Multitude of serious stories and this wanted out. A series of character sibling moments that weren't. The other Granger. JK has said she always intended to give Hermione a little sister but never wrote her in. Hermione is technically older than most kids in her year due to her birthday. This came about in roughshod fashion just to let the ideas out. I may continue.


Dan and Jean Granger were not just two dentists, but very different people who happened to hold the same profession. Jean preferred clinical and proven science based methods, Dan was willing to venture out into seeing if any natural or folklore methods could work. Jean was a very intense type A personality, Dan was more laid back and the book worm as likely to be immersed in stories for the pleasure as something for work.

Jean won the argument of what to name their first child. Hermione Jean Granger was born on September 19th.

Not that long after, on August 2nd the following year they had another girl. This time Dan named her. Since Jean went with old Greek legend and a nod to Hermes as much as praising Shakespeare he went in a similar vein.

Morrigan Danielle Granger was her sister's shadow. Both were avid readers from the start although Hermione was vastly more intelligent. It became something of the relative's favorite joke that the children took after the parent whose middle name they carried.

Both children adored that small month where they were the same age and somehow Mori would coerce her sister Mione to play 'twins' with her.

It didn't take long though for other differences to show. Despite being one of the cutoff kids and placed with children younger than her, Hermione's brilliance had her skipping to advanced classes a year or two ahead. On the other hand Mori was terrible at remembering her homework half the time. Or just not doing it in favor of something else that had her attention. The only reason Hermione helped her out was because usually it was something academically related that absorbed Morrigan.

"Well I can't be as brilliant as you are, so don't hold yourself back." Morrigan had stated once they were eight. Some of her sister's intelligence and vocabulary just rubbed off on her from repeated exposure. It had been out of the blue at the dinner table.

There had been a heavy silence before Jean had nodded her approval. "You each do your best. To your own standards. None of us are good at everything."

"It's why I have to do the grocery shopping. Your mother forgets everything even with a list." Dan smiled easily and both girls had shared grins. Hermione's teeth were too big, and Morrigan's were crooked and stuck out a bit crossed. Both had the wild hair of their mother in raucous curls though Morrigan's hair was brassy to Hermione's chocolate.

That had been the unleashing of Hermione the demonic teachers pet.

It helped that even as older kids in her class belittled or shamed her for doing far better in school, her little sister was always there to cheer her on. It was never taken for granted that Hermione had flawless grades, not when Morrigan saw just what insanity went into getting them.

It also made her very happy to be an average student. Not that she turned away Hermione's help. Dan had even made certain that for all it would come out a bit wooden, it was automatic for Morrigan to thank her sister for the help too.

Hermione would always beam. After all, it was genuine. Just tired from a Mione Revision session.

The girls were close as could be and shared many interests, though Morrigan took more of a 'easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission' approach that frankly infuriated Hermione.

It was half of why she did it. Morrigan was the little sister still. It was in her baby sister contract as she'd often state.

The first potential to shatter that bond beyond repair came from a simple letter.

Ms. Hermione Jean Granger. Second Bedroom. The girl's had screamed and run for their father at that thinking it was a stalker. Upon the review of the letter, and the later visit of a stern witch of all things..Morrigan had stood perfectly still in the hallway to her sister's room. She was tempted to lock herself away and glare and fuss that straight laced hard working brilliant Hermione was going to a land of magic and whimsy when it was Morrigan who was the lover of fantasy stories.

She was the one who sat up with daddy and looked up silly old cures and why they may have worked or definitely didn't work. She was the one who daydreamed and wished and blew the tops off dandelions.

When all was said and done however, she was also the sister who loved Hermione and knew that if anyone was suited for a real adventure it was the elder one. Not knocking (because she didn't want to) she slipped into her sister's room and climbed onto her bed with her.

They didn't need words. Not with so many thousands of books read in the family.

Morrigan curled up with Hermione, and Hermione held her and that was enough.

Even better was the next year when an owl dropped off a letter to the newly turned eleven Morrigan Danielle Granger and she squealed realizing this meant she'd get to go to school WITH her sister!

They'd never been such children as at that moment. Dan and Jean watched their girls squeal and giggle and pour over the Hogwart's a History book that McGonagall had gifted the elder child on her visit anew. Most their remaining fears eased then, because while Hermione was a force to be reckoned with she only became more amazing with her little sister there.


Hermione made it into Gryffindor. Which did not surprise Morrigan in the slightest because Hermione was, after all, very brave.

It was not so easy to hide that Morrigan had made it into Slytherin though and the entire set of houses ostracized the sisters for that as much as being Muggleborn.

Hermione was the sweeter one, she fell to tears and her feelings were hurt. She had a fiery temper and would lash out if need be, physically. She was a good girl and liked to help people, as close to selfless as they came even if her methods of helping were to control and bully a bit.

Morrigan had always been the one whose temper was like a storm. It took a long time to build up and then left utter devastation in it's path. Those who thought to hex and bully a muggleborn soon learned she was not above learning and fighting like a dirty snake. A few assignments being done for Bulstrode and the Carrow twins turned into a burgeoning business for her protection. Because if someone would do the work of looking everything up and then give the very easily broken down notes to write down in your own words. Well, it was a system that had worked with the bullies in mundane school and the real reason half the time she'd forgotten to do her own work. Morrigan wasn't at all surprised to see it worked here, and amazingly so. Within just a few weeks it was made clear that anyone willing to approach that 'filthy earthworm' as it was a muggleborn, could have homework done as a trade.

For upper years she limited the assignments and Flint of all people was one of her main customers. He was already going to be held back a year and it didn't bother Morrigan at all to have her extra time eaten up by books and lessons. The beauty of it was she could plop down by Hermione to do her regular homework, and they'd independently study random things (well hers was for other classes but still) and it was how the sisters bonded. First year was much more exciting for Hermione than Morrigan. It helped that the eyes and ears everywhere that the snakes had proved outside of their study sessions and a few meetings in the courtyard; Hermione and Morrigan lived separate lives. It was what happened with the houses.

Hermione battled trolls and became part of the Golden Trio. Every time Potter did something Morrigan expected to be harassed through her relationship to one of Harry Patter's (it's Potter you half witted..oh just do my assignment, Granger!) best friends. She never even met the boy directly as it seemed he and one Ronald Weasel never liked being in the library.

Morrigan was content in Slytherin even if the price of her safety was a loss of most free time. Quidditch matches were time to work on Flint's herbology and runes assignments. Those had turned out to be her best subjects since her father had always adored old folk remedies and tales and with her name a Celtic Goddess, Morrigan had always been interested in the runes even if the class was advanced for her it held nothing on basic primary school science essays. It made it very handy to focus just on those two as her classes she would do the work for and if she went in order, first year (her own, Bulstrode, Parkinson's) second year, third, and fourth etc it helped with her grasp of the topics. It seemed like after years the teachers focused on the same topics and just expanded on the complexity. For someone who had always done best in crash course learning, it was a blessing.

Potions was Morrigan's favorite. She flat out sucked at transfiguration and charms because so much was the wand motion and intonation. If it was just imagination as how rune's and fitting them together so often was, she'd have been fine. It wasn't. She wasn't very good at potions as the sheer amount of exact attention to detail didn't blend well with her nature but she was able to sit by Hermione.

For some reason seeing the two bushy haired messy toothed sisters shooting their arms up to answer questions made the potions master highly disturbed.

It was also one of the few classes where the two would argue. Hermione would quote whole pages of a book and once or twice even freaked people out by quoting page numbers. Morrigan was so used to it she'd quote theory and rhymes and fables right back, all things she'd researched on her own. The two would some times practically bring the class to a halt as the banter between Slytherin and Gryffindor went on. Never with either raising their voices.

"..the moonstone is to be crushed to a precise..."

"But it can be ground in order to maximize the surface area without having larger particles which is why it's mentioned in the rhyme in Potioneer's Melodious Maladies, Mione."

"It's not what's in the book. In all pages 45, 239, and briefly in the description of a potion requiring powdered and sliced bicorn horn they say to crush the moonstone.."

It really said everything that Snape would just observe them until they apparently reached an impasse. Only then would he swoop down, insult them bitterly, and then give some reason neither answer was the ideal but why they would crush it, what would happen if it was ground, and then assign the two of them separate assignments in addition to the regular homework on a different ingredient. Usually he would add in a snub by taking points off Hermione and not awarding any to Morrigan.

The second week in class he forced them to partner with other students.

By the third she was working with the Carrow twins in rotation with Bulstrode. They were quite fond of the ornate fountain pens she'd gotten them to use with their homework. Hadn't even taken that much work for her father to track down ones that looked sufficiently ancient. Quill pens were used with metal nibs after all, just not often. It's not like they had mass production and duplication of items with magic didn't last forever. It had put an idea in Morrigan's head for later on...

Snape got a very nice set along with an inkwell in black of course, for the Holidays. He returned the favor by giving her detention dusting his collection of potions periodicals and not looking as she read a few.

The year passed with Morrigan getting fantastic grades, despite her additional work load. Or because of it. It was entirely possible that with her vastly increased reading she had a better idea of many of the topics than some seventh years. Useless when adult topics perhaps, but still. When word came out as Gryffindor won the house cup that there had been some insane adventure..

Morrigan shook her head at Hermione and repeated the same thing she had with the troll, dragon, flamel, fluffy and any strange number of things Hermione had let slip about.

"I really don't want to know until we are home with mom's sugar free cocoa."

"You know I'd rather pretend nothing happpened."

"Do homework on the train?"

"Of course, Mori."

"You ever wonder why everyone looks at us funny to be excited to do homework?"

"Absolutely. I mean, it's magic!" The two girls nodded as they left their trunks to find their own compartment together, likely they would split up later to meet friends.

"I know! I wake up and I can't wait to pre-read for the class and get to know what we'll learn first! We need to figure out what we can study over the summer.."

"I'm so proud you're finally taking your courses seriously!" Hermione's eyes were dancing. "But we really should take summer classes to keep up with primary school.."


"Well we should!"

"...I'm going to regret agreeing to this aren't I?"

"You already did!" Hermione smirked and nodded, Morrigan groaning. There was really no point in even trying to outmanuver Hermione on schoolwork. Their parents would just agree with her and then it'd really be unavoidable.

"Just science and English though."


"We can watch some of dad's documentaries with him. That'd make him happy."


Year one?

They survived. If Morrigan was completely going to be trying to think of things she could profit off the muggle form of mass production to start increasing her clout among the Slytherin's though, well that was her summer job.