~Note: I don't own Twilight; I just wanted to play with this particular plot point

Forse è uno o l'altro. Ah this is a sadness. If only it where your intention to give her immortality. Wait! Bella will be one us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself.

Mesmerizing. To see what you have seen, before it is happened. Your gifts... will make for an intriguing immortal... Isabella. Go now, and make your preparations. Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive, any moment. Thank you... for your visit. We'll return the favor: I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon... We do not offer second chances. Goodbye... my young friends.

New Moon (2009 Movie)


As we walked through the dank tunnels under Volterra, I felt so many emotions running through me: relief to know that Edward was alive; sorrow for the poor people who were fooled by that vampire, Heidi to their deaths. I also felt nervous about how Charlie would react to my recklessness; Poor Jasper, I thought to myself, he would be having a field day.

I shivered from the cold in the tunnel and Edward held me closer to him. Where I had been longing for his touch for months, now my skin felt like it was crawling-as if I couldn't wait to be away from him. I realized the last emotion I couldn't quite place: Anger.

I was angry at Edward for lying to me all those months; I was angry that because of Jacob not letting me talk to Edward on the phone, he would put himself in this position; I was angry that Rosalie would open her big mouth and tell Edward I was dead without confirming it for sure. Mostly, I was angry that the life that I wanted to have with Edward wouldn't get to be my choice anymore, but it was rather mandated by an ancient group of vampires.

As Edward went to change his clothes in an airport bathroom just outside of Rome, Alice grabbed a cup of tea for me while we waited for him to come out.

"So what now?" I questioned her.

"I would say now we head home and make plans, but your future keeps going in and out. Why is that?" Alice questioned me back.

"I'm not sure what a future for Edward and I hold, Alice," I answered honestly. "He left me alone, took you and your family away from me for seven months! Am I supposed to just ignore how I feel and swoon into his arms and forget all of that?!"

"Bella, you have every right to be angry at my brother, but…" Alice started.

"But nothing, Alice. We do have decisions to make when we get home, but I'm only helping for what's the smart thing to do," I responded.

"The smart thing to do about what?" Edward questioned.

"Nothing we need to talk about now. Come on, they're calling our plane," I answered as I brushed past him.

The flight to Rome was brief enough that no one tried to talk to each other; it would be the flight to Atlanta that would be our undoing. "Alice, do you mind if I have the single seat? I just want to get some sleep," I asked her.

"Sure Bella, that's fine," Alice agreed. I think she didn't want to argue with me, I'm positive I looked like death warmed up.

"Do you want me to wake you up a little bit before we land?" Alice asked.

"If I'm not already, yeah that would be great Alice," I answered.

As the plane began its ascent, I asked the flight attendant for a pair of ear plugs, a pillow and an extra blanket. I didn't think sleep would come very easy for me, but I must have been so exhausted, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

So, I'm not sure if there is a story like this on FFN, but I wanted to write a New Moon story where Bella didn't just fall right back in with Edward as if everything was fine. That was probably the one plot point in the original saga that always bothered me! Hopefully, I will be updating more frequently considering I have more of an idea about this story! Please leave me a review.