I panted as I ran through the thick forest. The forest was so thick that I could not pass through it without colliding into a tree every minute. I tried to navigate through the large and dark forest without giving away my position.

I grit my teeth as I felt three more presence on my tail. I quickly jumped down to lower branches then to the ground. I moved swiftly through the forest hoping for a clearing.

I concealed my chakra and then a sudden explosion on my far right made me stumble on footing but I kept on running through the thick forest. On the ground it was far more difficult to move as I was colliding into tress every second. The damp floor was not helping me either.

I would have had better perception if I had been on the tree tops but right now the tree tops were quite dangerous and would not give enough time to kill them all and I would be outnumbered.


"To the tree tops" I said to my clone. She nodded at me and left my side. The slight spike of my chakra might have given away my position but my clone would keep them busy for a while.

I quickened my pace and smiled when I spotted a small clearing.

'According to the map, I must be in the center of the forest' I thought.

I entered the clearing but before I could admire the beauty of surroundings, I heard few explosions and then I felt four chakars heading towards me. Out of four, one was my clone's then the rest of my enemies.

I quickly jumped into the water completely concealing my presence. I swam to the other side of the lake and hid behind a huge rock.

2 minutes later...

I felt my clone's presence then the other three. I smiled when I felt two more chakra heading this way, it was of my team mates but they were too far.

"WHAT IT WAS A CLONE!" I heard a woman shout.

I smirked and quickly jumped out of hiding place startling all the three with two more clones behind me. I pounced onto them with a malicious grin on my face.

I went for the woman whereas my clones went for the other two. We battled each other fiercely but suddenly the woman let out a super sonic scream.

I quickly dove into lake to avoid it. Since sound was slower in water than in air it did not affect me much. But it certainly did a number on my ears.

The more the frequency of the scream increased, the further I dove down. I felt my clones disappear but I had already placed two other clones around and out of the enemies' sight.

I felt the other clones take their positions and I knew I wouldn't have much time before they to disappear as well. When the need for burned my lungs I quickly resurfaced.

Then I noticed an explosive tag dropped into the water before I could make out of the water it exploded sending in a high pressure that knocked me back into the water. My back hit a large boulder, the pressure under the water almost crushed me. Pain shot down my spine and the pressure almost crushed my ribs. Ignoring the pain,I tried to think of a way out. Then I noticed that the boulder was so huge that it extended up to the surface.

I gritted my teeth as I quickly turned around and pressed my hands and feet on to the large boulder and sent chakra into them and quickly climbed up the boulder.

Under the water, the boulder was slippery and I slipped a few times. I resurfaced and my lungs took heavy gulps of air. Before I had time to recover, the woman jumped on the boulder and stared at me with a cruel smirk on my face.

"Hello. Are you alright?" She asked me faking concern.

"I am actually. By the way the explosive tags were quite stupid" I said with a sweet smile on my face. I saw her facial expression change from mockery to an ugly scowl.

Then suddenly she jabbed a sword at me aiming my chest. I quickly caught the sword between my open palms and sent chakra through it. A thick mass of ice covered the sword and her hands.

The woman let out a sharp cry when the mass of ice wound around her hands, chilling her every nerve. I quickly let go of the sword and jumped out of lake.

With another earsplitting scream the woman was pulled down into water by her iced sword. The heavy sword pulled her deep into waters. She would only survive if she melts the ice in time and that would not happen because the ice crystals contained small amounts of chakra in them, so even if you break it, it would regenerate.

With a fleeting glance I left the spot and went to my clones. I noted that my clones had the two men in restrain and were ready to kill. I stood in front of the men as the lay down on their stomachs with chakra strings wound around them making them immobile.

I crouched down to look into into their eyes with a evil glint in my eyes. I grinned in delight when I noticed a speck of fear in their eyes. I stood up and walked in between them and crouched down.

I placed my hands on their backs firmly. My hands glowed silver.


Blood curling screams filled the air as the two men cried out in pain when their hearts were slowly shredded by the piercing shards of ice I infused them.

Blood oozed from their mouths and noses as their heart split open. Large blood coated pieces of ice emerged out of their chests and their pinpoints contained small pieces of their hearts.

The sight of shredded hearts gave me a sick kind of satisfaction.

10:00 PM ...

The night's chilly air brushed past my heavy cloak. I filled my lungs with cold air and tightened the cloak around me. I looked up the sky, the moon and the stars were hidden under the blanket of clouds.

The mission was complete and the scroll was safely kept in the archive. I sighed as walked back to my home. I stopped on my tracks when I noticed a dark figure looming in the shadows.

Then I simply walked past it knowing that who it was and I paid no mind to the person. The person now walked by my side all the while reading his Icha Icha Paradise.

"Ignoring the problem doesn't solve it you know." The man said in a bored tone.

I tucked my cloak tighter and quickened my pace. The man took two large steps and he was beside me again. I knew my small legs were no match against his long ones.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and still tried to outwit him but then again he just took longer steps.

We reached the front door of my home. Instead of going straight to the door, I took a detour and stood in front of a large tree in front of my home.

I started to climb the tree and I reached for the branch that led to my bedroom window. Before I went inside I glared at him and said.

"Leave me alone, Kakashi"

We stared at each others eyes as if silently questioning the others motive. A few heart beats later, he broke the silence.

"Haruno, stop living like this" The seriousness in his tone surprised me but none the less I kept face passive.

With that he left me alone and went on his own. I ground my teeth in frustration and anger when his words hit home. I forced myself to ignore his comment and get back to the task at hand. I slowly opened the window. It creaked a little but none the less made no sound.

I was devoured by the warmth inside my home. I quickly shut the window and divested of my cloak. Before I could jump onto the bed, a voice same as my own called out.


I stared at the source of the voice incredulously.

"I just changed the sheets. And besides you reek of blood and sweat." The voice said.

I glared at her in irritation. I could not see her since the light was out.


The light was switched on to find a girl standing there with a glare same as my own, painting her face. She looked exactly like me no she was me.