Hello everyone!
I toyed for this idea for along time, already starting back when I wrote on Family bliss or even earlier. Originally, I didn't really want to write it out and upload it but I very shortly wrote with alicheriee about it and decided to write it after all. Now, the idea of this is, after I've seen several stories in which Jade gets pregnant as a teenager and stuff, that I wanted to see Beck and Jade with a child at that age and being used to it. So, Tori only starts attending Hollywood Arts at the end of junior year and it's out of her perspective. I want to rewrite the whole series with the thought of Beck and Jade having a child - though it won't all be very big rewrites. Most will be just that that child is around when there are scenes at Tori's home with the whole gang or something. Though I also will cut a few episodes, namely Locked Up!, Who Did It To Trina?, Blooptorious, April Fools' Blank, How Trina Got In and Opposite Date. I could imagine other episodes following that list over time but those are most certainly out. Trina will also graduate at the end of that first school year Tori starts to attend, so... But she will be around otherwise and I hope I can work with that for all the other episodes which will take place in a span of a year and a few months.
Well, and Jade and Beck won't break up in the run of this story. So, there are definitely changes ahead which I haven't fully worked through.
The first four episodes remain pretty much unchanged, so I start out with the fifth but only briefly (but very much changed) and then get into the sixth episode which will have this and the next chapter. Every other episode will only have one chapter - most episodes will have to share theirs. So, there will be a few chapters that will include three to four episodes, which means the story will have about... twenty chapters all in all. Most will probably have between 4k to 5k words.
As the story will be quite long, I didn't dare to upload it right away when I was finished with this first chapter. Instead I have already ten chapters written though not reread and corrected. This way, I hope I will be able to upload once per week without break. If you want to read something certain (also for a certain episode), feel still free to write that to me. I'm still able to make changes if it works out better than what I've already written.
Okay. Beck is also very talkative throughout the story but I guessed he's used to explaining the situation by now and does so. I hope it doesn't seem to be too out of character for you (and that it doesn't seem like too much tell instead of show).
Oh, and as I'm rewriting the series but not all that much, I keep many of the dialogues of the series itself. Those of course don't belong to me, just like the characters.
But now enough talking from me, definitely. I just hope you enjoy this story!

Tori starts attending Hollywood Arts right after spring break of her junior year. She doesn't know if she'll be able to catch up with all the arts, is it already almost senior year, but apparently, people transfer to the school regularly, also as late as that.

She also quickly feels like she's fitting in. Yes, she has troubles at first with Jade but on the other hand is fast friends with Andre, Beck, Cat and Robbie. And somehow, she gets used to Jade as well and Jade also to her apparently, especially after that stage fight "incident" where Jade may have lied big time at first but has still also helped Tori in the end with her punishment.

It's in the middle of May, Tori attending the school for one and a half months now and already feeling extremely comfortable, that she witnesses Beck and Jade fighting for the second time, actually fighting, not just bickering a little bit. They have fought very big after Tori's and Beck's unscripted stage kiss. She has been sure they would break up. Now, they are fighting again because of Alyssa Vaugnh.

And they involve Tori. Great. Tori doesn't want to be involved at all but they don't let her go and finally, Jade actually seems like she wants to break up with Beck.

"You know what?" she loudly asks, in the middle of the hallway, Tori standing right with them.

"Tell me what!" Beck demands and Tori can't help but saying "no, no, don't tell him what". She knows, Jade will break up with him.

For a second, Jade clenches her teeth as she angrily looks at Beck before she spits out: "Just leave me alone!"

And she walks away. Well... That hasn't been her breaking up, has it?

Beck looks after her, then closes his eyes, takes a deep breath.

"Sorry for all of this," he then says before he actually follows Jade. The next time Tori sees them, everything seems okay with them again, just like after their last fight she has quickly run away from anyway after she has heard a few words of it in the parking lot.



It's a few days later and they get further into their preparations for Uptown, Downtown, for which Tori has gotten the lead which she feels pretty blessed about. She talks to Andre right now at his locker about the songs she has to learn until the end of the week and which he wants to help her with.

She just leans at the lockers next to Andre's, sighing slightly at how much work she still has to do for that play, all with being nervous at how it will turn out, when she sees Jade coming into school, looking as annoyed as every morning. But she isn't alone. And she also isn't with Beck like she otherwise always is in the mornings as they drive to school together. Instead, a young boy sits in her arms. He may be one year old, could have possibly just started toddling. He has dark brown to black hair, a darker skin tone than Jade and piercing blue-green eyes with which he curiously looks around as he sucks on a pacifier.

"Where did Jade steal him?" Tori says confused as she watches Jade walking to her locker with him.

Andre turns around to see what she's talking about and as soon as he looks at Jade, he grins brightly: "Oh, they finally brought Benji again."

"Benji?" Tori asks, drawing her eyebrows together. She doesn't know who Benji is. Though she has a feeling she already heard that name with her friends. Possibly as Jade and Beck have fought after the stage kiss. And two weeks ago at lunch fleetingly by Cat while Tori herself has talked to Robbie though.

Well... Who is this child?

"Their son," Andre merely answers as he closes his locker and then walks over to Jade.

Tori is sure she has misheard. Their son? Whose son? Jade's?

She hurries to follow Andre who greets the odd pair: "Hey, Jade. And hello, little Benji!"

The child beams at him, spits out the pacifier that doesn't fall to the ground as it's fixated at his clothes with a clip, and starts babbling happily. Jade shortly glances to Andre, doesn't say a word but promptly hands the child over to him, before she turns back to her locker.

Tori notices that Jade actually has two bags with her. A smaller one from which she – now both hands free for it – pulls a book, putting it into the locker and getting some other book from the locker into the bag which is filled with all she needs for school, which she has with her every day. The second bag is bigger and packed, as Tori will only find out later, with diapers, baby food, toys and even a blanket.

"Long time, no seen, little buddy," Andre meanwhile says to the young boy.

The boy babbles again and Andre chuckles as if he understood something before he turns to Jade again: "So, why'd you bring him today?"

Jade rolls her eyes as she closes her locker again. "My mom had to go on a long business trip and Beck's parents couldn't take time off of work this time. So he'll be around for two weeks."

"I love when he's here," Andre says. "I can take him whenever you need some room."

Okay, Tori doesn't understand. So, this is really Jade's son? That boy sittig in Andre's arms? And she has just mentioned Beck's parents... Does that mean...?

She barely has time to finish that thought when Beck suddenly is with them. He has two coffee cups in his hands and while he gives one of them to Jade and shares a kiss with her, Benji already squeals: "Dada."

"Hey, Benji," Beck says and Benji already leans into his direction with open arms.

Beck also promptly opens his arm without the coffee cup and Andre puts the child into it.

"Have had a good night of sleep?" Beck asks the boy.

Tori doesn't know if the child is old enough to understand questions like that yet but at least he must have understood that it had been a question by Beck's intonation. And he seems to know that you can nod or shake your head to some questions and he actually nods and babbles some more.

Jade tilts her head, looking with raised eyebrows at the boy. "Well... It wasn't such a good night. But we survived."

Beck gives the boy a kiss on the cheek before he says: "I'm glad all three of us will be together again for the next two weeks."

He shares another kiss with Jade who smiles, and Tori finally has to ask: "So, who's this?"

Beck turns to her. "Oh, yeah, you haven't met him yet. This is Benjamin. Benji, this is a new friend of ours, Tori."

The boy babbles something that could with a lot of fantasy be a greeting. But this still doesn't explain anything.

Jade obviously notices her confused face and links her arm with Beck's free one: "He's our son."

For a second, Tori's about to ask why she doesn't know about any child of theirs but she knows Jade will taunt her for not having known and she doesn't feel like being taunted at all. So, she just says to the little boy: "Hi. It's so nice to meet you."

"Benji!" And that's Cat, screaming excitedly from pretty much the end of the hallway as she comes running to them, Robbie and Rex also walking up to them behind her.

"Oh, god," Jade murmurs annoyed as Cat jumps in front of Beck and pulls little Benji out of his arms. Beck lets her and Benji also doesn't seem too unnerved as Cat plants a kiss on his cheek and says in a happy voice: "I haven't seen you for over two weeks! I missed you so much! We'll spend every minute together today."

"You won't," Jade says.

Cat pouts. "But he missed me, too. Look at him!"

She puts her fingers on his face and pushes his cheeks in so Benji makes a weird face which Robbie has to chuckle about while Jade rolls her eyes, hands her coffee to Beck as she says: "Give me my child."

She takes the boy out of Cat's arm and in the same move starts walking away from the group, through the hallway and possibly to her first class.

"See you later," Beck tells everyone with a smile before he follows her.

"N'aw. Why don't I have my first class with them?" Cat asks sadly as the bell rings.

The rest of the group also breaks apart and Andre and Tori start walking to their first class. Well, and Tori can definitely trust Andre not to taunt her for not knowing and she does want to know more about this and Andre must be able to tell, so she says: "I didn't know they have a child."

"You didn't?" Andre asks surprised and as she shrugs, he continues: "Huh. I guess we haven't talked about him much recently. That's weird. They used to bring him every day last year. Jade's Mom still had to work at day as well back then and they had long talks with the school, after they knew they wanted to keep him, to make sure it could be done and Jade wouldn't have to take a year off school or something. She only took one month off and then Benji was always with one of them during school. But he slowly got more mobile and couldn't just sleep in their arms for a whole lesson anymore and Jade's Mom succeeded in being transferred to only deal with clients from other countries with different time zones this year, which is why she works in the evenings. So she usually takes care of him over the day and Jade and Beck do it after. Beck's parents are also involved as much as they can be and take care of him when Jade's Mom's sick or on business trips which usually last longer now than before, I think, as she has to travel to much farther places. Well, but that's usually when Beck's parents come in. Or when Beck and Jade both have to stay in school longer. You know, for a play or something. Or for other school events where they can't really bring him."

Tori has to process those informations. She can't even imagine how they are making that work. They have to be exhausted, going to school full time and then still taking care of a child after. Being responsible for it. Or even taking care of it at school for the first few months of the baby's life.

"That's amazing," Tori says. "When did they have him?"

Andre doesn't have to think long about that: "Seventh of March last year. Jade stayed home until after Spring break with him and learned for school at home. They were both sixteen and they didn't even date for a year when she got pregnant."

They arrive in the classroom and sit down in their chairs and Andre looks at a few giggling girls not far away from them as he continues: "I remember how many girls said she only got pregnant to keep him bound to her forever. Some of them were really cruel to her. But she told them that she wouldn't potentially ruin her future with having a child at her age to bind some guy to her she may hate in a year. She was right of course. As if she would've planned something like that."

To be honest, Tori could've imagined Jade doing something like that, the way she behaves with Beck. On the other hand... It's not like she's stupid. Yes, why should she risk ruining her future just like that, after they haven't even been dating for a year, just to keep him. She definitely also could've started hating him somewhere along the lines. But she didn't.

"But they're still together," she notices which is a tall order. She knows that even older couples sometimes have trouble keeping together as having a child changes so much.

Andre nods. "It was tough though. They broke up during the pregnancy for a week or something. And then again, when Benji was... two months old or something. For a month back then. I think they got back together during our finals. I remember how they sometimes didn't even exchang a word while they gave Benji to the other one."

Tori raises her eyebrows, surprised yet again: "They still both took care of him?" Though they were broken up and possibly fought even more than now?

"Yeah, definitely," Andre says. "I don't think it would've worked otherwise. Even like that, both of them were so stressed all the time." He hesitates for a second, then, with a low voice: "But it also seemed important to Jade. Her own father isn't... the best, you know. And she always wanted Beck to take care of his son. And Beck obviously also wanted Jade and him both to be in the life of their child. Well... After a month, they realized that they loved each other despite all the difficulties and got back together. Their relationship has been better since then. They still fight, as you already know, but... They also keep together."

That's impressive. Suddenly, Tori thinks she was right in believing Jade wanted to break up with Beck only a few days ago. But possibly, she thought about Benji and about both of them loving each other despite everything and she hasn't broken up because of that. And Beck saw that in her eyes, needed a few seconds to calm down himself but then followed her because yes, he loves her despite everything. And they probably talked it out after that because they want to be with each other, also having a child with each other and everything.

Right before the teacher comes into the room, Tori says: "I can't believe I know them for one and a half months now and haven't known they have a child."

Andre just shrugs with a light smile.



Their period right before lunch is study hall for the whole school, where they get time to practice and rehearse for their creative classes, where teachers can put extra rehearsals into with everyone having time to attend, where every teacher is supposed to be available for their students for extra advice.

They have another rehearsal for Uptown, Downtown this time and it's only in the theater that Tori sees Benji again.

Beck sits in one of the chairs with him on his lap, the big bag Jade has carried with her in the morning next to him and his own bag. Robbie and Rex talk to Benji with him watching curiously and Beck smilingly stroking his hair. Andre also stands with them and listens to Robbie.

"Hey, everyone," Tori greets them and they answer her greeting before Andre asks: "Ready for rehearsal?"

"Definitely," she answers because she is. But at the moment, she is again much more thinking about Benji. She has almost forgotten about him in her first lessons as she hasn't seen him. But there sits Beck with his son on his lap, looking so damn used to it, just like everyone in the theater looks used to having Benji there. None of the other students in the room look at the small boy weirdly or anything. Well, Andre has said he has been in school with Beck and Jade for over half a year, apparently every single day.

"What will he do while we rehearse?" Tori now asks curiously, also asking herself how they managed for half a year if they still did plays and everything. Though it's only after she asks that she guesses their friends and possibly the teacher were also able to take him during rehearsal for different scenes, and for the performance of course their parents would take him out of their hands.

Beck shrugs as he answers: "Well, Jade and I don't have many scenes together. The other one can keep him busy during it."

Okay, that's true for this play. They don't have many scenes together and it will be easy to keep their son between them.

And that's the moment, Jade walks into the theater, putting her bag down next to Beck's and Benji promptly stretches his arms to her as he sees her, squealing: "Mama."

Jade rolls her eyes. "Why don't you stay with your daddy a little while longer?"

Benji probably doesn't understand her but gets that her crossed arms mean she isn't about to take him. The corners of his mouth drop down and in the next second his whole face scrunches up and he starts crying.

"N'aw, Mommy will take you," Beck promptly promises him, rubbing his back, and Jade may roll her eyes again but does take him then.

Benji doesn't calm down in an instant but Jade turns slightly away as she starts rocking him and whispering something to him that Tori can't hear and which finally makes him become calmer again. And this makes Jade look so much like a mother. Though Tori still can't believe it. She can't believe Beck is already a father but she can believe even less that Jade is a mother. And apparently a very caring one as she otherwise also probably wouldn't have the child anymore, especially at her age.

Their director comes in, pretty much as soon as Benji has calmed down and lies in Jade's arm exhausted, and directly wants to get started.

They are supposed to do the first scene and Beck kisses Jade while he rubs Benji's back with his hand, then he goes to the stage.

Beck and Jade truly can hand the boy over to the other one most of the time (and Benji doesn't insist with staying with one of them). In today's rehearsal they only share one scene for which Beck gives the child to Robbie who isn't in that same scene and who doesn't even seem to want to pick up Rex like he otherwise does as soon as he doesn't have to be in character anymore.

Benji keeps silent mostly. He has his pacifier in his mouth and seems even sleepy in between.

He does apparently watch the scene, Tori has with just Robbie and Beck where she is about to decide between them. First, she talks to Robbie and then, the lights go to Beck and Benji instantly and happily says: "Dada!"

He babbles some more and Tori has to look into his direction. He sits on Jade's lap who has her phone in one of her hands, apparently not interested in their scene. Now, she rubs over the boy's belly and Tori clearly hears her whisper: "Sh, baby. Your daddy has to do a scene."

"Concentration," the director warns and Tori knows it's her that is meant with that.

She quickly looks into her script and then says her line: "I don't know."

Beck easily answers, doesn't seem distracted by his son at all and Tori tries her best to follow suit. Apparently, Jade also succeeds in calming Benji down again, and everything goes well until the cue for the lights come and Sinjin instead turns on some disco music with the lights for it.

While everyone turns around to him confused, Jade promptly stands up, holding Benji in front of her with her hand between his legs, turning around and angrily asking: "What up with the disco?"

Tori definitely wouldn't have raised her voice like that in front of any child but apparently, Benji doesn't mind all that much. Instead, he seems pretty interested in the situation, just starts hopping up and down in his mother's arms.

"I'm sorry. I hit the wrong thing," Sinjin defends himself but Jade answers almost screaming: "No! Seventeen years ago, your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!"

And with that she sits back down, huffing slightly as she gets back on her phone.

The director quickly stands up, checking his own phone: "Well, why don't we take a break? Tori, Beck, you were great, though, Tori, you have to watch not getting distracted by anything."

Tori nods. She has realized that.

Robbie stands up from the seat he has taken, Rex on his hand. "How was I?"

"I've seen worse," the director says. Yikes. That's not nice.

Tori wants to ask Beck if the director always is like that (she hasn't worked with him before and Robbie isn't that bad) when Jade stands up again, holding Benji almost carelessly again and yet somehow secure, as she looks at her phone and saying: "Guys, guys, everyone shut up a second."

She moves further into the middle of the room and everyone else does as well as Beck asks: "What you got?"

"An e-mail from Principal Eikner," Jade answers and Tori has to ask: "That says?"

Wow. If Tori would've thought about it beforehand, she probably would've been sure Jade couldn't use her glare as well with her child in her arms. Well... She is able to use it and it somehow seems even scarier this way.

Only slowly, she turns back to her phone after she has glared at Tori, then she reads the e-mail that says that Sophia Michelle will attend the opening night performance of their play.

"Who's Sophia Michelle?" Tori asks, seeing everyone else's excitement.

"Oh, no, no, no," Jade instantly makes, takes her son in the arm with which hand she also holds her phone and then she grabs Beck's hand with her free one and drags him with her back to her chair where she sits down.

"What?" Tori asks.

Beck starts massaging Jade's shoulders lightly as if to calm her down while she says annoyed: "She gets to be the lead and she doesn't even know who Sophia Michelle is."

Robbie explains that she is the playwright and Jade is long back on her phone when the director comes back in and tells them they have to be even better now. He leaves when Rex reminds him of Robbie being a prominent role in the play and suddenly, Sinjin turns the disco music back on.

Jade is on her feet in a second. "Will you kill the disco?"

Sinjin claims that nobody can kill disco which makes not only give Jade an exaggarated groan but Sinjin does turn it off again.

Beck meanwhile takes Benji out of Jade's arms, his copy of the play still also in his hand.

"And? What did you think of that scene?" he asks him as if they didn't get interrupted by that whole disco incident.

But while Benji has been all excited when the lights has gone on Beck, he now seems rather tired again, just leans against his shoulder without a noise.

Jade smirks as she sits back down on her chair, picking up her copy of the play on which she has sat before. "Obviously he was pretty much bored by the scene."

Beck pouts. "Is that true, Benji? That makes me sad. But you like scenes with your mommy much better, huh?"

"Of course, he does," Jade claims, still smirking and Beck leans down with a smile and they share a short kiss.

The director comes back and declares the break for ended and they get back to work. They barely get anything done though. The director is way too unnerved, gives weird advice, and then there's already the bell for lunch.

Tori hears Jade telling Beck that he should get her some food while she will go change Benji. She wonders where she will change him – she will find out the next day that apparently they are allowed to change him in Lane's office, just like they can lay him down there after lunch for a nap with Lane watching over him.

But now, Tori remembers that Cat and she have agreed during the weekend already that they would go eat out of school today, and so she goes to ask her if that's still happening. She isn't sure if Cat still wants to eat lunch just with her with Benji around and Cat obviously wanting to spend time with the boy.

But Cat agrees instantly again – and somehow makes Tori agree being her model for some scary make up.



She briefly sees Benji at the end of school day again as Beck straps him into the baby seat in the back of his car while Jade sits down in the front passenger's seat.

This is really crazy. Beck and Jade actually have a child. They are barely seventeen and they have a one-year-old son together. And she already knows them for one and a half months but hasn't known about Benji up until now. She can't believe it.

The next morning, Benji of course is back and everyone in their group of friends again talks happily to him before class in front of Jade's locker.

"I'll have him for first class, yes?" Beck asks as the bell rings.

Jade nods and so, Andre who has had Benji in his arms, hands him to Beck again. He also already has the big bag for Benji over his shoulder and Tori, who has the same first class, now asks: "Can I take something?"

"No, thanks," Beck says and he and Jade share a kiss before the group breaks apart again. Tori walks to class with Beck. It's History for them and Tori's excited to see how Benji will behave. She hasn't shared an actual class with him yet, where they are expected to sit quiet and listen.

Mrs. Turner smiles as she comes in and sees Benji. Apparently, she hasn't seen him in the hallway before.

"I've heard he would be around again," she says. "Oh, and look how you have grown."

Benji isn't as excited as he has been when every one of their group of friends has greeted him in the morning. He looks rather sceptical to their teacher but she smiles nonetheless and starts the lesson without further ado.

Beck keeps Benji on his lap the whole lesson through. First, the boy grabs one of Beck's pens and for a second it seems like he wants to scribble all over Beck's paper like Beck himself writes on it, then he just puts it into his mouth and Beck takes it out and gives him a toy out of his bag. It's some rattle with which Benji shortly and happily makes a few noises which makes some other students look and partly smile in his direction as well as the teacher, then he starts biting on it. That also explains the bite marks on the rattle and apparently, Beck has pulled it out exactly for that or at least allows Benji to do it as he doesn't pull the rattle out of his mouth.

There isn't much else, Benji does. He seems satisfied with his rattle, curiously looks around from Beck's lap but keeps silent mostly, babbles a few times in between but Beck always softly whispers something in his ear and makes him calm down with that again.

"He's so well behaved," Tori says as soon as the class ends and everyone packs up their things.

Beck smiles. "Well, he has his good and his bad days. He's extremely easy at the moment over the day."

He doesn't look like he can be anything but easy. Maybe, he's like Beck in a lot of ways, pretty relaxed and calm. Tori wonders if that means he also has phases where he's like Jade, angry and loud.



They go to their acting class together where Jade, Andre and Cat are already standing together, talking.

This time, Benji doesn't have to strech his arms out for Jade and cry for her, she directly takes him out of Beck's arms as they share a kiss.

"Have you learned much about our country's history?" she asks the little boy with a smirk and then nods which makes Benji nod as well. Beck chuckles and plants a kiss on her temple before both of them sit down and Jade lets Benji down on the floor. He's already curiously looking around again, and now he starts toddling through the room, falling down every now and then, but he doesn't start crying at any point, instead he directly stands up again and keeps going.

Cat sits down on one of the chairs and tries to get his attention. "Wanna play something, Benji? Come on. Play something with me."

Benji doesn't even look in her direction though but through the whole room, to the board and the walls.

Beck smiles and gets the rattle out of the bag he has given Benji in their ealier class as well and has then packed up again with his own things.

"Try this," he says and throws the rattle to Cat. Benji instantly turns as he hears the noise and looks happily to Cat as she starts rattling it.

Tori has to smile herself as she sees the bright grin in Benji's face. He's so adorable.

She looks further to Beck and Jade. Beck has put his arm back around Jade, Jade leans against him and both watch Benji as he now walks over to Cat on unstable legs.

And in that moment, as they sit there, watching their son... They do look like parents in a way. Which is so weird.

Benji meanwhile has stopped in front of Cat and reaches for the rattle that Cat suddenly throws a few feet away. "Go get it, Benji," she says.

Benji does turn and toddles in the direction of the rattle but Jade warningly says: "Cat! He's not a dog."

Tori is more than glad that she's not Cat, the way Jade glares at her, but Cat returns the look innocently. "But it looks so cute how he walks."

Which is true, it's adorable how he walks to the toy, then stoops almost falling down to pick it up and then stumbles back to Cat, babbling excitedly.

Jade threatens though: "If you do that again, I'm sure you won't walk again."

"Phui!" Cat makes and truly doesn't throw the rattle again as Benji gives it back. Benji is already uninterested in it anyway. He stumbles forward and up the stage and still looks around with pretty much the whole class watching and smiling about him, when Sikowitz finally comes in.

He directly scoots Benji up without the child protesting. "Little Benji is finally visiting again. Hello there."

Benji babbles something, only shortly looking at him, then looking around again but not wriggling himself free out of Sikowitz' arm.

"I have an idea," Sikowitz says. "Why doesn't everybody improvise a scene with Benji?"

"No," Jade instantly and darkly says. "Nobody is improvising with my son except Beck and me."

For a second, Tori wonders about that rule of Jade's but then she realizes how many girls are in the class and possibly, she doesn't even want them to touch her child, but she probably especially doesn't want them to improvise being Benji's mother, potentially with keeping Beck the father.

Sikowitz shrugs. "Then you do a scene with him."

Both Beck and Jade stand up but Sikowitz says: "Just Jade."

Beck still plants a kiss on Jade's temple before he sits back down and Jade moves to the front.

Sikowitz hands Benji to her as they pass each other and Sikowitz sits down in the back, saying: "Okay. Be a Southern grandma, explaining to this class why you hate today's youth and how you will raise your grandchild, little Benji, differently."

"Fine," Jade says, takes a deep breath and then gets started, in a deep Southern accent, sounding like an old woman as she tells them, how awful they all are.

But barely anyone really listens to her words because she has just said a few of them when Benji suddenly looks at her confused, almost shocked. That's definitely not how he expects his mother to talk.

A few of them have to laugh while Cat says: "N'aw. He doesn't know what's going on."

He doesn't. Jade doesn't get distracted because of it though. But after a while, she does turn to him and tells him in that weird accent that she will do better by him and as soon as she addresses him, he starts cackling as if she has told him the best joke in the world just now.

Everybody joins in as if they can help themselves with the way, Benji laughs. Even Jade may keep talking but also has to smile and tries to work it into her role when Sikowitz already interrupts, standing back up: "Ah, the beautiful sound of a child's laughter. Thank you, Jade. Very well."

He takes Benji out of her arms again which she allows as she gets back to her chair and sits down. Instantly, Beck puts his arm back around her and she leans into him.

Meanwhile, Sikowitz decides: "Lets talk about comedy with this asset here." He tickles Benji which makes him laugh.

They do talk about comedy that whole lesson through, Benji sitting in Sikowitz' arms without complaints through it all, sometimes curiously watching their teacher, other times just looking around, one time noticing his parents as if he has forgotten they were there and squealing excitedly which makes Beck wave at him.

The bell rings and most of the class leave immediately while their group of friends hang back.

"He has grown so much in the last few months," Sikowitz notices as he hands him over to Jade again and it's Andre who answers: "It's crazy, huh? Every time I see him, I'm surprised how much time has gone by."

And it's weird because Andre, Cat and Robbie possibly have seen Benji and have hold him when he has just been born. They are actually seeing him grow up almost as much as Beck and Jade do. At least if they also see the small boy outisde of school every now and then which Tori suspects they do, even if she hasn't met him for her first one and a half months of friendship with everyone. She also has barely met them outisde of school yet. She wonders how much Benji is around there, how much she will see of the little boy that suddenly is also part of her life because she's friends with Beck and possibly also Jade.

"He really grows up so fast," Beck agrees, stroking his child's hair in Jade's arms.

Jade rolls her eyes. "You all are way too nostalgic." She takes one of Beck's hands in her free one and pulls him with him to leave.

The others tell Sikowitz good bye before they follow them out the room but soon enough they all go their own ways again.