Arthur walked into his room close to three in the morning to a sight that simultaneously infuriated and terrified him. His brother, Allistor, was sitting on his bed holding his unlocked phone and smoking a cigar. His brother looked up, smiling cruelly as he held up the phone tauntingly, swaying it side to side. Arthur could tell he was looking at a picture of some sort from what he could see on the quickly moving screen.

"What are you doing with that?" Arthur growled, stepping forward to try and, unsuccessfully, snatch the phone from his brother's hand

"He's pretty cute, isn't he, mon lapin?" he smirked snidely, ignoring the question and stopping the swaying of the phone so Arthur could see what he was looking at

It was a selfie of him and Francis in his basement. Their cheeks were pressed together and they were smiling. Francis had a red pillow hugged against his chest with one arm and his other hand was intertwined with Arthur's. It had been taken just before they had watched a movie together.

Arthur tried to swipe the phone away again before snarling "What are you getting at?"

"Oh, nothin' really," Allistor started smoothly but ended up snapping "Just wondering how you managed to get a little boyfriend with how pathetic you are."

"It's none of your business, prick, give me back my phone and get out," Arthur ground between clenched teeth

"No, I'd really like to know, how does a sorry, little, sad sack like you end up with a boyfriend, when I don't?" Allistor said, standing so he was baring down on Arthur, blowing acrid smoke into his face

"Maybe because you're a jerk," Arthur whispered angrily but dropped his eyes to the ground as his much larger brother loomed over him

"What was that?" His brother said moving so he was only inches away

"Nothing," Arthur said quietly, ducking his head even lower

"Didn't sound like nothing," he said, irritation dripping from his voice "neither did those texts he was sending you. What lies did you tell him to get him to think so highly of you?"

"I never lied to him… that's just who he is," Arthur growled quietly

"You just can't stop, can you, pathetic little worm that you are! Lying through your teeth just for attention, how sad are you? I mean, that's really the only way you could have gotten a boyfriend when I haven't" he said shoving Arthur back lightly

"I said I never lied…" Arthur replied, mustering enough courage to look up into his brother's eyes

"How then? It's impossible that a scrawny, weak, little boy like you got a boyfriend any other way," Allistor said emphasizing each of the depreciating descriptions of his brother with a small push

"Give me back my phone," Arthur commanded, pulling away from Allistor and extending his open palm

"Do you love him?" Allistor smirked, exposing yellow smoke stained teeth

"Give me back my phone right now you bloody git!" Arthur repeated

"Alright," Allistor grinned at his younger brother's sigh of relief "But only if you answer my question."

Arthur hesitated for a moment before finally relenting in an angry mumble "yes."

"He must be some kind of idiot to stay with you." Allistor laughed cruelly, starting to saunter out of the room with Arthur's phone still in his hand

"You said you would give that back!" Arthur exclaimed angrily, grabbing Allistor's upper arm

"Yes, but how am I goona' find his house without it?" he questioned

"You don't" Arthur replied

"Ah, but I need to teach you a lesson on your place and he said his parents weren't going to be back until next tuesday!" Allistor said pleasantly, a dangerous glint in his eye as he shrugged away Arthur's grip and left the room

{One Hour Later}

Allistor pushed Arthur roughly into the van filled with his friends. It was a dark green color with heavily tinted windows and was already holding four boys in their late teens. Allistor closed the door behind his brother and walked around to the driver's seat. Arthur sat stunned on the floor for a moment before attempting to walk to the back of the car. Boy #1 was tall and lanky with crooked teeth and matted brown hair. He kicked Arthur over so he was lying prone on the floor of the car.

Arthur had only vaguely seen boy #2 and #3 before he was lying face down. He had caught a glimpse of boy #4 sitting in the passenger seat before he was shoved into the van. He was broad shouldered and muscular, wearing a dirty looking black t-shirt. Arthur could hear all of them laughing. He got on his hands and knees, attempting to crawl to the back but boy #2 kicked him over, this time onto his back so his face and stomach were exposed.

This elicited another bout of laughter which only intensified as Arthur curled into a ball to escape the reign of kicks coming from boy #1 and #2. The kicking didn't last long after the vehicle started moving but Arthur stayed curled up for the remainder of the ride. The drive wasn't long and Arthur soon heard the engine stop.

"Nate, Jayden," Allistor barked as he opened the back door "take my brother inside. Garrett, you and Nick will help me bring everything else."

Arthur was hoisted up and out of the car and thrown into the grass by who he could only assume to be Nate and Jayden. When he unrolled slightly boy #1 and #3 grabbed him under the arms and guided him stumbling, quickly to the door. Arthur prayed Francis had remembered to lock it before bed. Boy #1 jiggled the handle. The door stayed put and Arthur relaxed.

"What's the hold-up?" Allistor hissed, coming up behind them.

"The door's locked," Boy #3 whispered back in a raspy voice

"Nick!" Allistor barked

"Already on it," Boy #4, whose name was apparently Nick, wedged a crowbar carefully between the handle and the door before applying more and more pressure until the handle popped off

Wordlessly, Allistor stuck his hand through the hole and undid the deadbolt, pulling the door open easily. The teens walked down the hallway as quietly as possible. Soon they reached a small alcove with six doors. All of them were closed except for one which was very slightly ajar. Allistor peered through the small opening and chuckled quietly.

"Nate, go reattach the door knob and lock the door again, we don't want any interruptions," Allistor breathed and tall and lanky skittered back down the hallway "Jayden, gimme the little f*cker"

Boy #3, Jayden, forced Arthur stumbling into Allistor. Allistor grabbed Arthur's right wrist, wrenching it behind his back, with one hand and held his chin and mouth tightly in the other. Arthur allowed himself to be guided to look through the cracked open door. He could see Francis's form curled up under the towering blankets, his long blond hair splayed around his placid, barely visible face.

Allistor positioned his mouth right next to Arthur's ear and whispered, ever so slowly, so only he could hear it "Look at him. He's so delicate, and beautiful, and so wonderfully breakable"

Arthur shivered at the dangerous edge of his brother's voice. Allistor felt the slight movement and chuckled darkly but so quietly it was barely audible. Nate came back and Allistor carefully nudged the door open only as much as needed with his shoulder. All of the boys filed silently into the bedroom.

Allistor slid his hand around Arthur's chin until his thumb and middle finger were parallel each other on each side of his head at the seam between the jaw bone and skull and whispered "open up"

Arthur stubbornly kept his jaw clenched. Allistor tsked and began applying pressure to the cheeks of the smaller boy. It quickly became painful and slowly Arthur's mouth was pushed open. Allistor moved his hand from his brother's chin and slid black fabric between his teeth. He released Arthur's arm and tied the black gag tightly.

Jayden slid a folding chair from a wood desk next to Francis's bed. Allistor forced Arthur to sit in it before Garrett tied his wrists and ankles to the chair. They then turned to the deeply sleeping Francis, snuggled comfortably under his mountain of blankets. Nick and Jayden carefully pushed the top of the bed away from the wall. Francis stirred only slightly as his stack of pillows shifted.

Garrett and Nate stood at the foot of the bed. Francis was curled on his side facing away from Arthur and Allistor stood on the opposite side of the bed to face her. He knelt down so his face was inches from hers. He extended his hand and gently brushed some hair behind his ear. Francis began to wake up and rubbed his face against his pillow. Arthur struggled against his bonds and only muffled noises came through the gag.