"WHAT IS THIS" thought the owner of the best cancer on the Internet himself.
"Muahahahahahha!" laughed Meemstar.
Leefy was in a very dark and stormy night- uh I mean place. There were rats everywhere, bloodstained popcorn, and garden gnome heads on spikes.
"Listen to me." Keemstar growled as a randem xDDD blade pressed against Leafy's throat.
"If you want to live, you're going to kill Stomedy..."
"Yeah sure" he sarcastically.
"Or else, I'll kill your whole team and Pyrocynical."
"What the f-"
"SHUT UP" keemstar shouted like a anger Onion-boy, the blade drawing blood. "If you kill Stomedy, I might as well give your team some privileges."
"That's some shady shit. I'm not killing Stomedy"
The randem minion xD knife disappeared and Leafy looked behind him, seeing two EVIL red eyes gleaming in the dark.
"It's not a choice" Killer Meemstar said.
He threw popcorn at Leefy and leaf y just said "dude". But then the popcorn turned into a magics and, just like a traditional Mary Sue, meemstar used the magic to throw leafy into a random wall and it colapsed intantly.
"AHA" the King of Gnomes said.
Leafy escaped the trap of th evil briecks and glared at keemsar.
"fuck no-"
but before leafy could finish, keemstar used his magics to lift him in the air and slam him to the grond! But since leafy was liek in the yaois he got up agen.
and then it happened again except that leafy broke TWO brick walls! This night, donald trump ascked himslef why he keeped having nigtmars.
"ALRIGHT I'LL KILL STOMEDY" leafy annoyed.
Keemstar smirked and if leaafy could have killed the ratgnome he woudlve.
"that's my good freind"
the reptilian king snapped and tried to shoot keemstar with a randem xD ak47. Bu keemstar was smart and doddgesd all of teh bullets!
And then keemstar was very anger! he tried to hurt leafy real bad with his magic but leafy dodged everything until keemstar was furyious and surrounded him with the popcorn magic. Leafy couldn't ascape and he was soon trapped in the prison of the popcowns!
Leefy watched the popcorns get closer and closer until everything faded to blak.
"wake up" solar said.
"h9ewijfajaaslslf" leafy said as he waked up.
"what happened to ur face" asked solar.
Leafy looked in a mirror and asw that his nose was bleding.
"We need to go get suplies" Onision said.
They all went outside searching for supplies.
After a while they encountered wild Pokémon: what was left of the purple team. The green team had FOOD and they traded some for some weapons. Leafy had a spear and a survival knife and it was ok I guess.
"i'm super thirsty let's find the reds" solar said.
"yeah" onion said.
Leafy nodded and they walked around, before encountering the red team. Solar was very happy to see Menace alive even though it didn't really look like it.
"Thanks dude" leafy said to scarce, before they all waked away.
After a while leafy started hearing keemstar! he was yelling to kill stomedy since the maltertestter was alone in the woods. Leafy ignored him but after a while it was just annoying and after a while it was fucking annoting. Since yesterday he heard Pyro arguing with Keemstar he knew that he would be there too and fabriceatded some ly.
"hey guys pyro's team hates trading so i have to meet him ove rthere."
"hmmph" onion said.
"try to not die" solar said, shrugged.
Leady noded and he went in the forest. The handsome fox was there too, the sun gently shining on his perfect body.
"hey" leafy whispred.
"you heard keem too?"
"i don't want to killl stomedy"
"me neiher"
Before Pyro could reply, they both heard a rustle and hid behind the presidents.
The Bushes didn't hide them well but it was okay for now. Stomedy was walking alone, carrying a bag and a chainsaw.
"he has a chainsaw. Fuck" leafy whispered.
Pyro twitched his ears got up when Stomedy was out of sight. The the human maltesere stopped in a clearing next to a lake.
"should we drown him" pyro asked.
"let's just take him out" leafy said, tekking his survival knife.
Pyro agreed and took his gun.
"you go first, and if it gets complicated i'll shoot him"
"so he won't kill us both at the same time" (but honestly, pyro wanted to see who would honestly win in a fight honestly tbh.)
"hmm" leafy siad, knowing that it was dangerous but it could still worked.
Leafy silently walked up to Stomedy, ready to stab him in the neck(jugular for precizion). Stomedy suddenly disappeared adn tripped leafy. The reptilian king lost his balance but didn't fall and backed up when stomedy tried to cut him in half. Stomedy was very anger and you could tell that he wanted to kill leafy a lot. Leafy flinched and dodged again, before his knife got stuck in stomedy's shhoulder, missing his heart very closyey.
Stomedy laughed and leafy tried to pull the knife out, but it was tsuck! Stomedy laughed again and tried to cut leafy's fucking arm off! It didn't work and the chainsaw jammed halfway through. Leafy screamed(Now thia onli happens once in 10 yeers you guys, that's fucking crazy -scarce) and Pyro shot Stomedy.
Leafy blacked out for a split second and stared at his bleeding arm.
"Holy shit." Pyro commented, also staring at the kinda horrifik injury.
"F... Fuck. How am I explaining that to the team?"
"I'll come with you" pyro shrugged.
they both walked into the sunset back to the green team's house.
"WHAT THE FUCK" oniiisissosisison screamed as he opened the door.
"shit happens" leafy replied.
Solar went next to Onion but didn't reply even though his mouth half-open.
"You better have a good explanation for this." Onion snarled, aiming a colt at Pyro.
"He didn't do it" Leafy explained. "Stomedy atacked us with a chainsaw."
"It's getting dark." Solar said, sighing. "Pyro, is your home far away?"
"Nah, about 30 minutes by foot. I'm next to the river, with the white team."
Solar nodded.
"Thanks for... saving him, I guess."
Leefy blinked and Pyro said goodbye before leaving.
"You're lying. You're a fucking lying." Onision said, glaring at Leafy like if he was a bad parent at a Walmart.
"We'll discuss this tomorrow. This guy literally got his arm half chopped off." Solar sanded. Onion stormed away in rage.
"at least you diddnt dye" solar said.
"it hurts lke hell tho"
"...keemstar told you to kill stomedy, didn't he."
leafy didnt reply n stared at solar sands.
"he asked me too kill him to right after you left the dark and stormy night"
"i'll keep the secret as long as you dont kill anybody else"
"keem will kill everyone"
"you sure?"
"100%. he'll just replace us with more youtubers"
solar didnt know what to say and shruged.
"sucks" leafy said before going upstaris, holdign his injurd arm like a pyrosanical body pilow. Solar stayed dowwnstairs as the sound of silence started played in the bg.
1,148 words woo, new record
leaf a like if u want the pyrosanical body pillow
dogsong is inspiring af