This is how I see their story's continuation, so go easy.
And, thanks for taking the time!
I don't own the characters, they own me.
After going through the text once more for at least the third time tonight, Nia lets out a breathy sigh and saves the document before shutting off her computer. Having to stay later than usual due to another manuscript she had to edit, Nia will have to resort to taking the bus tonight instead of walking home.
She turns her chair slightly to the right where Yen, a co-worker whom she has befriended, is still very much absorbed in the illustrations on her own computer screen. "I'm done for tonight, Yen. You heading out soon?"
Tearing her attention away from her work for a moment, Yen shrugs and reaches over to give Nia a brief hug.
Not having been used to gestures like this from other people, Nia's first couple of weeks in her new job found her a bit tense with the sense of community her new environment seems to share all the time - a stark contrast to the air of triteness her former workplace provided, but as soon as she has warmed up to Yen, Nia has been well on her way to returning friendly affections such as hugs.
"Gotta finish these first." Yen pulls away and turns back to her screen. "You take care, Nia. And, don't forget to bundle up."
"You, too. See you."
Nia gathers her things and puts on her bright red coat, which in its largeness – a couple sizes larger than she is – swallows up her upper body and extends down to her jean covered knees, a gray beanie and a pair of knitted mitts; just some of the things she used to go without, but has now become a necessity especially when the cold season began a few weeks earlier. The thermal clothes Nia has always been accustomed to seems plain and bleak as compared to the new ones she has now, but they were admittedly less complicated. She's still trying to get the hang of this life, and the several different types of clothing that's suited for whatever season and for hercondition is just one of the many things Nia is still learning about.
Usually, she is off work by late afternoon, with the sky still transitioning from deep oranges and dark mauves to the early evening shades, but the extra workload from today kept Nia from her routine, so as soon as she steps out of the building and onto the snow-covered streets of the city, two things are at once immediate. First, it's the biting chill of the wintry night that sends a shiver down Nia's spine, and without another thought, she instantly pulls her coat tighter to her middle.
But, not even the cold atmosphere can deter Nia from marveling at the sight before her: countless tiny lights adorning the stores, lampposts, and trees, and illuminating the stark white surroundings with their many different colors. She has only read about it in books and seen it in pictures, and just recently, heard about from her colleagues, but Nia is sure that this Christmas season is just about the most delightful event she has ever witnessed. Thanksgiving last month was fun and definitely filling as another friend from work invited them over to their house, and Nia sure had a lot to be thankful for, but it definitely didn't offer the warmth and sheer lightness that Christmas seemed to bring with it.
Her first year out of the borders has brought about so many changes in her life, all of them overwhelming at first, but she has learned to take all of them in stride. Reaching into her coat pocket, she pulls out her phone.
Have you had the chance to see the streets lit up at night? They all make me feel so warm and elated that it's like I'm being lit up from the inside as well.
Deeming her message suffice an explanation for what she feels right at that moment, Nia presses send and saunters over to the bus stop. There, she exchanges warm smiles with an aging woman and a teenage boy. Her phone buzzes.
I haven't, but we can take a walk around the city tomorrow evening if you're up for it.
Nia's smile as she reads the message is so big it makes her cheeks hurt from both the cold and the exertion. She knows emotions are yet to be part of him again, but she's willing to hope that it's his awareness of what he used to feel that makes him always try - for her and for them.
It has taken a lot of getting used to, this emotionally closed-off Silas, the version that she only knew before as her co-worker, just another faceless name among the crowd. There are days when she can't help but question it, her reason for staying with him – it has been months, after all – but Nia only has to remind herself the reason why he did what he did in the first place, and of the promises she made in those last moments. He's here with her, and that is what matters.
Of course, I am. And I have an appointment with Dr. Richards; she can give us important news tomorrow. Bus is here. I'll see you in a few.
The bus is fairly empty as Nia boards, and so eager is she to reach home that she immediately takes a seat towards the front, by the window where she can continue looking at the lights outside. Nia's sure Silas would have been enthralled by the same sight if he was here right now, but she has asked him to head home without her earlier - with his workplace located not really far from hers, he would always wait for her to be finished so they could walk home together, no longer afraid to be seen together in public.
Though at the same time, Nia also finds relief in not having to walk home tonight. The apartment that she now shares with Silas is only several minutes away on foot, even lesser time when using the bus, and while her work here is not so different from the one she used to have in Atmos that it shouldn't be so demanding, having to grow another person inside of her isn't exactly something that she has experienced before.
Disentangling the knot on her coat, Nia reveals her protruding stomach kept warm still by her beige wool sweater. Nia can't wait for the day that she can finally see her child - whether he or she would have blue eyes like their father, or green like hers - to hear their cries as they first come into this world, and to hold in her arms this life that she and Silas have created together. Whenever those thoughts cross her mind, warmth spreads all throughout Nia – it's a million times better than how the lights outside can make her feel.
The bus stops, interrupting Nia from her thoughts, and she watches as a man, a woman, and a young girl who seems to be their daughter board and sit across from her.
The twinkling lights outside all forgotten, Nia observes with wonder as the parents interact with their child - whispering to her ear, making her giggle uncontrollably, and placing light kisses all over her face - and she gleefully imagines her own family sharing the same joy.
But all throughout, Nia also takes notice as the man and woman subtly exchange their affection towards each other - the briefest of glances, the lightest of touches, and every brush of the man's lips to whatever part of the woman's face he could reach; they're all so fleeting and would seem insignificant to anyone who isn't paying enough attention, but Nia knows just how meaningful and loaded each and every contact meant for the lovers – for under very different circumstances before, she was able to experience the thrill of it all.
As a familiar gut-wrenching feeling comes to settle deep within her once again, something that seems to bloom every time a pair of lovers are nearby, Nia forces her eyes away from the happy family and settles on looking out the landscape of the city as it passes by in blurs of different colors, highlighting the white blanket that lays over everything in sight.
It reminds her of all the times Silas has made everything else an insignificant blur while under white blankets as he made love to and with her. During those moments, nothing else existed but the two of them. But, the couple of months with this new life have made very little difference to Silas and his cure. Not that they haven't tried, but they can only go so far as kissing, hugging and holding each other, all of which are strained and calculated on his part, acted upon routine and obligation instead of due to impulse and reaction.
Though she's aware of how fortunate the odds have been for them to make it out of the borders safely and together, Nia sometimes gives in to the thought of a future with an eternally emotionless Silas. It scares her to think that he'll never be able to reciprocate in their love the way that he used to.
But nothing scares Nia more than the thought of not being able to give to their child the family they deserve: warm, affectionate, and loving.
Silas appears from the dining area as soon as Nia's inside their door to greet her home, a blank expression on his face instead of the thrilled and intense look he used to have when they were sneaking into each other's old apartments. He readily helps her out of her coat, and puts it on the hanger .
"Welcome home, Nia," he says in a flat tone, turning to her before planting a quick kiss on her cheek, an old gesture. "I hope you're hungry, I cooked your favorite."
The mouthwatering smell of stew permeating the air reminds Nia that she hasn't eaten since lunchtime and her stomach growls as she pulls off her beanie. "I am. And, so is the little person in here." She reaches for his hand and places it on her bulge.
Silas only stares at the hand on Nia's stomach; his fingers caressing it lightly are enough proof to Nia that he would bask in bliss with her if he only could.
With the hand that's already on her, she pulls him nearer, closing what little distance there is between them, and reaches up on her toes to touch her face to his. It's only when she feels Silas' arms embracing her back that she lets out a shuddering breath of relief.
"I love you," he whispers, the monotone in his voice a perfect contrast to the conviction his words so desperately want to convey. "Please don't ever forget that."
"I won't."
So? What do you guys think?
I know this is kinda short but next chapter will be up soon :) I'm almost done writing the 4th chapter so no worries!
Thank you all, and thanks to my friends over on twitter for encouraging this little project (and pushing my ass when I get lazy and/or unimaginative), especially Kiera for helping me on research and naming and lots of other stuff. Love you all.
Hmu on twitter, kstewartvevo.