A/N: So...I'm not too confident in this story since this is my first fic about Ghost Hunt so if you find anything that you think is wrong, just message me and I'll adress the issue... Well I hope everyone likes it! Thank you for reading!

This Fic will only update every two months. Sorry but I need time to wwrite and I think it's reasonable as long as I keep this promise!

Thank you MyuPanChan! This is up only because of your help!

Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt!

As she opened her arms out she whispered just a single word before a soft yellow light had spread over the space about five meters away from her. She turned in her traditional styled Kimono. As everyone around the estate waited with bated breath to catch a glimpse of this rumored beauty. None knew where she had come from or what her name was. However, ever since three years ago she was a welcomed sight to see for those who had supernatural troubles. The young woman walked out of the small apartment, where she had just helped a spirit move on, to be greeted with different types of media reporters. This wasn't new to her. She was actually very used to it. She walked over to the young couple who lived in the apartment and bowed goodbye. Before she could leave however the man in the couple placed a good sum of money into her hands as he bowed in return. She tucked the money into an inside pocket that she had sewn into her kimono just for that type of situation. After their encounter she stood up and without saying a word to anyone she walked into the unmarked car waiting for her on the side of the street. That was it for this night.

'I hope I'm able to get to bed at a decent time tonight.' she thought in her head as the driver dove to her usual destination. As part of the deal of driving her after her work, she would be dropped off in the middle of Yoyogi Park.

An absurdly loud beeping sound went off into her ear as she was pulled from her blissful sleep. Mai pulled herself out of bed and turned off her alarm clock. She grabbed a change of clothes for the day and walked over to her bathroom to take a shower. After she was washed and dressed she made breakfast for herself and turned on the television in an attempt to break the silence in her apartment. When she walked back into her kitchen to grab her food she heard the news come back on from commercials.

"Last night another sighting of Ai happened at this small apartment. Witnesses say that they saw a soft yellow light surround the space in front of her. Who is this lady? Why is she keeping herself hidden? What is her goal?" The reporter on the news said as Mai sat down at her dining table.

"I hope this report will end quickly. I'm not sure what the weather will be like for today." Mai said to herself as she started to eat her food. Sadly though a turn of events came about that delayed the forecast report.

"This just came in, my superior has just informed me that there's now a reward set by the Japanese government for anyone who can find any information about the mysterious Ai." the reporter informed. Mai hurriedly finished her food before she grabbed her school bag, house keys, and a travel size umbrella. Just in case if it started to rain. Mai hurriedly made her way to the train station by her house. She couldn't afford to be late for class again this week. Once Mai was able to secure herself a spot on the correct train she relaxed a bit. This time she would be there before class started. Once she arrived to the room for her first class of the day she sat down in the second row of seats. Her favorite spot. It was just the right distance away from the professor for her. Usually everyone in class would avoid that particular spot, for they knew she loved to sit there. Unless she was super late of course. One of the people in the back would take the chance then to steal it, thinking that she was absent for the day. To be fair however, she would be absent at least three times a month. Nobody knew exactly why though. Not her peers nor her professor. After all of Mai's classes were done for the day she headed to her part-time job. She had to pay her tuition somehow right?

Mai rushed into the shop through the back door and hurriedly opened her locker that contained her work uniform. As she changed she went over her hours of the day left and assigned objectives at certain points so that she could work and do her homework hopefully in one day. After she changed she placed her neatly folded clothes inside of her locker, and closed it before reporting for work. Mai liked her job here. Although, after Naru had left five years ago Mai had lived a different life. The SPR gang hadn't had a meeting since about after two years after he had left. They had all tried to stay in close contact with each other, but as time went on it had become harder and harder. Every once in awhile she'll see Monk's band on a poster, or Ayako at a hospital. She even made sure to watch all of the T.V programs that Masako appeared in when she got the time for it. Usually she was too busy, so she recorded it to watch later. She might not talk to them anymore, but somehow she still felt connected with them in a way. Mai went about her usual routine while in the shop. In the beginning she was embarrassed to be working in a maid cafe. Soon though, she came to love the atmosphere. How delightful it was with her co-workers, or how busy it would get sometimes. She truly felt blessed. The only thing that could put her in a bad mood was the thought of a boyfriend in her life. She had dated a few times after he had left, but she could never come to love them. Her one and only love was Naru. However, that didn't stop her from trying. If she was asked out she always said yes. It wasn't like she told him that she wouldn't get over him, or try to in her case. As the time flew by Mai had her hands full. When it was finally time for closing she was relieved. She wasn't so sure that she would be able to stay standing for much longer. The job of a waitress could be demanding at times. She quickly changed and left to go home.

A/N: Please Review, Follow, and Favorite this Fic! I would REALLY appreciate it!

Remember! Every two Months, so the next chapter will be up in September! Thank you for Reading!