A few days later, Lucifer was holding his grandson while saying his goodbyes to Persephone and Bryan. They were in the terminal of LAX. He looked down at his daughter. She recovered well from being shot. One couldn't tell.
"I'm going to miss you, Dad." She said while hugging him.
"I know." Lucifer responded. He leaned down and kissed her cheek.
"Can I have my baby, please?" She smiled.
"I suppose." He said sadly. "Take care of him." He reluctantly handed the baby over to his daughter. Tristan whimpered. "Oh it will be okay Tristan."
"It was good seeing you, Lucifer." Bryan offered a hand.
Lucifer threw his arm over his son-in-law's shoulder. "Likewise. Now you take care of those two."
Persephone hugged him one last time. Then the three of them disappeared into the terminal.
Sighing the Prince of Darkness got into a cab. He directed the driver to a destination. He rode quietly looking out at the streets of L.A. When they arrived he got out of the car and walked up to the front door of the quaint little cottage. He knocked on the door.
When it opened a raven haired child appeared. "Lucifer!" She squealed and then glued herself to his leg.
A second later Chloe appeared. "What are you doing here? We were just heading out to the zoo."
"I just wanted to talk for a minute."
Chloe let him into the house. For a moment they stood in silence.
"You want to come to the zoo with us, Lucifer?" Trixie asked. She looked over at her mother.
"No thank you, child. Perhaps some other time."
She frowned and walked away. He felt a little bad for squashing the child's enthusiasm.
Chloe watched her daughter walk away then looked at hm. "What did you need to talk about?"
"Just wanted to see if you were doing okay. You seemed a bit miffed the other day at the precinct. I understand why you had to arrest me."
"You killed two people. The only witness is unable to form coherent sentences. But you managed to talk yourself out of any charges."
"It was justified."
"I know you are the Devil. But if you are going to live among us mortals. You need to learn to live by our laws." She scolded him.
"I'm sorry, Detective. Perhaps it's your turn to punish me." He turned his rear to her.
"No. That's quite alright." Chloe put up her hands but laughed.
"I promise to behave myself. That's if you still want to work with me."
"Do I have a choice?" Chloe folded her arms. She looked up at him.
"Of course you do."
"I want to work with you. I have to admit, that despite all the weirdness. I find you almost enjoyable."
"Perfect. Well, I have to be off. See you Monday, Detective."
"Bye Lucifer." Trixie called out.
"Bye Child. Goodbye Detective." He waved and got back into the cab and headed for home.
Author's Note: Okay sorry for the shortness of that conclusion. Not entirely satisfied with this story. The next story is going to be back in NYC. It will be more Persi focused but I think you'll like the direction of it. It may be a few days before I can get it together to post. Anyways tell me what you think. Feel free to offer suggestions and what not. And thanks for reading.