Chapter 4

Takumi's amber eyes widened, staring at Leo with great interest. Leo was scrambling to grab his phone, just to shut the ear-bleedingly loud music. His foot seemed to kick it through one of the banester's poles from the second floor, making the phone plummet to its death. Takumi watched it fall, running forward to catch it. His grip managed to encircle the small device with a light thump. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before Leo started to break out laughing like a crazed maniac above him.

"What was that?!" Takumi asked, quickly taking in a deep breath of air. Leo was still laughing, and he still couldn't tell why. His gaze went down to the small device he was clutching, seeing the all too familiar Pokemon Go map. A blonde avatar whom he quickly recognized was standing in the center. Leo's laughter was dying down in the background.

"So you do play Leo… pretty competitively too…" Takumi snarled. He dropped Leo's phone on the ground, gentle enough for it ot not break, there was no way he could afford repairing that. Leo stopped laughing completely before sliding down the stair's banister in the most intimidating way Takumi thought anyone could slide down a banister.

"So you're HoshidanArcher, I presume?"

"Yes… and you're the Nohrian scum I've been fighting for weeks."

"I cannot deny that, but I'd rather you not call me scum."

"I'd rather you fuck off with that Gengar but that's your business, as is what I've been calling you for weeks."

"Weeks? You knew this whole time?"

"No… but I had a feeling whoever kept taking my gym lived in this house."

"Oh shut up you oaf!" Leo said with an exasperated sigh, bending down to pick up his phone, "If you're going to be a jerk about a video game you may as well come with me and Elise to get more of these awful monsters with Sakura."

"Why would you invite me to get stronger with you?"

"Well our little sisters are friends and I'm rather interested in seeing what you pull on me next 'HoshidanArcher'," Leo said with a smirk, wiping his phone on his jeans. Takumi glared at him before storming off towards the door, passing a man with silver hair in a low ponytail.

"Fine. Get Elise. We are Pokemon hunting now."

"But of course, Jakob could you please get Elise for me?"

"Of course Sir Leo," Jacob said with a small smile, walking off towards the direction of the girls. Leo walked towards Takumi with an outstretched hand.

"So, the battle is on?"

"...Sure. The battle is on, Nohrian scum," Takumi said with a smirk, shaking Leo's hand firmly.

The End