Thanks for clicking/tapping on this fanfic!
I really, really hope you enjoy it!

I don't own Hetalia, as much as I wish I did.

(Apologizing for spelling in advance)


It was the first day of school, which meant that the agony was back. Well, for Matthew Williams, it was. He didn't really like summer since he hated the heat and would almost always prefer the cold. His twin brother, Alfred Jones, walking beside him, bag flung over his left shoulder and other hand in his football sweater pocket.

"Do we have to come back to this Hell-hole?" Alfred whined, looking at the school from the distance. It would only be a short time until they finally reached their destination.

"Yes, you idiot. And don't you dare ditch, Mom and Dad will kill you." The shorter blonde responded.


"Don't even, Alfie." Matt used the nickname Alfred hated the most, making him shut up the rest of the walk.

Well, almost.

"So, are you gonna sit with me at lunch, bro? You know, with the gang?" Matthew cringed. He absolutely hated Alfred's friends, most of them anyway. They were all way too loud and ignored him or really, really annoyed him.

"S-Sure." But, he would put up with it because his brother was the only real friend he had.

"Alright, see you later, dude!" Alfred shouted, waving and running towards the school building.

"He's such a moron." Matthew said, looking up at the blue sky and not paying attention to where he was going.

The next thing he knew was indescribable pain from a pole.

"Alright class!" The history teacher said, hands on his hips, "That'll be all for today. Class is dismissed."

Everyone began to pack up.

I guess you could say Matthew was lucky.

He had his twin in every one of his classes.



As much as the Canadian loved his twin, he still loved this thing called, 'personal space'.

He was in the midst of putting a notebook away when said person pulled on his sleeve to get his attention.

"Yes, Alfred?" Purple eyes looked up to sky blue ones.

"H-Hey, Mattie…" He laughed nervously, "I-I might've lost my schedule…"
Matthew sighed, "We go to music next, Alfie."

"B-But… I don't wan-"

"You are going and that's that. If Mom or Dad ever found out you skipped on the first day, you'd be in trouble. Heck, I'd probably be in trouble since I'll be with you, sitting right behind you or next to you for the rest of the year."

"But, Mattie-"
"No 'but's, Alfred. Just do it and get it over with."

Alfred was dragged out of the classroom, down the hall, and to the music room by the younger.

Once they were situated, Alfred crossed his arms and pouted.

"Good evening, class. I'm Mr. Erik." (He'll be an OC)

"Good evening, Mr. Erik." The class said in unison.

Matthew recognized all of the faces in the class.

There's the B.T.T., or, the Bad Touch Trio. Home of Antonio, Francis, and Gilbert.

Then there was Ludwig, Kiku, and the Vargas brothers.

Over there was Arthur, Yao, and Ivan.

It was a small class of twelve, including his and his brother.

Mr. Erik cleared his throat.

"Now, if all of you could pick an instrument, that'd be greatly appreciated."

Alfred fidgeted, "What are you going to play, Mattie? I'm doing the trumpet, bro."

"I-I don't know… I'm good at the French ho-"

"Francis has that dude…"

"W-Well… W-What about p-piano?"

"Sweet." His brother stood up, "Now, go do you, dude. I'll be by ya' in a sec."

"A-Al, you really don't need t-"

"Nonsense!" Alfred smiled, "I'm your older brother! By five minutes, too! I was born to protect you!"

"A-Al… T-There's nothing t-to protect me fro-"

Alfred grabbed his brother's hand and tugged him to the piano.

"C'mon, Mattie. Don't be so stuck up."

"B-But I'm n-not-"

"Brb, Mattie!" His brother unnecessarily shouted.

Alfred was being overprotective again…

He made him promise not to do this a few days ago before bed.


Al will still be Al, and there's no putting an end to it.

Matthew prodded at the piano, pressing different keys.

He could hear the instruments of the others, mostly guitars and percussions.

He looked around.

Ludwig on drums, Gilbert on bass, Francis on the French horn (that hoser), Antonio on the acoustic guitar, Arthur on the electric guitar, Yao on the gong, Ivan on the saxophone, Kiku on the clarinet, Lovino on the violin, and Feliciano on the flute.

"Now… To assign the project." Mr. Erik said.

"Everyone will be paired up in groups of two or three. Your assignment goes on for the semester. You will be singing a song. Any song of choice!" The class groaned, "Ah-ah! Can't have that now can we. And it get's better, don't worry! You'll be performing it at the annual school talent festival come December!" The class groaned even louder. "There are two rules; make sure to clean up the song of swears and make sure to have fun! Now, pick your partners and write the members of your group on the board, please."

Alfred immediately grabs Mattie's hand, narrowing his eyes at anyone close to them and makes his way to the board.

Alfred scribbles their names on the board, receiving a glare from his brother.

"Al… You said you wouldn't do this!"

"Do what, Mattie?" Alfred asked, making their way to the back where their instruments waited patiently for them.

"You know what I mean!" Alfred laughed and shook his head.

"Nope! I really don't!"

Matthew rolled his eyes, "I hate you…"
"Nah, you love me."

Matthew started playing a few notes again, squeaks and shaky notes filling the room.

"So, what song do you have in mind?" Matthew asked, not taking his eyes off the piano.

"You'd think we'd do a duet more often because we live together and you're playing something twenty-four-seven!" Alfred laughed, Mattie laughing a bit as well.

"Ah, shut up! At least I'm not doting over that Russian boy."
Alfred's face flushed and he punched his cackling twin lightly on the shoulder.

"S-Shut up!"

"Ah, c'mon… I think it's cute you still have that middle school crush of yours!" Matthew said, still laughing.

Alfred grumbled and started thinking of a few songs.

"...Great Balls of Fire? By Jerry Lee Lewis?" He suggested.

"Hm… Maybe… Let's make a list." Matthew took out a notepad and pen from out of nowhere and wrote the idea down.

"What else?" Al asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"...What about that new song? Y'know? It goes like, 'Once I was seven years old' then it goes something about his mother…?" Matthew scratched his head.
"Mattie, you have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard!" Alfred exclaimedin awe.

"S-Shut up!"

"Awww! My baby brother is so cute!"

"Shut up!"

"Fine, fine," Alfred laughed, "It's called Seven Years by Lukas Graham."

"Alright… Let's write down one more…" Matthew said, biting the pen tip.

"...Hm… Why don't we do another modern song? Like… I heard Fallout Boy was popular… Do you know any of their songs?"
"Duh!" Alfred said looking offended. "Who doesn't know a song of theirs?!"

"Alrighty then… How about… Centuries? Or… Light Em' Up? Maybe Uma Thurman?"
"How about…" Alfred took a minute, "Uma Thurman? We can clean up that one real nice."

"Alright…" Matthew wrote that down as well.

"Something wrong, lil' bro?"
"M-Maybe… W-We could do a-a… I-I don't know… It's a stupid idea."
Alfred frowned and flicked his twin's forehead.

"No idea of my twin's is a stupid idea!"
"F-Fine… I was thinking… Maybe we could do a mashup I-I've heard of…"
Alfred perked up and his eyes seem to lighten up even more.

"Ooh~! What's it called?"

"It's a mashup Hey Brother and Wake Me Up by Anthem Lights."

Alfred seemed to silence.

"D-Did I-I do something wrong? I-I t-told you i-it was a horrible i-idea!"

"Can I see the notepad for a second?" Alfred asked.

Matthew shakily nodded and handed it to him.

Alfred tore the page out and crumpled it into a ball, throwing it across the room into a garbage can.


"Mathew… You. Are. BRILLIANT!" Alfred grabbed his brother's hands.

"Let's do it!"

Matthew smiled and nodded.

Maybe this semester won't be as bad, after all...

I know.

I didn't make Alfie an ass.

In here, unlike most of the other fanfics, he's protective!



Gawd, I'm so awkward...

Hope you enjoy the rest of these!
Ciao, ciao, Lovelies!