My Beloved

Chapter 41

It was their third night in Positano. Alex and Piper had arrived a week earlier than their guests to make sure that everything was going according to plan.

Her cell phone in her hands, Piper had a dreamy smile on her face as she lied on the bed. She had a blue, satin nightgown on, exposing her long, tanned arms and legs. She had been sunbathing in the free time that they had since arriving the coastal town. Alex, however, was not a fan of sunbathing at all, and opted to stay under the shade most of the time.

ChapmanP: It's tomorrow :)

VauseA: I thought that we aren't supposed to meet each other. Tradition, you know. Texting, included. It's bad luck.

ChapmanP: Seriously? I didn't know that you're into that kind of things. You're full of surprises, aren't you? I think that's so sexy.

45 seconds later.

ChapmanP: Alex?

VauseA: I'm nervous.

ChapmanP: Aw, me too.

VauseA: Haven't written the vow yet.

2 minutes later.

ChapmanP: You what?

VauseA: You're the writer. Help me out.

ChapmanP: Are you fucking kidding me!?

VauseA: Love you :3

ChapmanP: I had it written down three weeks ago! Tomorrow is our wedding day. I can't believe you haven't even written yours!

VauseA: Are you going to help me or not? I need inspiration... and a hug.

ChapmanP: Fuck you!

5 minutes later.

VauseA: … Pipes?

1 hour later.

Alex checked her phone again, but Piper still hadn't replied. Her hair wet, she was wearing a black robe, having just coming out of the shower. She looked over the crumpled pieces of paper lying around on the desk, and sighed for the hundredth time. She was a nervous wreck. Even at this moment, she was still scared to let people know how she felt, or if feeling anything was a legitimate act by itself. Without Bill, she had to learn to make her own decisions, and it meant that sometimes her feelings went so deep and wild, and she had a hard time reining herself in.

Knock. Knock.

Alex snapped. She stared at the door of her hotel room for a moment, and then moved towards the door and peeked through the peephole. She briefly held her breath when she saw the person on the other side, and opened the door. "Hey, Carol," she greeted. The visit was a surprise, given that it was almost midnight, and tomorrow was the big day. Carol's room was two buildings away. The woman was roomed in the same building as Piper and the bridesmaids. Alex was roomed in the other building with other guests.

"Hello," Carol said, glancing around before slipping into Alex's room.

Alex closed the door, studying the woman. "Is everything all right?"

Carol sat down at the one of the twin chairs. She was in a green blouse and a pair of khaki pants. It was one of the most casual looks Alex had ever seen on Carol, but it perfectly fit the summer wind and sand of Positano. Carol had a cotton sack in her hands. "Piper asked me to give you this," Carol said.

Frowning, Alex took the bag and looked inside. It appeared to be an old, leather, medical bag. She took the item out, inspecting it. At first, she faintly remembered the touch of the leather, and then, the smell of chemical substances. Gradually, she recalled it being Bill's old, medical bag, which he had carried Alex out of the lab many years ago. Climbing out of the bag, Alex had landed in the Chapman Mansion for the first time. She had then met Piper, and her young master had saved her from the fall that morning.

Alex now looked at the bag in disbelief. It was as though she was holding the years of memory in her palms. Time had flied incredibly fast that it all just felt so surreal. Alex was even more perplexed that Piper had kept the bag and brought it here with her.

Carol softly sighed. "I believe that was my ex-husband's belonging. I have no idea what Piper wanted you to do with it."

There was a moment of awkward silence between them before Alex spoke again. "Would you like a glass of water... umm, a tea..., or a beer?"

"The latter, please."

Alex put the bag on the bed, and went to get two cans of beer from the fridge. Growing up in the Chapman Mansion, she had watched Carol sneaking her drinks during daytime when her husband was out, working, and her children were at school. Alex initially didn't understand why Carol drowned herself in drinks, but as times went by, she had learned that it was the deep, dark hollowness called, 'loneliness'. Alex, too, had experienced it, and Piper had been the only remedy for it. With Piper, Alex had wanted nothing else.

The two women decided to chill out over the balcony. Alex and Carol never really had the time to talk or get to know each other. Alex hadn't dared to reach out to the woman, and Carol had politely kept her distance.

"Piper has changed so much ever since she met you. She used to jump off the roof when she was a child, but now she talks about life plans. My daughter. My girl is marrying you." Carol took a sip of her drink, looking out at the moon over the vast sea. "She was such a fearless child. Careless! She wasn't afraid of anything. Bill would get frustrated, blaming me for letting Piper have her ways, but, in the end, we wouldn't know which of us had spoiled her more." Carol chortled at the memory. "Piper wasn't afraid of dying. I thought that she would grow out of it, the nonsense." She shrugged mildly. "I thought that logic would scare her as she grew older, like it did to me, but it didn't work with her. She was so... so brave and so crazy, trying to protect you on that bridge... She jumped for you." Carol's voice trailed off as she spoke of that horrifying night.

Alex gulped down her beer. It was hardly an appropriate topic to be discussed on the night before the wedding, but Carol seemed to be traumatized still. Of course, a mother would never forget the moment her child committed a suicidal act before her eyes.

Carol took another sip of her drink, her gaze darkened. "Piper loves you wholeheartedly. She went after you at the ranch and was nearly killed. She broke off her engagement for you. She would die to protect you." Carol's tone wasn't soft, and it had Alex's full attention.

"I am completely devoted to her. Her love isn't unanswered," Alex reassured.

Carol kept her gaze out at the sea. "I know. You jumped for her, too."

"I would do more. I could. Anything for Piper."

Carol sighed as she glanced away. "You worked for Bill for several years. He said that you were a driver."

Alex stiffened. She knew that her resume had nothing to boast about. She even felt embarrassed when Carol worded it out. "I drove. That was what I did."

Carol turned to look at Alex in the eyes. "I don't want to know how you were involved."

Alex nodded. "I understand." She wasn't surprised by this as Carol's distance had spoken for itself.

"But my daughter had been hurt because of it. You were the reason Piper was put in danger, or that she had willingly put herself in the position for you. What I want to know now is that... is it really over? Are you done with the whole shady business? I need an absolute assurance. It's my daughter's life here. She's all I have left."

"All the major parties involved, including your ex-husband and his boss, are now dead. The rest of us are scattered, and I have absolutely no intention to go back into the business again. Ever. I swear. I never wanted to be a part of it from the start. And, now, I just want to leave it all behind."

Carol studied Alex for a moment. "Did Bill force you into it?" When Alex failed to reply, Carol just shook her head. "If he had harmed you in any way, I would like to apologize in his name, and ask you to forgive him. Now, it is only you and Piper, and your love for each other." Carol sighed. "I hope that you'd keep your words, Alex, because no matter what you'd do or where you'd be, Piper would follow you to hell and back. She loves you that much, and I can't lose her."

"You have my words," Alex said firmly.

A smile crept up Carol's face, and they clanked their beer cans. They both turned to look out at the sea, wind breezing through their hair.

"Tomorrow is the big day. Aren't you excited?" Carol chuckled.

"Very," Alex said over her drink.

"I remember the days before my wedding. It was so nerve-racking. I couldn't sleep. I tried not to eat, because I was afraid that I wouldn't fit into my wedding gown! I took only sips of water for two days leading to it. Oh, the torture!"

Alex raised her brows. "It does sound painful."

"So, I made sure that Piper had her dinner. I wouldn't want her to starve herself and faint on her wedding day."

"Thank you." Alex chortled.

"But you know that the wedding is not the end, but a new beginning. Mine didn't end well, but it taught me a lot of things. The blames. The pains and regrets. Oh, it was ugly... but it led me to James. He made me believe again. We have a very different kind of romance, a lot less fiery, you might say. Bill could be as cold as ice, but he was still a wall of fire. He embraced me and burnt me." Carol turned to smile at the raven-haired woman. "I wish you both all the love, and to be each other's teacher and companion. I have my faith in you, Alex. Please, love her and cherish her as if it's the only way you know how."

Carol's words brought out Alex's shy smile. It gave her a strange kind of warmth—a kind of trust she wasn't quite used to. There was the peculiar sense of peace around them. Alex wasn't used to any of it, but she welcomed it.

"Smile, Chapman. Smile like it's your wedding day," Nicky said, chewing her toothpick as she relaxed on one of the chairs around the dressing room.

All the bridesmaids were already dressed up, their hair and makeup done.

"Give her a break. She's nervous," Polly said, circling around Piper and the makeup artist, who was working on the bride right now.

Nicky glanced at Polly. "Are you having a mother-daughter complex shit going on here with Chapman? I always got that weird vibe coming from you since elementary school."

Polly rolled her eyes. "Can you not be an asshole for once?"

Jessica chuckled over her champagne. One of the hired stylists was zipping up her gown. Piper had hired three makeup artists and three hair stylists for her mother, the bridesmaids and herself. It usually took one hour for makeup and one for hair. The bridesmaids were all set, and now it was Piper and Carol's turn.

Jessica raised her phone, taking pictures of Piper. "This is it. Your fans have been waiting for this! Oh, my God, they're going to be so pumped!"

"You still keep the account?" Polly shook her head in disbelief.

Nicky smirked. "Hurt that you weren't a part of it? We got over seven million followers now. There's no way we're going to ditch it."

"Every girl is green with envy, Piper! They all want to be you!" Jessica grinned from ear to ear.

Piper slightly frowned. "Why would they want to be me?" As if her being near-death experiences were fun.

Jessica lowered her phone. "Have you seen your future wife? They all fantasize about her. Ha!"

Piper grumbled. Oh, of course... my Alex. She was proud of having Alex. She would parade Alex around, if she could. She wanted everyone to know that Alex was hers. "Well, they can dream," she dismissed, shrugging.

"You're not upset, are you? They're just teenage girls." Polly looked at the bride, biting down her lip to kill her smirk.

"No, of course not! Why would I be?" Piper's tone came a notch higher, and the room fell into silence. Even her mother, who was occupying the seat on the other side of the room, glanced her way. Piper sighed. "Ok. I admit that I read some of the comments. My God, some of them were so... so bold! I can't believe they talk like that to complete strangers!"

"You are not that much older than them," Carol remarked.

Nicky looked at Carol. "You read it, too?"

"Come on, some of them are like thirteen!" Piper was exasperated.

"I can't believe they read the comments!" Nicky and Jessica burst out laughing, hi-fiving each other.

Polly chuckled. "You have nothing to worry about, Piper. Vause is crazy about you. She makes people think that you are the luckiest girl in the world. Even I think so."

Piper paused. Then, heat rose to her cheeks. "You do?"

Polly nodded with an assuring smile. "You are."

"Chin up a little, please," the makeup artist said.

The bride complied. A silly grin on her face, she glanced at her friends. "Have you seen Alex today?"

"No." Jessica shook her head, preoccupied with her phone. Piper couldn't see, but she wouldn't be surprised if her friend was uploading some of the pictures already.

Polly mildly scoffed. "Really, you don't think she's gonna ditch you on the wedding day, right?"

"She's all dressed up, hanging with the boys in the waiting room, watching TV," Nicky said, burping. She shifted in her seat. "I think I might join them now."

Piper sat fidgety on her chair. "She's all set? How—how is she? Is she nervous? Does she look... happy? Ready?"

"What the fuck are all these questions, Chapman?" Nicky, then, smiled at Carol. "Sorry, Mrs. Chapman."

Carol raised a brow at the language, but she didn't correct Nicky that she was no longer 'Mrs. Chapman'. It was how the kids had referred to her since they were young.

"Why wouldn't she feel 'ready'?" Polly looked puzzled, and then immediately fished her cell phone out of her purse. "I'm gonna call Larry. He's probably with them right now. I can ask—"

"No. No, it's ok. I was just—uh—curious. A little bit," Piper quickly said.

"Something's definitely up. Spill, Chapman." Nicky chewed her toothpick.

Jessica turned her phone at Piper, ready.

"God, put the phone away," Polly grumbled.

"Shhh!" Jessica shushed the brunette, and then gestured at the bride. "Go on. Come on. We're all ears, Piper. We're here for you... and everything else."

Her friends waited, and Piper eventually sighed. "We talked last night, and she didn't have her vow."

Polly made a face. "But she surely could get an example off the internet."

"The copy-and-paste vow?" Piper growled. She sensed her makeup artist pulling back a little.

Nicky shrugged. "Better than nothing."

"I understand you, Piper. That is a huge concern!" Jessica interrupted. "Vause should have put more effort into it. The wedding was planned months ago, and she's had more than enough time to prepare!"

Piper hated to admit that she completely agreed, but decided to say nothing. Her shoulders slumped, her spirit down.

Carol turned to look at her daughter, a small smile on her face. "Speaking from my personal experience, a vow is just a vow. It doesn't really mean anything. In the end, it's love that counts. And, from what I have seen, you and Alex have it in abundance. You have what most people could only dream of, Piper. You are loved."

Piper swore that the makeup artist would not be pleased if she cried now. She swallowed back her tears, her lips breaking into a smile as her friends smiled at her. She shrugged mildly. There was a hint of satisfaction when she said, "Alex's been talking about having children already. I mean, it's too soon, right?"

"Oh, my God, that is so romantic!" Jessica squealed with Polly.

"Babies? Fuck, there's still time to escape this shit, Chapman," Nicky said, gesturing towards the doorway. She, then, turned to wink at Carol. "Sorry, Mrs. Chapman."

Piper laughed when her mother shook her head dismissively.

"I, Piper, choose you, Alex, to be my one and only love. I choose you to be only yourself. I promise to love and to cherish you for the beautiful being you truly are. In sickness and health, I will always be with you. I have given you my love, and today and the rest of the moments that follow, I give you my life."

They stood side by side, over the cliff facing the vast, blue sea. The soft sunlight bathed them. The salty air breezed past them. They both wore white gowns. Piper wore white flowers in her hair. She turned to look at Alex, breathless as she watched her gorgeous bride. Alex's hand was a little shaken as she held the small piece of paper. Piper waited. Alex was clearly nervous, and all Piper wanted to do was to console her, to tell her that everything would be all right. At this moment, it felt as though she didn't even need a word from Alex. All she needed was for them to be next to each other.

"I..." After a moment, Alex decided to ball the paper in her fist. She looked up at her bride, and lost herself in the deep, blue eyes. She took a deep breath in, straightened herself up. "I, Alex, promise to love and devote only to you, Piper, for as long as I shall live. I promise... to be honest to you, to be brave for you, and to protect you with all that I have. You are my sun, my stars, my only light in the dark, and I promise to be your rock and all that you can depend on."

Tears of joy welled up the blue eyes. Piper couldn't help but choke out a joyous laugh as Alex took her hand, placing the ring on her finger.

"With this ring, I thee wed," Alex said. She cupped the blonde's cheek with one hand and brushed away the tears with her thumb.

Piper tried to speak, but she couldn't, overwhelmed by the warmth and love around her. She reminded herself that she wasn't dreaming as she placed the ring on Alex's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed."

"I now pronounce you married."

Piper didn't even let the words to fully sink in. She took a hasty step towards Alex and captured a hungry kiss from her wife. The guests cheered and clapped as they rose from their chairs. Alex offered her arm, and Piper grabbed onto her. They walked together down the aisle, white petals showering down around them, paving the path as though they were walking on the cloud.

After lunch reception, Jessica went over to the DJ table, waving a glass of champagne in her hand. A tall, handsome man trailed after her. Piper couldn't quite remember Jessica's new beau since her friend had already dumped the guy she was dating when Piper sent out the invitations.

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh, heaven is a place on earth

Cheers and whistles erupted when the music blared up. Piper rose from her chair, taking Alex's hand and pulling her to the dance floor. The guests were getting ready too, shouting and waving for their partners.

They say in heaven, love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on earth

Alex was shy and reluctant at first, but quickly fell into the dance with Piper. Other guests followed, casually dancing with their partners. Carol and James also joined the floor.

Nicky had brought Lorna Morello, an old fling from high school years to the wedding. Piper remembered her from the graduation party on the rooftop of Nicky's parents' mansion. Piper was very surprised that Nicky was still in touch with the petite woman. But what surprised Piper even more was when Polly had asked if it was ok to take Larry as her plus one. It was a confirmation of the relationship status between her friend and her ex. Piper had suspected it for some times now, but she wasn't against it. Polly had finally found the one for her, and Piper was truly happy for her friend.

In this world, we're just beginning
To understand the miracle of living.
Baby, I was afraid before
But I'm not afraid anymore.

Piper watched the smiles on her guests' faces, their joy surrounding her. She then turned her attention back to Alex. The raven-haired woman was smiling at her, the kind of smile she reserved only for Piper.

Alex hummed all the way as she rode on a red Vespa from the lunch reception to the same two-story house they used to rent during their hideout. Piper sat behind the raven-haired woman, her arms secured around her waist. She chortled at how chirpy Alex was. The nervousness was gone. They had a little bit of wine, but not too much to ride the vehicle.

They finally reached the rented house. Alex got off the motorbike first, taking her helmet off.

"Ooh!" Piper squealed when Alex scooped her up bridal style.

Alex pushed the door open and carried Piper into the house. Their suitcases had been delivered and placed in the living room. The doors to the balcony were slid open, letting the cool breeze in. The water in the swimming pool glittered under the sun. They took a moment to look around, recalling those days they spent here, the tough journey they had gone through, and how they had overcome all obstacles to be here again. Together.

"Our honeymoon starts now," Alex said, kicking the door close. She grinned as she carried her bride up the stairs.

Piper giggled. She tightened her arms around Alex's neck, hungrily staring at Alex's lips. They had to spend a night apart, and she missed Alex already. "I could make it last forever..., if you want," she breathed against Alex's ear.

Entering the bedroom, Alex let Piper down to stand on her feet and carefully took off her gown. "That sounds hot," she murmured as she planted a kiss on the tanned, lean shoulder, sending shiver down Piper's spine.

Piper suppressed her moan. She kicked off the rest of her gown and turned around to face the taller woman. She began to help undressing Alex. Her hands roamed all over her wife, intentionally delaying the process. She couldn't help it. She always wanted more of Alex.

They both eventually shed off their gowns, their hair let loose, cascading down their shoulders and backs. Piper reached up and cupped Alex's face with both hands. Her thumbs gently caressed along the soft skin. The doors to the terrace were left open, allowing sunlight to shine in. The white, sheer curtains swayed with the soft wind.

"Thank you," Piper whispered.

Alex chuckled. "For what?"

Piper was genuinely amused by Alex's puzzlement. "I'd never thought that I could love anyone as much as I do now. I was… very lonely when I was a child, but I had you. You've made me whole. You've literally saved me countless times. So, thank you… Thank you for choosing me."

Alex shook her head. "You chose me. You know what I am, and you still accept me."

Piper softly shushed Alex, placing the tips of her fingers against the pair of full lips. In comfortable silence, she leaned in, and Alex responded with a gentle kiss. They lingered for a moment, feeling each other's warm breaths tickling their faces. Alex, then, climbed onto the bed and lied down on her side. She patted the futon, and Piper followed to lie down next to her.

"I love you," Alex murmured as she tucked the blonde strands of hair behind Piper's ear.

Her heart full, Piper smiled as she watched Alex. "I love you, too."

Their honeymoon started in Positano. After visiting other Italian towns and cities, they moved up to southern France and spent two weeks there. They, then, headed up to Iceland for the Northern Lights, and then flew down to Greece, followed by Turkey. Their seven-month journey eventually ended in Egypt, spending the last days in Cairo.

Piper fell in love with the auroras, while Alex was marveled by the ancient tombs. Piper daily uploaded pictures on their 'Vauseman' account. Jessica already passed the account to her. Admittedly, she found it awkward at first, but quickly adapted to their newfound popularity. Alex, however, never quite warmed up to it, preferring her quiet corner and invisibility, so to speak. Piper wondered if it had much to do with Alex's worry about her true identity. On the bright side, her mother was able to follow her and see where she was every day, lessening the woman's worry to some extent. Carol liked every picture she posted, which somewhat embarrassed her. Polly and Jessica were always supportive, while Nicky frequently left an eye-rolling emoji in the comment section.

Standing by the sink, Piper grabbed a white towel and dried her face and hair. She had a white bathrobe on, having just come out of the morning shower. Her eyes were clear, her skin glowing. Her gaze wandered briefly and stopped at the sight of the two toothbrushes in the glass in front of the mirror. Although it was far from their first night together, it was the first time she truly felt the sense of permanence between them. Their bond had never been deeper, and the dangerous threats around them had been removed.

A small smile tucked at her lips, Piper leaned back against the doorframe of the bathroom, a wet towel around her neck. She watched the two toothbrushes as though it was telling her their history together. Memories of their childhood together, innocent and oblivious, came rushing back to her. Their high school years and the struggles and heartbreaks that followed. The long journey that eventually led them back together again.

Blue eyes momentarily shut, letting memories relive themselves in her mind. A soft sigh escaped Piper's lips before she opened her eyes again and moved out of the bathroom.

"Alex... Sweetie..." Piper called out as she walked down to the first floor to find the living room and the kitchen empty. Old, creamy walls and jaded, terra cotta floors. They had plants and small fountains around the house. "Where are you, Al?" Piper quickened her steps as she rushed through the hallway past the living room.

Piper pushed through the backdoor, suddenly rendered breathless at the sight of the plateau before her. The majestic cougar was standing about twenty feet away from the entrance, staring out into the wilderness. It was a remote area behind mountains Piper had purchased in South America. She hadn't told anyone of their whereabouts, needing some alone time away from everything—everyone. Temporarily. Just for a while. She just wished for a peaceful time when she and Alex didn't have to run anymore.

A breath of relief washed through Piper. Slowly, she moved towards Alex, and knelt down beside her. She ran her hands through the golden fur. The softness took her back to the old days of their younger years. It had been there all along. Love had always been there.

"Lunch will be ready when you come back." Piper kissed the cougar's neck, chortling. "Don't take too long."

Alex turned to glance at the blonde, a smirk in her emerald gaze. She, then, took off.

Piper put her hand up over her brows, squinting as she watched the cougar sweep down the vast, green plateau. She had a wide, genuine smile on her face.

A/N: Something came up and it stalled my writing. So sorry for the delay. Thank you so much for your concern :)

'San Junipero' rekindled my romance with Belinda Carlisle's Heaven is a place on earth :D

This is the last chapter, so I want to thank you all of you who have given me supportive words. Every chapter. Here on FF, and a few of you on the tl board. It's been a pleasure writing this story!
