Disclaimer : Dreamworks owns everything, and Disney owns the starwars universe
….I forgot my login….
Warning for violence, and some gore.
"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the force."
Chapter Nine : The Liberation of Punjam Hy Loo
"Chief, we have entered the upper atmosphere, I'm dispatching squads Terror 1-2 and Terror 1-3 to assist Colonel Mogadon. The rest of my men will locate and secure imperial points of interest. How copy - Over." Gunnar was inside an LAAT with his own team, they were standing with blasters at the ready.
"Solid copy, Terror Actual." Static came through the speaker. "Fury, Pr-ed w-th ob-ec-ive."
"Chief, reading you two by five, say again - Over." Gunnar turned towards his radioman. "Boost our signal."
"The clouds are too thick, Commander, the signal would be too weak to make it through the electrical storm."
"We're on our own for now then. Contact the other squads."
"Yes Sir, patching you into platoon net." The radioman dialed the frequency of the transceiver on his back and gave a thumbs up.
"Terror 1-1, this is Terror Actual, how copy."
"Reading loud and clear Terror Actual, send it."
"I want your squad on the ground now. Assist in any firefights you can and locate the Queen. She has been missing for some months, Break." The transmission cut short, and started again a moment later. "Intel suggests Her Highness is being held in a prison on the surface. You know what to do from there."
"Affirmative, deploying now."
"GO GO GO!" A rebel soldier screamed, urging his squadmates to push onwards to the enemy position. They were in a valley, separated from immediate reinforcements. Blaster fire erupted like fireworks, sending bursts of red and blue light throughout the evening dimness. Giant trees, draped in vines like extravagant dresses of brown and green, stood proud and tall in the midst of the skirmish.
The heavy clanking of a mechanical monster disturbed the ground. Small pebbles jumped about, drawing the attention of a terrified recruit. He tugged the sleeve of a heavy blaster gunner beside him urgently. "What do you want?!" He looked where the recruit was pointing, and finally felt the ground shake below him. "Oh shit…" He muttered, and looked at the recruit again.
Then came the unmistakable whirring of machinery and cannons powering up. The whistling of cannon fire pierced the ears of the soldiers on the ground as stormtroopers began to push them back. One of the towering trees fell, creating a great divide between the two forces.
Four enormous metal legs became apparent to the rebels as they looked upwards into the shimmering leaves, and the glint of the sun on the cockpit screen several meters above them passed over them as if they were ants. A war cry was sounded out from behind the two men, a cry of desperation and inspiration. They looked back in shock as another group of their rebel comrades were caught in the open by blaster fire.
Five of the eight went down immediately. Cut down to bits by unrelenting blaster fire. The last three managed to make it to insignificant cover, only to have it blasted to bits by the walking behemoth. A few milliseconds later they screamed as a metal foot came down on top of them.
The blaster gunner and the recruit watched on in misery. The recruit, a boy no older than eighteen, bent over and hurled on the spot. But, in the process of bending over, a stray blaster shot hit him in the neck, burning through the soft flesh and scorching the neckline of the coat he was wearing. Blood and vomit splattered, and the body of the recruit fell forward.
"Squads one and two: Advance!" A stormtrooper commanded, and the gunner heard the somewhat robotic voice. Across the clearing, across the bloodstained grass that belonged to a planet he'd never been to before, he prepared to ambush the stormtroopers.
He had a job to do, no matter the cost.
Another howling cry rang into the air. The gunner commandeered the repeating blaster again, he held the trigger down and sprayed down a hot trail of blaster fire toward the stormtroopers. "FOR THE ALLIANNNCE!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.
Other stormtroopers returned fire, focusing on his position. The barricade they had put up around the gun protected him from most of the blaster fire. He thought he was alone.
He wasn't. A hand patted his shoulder, and he spared a panicked glance to see a helmeted soldier wearing a balaclava. "You're done here. Stay behind us." The helmeted soldier eyed the surrounding skyline and spotted the gigantic walker that had walked off. He raised his wrist, and spoke into the comm, "Terror Actual, Terror 1-1: requesting close air support on an AT-AT near my position. Grid Reference 039054."
The gunner's mouth hung open.
Static came through for a moment. "Terror 1-1, Terror Actual, Blue leader is en route to target location - Prep for ordnance." The two soldiers waited, and they heard the sonic boom of Blue Leader's Z-95 as it dived on the armored walker, and heard the whistling screeching of the concussion missiles as they were launched towards the walker.
The missiles struck a perfect hit on the neck and a front leg of the machine, resulting in it being blown in half while collapsing to the jungle floor. The remainder of the Empire's air-garrison, a mere dozen tie fighters, flew after the headhunters. Their screaming ion engines filled the air with noise, drowning out the sounds of blaster fire and people's voices. The helmeted soldier spoke into the commlink, "Perfect hit, confirmed elimination of target, Blue Leader."
"Copy that Terror 1-1."
The soldier peeked out of cover, raising his blaster rifle. A red flash made him drop behind cover again. He breathed in sharply, and turned the corner while firing three shots in quick succession. "Who are you?"
A few more soldiers in armor came up to him, covering each other's movement throughout the trees in the jungle. "Don't worry about it. Get to the exfil site." The soldier didn't wait for a reply, instead signaling the rest of his team to move forward.
"FORWAAARRD!" Streaks of red filled the jungles atmosphere as stormtroopers started moving towards them, their bolts of plasma eating away at the bark of their cover.. The headhunters flew overhead again, chasing down the last of the tie fighters, before engaging dropships that were deploying more stormtroopers. A thermal detonator landed near the rebels, and one of them lunged toward it to hurl it away. "Alpha Team, take the right side, Bravo Team, take left!" There was no verbal response, but the eight men with the leader separated into four men groups.
"Terror 1-1 this is Ground Command, How copy?" the transmitter came to life once again, and the squad leader answered, "Terror 1-1 Reading five-by-five, go for transmission."
"Be advised: More hostiles have entered your area. Inbound from the northwest of your position."
"Solid copy, Ground Command." The squad leader spotted the bucketheads approaching, and shouted to his team "ENGAGE!" Blue streaks of plasma zipped through the stormtroopers' ranks, effectively eliminating most of them in the first volley of shots.
"Contacts, northwest bearing 335! I'm counting seven of them!"
A supply frigate passed over them, signaling the battle above their heads was over. There were cheers from the rebel soldiers as they pressed on in their attack, fending off waves and waves of Imperial stormtroopers and eventually making it to the carcass of the AT-AT.
"Alpha team, clear the walker!"
Four men stacked up against the hatch of the behemoth, "Wilco - Breacher, start slicing the hatch!" The team leader commanded.
Within a minute, they opened the hatch, tossed a stun grenade in, and took the crew captive. "AT-AT has been cleared, Actual."
"Good to hear, mark it on the map for the scavenger team."
The rain started, thick and heavy in sheets as the skies darkened above them. One by one, the soldiers threw ponchos on to keep themselves dry. Slowly, the blasterfire halted and the only sounds heard were the onslaught of rain and the rumbling thunder in the distance.
"Terror 1-1 this is Terror Actual, requesting SITREP."
"Terror Actual this is Terror 1-1, we have disabled a - Break." He turned towards his squad, "what was that walker called?"
One of the crewman from the AT-AT spoke up. "AT-AT"
"Thanks." He clicked the radio on again, "Terror 1-1 disabled an AT-AT, crew captured, squad is ready for next objective."
"Proceed with next objective, 1-1. Sending Queen's location now."
"Copy that, Actual, We'll get her."
"What. Happened."
"Sir, the Hooligan forces overwhelmed our position, if we had reinfor-" Commander Wings' voice stopped short, and a hand rose to her throat.
"I did not ask for excuses, Commander. What. Happened." Heavy boots clunked on the metal floor of the bridge, the figure stepping into view. The Commander gagged and was released from the grip.
Gasping for air, she rasped, "They targeted my support fleet, captured an arquitens cruiser and crippled my shields. They withered down my fleet quickly without suffering significant losses." She looked up into blazing yellow eyes. "All my squadrons were destroyed. The formation was broken and I lost a great many men today."
"You have much to learn, Commander Wing. Return to your quarters."
Commander Wing looked down once again, but rose to her feet. "Yes Sir."
The doors opened and closed behind her. "Who is the second in command of this fleet?"
"I am, Sir."
The man who answered was appraised. "What is your name, Captain?"
"Captain Throk, Sir."
"Conduct repairs and send for me when they are complete, I will be on by ship."
"Yes Sir."
The cloaked man left the bridge, and headed towards the lifts. Sighing, he brushed off his cloak gently. The door opened swiftly, and he stepped aboard the lift and pressed the button to take him to the hanger deck. The doors closed, and he felt his stomach slowly rise into his chest. He listened to the Imperial March play as he descended into the starship and closed his eyes.
The lift stopped before he expected it to, and he opened his eyes to see Commander Wing board the lift, rigid in posture but he felt the guilt and fear coursing through her.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. "Why are you not in your quarters, Commander Wing?" She stopped breathing for a moment, then answered.
"I was heading to the mess hall, Sir."
"Oh." Silence… "I understand your pain, Commander." Commander Wing spared a glance at him. "Learn from your mistakes, and don't repeat them, Commander. I see your potential… don't prove me wrong."
"Yes Sir." The lift doors opened, and she stepped off the lift and turned around to face him.
"I instructed Captain Throk to conduct repairs and to notify me of their completion. In the meantime, I will be on my ship. Goodbye, Commander Wing - I suspect we will be working closely in the future."
I'mmm baaaackkkk…