A/N: I'm sorry once again everyone for the extended absence... I have lost my laptop due to a mechanical error, and only own a flip phone. So, besides my busy schedule from school, work, and church, it's been a struggle to get access to a computer on campus. I will be putting more effort into writing and uploading chapters at a steadier rate and will disclose that information once I myself figure it out... I miss everyone and writing in general! :'(

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt.

After Mai brought his second cup Naru picked it up and walked over to Lin's office. After entering he could hear some of the others arrive and turned to make sure that he locked the door behind him. At this Lin looked up from his desk with a questioning look, although you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know him.

"Lin. I need you to see if anything is off with Mai spiritually." Naru told the man after getting closer to his desk. Lin nodded and asked one of his shiki to quietly go take a look only to find that they couldn't find the young Burnette.

"Where is she?" Lin then asked a slight frown marring his face. Naru turned as an answer to his question, knowing what Lin had encountered.

"We're leaving after I brief them," Naru said before he left the room to sit on the couch outside in the middle of some fight. Lin soon walked out of the office himself and sat next to the younger man prompting him to start.

"Quiet. We are here to get the facts of the case before we leave, not to fight about who is doing what." Naru said dryly making the room go silent mentally noting Takigawa's and Ayako's presence in the room.

"Our client is Rikuto Noburu. He is a CEO of a computer agency. He recently bought a new home on the outskirts of Ohan in the Ochi District from the Shimane Prefecture. The client has experienced rapping noises, flickering lights, lost power in mobile devices such as phones, flashlights, and watches. However recently while he was trying to move new furniture in, one of the workers was slammed into a wall. Afterward, he started to see a dark figure stand in the corner of the living room around noon. In the middle of the night 'Leave' is written in blood in the living room at midnight. He is beginning to fear for his safety, which is why he came to us for assistance. Seeing as this is close to a ten-hour ride, please make sure to have everything in order before we leave in twenty minutes." Naru told the group while looking in his black notebook. Once he was done he stood up and walked silently back into his office leaving them to their own devices.

"This is going to be a really long case," Mai noted loathly. Ryushi tightened his hold around her still uneasy about something with her.

"No doubt about that," Monk said from the couch across from her.

"So, you're joining on this one too, huh?" Ayako asked Ryushi.

"Hhhmmmm...As long as Mai's going." Ryushi said as he placed his head atop of said young woman.

"Thanks again for coming Ryu." Mai thanked as she snuggled deeper into his embrace.

"Anytime Mai." He replied with a smile on his face.

"Can't you two stop the lovey-dovey act? It's so annoying." Ayako asked exasperatedly.

"I don't what you're talking about Matsuzaki-san. I truly have feelings of affections for my Mai, it's not an act." Ryushi said while looking her straight in the eyes.

After that, the topic wasn't brought up again and they ended up leaving after they made sure they had everything they needed to be packed away. Mai had ended up seated between Naru and Lin during the ride due to there only being space in the second row for one person, which is where Ryushi sat much to his displeasure. Mai was bored after half an hour of the trip had gone by. Naru wouldn't talk, Lin was busy driving, and Ryushi was behind her making it awkward to talk to him for a long period of time which is how she ended up falling into a dreamless sleep. When Mai's head landed on Naru's waiting shoulder a small smirk made its way onto his face but you couldn't tell unless you looked for it really hard or knew him for a long time.

"Don't get too comfortable Shibuya-san. She's mine." Ryushi said from the back after some time had passed since Mai had gone to sleep.

"I have no idea what you are insinuating," Naru replied back coldly as he continued to read from his case file. After that, the rest of the ride was peaceful for the most part besides them having to occasionally pull over for gas, and a restroom in Mai's case.

"Ah! I've always hated that part of an investigation." Mai said as she stretched once they arrived at the client's house. Granted that she did make it a point to stretch each and every time that they had made a stop, Naru made a displeased look at her as he passed by to grab the equipment. After another good stretch, Mai helped out as well. She really couldn't help with how stiff she got while riding in such a silent and tense atmosphere that the van usually had with Naru and Lin.

"Hurry and help out, Mai," Naru stated as he passed by with some equipment. Apparently, Lin and Naru had come here a few days beforehand so that they could scope out the residence for the best spot to place base. Mai wasn't really sure why but the owner, their client, was out of the prefecture and wouldn't be returning until after the case was over. It seemed odd to her but she didn't have to worry about it; she wasn't the one in charge after all. After her little 'break' she grabbed a box from the back and headed into the house. She really didn't get a good look, but it looked like one of those modern houses that are becoming more and more popular.

It would appear that the room that was designated as Base was the master bedroom. The bedroom next door was where they were going to sleep. Mai set some boxes down and headed back out to grab some more. After everything was unpacked and set up Mai sat down on the sofa that was moved into the room for them to sit on. Considering the other cases, this one was relatively quiet and safe so far. There wasn't much to do but wait since most of the activity was done either at night or during the middle of the day. Time went by as Mai talked with everyone, but made sure to stay close to Ryushi on the couch. When it started to get late Mai made some tea for everyone and decided to go to sleep. She wasn't going to be much use, and it wasn't like the ghost was going to do anything with all of the charms she had on her.

Each time Mai left the room Naru watched her on the monitors to make sure that she was safe. He couldn't rely on Lin, his brother, or his own powers to make sure she was alright. It was strange. It was as if Mai's very existence was erased from the world, or her very soul. After he saw that Mai made it safely into the room for sleeping he turned around and saw that Ryushi had just gotten up and was leaving as well. He watched the room silently as he started to drink the tea that Mai had given him. Just as he was about to turn back around to the monitors Naru saw something on the couch that wasn't suppose to be there. Naru stood up and picked it up as everyone else in the team continued their talk. It was Mai's lucky key. As Naru put it in his pocket he pondered how she could have even left it. Mai always made sure that she had it on her. He came to the conclusion to give it back to her tomorrow at some point and went pack to his perch by the monitors.

The house was silent throughout the night as one by one the members of the team had gone to sleep. Lin had traded off monitor duty with Naru at some point and they had traded back before anyone even noticed that Lin wasn't here. Naru had ended up sleeping before and after he had relieved Lin. Nothing of notice had happened during the night. Once everyone was up and in the base Naru got their attention.

"There was no activity during the night. Mai, Arishima-san, and Matsuzaki-san, I want you three to go and walk through the house taking temperatures. Make sure to look for anything that is out of place while you are going around." Naru told them expectantly. The only ones on the case so far were Naru, Lin, Ryushi, Mai, Ayako, and Monk. Naru wasn't sure how the case was going to go so far, but his main concern was for the young brunette that is mysteriously untraceable, besides physically. If she were to be taken by the ghost then they would have no way to make sure that she was alright, let alone find her.

A/N: I promise to make an effort to keep this going still! Please review/follow/and favorite! It encourages me to keep going...

Airmage: I'm sorry for the confusion. I had meant to use henna in a similar way as a talisman writing but on the body instead of on paper. I do understand it's origins and I had decided to use it because of it's spiritual and traditional importance in Indian culture as well as it's temporary effects. Mai's friend is able to utilize it's original meaning as well as incorporating it as a writing technique to bind the spell to the bearer using them as a conductor and her own mix of the traditional henna mixture. I hope this helps to clear up any misunderstandings, and if not you can message me for further details.

Lynn: I'm really sorry for the chapter length last time. As the years have gone by I have understood more and more the struggles of keeping a contestant length and update schedule. However, I am working on this issue and hope that you will be with me and guide me as I figure out my own path.