Author's note: (using a youtuber's voice) Hello everyone! How are you? Did you miss me or what (feel free to comment your frustrations on me because I know I deserve it XD)? I'm very sorry for not updating literally for years. Don't worry, the ending is already written therefore whatever happens, I will still finish this sorry. Thank you for all the love, support, and patience you guys have provided. I truly appreciate it.

I'm not going to make this longer and let you have the latest chapter! Enjoy!

~Yhanrah Shinaide~

Chapter 13

Game On

Class 3-E went on their own separate ways after their emergency meeting. It was a little silent and the tension felt from their former argument still exist amongst them. This made the male representative a little anxious. He knows that unity is something that they need especially during this time. The virtuosos are not to be underestimated, they didn't earn their title just for nothing. The class needs to work together in order to execute their plan without exposing Korosensei's secret. All this problems made the class ikemen sigh.

"You look bothered Isogai-kun." The boy felt like his heart was about to leave his chest when someone spoke behind him.

"Korosensei!" The boy exclaimed as he tried to make himself to calm down. The yellow octopus really love to pop out of nowhere.

"My, my. Having someone to easily sneak behind your back and catching you off-guard is not a characteristic of a good assassin. The teacher grinned and handed his student a glass of water, which he happily accepted and immediately drank its contents.

"My, my, accepting and drinking something without inspecting it is not a characteristic of a good assassin. For all you know, I got that from the male comfort room's toilet bowl-" Isogai choked and splashed water from his mouth to his teacher's face. The adult's wide smile turned upside down and immediately patted his student's back to help him recover.

"I was only kidding Isogai-kun!" He apologized and guided his student.

"What's with all this noise? It's evening, students are supposed to go home already!" The teacher-student duo turned their heads and saw Karasuma. The ruckus probably caught the attention of the agent. The boy finally recovered and took a deep breath before answering his P.E. teacher.

"I apologize Karasuma-sensei. I was just bothered on the events that transpired during our meeting. We never had an argument like that before. And after hearing their side and expressing how they felt, I'm afraid that this will affect the class as a whole. I mean, we're already improving because of your help. But our unity is another reason why we are still striving. If an obstacle like this would tear us apart, I'm not sure how we will complete the mission." He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice that tears were flowing from his eyes. Only the sound of his soft sobs can be heard from that dark corner. It continued like that until he felt a large hand on his head and a piece of cloth rubbing his damp cheeks. Isogai looked up and saw Karasuma's hand on his head and Korosensei's tentacle holding a napkin.

"Don't worry too much Isogai-kun. The tension given by this circumstance probably affected you and your classmates. Don't let things get into you and relax. One should learn to slowly adjust to the situation in order to properly deal with things accordingly. Give them time, I trust that your classmates will reconcile soon." The raven-haired said and left the two. The hand was replaced by a soft tentacle.

"Misunderstandings and conflicts are common in groups. People argue because they are different from one another. But accepting that one is different from the other brings consolidation. Acceptance and humility are the key factors in order to resolve conflicts. I hope that things will become better on you and the rest of the class" The yellow-octopus smiled genuinely at the boy and handed him another glass of water. Isogai wiped his tears with his sleeve and accepted the glass.

"Class 3-E will overcome any obstacle that will come on our way and we will not stop until we reach out goal to assassinate you!" He declared with confidence then took a sip of water.

"Now that, my boy is from the female comfort room's toilet bowl."

~Shiota Residence~

If Nagisa were to choose a least favourite day, this day would probably be in the top 5. First was having the unexpected arrival of the virtuosos and their announcement. Second was Nakamura's growing suspension of her and her relationship with Gakushuu. Third, their limited movements inside the classroom as well as the rising conflict in their class.

Finally, her grandparents are paying her a visit tonight.

All the bluenette wants is to crash into her bed and call it a day. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. Hiromi seems to know and expect their arrival, judging on how early she is from work and from the prepared home-cooked meals. However, she seem to forget to inform her daughter about it. Nagisa's appetite is completely none-existing so she just quietly stared at her meal. Hitomi noticed her granddaughter's demeanour and initiated a conversation.

"You look tired my dear, had a tough day?" The girl doesn't really want to answer, but she can almost feel the piercing looks of her mother. She politely smiled and answered.

"Yes grandmother." She made it short and dismissive, hoping that it will cut their conversation and have her sent to her room to rest at last.

"Something interesting happened right darling? Care to share?" Unfortunately, it didn't work. Perhaps her answer sparked their interest even more. Tough luck indeed.

"Yes grandfather. Actually Gakushuu came." Well they're going to know it sooner or later, it's probably best if they heard it from me first. Nagisa thought. Her reply got the attention of all the adults in the room. She could almost see the twinkle in their eyes.

"Did Asano-kun visited you on your class? That boy is really sweet." Hiromi commented. She couldn't try to conceal her happiness upon hearing her daughter. Things are finally going according to her way. Her little Nagisa is the key to her parents' acceptance.

"He and the other top students are actually going to stay with my class as a part of an activity for the founding anniversary of the school." The bluenette explained.

"That's great news darling! In that way, you and the young man will know each other more! Destiny is really pushing you two together." Her grandfather chuckled and the adults continued their conversation about Nagisa's future. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have any decision regarding it.

~Akabane Residence~

Karma was lazily lying on the sofa as he recalled the events that happened today. He hated how Asano is so friendly with Nagisa and how his classmates assume that she is that jerk's fiance. As if the chairman would allow anyone from their class to be his son's betrothed. That man looks at them as if he's seeing insects crawling around.

The red head scoffed and headed to the fridge to grab some strawberry milk. Having them in their and Asano being like that is no coincidence There's got to be a reason behind it!

Then an idea crossed his mind making the boy smirk. He never thought that the strawberry blonde would stoop that low in order to compete with him.

"Planning to put me down by stealing Nagisa away from me huh? Try all you want but that's not going to happen." He whispered and crashed the carton then threw it to the trash bin with precision. A confident smirked was plastered on his face as he walk towards his room. He had to think and plan in order to foresee the upcoming event.

"Better watch out Asano-kun, it's game on!"

Author's note: I know it's a bit too short and not too much action going on, but a lot will happen in the upcoming chapters. Just bear with me more! Thanks for reading and don't forget to leave a comment!

Disclaimer: I don't own Ansatsu Kyoushitsu but I have all rights in this fanfiction.