation."
"Mine and Raven's hardly count," Monty said, shaking his head, "we both wanna go on after our bachelor's."
"It's still a degree," Finn rebutted with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, and I'm probably going to go for my master's, too. I should be able to get it in less than two years, too, because I've gotten so many extra hours and I'm going to pull what everyone else seems to do here and take some summer courses to jump ahead," Octavia explained, smiling proudly. "I've got my life planned out guys. Be jealous."
"So do all of us," Bellamy reminded her. "You're not that special, O."
"Um, as my brother, you're not allowed to say shit like that."
"Guys, shut up," Raven chided suddenly, "the ceremony is about to start."
The lights were dimming in the campus auditorium, and all of them set their gazes on the stage, where the headmaster was walking out with a smile on her face. Lexa felt herself zone out a bit as the woman spoke, and her thoughts began to swim. For some reason, it felt weird sitting at a college graduation when she had yet to experience even her own high school graduation. She was incredibly excited for Clarke, however, and as much as her girlfriend insisted that she hardly cared about getting her associate's degree, Lexa knew that she was excited as well.
However, Lexa was slightly bummed that Clarke had to sit among all the graduates. It was expected, of course, and understandable, but Lexa wished that she could be sitting next to her to witness just how excited she was.
It seemed that there were just over a hundred people at the ceremony getting their associate's degree in something or another, and when the name calling finally began, Lexa sat up straighter in her seat expectantly.
As the headmaster read out people's names with last names at the start of the alphabet, it occurred to Lexa that Clarke was lucky to have a G last name. Lexa would have to wait until nearly the very end of her graduation ceremony before getting called. She had a feeling that that would just build up the suspense and possible just make her anxious, but she was sure that she'd be just as excited by the end of it anyway.
Right now, though, was Clarke's moment, and when the headmaster finally called out, "Clarke Griffin!", all of the people sitting next to Lexa cheered loudly, and she did so along with them. Clarke walked onto the stage to receive her certificate, shook a few people's hands, and then was off the stage again.
"Aw, they grow up so fast," Octavia cooed playfully, and the rest of them laughed lightly.
The ceremony didn't take too much longer, and when they were all allowed to lead, Lexa was pulling along with the rest of Clarke's friends to find the blonde. When they did, they all grabbed her in a huge group hug. "Fuck, you guys, it's just an associate's degree, I don't deserve this much praise," Clarke gasped from the center of the hug.
They released her, blue eyes met green ones. Lexa smiled widely at her girlfriend. "Congratulations!" she said, as the rest of the group offered up their congratulations as well.
"Thanks you guys," Clarke said, laughing and shaking her head.
Bellamy nudged her happily. "Wanna go for drinks to celebrate? You can all just come to my place, since Lexa can't drink out anywhere."
"Sure, but I've gotta go home and change first," Clarke agreed, smiling at him. "Lexa and I will meet you guys there."
"Alright! See you there then."
The group disappeared off toward the parking lot, and Lexa was left with her girlfriend, who she immediately wrapped her arms around and kissed without warning. Clarke hummed happily into it, and when they broke apart, she raised an eyebrow. "That was a nice congratulations."
"There will be more later," Lexa promised, winking at her. "Oh, but that's not all." Lexa pulled away from the blonde in order to fumble with the clutch bag she'd brought specifically to carry the envelope that was in it. "And before you say anything about it, it's from my mother, so you can't turn it down."
She produced the envelope and handed it to her girlfriend, who opened it curiously and pulled out the check that was inside it. Her eyes widened. It wasn't really a ton of money, but about the size that Lexa's mom deemed right for a graduation gift. "Lexa, I can't take money from your mom."
"It's a graduation gift, Clarke, you can't really turn it down. If you do, my mom might not like you anymore, and let's be honest, neither of us want that," Lexa insisted, smiling softly. "Come on, don't you need to go and change?"
Clarke sighed inwardly, giving in and sliding the check back into the envelope. "Yes, come on. You didn't drive here yourself did you?"
"No, Bellamy took us all in one car," Lexa answered with a shake of her head, following the blonde as she started toward the parking lot as well. "So, do you feel all official and stuff now that you have a fancy certificate?"
"Oh yeah, sure." Clarke smirked. "No, but I do feel relieved that I'm done with college now. I can focus on my art and... I'm just really happy." They got to Clarke's car and were soon on their way to Clarke's apartment.
"So is everyone just planning on staying over at Bellamy's, since he's usually the sober driver but we're going to his place?" Lexa asked, tilting her head and looking to Clarke, who shrugged.
"I don't know. I don't really wanna stay over there."
Lexa gave her a smile. "If you want, I can be your sober driver for once. So you can drink some and celebrate."
"You sure?" Clarke asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing away from the road.
"Yep," Lexa confirmed. "It's your graduation day anyway, so it would be totally uncool for me to drink and you not to."
"Is your mom expecting you home tonight?"
Lexa rolled her eyes. "Is she ever expecting me home on the weekends? She didn't even expect me home before she knew I was dating you."
"Okay, valid point."
When they got to Clarke's place, Lexa sat herself on the table in the main room while Clarke slipped into her bedroom to change. Grabbing her phone from her pocket to distract her, she realized that she had a bunch of missed messages.
Group Message: Anya and Luna and You
Anya – She's at Clarke's graduation, obviously.
Luna – Oh, Lex tell Clarke I say congrats.
Luna – I guess that means you're busy all night. Dammit.
Anya – Obviously, Luna.
Anya – Why?
Luna – Wanted to go out to the bonfire that's tonight. It's the first one where the bonfire is actually gonna be a big deal, because it's cold AF outside.
Luna – You in?
Anya – I guess.
Anya – I can't believe I started hanging out with you again. All you do is steal all my free time.
Luna – It's what I'm good at :-)
Luna – Can I pick you up in an hour?
Luna – Lex, you're of course free to join as well. Once you're done fucking your girlfriend in celebration of her being done with college, ofc.
Anya – Luna, that's gross, stop. You can pick me up in an hour, yes.
Lexa rolled her eyes at her friends.
You – Have fun at the bonfire. Clarke and I are going to Bellamy's for drinks. I'm the sober driver tonight, though. Which, by the way, you two better not drive while drunk. I'm still holding Luna to that promise that you weren't going to do that anymore.
Anya – Oh don't worry, Lincoln and Echo are here and Lincoln isn't drinking. How was Clarke's graduation ceremony?
You – Was good :)
Luna – Stop distracting Anya, Lexa, I'm trying to get her to take another shot with me. ANYA where did you go btw I can't find you.
Anya – I'm right behind you, are you really that drunk already?
You – Well, have fun with that you guys. I'm about to head out with Clarke. See you Monday. :)
Lexa dropped her phone in her lap just in time to see Clarke exit her room, dressed now in jeans and a sweater. "It's cold out," she complained.
"That's what happens when it's almost winter," Lexa teased, scooting off of the table and standing upright, sliding her phone into her pocket now. "Ready to go?"
"Usually you're the one complaining about wanting to just stay here," Clarke realized, smirking as she grabbing Lexa's hand and started toward the front door.
Lexa shrugged. "Yeah, well, it's a special day for you, and I want you to celebrate with your friends."
"They're not just my friends, you know?" Clarke gave Lexa a pointed look as they left the apartment and started down the single flight of stairs. "They're your friends, too."
"I know," Lexa agreed. "Actually, Octavia said that she's starting to like me more than you, so you better watch out. I might steal all of your friends for myself."
"I'm okay with sharing, but don't push it," Clarke teased, and they pushed open the door and stepped back out into the cold. As it got later, the temperature was dropping from where it had been slightly warm to now. It was bound to almost freeze in a few hours, and Lexa and Clarke both rushed as quickly as they could to the latter's car.
Later, Lexa was sitting on Bellamy's living room couch with a glass of water in her hand, while her girlfriend was sitting next to her, talking animatedly with the group as they all drank. Bellamy had even chosen to drink, though he was the most sober there besides Lexa. It was kind of interesting being the sober one for once, but Lexa didn't really mind. It was funny to actually be able to absorb what kind of drunks everyone was, and watching Clarke get tipsy was actually quite rewarding. She wasn't quite the same horny drunk that Lexa was, and she mostly just got loud and easily amused when she was drunk. Her temper also seemed like it was shorter, but luckily nothing happened to instigate anything. What made Lexa smile the most about it, though, was that Clarke clung to her a lot while she was drinking.
Clarke stopped herself after a certain number of drinks, though, and Lexa wasn't surprised. Clarke was not one to get drunk, and she was sure that it had to do with her past experiences with drinking and partying.
It was nice to just be there with her girlfriend and all of their friends. She wondered if this was what she'd been craving months earlier, was it just this sense of freedom and relaxation that she'd wanted when she started trying to push herself out of her comfort zone? If not, then she'd just gotten incredibly lucky by ending up where she was now.
Clarke suddenly pressed a soft kiss on her cheek and murmured, "I love you," into her ear, and Lexa couldn't help but smile at the blonde.
"You two are so cutesy and gross," Raven claimed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking pointedly at them both.
"Deal with it," Clarke snapped, cuddling into Lexa's side.
"Why does she get to sleep on the couch?" Octavia whined to Bellamy, flinging herself onto the last available area of the couch. Lexa glanced at the time on her phone and saw that it was starting to get very late.
"She doesn't," Lexa stated, carefully getting up from the couch despite Clarke's protests. "We're gonna go, it's late."
"I don't wanna leave," Clarke mumbled, pouting up at Lexa, who just laughed and shook her head, grabbing her girlfriend's hands carefully.
"Come on, Clarke, we're gonna go back to your place and we can cuddle there, okay?"
Bellamy snickered. "You haven't had to deal with a drunk Clarke yet, have you?"
"No, but I'm very certain that I'll be fine," Lexa answered, laughing as well as she got Clarke to stand up.
"We'll see you guys later," Octavia chimed, and Lexa flashed them all a smile.
Clarke seemed to sober up a little when they walked out into the cold after leaving Bellamy's apartment building. "It's cold."
"I know, that's why you wore a sweater."
"It's not warm enough," Clarke complained, pouting at Lexa again.
Lexa got Clarke to her car, and the blonde eagerly climbed into the passenger seat, sighing happily at the warmth that came with the car. Lexa got Clarke's keys from her pocket and started the car, quickly flipping on the heater and then starting their drive back to Clarke's place.
"Don't crash my car," Clarke teased, smiling softly, "I really like it."
"I'm not going to crash it," Lexa promised. "I'm not the one whose been drinking, remember?"
"Mmhmm. You're awesome, you know? I love you."
Lexa couldn't help but laugh, and she gave Clarke a sidelong glance. "Well thank you. I love you, too."
"You know, I never thought I'd ever say this, but I'm really glad that you almost slept with Finn."
Lexa laughed, shaking her head and scrunching her nose. "I mean, meeting you was really the only good thing that came from that. I don't ever wanna think about what almost happened instead."
"You're right," Clarke said, chuckling. The blonde let out a content sigh, and Lexa was glad that the drive to Clarke's place was short, because she was beginning to feel tired. They were nearly there already, though it helped that the roads were empty this late at night. "I just love you a lot."
"So you've said. I thought I was the lovey drunk," Lexa teased.
"No, you're the horny drunk. And I'm not drunk. Just like... really tipsy. I stopped myself before I could get too drunk."
Lexa hummed. "So I noticed." She pulled the car into the parking lot for Clarke's apartment, and they both rushed from the car to the building, where it was warm again. Once up to Clarke's apartment, they both quickly changed into some of the warm sweats and sweatshirts in Clarke's closet and readied themselves for bed.
When they were finally done, they curled up under the blankets in Clarke's bed comfortably. "Hey," Lexa murmured, "Thursday is Thanksgiving."
"My mom said that you can come have Thanksgiving dinner with us if you want."
Clarke's tired eyes lit up a little. "Okay."
"What do you usually do for Thanksgiving?"
"Drink beer while Finn and Jasper watch football," Clarke answered, smiling in amusement as she snuggled closer to the brunette. "Dinner with you and your mom sounds nicer."
"Then you better cash that check before Thursday, or my mom's gonna scold you about not doing so."
Clarke nodded. "I'll do it on Monday. I'm sleepy."
"So go to sleep," Lexa cooed quietly, smiling and tangling her legs with Clarke's under the blankets. Clarke let out a happy sigh and then Lexa knew that she was drifting off to sleep.
Whether or not this was what Lexa wanted when she first forced herself to be different than her norm, whether it was luck or not that brought her to this point, all she knew was that she'd never been happier with herself or her situation than she was right now, and that was all she had ever wanted.