I've finally gotten to watch Pitch Perfect 2 and I've fallen for the ship Becommisser with no regrets. Without further ado here is my rendition of the epic love story that will be untold!

Against all odds the Barden Bellas became champions. They had beaten the Treblemakers as well as everyone else. They were ecstatic to finally get the recognition they deserved since all female groups don't make it very far. But they never expected to win a second time let alone a third time. Three time collegiate A Capella champions. Taking that into consideration Beca had full confidence that whatever punishment given to them couldn't be too hard to handle. Now if only she could get Chloe to chill and realize that then everything could go back to the way things were. Being silly and goofy with her weirdos and balancing her music internship too. Currently they were sitting outside the Dean's office waiting for them to be called in. After the whole incident with the president and Amy's wardrobe malfunction, it's only natural some disciplinary action would be called for. That was completely understandable. However it's not like this was on purpose so she had a feeling they would be fine. Chloe on the other hand was pacing back and forth becoming more and more distraught with every step.

"This is a travesty! We're done for I'm telling you we're done for! The Bellas will be no more I swear it to you!" Beca groaned and just shook her head. She was starting to become dizzy from watching Chloe pace back and forth so much.

"Chloe nothing bad is going to happen. It was an accident and Fat Amy apologized. Besides we're the three time A Capella champions what's the worse that could happen?" Chloe whirled around and looked at her with a frantic expression. She was about to say something when the Dean's secretary opened the door. Beca turned her gaze on the secretary and was given the pleasure of looking upon a face filled with disgust and disdain.

"Yeah well you're not pretty to look at either old hag." Beca thought to herself but didn't dare say that out loud. She didn't need another reason to be in more trouble.

"The Dean is ready to see you tramps." Tramps? Well isn't she a ray of sunshine. Chloe just shook her head and started walking towards the office. Beca let out a puff of breath and followed suit behind her motioning for the other Bellas to follow with a wave of her hand.

"Come on you guys let's go get this over with." Soon she was joined by the other Bellas following behind her. They all filed into the office and took their seats in front of the Dean and the representatives from the A Capella board of whatever organization they were from.

"You ladies have caused a lot of trouble. You've smeared the good name of Barden through the mud and caused problems for these people." The Dean trailed off and looked at them for a second before shaking his head. "Whose names I've already forgotten."

"So much for being important people if their names have been forgotten." Beca snorted to herself. The two people sitting beside him who Beca recognized as John and Gail the announcers just rolled their eyes.

"I hope you realized that your little stunt has ruined the good name of A Capella."

"Sponsors are pulling out everything is going downhill."

"You just blew everything up. Blew it up." As if to make her point well known Gail made an explosion motion with her hands that was supposed to represent the blowing it up part. Beca just turned and looked at the two of them while Chloe began hyperventilating beside her. Beca just rolled her eyes at how ridiculous they were being. She didn't understand why they were blowing it out of proportion. It's not like Amy did this on purpose nobody could prepare for something like that.

Unfortunately it seems they weren't done for the Bellas. Ohoho no not by a long shot. John looked at them while Gail rummaged through a stack of papers in front of her.

"An example must be made so you are hereby suspended from competing at the collegiate level and going on your victory tour." The Dean spoke up then causing all eyes to shift onto him.

"And you are hereby forbidden from holding auditions. We don't want your ranks to spread like a fungus."Gail made a quiet triumphant sound that made everyone look at her as she held out a black folder to the Bellas.

"Your terms of suspension are outlined in here." Beca looked over and saw Chloe walk up and grab with tears brimming in her eyes. Okay this has gotten to the point of ridiculous. She had to say something now.

"Okay can we be rational about this? Fat Amy already apologized shouldn't that be enough?" John was the next person to speak up.

"I'm sorry that this has come as a shock to you since you're all Seniors but lets face it." Gail internally groaned and shook her head as she knew where this was going. "You're just women and you'll all be pregnant soon enough." There it is she knew that was coming!

"But who's going to sing The National Anthem at the Puppy Bowl?"

"You're being replaced by the European champions Das Sound Machine. A group of professionals that know how to keep their pants on." Both John and Gail looked over at Amy with that last remark and Beca thought it was pretty rude of them.

"But this doesn't say anything about us from competing at the World's Championships." Gail's eyes lit up as she smiled and began giving the whole speal about groups from all over competing for world domination in her reporter like manner that she's used to.

"Sure you can compete but that won't help your case here." Beca looked over at them challenging them to say anything further.

"What if we win? Will you reinstate us?" Gail and John blinked and just looked at them like they were crazy.

"You beat everyone else?"

"Yeah." The two of them looked at each other and then started cracking up laughing. Beca could feel her anger starting to rise up higher but she did her best to push it down. The fact that they had the audacity to laugh at them while they were standing there was ticking her off majorly.

"Sure we'll reinstate you but it's not going to happen. They hate us the whole world hates us. No American team has ever won."

"There's a first time for everything." Beca thought to herself. With that she looked over at Chloe and the other Bellas and saw that they all had the same idea. With a silent nod to all of them they got up and filed out of the room. This was their road to redemption and it was time for them to take World's by storm. Das Sound Machine and everyone else won't know what hit them. After all nobody has met anyone quite like the Bellas before. Their epic story begins now.