Hey guys PKX here back with another chapter to Dragon's Storm. I love all the support and feedback I'm getting. I'm doing the best I can to make the story better and interesting so hopefully things work out good. Anyways onward with the new chapter!

Chapter 18 The Road to Summerslam


July 20th,2015

RAW was live tonight from St Louis, Missouri inside the Scottrade Center where Battleground was held last night. The opening pyro went off and the stadium was packed with over 18,000 screaming fans in the audience. Battleground has come and gone as new feuds will start.

Special Ops played and a thunderous ovation as they came out with their all black attires. All three of them were wearing black T-shirts that the Hounds of Justice logo with the words Sierra, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield in the form of a triangle. On the back of the shirts were the Shield's personal logos. Roman logo, Dean's initials and Kofi's Black Dragon logo.

Kofi had his WWE World Heavyweight Championship around his waist and his Intercontinental Championship on shoulder. Roman and Dean both had their Tag Team Championships on their shoulders.

They entered the ring with smiles on their faces. Kofi asked for a mics for all three of them. He held his mic to his mouth. He was about to say something till the crowd started cheering. "BEHEMOTH! BEHEMOTH! BEHEMOTH!"



"Thanks guys! Last night I beat Brock Lesnar and that weasel Seth Rollins to retain my WWE World Heavyweight Championship and Intercontinental Championship! I'm not gonna lie to any of you. It was the most grueling, destructive, and vicious match I've ever been in. Hell, Brock broke my fucking arm with his Kimura Lock!"

"But I didn't care cause made a vow to beat anyone who stood in my way and I did just that. I not only pinned Lesnar but I showed that anyone who thinks I don't deserve titles than watch last night! I was bleeding, battered, and a broken arm but nothing could stop me!"

Kofi gazed at his right arm which was still in pain but he could still move it.

"I popped my arm back in and pinned Lesnar with a Spear! Battleground was a statement that ANYONE who thinks they can beat me for these titles will get their ass whopped just like I did Lesnar! I conquered the Conquer! I beat the one in 22 and 1!"

"But only that my brothers the Big Dog and the Lunatic Fridge retained their Tag Team titles. Nice work guys." Kofi gave fist bumps to Roman and Dean who smiled. "I'm confident in being a dominant champion that I'm gonna issue an open challenge for my WWE World Heavyweight Championship tonight, in St. Louis Missouri."

The crowd cheered at the sound of the champion's request for an open challenge.

King of Kings played and out came Triple H along with Stephanie. They weren't happy that Seth didn't win back the WWE Championship so they decided for Seth to stay in the back.

They entered the ring with scorn faces. Kofi, Roman, and Dean all smiled at their displeased faces. Roman picked up his mic and chuckled. "What's wrong guys you made that we all retained our titles. You pissed that Kofi defied the odds and pinned Brock something that I couldn't do unfortunately due to that bitch Rollins but that in the past."

Triple H held the mic to his mouth and spoke. "We are pissed that Seth didn't win last night but I have to admit what you did last Kofi was incredible. You battled back and forth with Seth and Brock. Brock broke your arm with the Kimura Lock and i bet it still hurts like hell because I know what it's like to get my arm broken by Brock Lesnar. However, instead of being get rehab and possibly even surgery you decided to POP your arm back in!"

Kofi nodded and fans cheered. "BEHEMOTH! BEHEMOTH! BEHEMOTH!"

"You popped your arm back in and not only continued the match but ended up pinning Brock Lesnar! The man who conquered the Undertaker at WrestleMania 30. The man who ended the Streak. You beat him and for that I say congrats. You earned my respect."

Triple H offered his hand out to Kofi and the champion was hesitant at first. Kofi stared down Triple H for a good minute. He then nodded at The Game's show of respect and extended his hand.

The two men shook hands for about a few seconds before letting go. Triple H then turned to his wife, Stephanie. The Billion Dollar Princess was listening to the words of her husband. She wasn't happy about what her husband was telling her but decided to go along with Hunter's actions.

Triple H turned back to Kofi and smirked. "Current and Youngest WWE Champion, Intercontinental Champion, and former NXT Champion. All these accomplishments at 21 years old. Kofi, you're really making a name for yourself here in the WWE. You even defeated Brock Lesnar in your first ever PPV title defense. That's an incredible feat for someone so young. So with the support of my wife, we've decided that for Summerslam you get to have the right to choose your opponent in the main event for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship."

"First, I want to say thanks Hunter for show of respect. I'm gonna make sure that the opponent I choose is someone who will push to my limit. However, I want to let you and the whole WWE Universe know that no matter who I choose, I'll kick their ass and retain my WWE World Heavyweight Championship."

Triple H nodded. "That's great hear, but regarding your Intercontinental Championship. You told before the show started that you want to defend your Intercontinental Championship. Well your in luck cause I found an opponent and here he is..."

Crank It Up played and out came the World's Largest Athlete The Big Show. Kofi retained both of his titles against Big Show and Mark Henry at Beast in the East. Big Show came down to the ring all business. Big Show entered the ring and walked up in the champ's face. Kofi didn't back down and was fazed at all. Triple H and Stephanie left the ring. Roman and Dean gave fist bumps to Kofi as they stayed at ringside.

A ref came and separated the challenger and champion. Kofi took of his WWE Championship and gave it to the time keeper. He then gave his Intercontinental Championship to the ref and he held in the air to signal to crowd that the match was for the Intercontinental Championship.

Jojo was in the ring ready to announce the competitors. "Introducing the challenger, from Tampa, Florida weighting 425 pounds, the World's Largest Athlete, the Big Show. Big Show did his signature pose and the crowd booed.

"His opponent from Baltimore, Maryland weighting 270 pounds, he is the Intercontinental Champion, the Behemoth, Kofi Storm!" Kofi formed his arms into an X and then released and did his signature roar.

Jojo left the ring and the ref signaled for the bell. The bell rung and match was underway. Kofi and Big Show did a test of strength. Big Show obviously had the size advantage and begin pushing Kofi back close to the corner. However the Intercontinental Champion stopped Big Show's momentum and planted his feet on the mat.

The champion got out of the strength test and lifted Big Show off his feet. The champ then rushed towards the corner and rammed Big Show into the turnbuckle. Kofi started doing shoulder tackles to Big Show. After 5 shoulder tackles, The Behemoth pulled Big Show from the corner and throw him in the air with a Belly-to Belly Suplex.

Kofi picked Big Show up for another Belly-to-Belly Suplex. He picked Big Show off his legs and slammed him down with a Powerbomb. Storm then lifted Big Show for another Powerbomb. He lifted Show for a third Powerbomb and went for the pin.

1-2-Kick out by Big Show!

Big Show powered out and Kofi backed off the 7 foot Giant. Big Show went into the corner to catch his breath and Kofi charged at the World's Largest Athlete. Big Show didn't see it coming but Kofi jumped in mid air and connected with High Knee on Big Show's face. Storm then started delivering lefts and rights to Big Show as Show was covering up.

Kofi then climbed the turnbuckle and started hammering right hands on Big Show. The WWE Universe counted the amount of punches.


After the 10 punches, Big Show grabbed Kofi and threw him off the turnbuckle. Kofi got threw back in midair and landed on his feet. Big Show charged at Kofi and drilled Kofi with a massive shoulder tackle. The shoulder tackle caused Kofi to crash to the mat hard.

Big Show finally had control in the match. Show started his assault on the I.C. Champion with stomps. The World's Largest Athlete threw Kofi into the turnbuckle and used shoulder tackles against Kofi. Big Show then picked Kofi off his feet and slammed him to the ground with a Gorilla Press Slam! Show went for the pin.

1-2-Kofi kicked out! Kofi managed to get his shoulder up to avoid getting pinned. Big Show got up from Kofi and jumped in the air. The 7 foot giant planted Kofi with a Jumping Leg Drop on to the throat of Kofi! Big Show got up and jumped again for another Leg Drop and a third Leg Drop! He went for another pin.

1-2-Kofi kicked out again! Big Show pulled Kofi up and pushed him into the turnbuckle. Big Show started using clotheslines to weaken the Intercontinental Champion. Big Show landed about 10 clotheslines and then went to the second turnbuckle. He started waling on Kofi with right hands but then Kofi placed his hands on Big Show's legs.

Storm lifted Big Show off the ropes and began running with Big Show on his shoulders. Kofi went full speed and then slammed Big Show with a Running Powerbomb! The strength of the Behemoth was unmatched. Kofi got to his feet and lifted Big Show off his feet and going for another Powerbomb but Kofi instead threw Big Show onto his shoulders with such power and planted the World's Largest Athlete with Piper's Pit!

Kofi decided he would end this. He went into the corner and waited for Big Show to get up. He waited and waited until Big Show got to his feet. He did his signature roar and charged at the 7 foot Giant for a SPEAR!

He went for the pin. 1-2-3! Kofi retained the Intercontinental Championship. Special Ops played as the crowd cheered for the Intercontinental Champion. "Here is your winner and STILL the Intercontinental Champion, Kofi Storm!" Jojo announced as Kofi was helped up by Roman and Dean. The ref handed Kofi his I.C. title and the Shield members did their signature pose.


The Shield made their way backstage after Kofi retained his Intercontinental Championship. They felt proud about themselves until they were stopped by a figure. The camera turned to show Seth Rollins, who the crowd gave a mix reaction. Seth didn't say a word and just stared at Kofi's WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

"Kofi-" Roman was gonna say something but cut him off.

"It's fine, Roman. You guys go, I can handle this." Kofi looked at the Big Dog who nodded and the Shield members gave fist bumps before leaving. Now it was just The Black Dragon aka The Behemoth and The Architect. Neither Superstar said a word. The tense was so thick you could cut it with a knife. They just stared at each other.

Seth decided to be the first one to break the quietness. "You know exactly what I want." he said coldly.

Kofi glared and answered back. "Yeah and my answer is Hell NO."

Rollins got into the face of the dual champion but Kofi wasn't fazed. "I wasn't asking you. I'm telling you, announce me as your opponent for Summerslam!"

"Once again, Hell NO! You and I both know that I'm no gonna choose you so why don't you back off!"

Kofi tried to move past Rollins, but The Architect wouldn't allow it as he blocked his path. "I'm going nowhere until you make my your Summerslam opponent! You can do this the easy way or the hard way, Kofi!"

"I'm not gonna defend my WWE World Heavyweight Championship against some chicken shit!" The crowd 'oohed' as Seth looked pissed. "A chicken shit! A chicken shit! You gonna-"

Kofi had enough and grabbed Rollins' shirt and lifted him off the air. He then threw him against the wall. "Yeah, chicken shit! Unlike you I don't need anyone's help to win my world championship! I don't need to stab my friends in back just to become the WWE Champion! I don't need anyone's help to keep my titles cause the whole world knows that I kick anyone's ass no matter who they are after what happened last night! I beat you and Brock Lesnar last night after Lesnar made me bleed and broke my freaking arm!"

"You think you can fight someone who pops their arm back in, finishes a match, and most important WINS the match with no bullshit! No you can't cause all you've done is run away like pussy when there was a challenger in front of you. Brock, John, Dean, Roman, etc. You've always needed help since you sold out! That's the why I won't choose you cause you don't have the balls to fight me man-to-man! And don't you ever get in my face like that again or you'll be on the floor in a pool of blood!"

Kofi released Rollins and started walking away but Rollins wasn't going to let that slide. Seth grabbed Kofi's back and turned him around to face him man to man. "You listen to me, you son of a bitch!" the crowd 'oohed' again as they were getting into it! "I don't give a shit that I had betray Roman and Dean to get to the top! I'm happy about what I did and I do it all over again! I'm obsessed with that WWE Championship! I won that title at WrestleMania 31 in the freaking main event with arguably the greatest cash-in of all time! I will do whatever I have to in order to become champion again! I despise you with ever fiber of my being! If you never existed I wouldn't have deal with The Shield again! You're the bane of my existence and I will end you to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion-"

Kofi stared coldly at Seth as he was in his face. "You want to know why I'm the bane of your existence? It all goes back to my last match on NXT where YOU, Seth Rollins attacked me from behind like pussy! You started this tense between us! You started this drama why because you knew that I was threat to you. You're the reason why The Shield reformed! You're the reason for your own hardship! You're the reason for your struggles! You're the reason why I despise you cause you attacked me! You try make some stupid statement that I should say at the bottom and look where that got you!"

"Attacking me is what caused The Shield to be reformed. Attacking ME is what caused you to lose your WWE Championship. You hate me because unlike Roman, John, Dean, Dolph, etc. you've faced before you can't weasel your way out of a situation. You can't sneak away like a pussy and cheat to win your matches with me. You know that no matter what you do you'll FAIL against me! You can't beat and you won't beat me! I'm not facing you at Summerslam because I'm gonna choose someone that will give me a fair fight and not cheat to win!"

Kofi turned his back to Seth and started walking away but Seth refused to like Kofi leave let. Rollins jumped right in front of Kofi's oath again. "You give the Summerslam title shot or ELSE!"

Kofi got in Rollins' face. "OR ELSE WHAT, BITCH! I dare to throw a punch at me and I'll end you for good!"






They started at each other for about a minute until Seth backed off. "You know what, fine. You won't give me the title shot then I'll just provoke you until you do give it to me. I warned you, Kofi Storm! You could've given me the title shot but instead you decided to be stubborn. That's fine, Kofi. However, the consequences and blood are on YOUR hands! You could've taken the easy way but now we gonna do thinks the hard way!

"Whatever, asshole but provoking me won't do anything."

"We'll see about that, but like you said earlier that I'm the reason for my hardships. Well you're gonna be the reason for the blood that split!"

"Whatever!" Kofi shouted out and left as he had to prepare for his second open challenge.

The main event was Kofi defending his WWE World Heavyweight Championship in an open challenge match. The challenger was the 15-WWE World Heavyweight Champion and United States Champion, John Cena. The U.S. and WWE Champion had a match for the WWE Championship and even though Kofi won he didn't fight John at his best thanks to Rollins.

Kofi was happy to face John again after retaining last night against Lesnar and Rollins. The match started as a back and forth. Both men were equal in strength and neither could get an edge over one another. Kofi managed to get John off his feet and hurled him into the turnbuckle. Kofi did his shoulder tackles and then tossed the Cenation leader with a Belly-to Belly Suplex.

He did multiple Suplexs to John and went for the pin for a near fall. Kofi then went a Powerslam but Cena countered with Moment of Silence. He then went top rope and nailed a Diving Splash. He got a near fall from that.

John went for the AA early but Kofi countered with elbows to the head. He managed to get off his shoulders and grabbed his legs. He lifted him to his shoulders and then spun him around planting him with an Electric Powerbomb! He went for the pin but for a near fall. Kofi tossed John outside the ring and waited from to get him. The champion waited and when the U.S. Champion got up he ran towards the ropes. He bounced off them and crashed on the challenger with the Undertaker Top Rope Suicide.

Kofi grabbed his challenger and threw him into the steel steps. He then lifted Cena onto his shoulders and nailed an F5 on the steel post! John's body crashed on the steel post hard as Kofi did his signature roar. He then threw John back into the ring and went for the pin. John kicked out at two. Kofi deadlifted his challenger and tossed him middle air causing the U.S. champion to fall down.

Kofi stayed in control of the match for a good 5 minutes with Suplexs, Powerbombs, and even submissions like the Ankle and Kimura Lock. Kofi did two more F5 finishers on the steel posts. Both targeting John's right leg. John however started fighting back and did his Five Moves of Doom. He went for ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT and connected but instead he lifted Kofi off his feet for a second AA! He went for the pin but Kofi kicked out.

He starting pounding Kofi with punches in the corner but Kofi countered them with a Running Powerbomb! He then went deadlifted John off his feet again and nailed his Triple Powerbomb combo! He went to the corner and waited for the challenger to get up. John got up and Kofi did his Behemoth roar and charged at Cena connecting with the SPEAR! He went back to the corner and waited again for Cena to get to his feet. He got his feet and Kofi charged again for a second SPEAR!

He went for the pin but John managed to kick out at the last second. Kofi slammed his hands on the mat in frustration and started hammering John with MMA style punches. Kofi lifted Cena on his shoulders and went for Samoan Drop but John countered with elbows and then with the DDT. John then lifted Kofi on his feet and went for a third Attitude Adjustment but Kofi managed to release himself from John's shoulders and lifted him onto his shoulders for a massive Running Powerslam!

Both men fell to the mat as they were exhausted. Kofi managed to get his feet first and charged at John. Kofi jumped in the air and connected with a third SPEAR!

The Spear rocked the United States Champion and Kofi took advantage as he applied the Ankle Lock on John's right leg. He applied pressure to the injured leg as John was screaming in pain. He crawled towards the ropes but Kofi pushed him away and went down to the ground to apply more pressure. John wouldn't TAP OUT because he managed to crawl his way towards the ropes however Kofi again pulled him away and gave most amount of pressure he could.

It would be a statement and message were he pin Brock Lesnar AND make John Cena tap out in back-to-back night. It's rare for John to submit however he couldn't take the pain anymore and taped out! Kofi retained the WWE Championship and made John Cena TAP OUT! JOHN CENA TAPPED OUT!

Scottrade Center went crazy as Kofi not only retain his title but made the face of the WWE for over a decade submit in the middle of the ring. He pinned Brock Lesnar and made John Cena tap out in back-to-back nights!

"Here is your winner by submission and still the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Kofi Storm!" Jojo announced as the crowd went nuts and Kofi was handed his WWE Championship. He celebrated as John was getting treated by doctors but decided he would leave by his own power. John hobbled to his feet and limped over to Kofi. John was pissed that he missed another opportunity to become a 16-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion but he was proud that the kid in front of him made him tap out! He realized that Kofi was the real deal and offered his hand to show respect.

Kofi without hesitation shook his hand to show the respect back. The fans cheered the sportsmanship and John raised Kofi's hand in respect but to also show he was the better man. John released his hand but then Kofi raised John's hand as the crowd cheered for both men. Kofi released his hand and John left the ring as Kofi celebrated in the ring. However the celebration wouldn't last forever as he was attacked from behind by Kane, Big Show and J&J Security.

The Authority misses Rollins started attacking Storm. John, Roman, and Dean came out to battle The Authority. They numbers game was even but then Rusev and Sheamus came out to make it six on four. The Shield and John were getting overpowered but then Randy Orton and Cesaro came out to even the odds. It was six on six. The Shield, John, Randy and Cesaro took care of the The Authority, Sheamus and Rusev, but then Kane asked for a mic.

The Director of Operations before saying anything starting laughing manically. He laughed and laughed before he finally stopped and spoke. "Kofi, you shouldn't be worrying about us. You should worried about a certain Raven-Haired Renegade." Kane said as he pointed to the Titiantron.


Parking Lot

The titantron showed Paige, Charlotte, and Becky walking down towards the parking lot. The three were laughing and having fun as they made their way towards the parking lot.

Paige was with Becky and Charlotte after beating Nikki and her Empire. Paige, Becky, and Charlotte were in their casual clothes and they were giving the rest of the day off thanks to the Authority. She was feeling good about herself as she made the way to her until her friends stopped by Seth Rollins along with The Miz, Mizdow, and The New Day. The Architect had evil intentions when he displayed a cocky grin.

"Hello ladies,I-"

Paige cut him off. "What the hell do you, Rollins? If you're trying to use me as a damsel to get at Kofi then don't. I can handle myself and along with my friends why don't so leave." Paige shot him a cold glare but Seth chuckled and placed his hands up.

"Wow, wow easy sweetheart. I don't mean any harm. I just came here to let you know that Kofi and you are really close. Almost to close. What's your relationship with him?"

"It's none of your business what kind of relationship Kofi and I have. Besides were just long time friends that's all."

The heels laughed at Paige's statement. Why were they laughing cause it they didn't think it was true. It couldn't be true.

After they stopped laughing, Seth got in the face of the Divas Champion. "Bullshit. You two are more than friends. We know it. The WWE Universe knows it. How about the times you two have kissed. Everyone knows your close but nobody knows why. So-"

"So it's none of your damn business. What Kofi and I in our personal lives is only between us. It has nothing do with you. Any of you. " Paige stood her ground but inside she was a little afraid because of the six men in front of her.

"Why don't you guys just back off? You making Paige uncomfortable so just leave." Becky finally talked and Charlotte then spoke. "Maybe you guys are mad because Kofi's more of a man than any of you."

Xavier then said, "Is that so and tell me Nature Girl where is Kofi right now?"

"Where, where, where, where, where?"

Back in the ring, Kofi realized what Rollins meant and he looked towards his brothers and allies. They all nodded as they agreed. what he had to looked towards the opposition and shrugged. He ran towards the ropes then bounced off them and crashed onto his prey with the Top Rope Suicide Dive He went underneath the ring and grabbed a sledgehammer. He then ran towards the parking lot as fast as he could. He left the Gorilla area and then made his way towards backstage. He had to hurry before something seriously bad happened.

Parking Lot

"That's right he's nowhere to be found, Paige. I bet he doesn't even care about given how pathetic you. So why don't you tell us the truth or bad things will happen." Miz threatened with Mizdow mimicked him.

"You can take your threats and shove them up your asses! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" Paige screamed as she pushed her way the men and she almost escaped however Mizdow managed to her before she leave.

"LET GO OF ME!" Paige yelled as she got out of Mizdow's grip and twisted his arm from behind. She then pushed him into Miz and sent both men crashing into a car. Becky and Charlotte pushed The New Day in order to get to Paige however The New Day grabbed them so they couldn't help. Paige went to help but Seth grabbed her hair and threw her into the a SUV. He then slammed her head into the driver's widow. He then threw her head into the passenger widow. He then grabbed rope and tied her hands. He gave ropes to The New Day as they tied both Becky's and Charlotte's hands.

Rollins also had duck-tape which he placed on all three girls' mouths.

Paige was now bleed her head. She was tied and unable to speak. She was weak and couldn't fight. She was defenseless and it wasn't her fault. She only acted in self-defense but she couldn't take Seth, Miz, Mizdow and New Day with just Becky and Charlotte. She needs help and muscle. She needs her Black Dragon. She needed her Behemoth.

He then pressed her against the wall. He had a evil smirk and whispered in her ear. "I'm gonna make you scream and nobody will save you." Paige eyes widened as she tried to scream but Seth held her mouth.

"One of you give me a knife." He ordered his minions as Miz and Mizdow both got up and went to find a knife or weapons. Seth had devilish grin on his face. " I told Kofi that if he didn't give my title match at Summerslam then the blood split would be on his hands. So by blood, I mean you're blood Paige. I'm going make you bleed and scream until you can't fight anymore. You want to why I'm doing this is because I'm opposed with being WWE World Heavyweight Champion and I'll do ANYTHING to be champion again even if it means taking a life. HAAAAAA!"


Kofi was rushing towards the parking lot. 'The blood will be on your hands' He replayed Rollins' words over and over again. He didn't take his words seriously but HE SHOULD'VE HAVE! HE NEEDED TO GET TO PAIGE AND FAST BEFORE SHE GETS HURT!

Kofi was close to the parking lot however he was stopped in his tracks by Mark Henry and The Wyatt Family. Kofi was in a pissed off mode.

"Are you fucking serious right now! I don't have time for this bullshit! I need to get to Paige now leave or be destroyed."

"You shouldn't be worried about Paige. You should worry about yourself, champ. I still have a bone to pick with you."

"So do I now why don't you-" Bray didn't finish as Kofi charged at Wyatt knocking him down. Rowan and Harper helped out but Kofi managed to fight them off with his sledgehammer. He knocked Rowan with the hammer to the head. He nailed Harper in the head and then threw Harper into Rowan sending crashing threw tables. Henry attacked Kofi from behind and Bray joined in as they wearied down Kofi. However Kofi fought back by tossing Henry off him and then SPEAR through a guard rail. He then dodged an attack from Bray and knocked him out with his sledgehammer. He then tossed Bray into interview section and slammed him into the TV as he fell down.

Kofi then ran once again towards the parking lot as he almost close to his destination. "I'm coming, Paige! I swear to God, Seth Rollins is a dead man!" He screamed as he kept running.

Parking Lot

Paige's eyes widened as she realized Seth Rollins was serious! He wasn't joking at all! He was going to try to kill her or try to kill her to provoke Kofi! Miz and Mizdow came back with knives. Rollins then something disgusting as he started RIPPING Paige's shirt off. Her shirt was ripped but not completely Paige started screaming but to no avail no one could hear her.

Rollins gripped one of the knives and screamed, "KOFI, I TOLD YOU THAT THE BLOOD WOULD BE ON YOUR HANDS AND NOW HERE IT IS!" Rollins thrust the knife and STABBED PAIGE'S ABDOMEN 10 TIMES! He should no sympathy or remorse. He laughed as he enjoyed it. The crowd was completely silent as they did know how to react. Paige was screaming as blood was gushing from her stomach!

However they started cheering for something but for what. Rollins was about continue the stabbing when Kofi appeared out of nowhere! He pounced on Rollins wailing lefts and rights on him. He then threw him into a car window. He then threw him into the passenger widow. New Day went to fight Kofi but Kofi took out Woods with a SPEAR! He knocked Kingston out with the sledgehammer and he did the Gorilla Press Slam to Big E on the hood on a truck!

Kofi looked and saw Paige with her mouth tapped, hands tied, and blood spewing her stomach. However the worst thing is that she was crying. Her beautiful face was dripping in makeup and tears. She was scared and helpless. Kofi took off his shirt and tied it around Paige's body. He tied in tight so the blood could stop. Thankfully it stopped for now. He found the knife Rollins used and cut the ropes. He took off the tap and when he did Paige jumped into his arms.

She cried as her Behemoth saved her live threatening situation. He cut the ropes and ripped the tap of the mouths of Becky and Charlotte. They hugged him too but their 'happy ending' wouldn't last long as Miz and Mizdow came forward as threats. Kofi got up and looked at the girls. "Girls, run and don't look back."

"Kofi, NO-"


Paige froze when Kofi called her by her real name. Kofi looked pissed and rightfully so. "GO! BECKY, CHARLOTTE GET PAIGE TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL!"

Becky with an instant lifted Paige off her feet and held her princess style. She and Charlotte ran towards Paige's SUV. Becky put Paige gently into the backseat and grabbed her keys from her purse while Charlotte with into the passenger's seat. Becky went to the driver seat and started the SUV. She pushed her foot on the accelerator but then stop and turned to Kofi.

"GO NOW AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" Kofi screamed out and Becky nodded as she pushed the accelerator once more driving out of the arena and towards a hospital. Kofi turned his head and glared at Miz and Mizdow!

Kofi ripped off his shirt and glared at the duo with his sledgehammer in hand. "You're all dead!" He screamed then charged Miz and the stunt-double. Miz and Mizdow tried to tackle him down, but he escaped. Kofi then attacked Mizdow with the sledgehammer and knocked him down. He then turned to Miz and did the same. He grabbed Miz and threw him into a car. He then did the same to Mizdow.

New Day went to stop Kofi but the dual champion managed to take them out. The New Day, Miz/Mizdow. There was one person missing and that was Rollins.

"That little weasel! Rollins were are you!" Kofi looked around for Rollins but couldn't find him. He spent about 10-20 minutes but still couldn't find him. He decided to He started walking away from the parking lot however two stage producers came up to him frighted.

"Kofi, you need you came to the ring! It's urgent!" One of them said.

Kofi could tell from his voice that it had to with Paige. "Why what happened?! Tell me!"

"It's Paige! She's being held by The Authority along with others! Rollins is gonna smash her face on steel steps if you don't comply with his demands!"


The second stage worker said "She did but The Authority pulled her away after she wasn't finished getting checked out and brought her back here! The doctors managed to stop the bleeding and put tap/bandages around her stomach but you need to hurry now!"

"Right!" Kofi dashed out the parking lot with his sledgehammer however he stopped about halfway. He turned back to the workers. "Wait! How did The Authority came back without coming through the parking lot?!"

"There's a shortcut that allows VIP to get special parking away from the parking lot! But that doesn't matter! GO NOW!"

Kofi nodded and he once again dashed towards the ring.


The Authority allowing with Sheamus, The Wyatt Family, and Mark Henry had taken out Roman, Dean, Randy, John, Cesaro, The Lucha Dragons, R-Truth, Neville, Swagger and Ziggler. The reinforcements were gone and it was just The Authority in the there were ten security guards surrounding the outside of the ring. J&J along with Kane held Paige down on the steps as Rollins had an evil smirk on his face as he held a mic in his hand. "Kofi, come on out! I know you can here me! You know what I want! You brought this on yourself, Kofi! Now, Paige is gonna suffer because of your arrogance!"

Indestructible played and the crowd cheered as Kofi came out of the curtains with his sledgehammer. He ran down the ramp and was met by the guards. He nailed three with his hammer. He then took three more down with lefts and rights. The final four were thrown into the steel steps and barricade.

He took down all the security guards and was about to enter the ring but stopped when he saw Paige. Kofi stared at Paige, who was hurt and bloody. Rollins smirked and grabbed Paige's hair lifting her head on the steps. Kofi saw Paige's face bloody and full with tears. It was just like earlier but she was now in more pain.

Kofi had numerous emotions flowing through his body. He wanted to charge head first but knew that the numbers game would be to much. Rollins had that evil grin on his face. He was provoking Kofi to no end. He held the mic to his mouth. "You did this, Kofi! You did this! You decided to do things the hard way and now look at your 'girlfriend'. She's pathetic and broken just like you'll be at Summerslam. It's time for the now! Give me what I want Kofi Storm! Announce me as your Summerslam opponent cause if you don't I'm going smash my foot onto her skull!"

Rollins asked for another mic and tossed it to Kofi, who caught it. Kofi looked at the mic thinking about what to say. He looked at the fans they nodded their heads. "Kick his ass!" They chanted.

"KICK HIS ASS! KICK HIS ASS! KICK HIS ASS! KICK HIS ASS!" The crowd chanted as Kofi realized what the fans wanted. He looked at The Authority with a smirk. "I've given it thought every since the beginning of RAW. So my Summerslam opponent is you, Seth Rollins!" Kofi declared Seth his opponent and Seth was ecstatic along with The Authority.

"Yes! Yes! You finally came to your sense, but I'm still gonna kill Paige anyway!" Seth yelled as he throw the mic away. He ran towards the ropes and bounced off them. He went for the CURB ST-SPEAR BY KOFI! Kofi speared Rollins in midair and started wailing on his newly announced challenger. Big Show and Kane tried to stop Kofi but Big Show was attacked by Roman Reigns!

The Big Dog started attacking The World's Largest Athlete with left and right hands. Roman managed to clothesline Big Show outside the ring. Kane was then attacked by Lunatic Fridge, Dean Ambrose with a steel chair. Dean keep attacking Kane with the chair until he managed to get him outside the ring. Kofi got off Rollins and went after J&J Security. Noble went after Storm but Kofi slammed him with a Spinebuster!

Mercury went after Kofi but the dual champion caught his fist and then gripped his throat. He lifted him up and slammed him down with a Chokeslam! Triple H and Stephanie left the ring. Kofi asked Roman and Dean to take Paige and leave the ring. They gently lifted Paige and carried her outside the ring. Kofi looked at the chair and picked it up.

He walked over to Rollins and showed no mercy. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!

Kofi stopped and threw the chair down. Rollins rolled outside the ring in pain and The Authority helped him as Kofi stood tall. The Shield came into the ring and did their pose.

Kofi picked up a mic and said "Rollins, Summerslam your ASS BELONGS TO ME!"

Hi, guys its PKX here. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you next time!
