Adventure in Zootopia

Chapter 4

Tricked by the Bunny

It's been a long time, but I thought I would update this.

LanceJZ: Yeah, I remembered seeing that, but Max doesn't know that they are lemmings, they look like gerbils to her and this is in her point of view. Cool that you like my story though.

Numbet1ebaystoregmail: Glad you like it.

Jack905: Glad you think so. Hope you like this.

I was resting in my chair, my hood over my face to keep the sun out. It was bright and I was under the bridge to block it out. I still wore the same hoodie, but I was wearing newer jeans and a green shirt underneath, which couldn't be seen.

"Hey, knock, knock!"

I blinked at Nick's teasing voice. I pushed the hood down to my shoulders and looked at him. There was a wide smirk on his muzzle, his green eyes gleaming. I asked. "Yeah?"

"Time for work."

I groaned, rubbing my face tiredly. It was comforting that he didn't flinch when he looked at my human face. Like looking at my unusual face was usual. "Now, Nick?"

He nodded, pulled me up by grabbing my wrist. I stood, towering over him. He said. "Yep, Finnick is waiting with the van. C'mon."

I stretched, standing taller for a moment. "Okay, fine."

I walked with him to the road. "So, what's today's job?"

He shrugged, his hands in his pants pockets. He usually wore the same thing, tan pants with a Hawaiian type button-down light green shirt with a tie loosely around his neck (today it was blue). "Tricking people with Finny as a little kid. I just need you to come with, walking off to the side, not near us, but in case something happens…"

I nodded. "Got it." We've done that con before. He'd walk on the sidewalk and I walk closer to the curb, acting like I wasn't with them or didn't know them.

We met at the van. I opened the car door and got inside, sliding it shut. Nick went to the front with Finnick. I just sat quietly, still a little tired. I stayed up last night, pick pocketing a lot of people, the dark making it easier depending on who I robbed.

I found it wise to attack those who had no night vision. So, remembering animals that did have it was important. I made some good money. I was getting hungry last night, so I wanted something to eat.

We got Finnick in the pink carriage and I snickered as they wheeled down the sidewalk. Finnick snapped sharply. "Shut up, damn kid!"

I still smirked, though I narrowed my eyes in his direction. I didn't like being called a kid. Nick said with a laugh. "Calm down, both of you. You'll ruin the job."

I huffed, walking on the curb and making sure no to look like I was with them. I then heard Finnick start to snore and I chuckled under my breath. From people talking, there was some type of commotion in Little Rodentia, that something loud to do with cops happened. I didn't hear much about it. I suddenly heard a car behind me, which made me move over to the sidewalk and look behind me. My eyes widened in surprise, before rolling in annoyance. "Hey, Nick. Look who's back." It was the bunny cop, and she had a little car, which was slow.

He glanced over and he seemed to shake his head a little. I muttered. "Looks like the bunny doesn't give up."

He gave a loud snort of agreement, playing oblivious, like he didn't know she was following us. Nick moved the shaded part of the stroller to cover Finnick.

As the car drove closer, I moved to the other side of Nick. It's not like she didn't know I was with Nick. The cop called out. "Hi! Hello! It's me, again!"

Nick smiled down at her. "Hey, It's Officer Toot Toot."

She gave a false laugh, shaking her…paw at us? "Ah…no. It's Officer Hopps and I'm here to ask you some questions about a case."

Nick smirked. "What happened, Meter Maid? Did someone steal a traffic cone. It wasn't me."

I gave out a loud snort, walking ahead. "I think that's out of her jurisdiction, Nick. She can only write tickets, not look into why she gives them out."

He let out a laugh, following me and speeding ahead of her. I could feel her glare, but it was hard being scared of a little bunny. Right before we were going to turn into an alley, she sped in front of us with sirens blaring. I shifted from foot to foot. I didn't like being around people…or animals who didn't know my true face, which was only Nick and with the people we conned, I wasn't near them much and Finnick cared only that he got money.

I tugged the edge of my hood more over my face. Nick sounded annoyed. "Hey, Carrots! You're gonna wake the baby. We have to get to work."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, so let us go. We didn't do whatever it is your investigating."

Hopps moved from her car. "We'll see about that. This is important, sir…ma'am. I think your ten dollars worth of popsicles can wait."

I guess she was trying to guess my gender by my voice with the hoodie covering my face and my baggy looking clothes. She might remember Nick calling me a 'she' before, but who knows? I then smirked widely at what she said. That would cause a rant from Nick, I knew it. She had her pad and a carrot pen in hand, which was amusing.

"Ha! I make 200 bucks a day, Fluff. 365 days a year since I was 12. And time is money. Also, with my buddy here, probably more than that now, so hop along."

Hopps sighed and I beamed with pride at what he said. She said. "Please, just look at the picture."

I nodded. "Alright, sooner we do, the sooner we can go."

Nick nodded his head and Hopps showed us her picture. "You both sold Mr. Otterton a popsicle, right? Do you know him?"

Nick sent her an amused stare. "I know everyone. I also know somewhere, a toy store is missing its stuffed animal, so why don't you get back to your box."

I grinned. "Listen, just go away and play pretend cop somewhere else." I felt slightly bad, but we needed to move on and she wouldn't stop. She had a serious grudge from before and it was annoying me and no doubt, Nick too.

She narrowed her eyes at us, putting the photo away. "Fine, then we have to do this the hard way."

My head went down to the floor when a clicking sound was heard. There was a yellow thing snapped on one of the stroller's front wheel's.

Nick's voice was filled with disbelief. "Did you just boot my stroller?"

"Nicholas Wilde and your friend, you both are under arrest!"

I stared at her with disbelief, which she could see my head look at her, but not my face. For what?

Nick was back to being amused. "For what? Hurting your feelings."

I laughed a little at the mocking tone for his second sentence. Though I was uneasy at her smug look. I stared at her warily.

She replied bluntly. "Felony Tax Evasion."

I knew what that was, we had it in our world. I said, staring at Nick's face. "Nick…"

He shushed me harshly, staring at her. Judy opened her book, writing something. "Yeah, 200 dollars a day, 365 days a year since you were twelve, that's two decades so times 20…that's one million, four hundred and sixty thousand, I think." She let out a sarcastic laugh. "I mean, I am just a dumb bunny…but we are good at multiplying. Anyway, according to your tax forms, you reported, let's see here…0! Unfortunately lying on a federal form is a punishable offense. Five years jail time."

I blinked a couple of times from the onslaught of information, almost too horrified to speak. "Wait, what am I being arrested for?"

She stared at me. "Simple. Helping Mr. Wilde in the evading of his taxes by helping him."

Nick thankfully did speak, sounding confident and crossing his arms across his chest. "Well, it's my word against yours."

She then pressed something on the pen, showing that it recorded saying what he did with the popsicles and including me in it. "Actually, it's your word against yours."

I glared at Nick, why'd he have to mention me? Hopps' voice was just as smug. "And if you want this pen, you're both going to help me find this poor, missing otter or the only place you'll be selling popsicles is the prison cafeteria. Sure, your friend will have a lesser sentence than you, but it still warrants some jail time."

I felt my body stiffen in fear, they'd see my face then and I don't want to go to jail. I then felt myself get angry at this cop, she was ruining our lives. I just want to navigate this world and somehow get home. I glared. "My so called crimes are small. What's stopping me from getting out of here?"

She put her paws on her hips. "The reports that match your description as the thief that we've been trying to find and if you help me find the otter, it is very possible you can be exempted from said crimes."

I gaped, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. I-we were being blackmailed. I looked toward Nick. "Nick!"

He was just as silent, staring at her in shock, shocked that he was tricked by someone he looked at as a dumb bunny. I was annoyed at Nick for agitating this cop, but realized I also had a hand in that too.

Hopps then smirked. "It's called a hustle, sweetheart."

I glared harsher in her direction. I hate her. I hate her so much.

I heard Finnick's deep, but amused voice. "She hustled you." He moved the covering from his head, laughing loudly. "She hustled you two good!" He moved out of the stroller, grabbing Nick's tie. "You're a cop now, Nick. You too, Kid! You'll be needing one of these." He smacked a sticker badge on Nick's chest.

He jumped down, walking into the alley. "Have fun…working with the fuzz!"

I glared at him sullenly and his laughter. Normally I would bicker about him calling me a kid, but I was in no mood for it. Speaking of my mood, any way I felt bad was gone now, that stupid bunny! How can something so cute be so manipulative?

Hopps turned to us. "Start talking."

Nick rolled his eyes. "I don't know where he is."

Hopps turned toward me. "What about you?"

I scowled. "Me neither, don't even recognize him, Officer Cottontail."

She narrowed her eyes. "Don't call me that."

Nick cut in. "I did see where he went."

Hopps brightened up. "Great, let's go."

I saw Nick smirk in amusement. "It's not exactly a place for, uh… a cute little bunny."

"Don't call me cute. Get in the car."

Nick shrugged, still amused. "Okay, you're the boss."

Nick gave me a reassuring grin, nodding toward the car. He passed me, patting me on the back. I followed him. He went in the car and I sat on the back of it, as my head would bump the ceiling of the car if I went inside.

We moved along to where Nick said it was.

He moved along and this thing was slow. Like really slow. "This is slow."

Hopps told me. "Just be quiet."

About five minutes later. "Man, this is the car you get. I guess that's that you get, being a meter maid 'n all."

"Shut up, already! We're almost there."

Nick chuckled and I sighed dramatically. "Well, if you say so…"

She grumbled. "Stop acting like a child!"

I couldn't help the wide smirk on my face and tugged the hood more over my face. Nick laughed loudly. I couldn't help it, she was blackmailing me, I was going to make her miserable doing it at the very least.

In my opinion, she deserved that much. Finally, we arrived and we got out, walking through a door that was just beads in the open entryway. Music was playing, it was a calming type of music. I followed them, ducking my head a little. Nick came to my upper arm, Hopps to my waist. I followed behind them, tugging on my hood to cover my head more.

This place was dimly lit with a glowing purple fountain off to the side. We walked on a rug and saw an animal sitting at a desk, looking to be doing stereotypical meditation. His chest was bare which was strange for animals in this world.

He reminded me of those peace people from my world. His hair was long and shaggy and in his face, covering his eyes. The gross thing was, he had a bunch of flies surrounding his head. And he had horns on the side of his head. I really didn't know what kind of animal he was.

We went up to the desk. He was making these 'om' sounds and we just stared. Hopps then cleared her throat. "Hi? Hello?"

She kept on calling him, louder than before until he stopped and looked at her with a jolt. Well, she's persistent. I'll give her that. She said brightly. "Hello, my name is…"

He interrupted her. "You know, I'm going to hit the pause button right there…because we're all good on Bunny Scout Cookies."

I snickered and Hopps shook her head. "Uh…no. I'm Officer Hopps, ZPD. I'm looking for a missing mammal, Emmitt Otterton, who may have frequented this establishment."

He gasped, sneezing and scattering the flies around him. I grimaced and took a big step back, wrinkling my nose so I was behind Nick, who was behind the cop.

The animal laughed. "Hm. Yeah, old Emmitt. Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. But, hey, you should talk to his yoga instructor. I'd be happy to take you back."

I leaned down a little, whispering to Nick. "Why are you smirking?"

He had his 'I'm messing with you' smirk on his face, a look I hated when it was directed at me and at my expense. He said lowly back. "You'll see."

Hopps sent us a look, but went back to the helpful mammal.

She said happily. "Oh, thank you so much. I'd appreciate it so much…oh, you're naked!"

I blinked in surprise, oh he was. Like I said, it didn't bother me. Animals are supposed to be naked from where I'm from and her reaction was amazing. The animal turned and grinned at her. "Oh, for sure! We're a Naturalist Club!"

I bit my lip from laughing, it was like those naked beaches they had at home. A twinge in my chest hurt at the thought and I shook it off. Nick was smirking wider than before, beyond amused at her reaction. He learned down to her height. "Yeah, in Zootopia, anyone can be anything. These guys, they be naked."

I patted her on the head. "Come on, it'll be fine. I mean, if you can handle it."

She glared at me. "Stop that! Let's go."

Sweet revenge.

The calm animal in front of us opened the doors. "Nangi is on the other side of the Pleasure Pool."

Hopps looked on horrified and I smiled as we looked at all the animals, naked as if they were in the wild. There was an area for a mud pool, a water pool, trees scattered about and all kinds of animals in the different areas.

Nick leaned toward her, saying in a smug tone. "Does this make you uncomfortable? Because if so, there is no shame in calling it quits."

Hopps then looked determined. "Yes, there is." She walked inside more.

Nick snorted. "Boy, that's the spirit."

I sighed. "She's very stubborn."

Nick shrugged. "She has to give up at some point."

I sighed again. "I guess."

Nick patted my side. "Don't worry, we won't go to jail."

"If you say so."

"I know so, come on."

We followed Hopps and the calm animal I still didn't know by species. "Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird, but you know what I say is weird? Clothes on animals!" We all walked around, Hopps cringing at the posing naked animals. Soon we came to an elephant, a giraffe, hippo and zebra posing with their legs spread. "Here we are."

I grimaced at that, looking away. Now, that was too much. We stopped in front of the elephant. "As you can see, Nangi is an elephant. So, she'll totally remember everything. Hey Nangi! These dudes have some questions about Emmitt the otter."

She looked down at us. "Who?"

The animal with dreads said. "Emmitt Otterton? Been coming to your yoga class for six years."

Nangi said dully. "I have no memory of this beaver."

Hopps came forward. "He's an otter, actually."

The calm one said. "He was here a couple of Wednesdays ago, remember?"


"Yeah, he was wearing a green cable-knit sweater vest and a new pair of corduroy slacks."

I said to Hopps with my eyebrows raised (which she couldn't see), but it was in my tone. "You want to write this down?"

"Oh, and a paisley tie, sweet Windsor knot. Real tight, remember that Nangi?"

Hopps grabbed her pad, writing what he was saying. I was just wondering why we were talking to Nangi if the hairy animal remembered all this.

The elephant had the same tone and answer as before. "No."

"Yeah, we both walked him out and he got into this big old white car with a silver trim. Needed a tune-up. The third cylinder wasn't firing. Remember that, Nangi?"


The bunny cop stammered as I watched the conversation in disbelief. "Uh, you didn't happen to catch the license plate, did you?"

The animal that seemed to remember everything, but not thinking he did said. "Oh, for sure. It was 2-9-T-H-D-0-3."

Hopps muttered the last two numbers and beamed at him. "This is a lot of great information. Thank you."

"Told you Nangi has the mind of a steel trap. I wish I had the mind of an elephant."

I sent him a dry look. "Yes, that is too bad."

Nick was fiddling with his tie as we left, Hopps looked all too happy to leave, as a spring was in her step. I don't know if that was because of the naked animals or her clue. I shut the door behind us, the sunlight shining, but it was later than before.

Nick said. "Well, this was a ball. You are welcome for the clue and seeing how any moron can run a plate…we will take that pen and bid you adieu."

I grinned at that, I understood she was trying to do her job and all, but I wanted no part in it and being blackmailed made me angry, especially over something I had no control over. Doing what I did with Nick saved my life. Plus, getting to know Nick and even Finnick, they were my friends, the only ones I had in this place.

Hopps then looked aggravated. "The plate! I can't run a plate. I'm not in the system yet."

I frowned in confusion. What does that mean?

Nick sounded annoyed, waving his paw. "Give me the pen, please."

She smirked. "What was that you said? Any moron can run a plate? Gosh, if only there were a moron around who were up to the task."

I scowled, taking a step forward before stopping myself. She was a cop, I didn't even want to know how much trouble I would be for doing that.

She didn't seem to notice my threatening step. Nick threw his hands up. "Rabbit, I did what you asked. You can't keep me-keep us on the hook forever."

I nodded. "Nick's right. You're the cop, you need to find this guy yourself."

She just said. "Not forever. Well, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case. Plus, with the both of you and me, we'll find him quickly and then we can go our own ways. So, can you run the plate or not?" She waved the pen in the air.

I looked at Nick after sighing in defeat, she was worse than my mother and my mother was very stubborn. "Do you know a way?"

Nick then smiled. "I just remembered I know a guy in the DMV."

/ / / / / /

We arrived at the DMV (something I remembered from back home and I hope it wasn't like it was at home) in her tiny little fake police car.

We got out and I pulled my hood closer to covering most of my face, the shadow the hood gave stopped the humane animals from seeing my lower face. Nick said as we walked toward the doors to the DMV. "Flash is the fastest guy in there. If you need something done, he's on it."

The doors automatically opened and we went inside. Hopps said. "I hope so, we are really fighting the clock and every minute counts."

I just followed along silently. I then stared and tried to fight the grin on my face. Every single attending person was a sloth. The stereotypes are real. I've meet some sloths (mostly in the grocery store), but they are really slow.

Hopps stopped short and I almost bumped into her. "Wait! They're all sloths!?"

They were doing everything very slowly. From stamping papers, to taking photos and stapling papers together. Hopps snapped at Nick. "You said this was going to be quick!" She turned to me. "Did you know?"

I shrugged, smiling. "I never been here before."

We walked toward the desks in the back of the building. Nick grinned, putting a hand to his chest. "Are you saying that because he's a sloth, he can't be fast? I thought in Zootopia anyone can be anything."

I smirked. "You shouldn't be so judgmental, Officer."

She was steaming, but ignored the both of us. We walked over to the desk to where I think Flash was. I never met him before, but Nick was steering us in that direction. Luckily, he had no waiting animals. Hopps was in the middle of Nick and me, the desk wide enough for us all to fit comfortably. Nick called. "Flash, Flash, hundred-yard dash! Buddy, it's nice to see you."

Flash smiled slowly. "Nice to…see you…too."

Nick turned toward us. "Hey Flash, I'd love for you to meet my friends, Max…and, darlin', I forgot your name."

She gave him a sarcastic laugh as I gave a wave. Hopps stiffened at attention, putting her paws on her hips. "Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD, how are you?" She said it all quickly in one breath.

Flash took a breath, clad in a green button-down shirt and blue and red stripped tie. "I am…doing just…"

Hopps or Judy leaned on the desk. "Fine?"

"…as well…as I can be. What…"

Judy started forward, but Nick grinned. "Hang in there."

I didn't say anything, but watched the scene fold out in amusement. I could tell she regretted tricking us.

"…can I…do…"

"Well, I was hoping you could run a plate…"

"…for you…"

I let out a laugh, which turned into snort when Judy stared angrily at me. I shook my head a little. "Sorry."

"Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for- "


Nick was full on smirking at her, his eyes lit up in mischievous glee.

Judy said after a moment. "Well, I was hoping you could run a plate for us. We are in a really big hurry."

"Sure. What is the plate…"

"2-9-T- "


I pressed my lips together tightly, my shoulders shaking from suppressed laughter.

Judy pressed her hands on the desk. "2-9-T-H-D-0-3."

The chair creaked as he moved his talon slowly toward the computer keyboard in front of him and said very slowly. "2."

He did the rest just as slowly. "9."

Judy said quickly. "T-H-D-O-3."

I shared a look with Nick who looked even more amused than before, if that was even remotely possible. He looked back at Judy, who seemed ready to rip all of her fur out in the next second if it took any longer.

The pace was still the same. "T."



Judy said slowly. "D-O-3."


Judy nodded her head. "Mm-hm! O-3."


Judy gasped. "3!"

I looked at Nick and he looked like was going to say something that would piss Judy off. I stared at him. He couldn't really see my face, but he knew my head tilts by now. He winked and said. "Hey, Flash, wanna here a joke?"

Judy shouted. "NO!"

I laughed, hitting my head on the desk. "Nicky, you're the best!"

"I sure am, Maxie."

Flash said. "Sure."

I ignored the annoyance at what Nick said, I didn't like the name as it made me sound like a little kid and I was not a kid and I was bigger than him. But considering he was in his 30's, he was older, it was still annoying.

I lifted my head up, making sure my hood was still on. Nick was still smirking as he leaned on the counter, turning his head toward Flash. "Okay, what do you call a three-humped camel?"

Flash smiled a little. "I don't know. What do…you call a…"

Judy cringed. "…three-humped camel!"

Flash finished. "…three-humped camel?"

I was grinning, leaning on the counter with my hip. Nick told him. "Pregnant."

I snorted in amusement, laughing a little. Pun jokes were funny, they usually were the ones to make me laugh. Nick chuckled and then Flash laughed slowly, his smile spreading at a snail's pace. He slowly brought his paw to the counter with his talons tapping, laughing.

Judy said hurriedly. "Ha! Yes, very funny. Very funny!"

I looked around and had a sudden, but mischievous idea. "Hey, Flash? You have any friends you want to tell Nick's joke to?"

Nick laughed and I smacked a high five with his paw over Judy's head. Judy looked like she was going to strangle me, pressing her paws to my stomach. "Stop it! Why would you do that!"

I moved away, making sure my face wasn't visible. "Hey, calm down."

I felt a little guilt looking at her wide eyes. Then I remembered she was threatening us with jail. The guilt just about left when I thought about that. She turned to Flash before he could answer me. "Never mind that! Can we just focus on the-"

"Hey, Priscilla?"

Judy called. "Wait, wait, wait!"

The sloth slowly turned to him. Judy shouted in horror. "Oh, no!"

She replied, just as slow as him. "Yes…Flash?"

"What do…"

Judy almost wailed. "No!"

Flash continued. "…you call a-"

Judy shouted, leaning on the counter. "A three-humped camel! Pregnant! Great! Okay, we got it."

"…three-humped camel?"

Judy growled, smacking her head on the desk. Flash finished telling the joke and his friend, Priscilla laughed as slowly as he did.

Flash finished the plate number. They might be slow, but their memory was great. A piece of paper was printing out on the printer and I realized how late it was getting. This was amusing, but now I wished it would finish.

He finished cutting it from the printer at micro speed. "Here…you go- "

I watched as Judy reached across the counter, taking it. "Yeah! Hurry! Thank you! 2-9-T-H-D-0-3. It's registered to…Tundra Town Limo Service. A limo took Otterton and the limo's in Tundra Town! It's in Tundra Town!"

Nick thanked him and I waved, followed Judy who ran outside and me and Nick, following at a normal pace.

"Hurry! We have to beat the rush hour and…it's night!"

I looked at the wide smirk on Nick's face and horror on the cop's. I reacted the only way I could.

I bent double and just about roared with laughter, feeling tears fill my eyes with amusement.

Wow, there it is. I am not giving up on this and am going to try to update in the next week or two.

Also, there is no bashing of any kind, my character literally has no reason to like Judy as this is in her point of view. And she is a teenager too. I never will bash a character as an author.

Hope you liked it!