
She had won. But she was still sad. The Godswood was the tranquillizing environment she needed to clear her mind and try to think straight. So she went there and seated herself underneath the Weirwood tree, hoping no one would find her there. Hoping she might stay there forever….

Lost in her thoughts she didn't hear him approach.

''My Lady, forgive my intrusion….''

Lord Baelish kept his distance, he was still unsure of her emotions after the Mole's Town confrontation and they haven't been alone since.

''Lord Baelish.'' She replied a couple of seconds later.

''Can I have a word My Lady, we hadn't had the chance yet since the battle and….'' He asked her, but not with his usual confidence in his voice and manners. He could not forget Mole's Town. The words she said to him. The knowledge of her suffering.

She stood up.

''Lord Baelish, there is no need, you did come to my aid and for that I will be eternally grateful and I will keep my end of the bargain and reward you with the Dreadfort, making you it's new Lord, so you can add that too to your collection of Castles and Lands. I've discussed it with my brother and he agrees. Now, if you'll excuse me….'' she began walking slowly towards him with the intention of leaving the scene.

As she was passing by, he could not help it, he reached for her arm….

''DON'T TOUCH ME'' she yelled!


Her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes turned into red fire as she was pushing him away fiercely.

''Please Sansa, listen to me….'' he managed to whisper.

''NO. YOU listen to me. I trusted you. I was completely at your mercy. I did what you asked me to do. I followed you. I...I believed in you. I trusted you. I trusted you….'' Her words now coming out of her mouth with great difficulty…

Her tight fists began to loosen up. Her eyes started to become watery as she was standing opposite from him, close enough to strike him. And she lifted her fists and started hitting him on his chest but feebly.

She started losing the ground under her feet…

Petyr Baelish did not try to stop her hitting him. He just stood there.

He realised she was going to collapse and with a swift move he grabbed her and hold her tight pressing his head next to hers.

''Oh, my sweet Sansa what have I done to you….''

''What have I done.''

''I trusted you….'' She kept repeating herself but her voice was losing strength.

They stood there until there were no more sounds coming from either of them….the only sounds were the sounds of the Godswood.