A/N: Here's a small diversion from the Fracture Verse, a what-if the first chapter didn't happen. And, it's my first foray into the multiverse, so be kind.

He hasn't really been back to the Cave in at least two years, emergency bad guys notwithstanding. The call from B had been…creepy to say the least and Red Robin has no choice but to come back, step back into his old life for another catastrophe.

On the drive, he mentally steels himself for whatever might be there.

"I need you," B had said starkly (which, holy shit, hadn't it been a while since he'd hear anything even close to this). "Here. Now."

"None of that answers my questions." He had argued, considered just staying the hell away since that's obviously preferred at this point (and he gets that. Who wants the fake son, the stand-in, around to fuck with the true son's mentality?).

But in the end, B's voice had been so rough, something very not cool under the bullshit, that he'd finally agreed to take a commercial flight. Even that was an argument in time. So, the repurposed BatPlane still at Titan's Tower it was.

Now, back in Gotham for about fifteen minutes after a hell of a long hiatus out, and he's hitting the secret entrance by muscle memory rather than his real one, and the dark surrounds him like an embrace. The bats skitter, flowing around him in a wave of shadows.

He pulls up as close to the main command center as possible, refusing to park his bike back with the rest of the vehicles because this sure as hell isn't going to take long. The Bats didn't want him here as much as he didn't want to be. At least they're all on the same page about something (finally).

Backs turn when he gets off the bike, pulling off his helmet. Red Hood, B, and…a taller Robin than he remembered. Damn, a lot taller than he remembered the almost-fourteen year old (still taller than you, demon brat).

"All right. What the hell is the emergency?" His eyes behind the mask are all for the fucking tall as hell Dami in a grown version of his (HIS) Robin suit and that just blows his brain a little right there. The green tights, the boots, the belt… a slow burn of what the fuck? hits his spine, and the expectation of that smirk before the mouth spews insults about his mother or something makes him tense subconsciously.

"What's going on?" He amends, staying out of arm's reach.

The Bats look at one another before pointed their gazes back to him.

"Timmy?" Dick's tone is slightly hoarse, and he's dressed as the Batman for tonight, sans cowl. "Timmy is it-?"

"It's him." The taller, older Dami is standing with fists clenching and loosening, but that voice, the face that could have been B in his younger years. With the fists clenched, Red is already planning his first moves for when the Robin comes at him.

"It's me," he deadpans. "Glad we've come to that decision. What the hell happened to Damian?" (Robin) "Magic?"

"Multiverse." Red Hood replies, arms crossed tightly over his chest. It looks like he's hugging himself, and what in the name of fuck happened?! Red Hood not going for his gun? No knives? No kick to the face? Did he come to the right Cave entrance…? "Multiverse happened, Tim. Can you take off the cowl? Just so we know-"

"What? Like someone else is going to remember how to get here." He bites back a more scathing retort and throws up his fucking hands because really. Just, really.

He deactivates the security and pushes the cowl back, baring his face.

"Satisfied? What's the mission so I can get the fuck out of here." Because it had been a long few years for him to, hadn't it?

But Dami, this older, multiverse Dami just takes off at a run, slams into him, and Red almost completes a throw when his brain realizes…the kid is shaking, hugging him, and might even be…crying?

"Demon Brat? What the fuck-?"

He doesn't even get a chance because right there is Dick and Jason on his side and behind him, too many arms crushing him in… hugs.

His eyes must be HUGE.

"He's here," and that's another Dick Grayson, the one wearing the Nightwing suit, coming down the stairs. "They've got him already."

"Tt. Trust him to be competent only when necessary."

"Shut-up brat. Jealousy is a terrible color on you."

"Fuck you, Todd."

He's starting to get seriously creeped out now.

"Let me go and tell me what the hell is going on." The hard edge must jar the three holding on for dear life, and he can finally breathe a little, think a little, but none of them really move away. The tangle of arms fall, but the three are still right up in his space (wow, personal space bubble or what?), staring at him with something very un-Batlike in their expressions. Considering where he and the Bats have been for the past two years, it's uncomfortable as hell.

"Tim. You are Tim Drake, right?" Jason's already got the domino off, staring down with green eyes.

"Yeah." Tim points a finger between them all, "just to venture a guess: multiverse Damian, Jason, and Dick, right?"

Discreetly wiping his eyes, Damian, older Damian, clears his throat, "yes. Timothy. This… this is not our world as you are obviously alive."

"And since Bruce is the Bat again." Jason fills in, staring down at Tim with…something strangely like happiness in his face (what he wouldn't give to see that on this universe's Jason Todd).

His brain kicks right over that thought. "Gotcha. I'm dead. B was probably not found lost in time, Dick kept up the Bat. Makes sense." Tim turns to slide through the space between other Damian and Jason. This universe's BatFam is watching by the big computer, apparently taking it all in because, well, multiverse.

"How far are you from getting them home?" He doesn't bother with pleasantries since, well, no one really gave a shit anymore, did they? Get the job done and move on, go back to wherever you were before this.

"Still nothing yet," Bruce without the cowl admits and even his face is creepily attentive all of a sudden, eyeing Tim like he's trying to remember something important.

"Send me the data you have. I'll start working in the Perch." He's already pulling the cowl back up and activating the security trap, turning away from the Bat Fam that really didn't need him anymore. Made it clear they didn't want him (and he's gotten used to it, adapted. It's fine now that he gets it).

"Tim," and that's B's hand on his shoulder, one that makes him automatically tense, ready to fight. More so because B didn't call him Red or Red Robin. He can't even remember the last time Bruce, the Batman, called him by his name.

"Tim," Dick tries, "they…asked for you to, you know, be here while we try to find a way to get them back."

"Then they can come to the Perch," he bites off, pulling out of the hold. "Plenty of room." The I'm getting the fuck out of your Cave doesn't really need to be said, right?

This universe's Damian sneers at him, "good. You don't belong here anyway, do you, Drake-"

Yeah, he's used to this. Or he should be by now, right? But it isn't him that shuts up Demon Brat. The older Damian delivers a fucking stunning upper cut to his younger counterpart and still side-steps the inevitable blood spurt. Fuck. The last time someone broke Robin's face…well, it had been Tim hadn't it?

"You arrogant little bastard!" The older version spits out ruthlessly. "Spend a day, a single day in our world without a Tim Drake. Then you will understand the meaning of destruction."

Said Tim Drake throws his hands up because oh he is so not dealing with this. Nope. He's going to get a migraine and he's already been awake way too long and just, no. Nope. Hell. No.

And the smaller Damian is just spitting some blood, you know, glaring up at his other version while Nightwing Dick kneels by him, hand on his back, Hood laughing a little, and B glaring with disapproval while the other Red Hood holds the taller Damian back, and Dick Batman tries placating this universe's Bats. Just too much for him. Red just starts ranting a little to himself and gets the hell away from this fuckery. He climbs right back on his bike and tears out of the Cave without looking back.

The two Dick Grayson's are likewise drinking coffee served by Alfred. Older Damian and Jason going for tea while the properly assigned Damian and Jason seethe.

The other Dick just waves a hand, "none of us believed him. He was right, the whole time. Bruce was alive, lost in time somewhere and we-I- just let him go off to try solving the mystery. He got to Iraq and somehow got involved in the League of Assassins business, an enemy of theirs."

The others slump a little as that Dick takes a breath, "we…we never got the full story of what happened. The three assassins that were supposed to be guarding him were slaughtered. Tim… When the Pit didn't work for whatever reason, and Ra's brought his body back, he was… He'd fought hard. We could tell, but his spleen was ruptured, he bled out too fast for him to get anywhere. Later, when all his things came back, he'd left clues and we did find our Bruce from where Darkseid sent him. He… He didn't take the mantle back when he heard what happened." Dick's hand goes to the newer but still oddly the same Bat emblem on his chest.

Bruce takes it all in, letting a very tired, worn Dick Grayson tell the story. Still, he knows this isn't his oldest son, but the man in him takes in the utter defeat wafting off this man like an aura unto itself.

"Your Tim," the older version of Damian begins, "how did he survive?"

The Bats in their correct universe exchange a glance.

"He- he never-" and the current Nightwing just trails off.

"You mean you never asked," the other Jason Todd sneers. "Fuck." He looks to his Dick and Damian, "you see this shit? Maybe he wasn't meant to live because this is what happens if he does."

"Jay-" other Dick starts.

"He may have a point, Grayson," other Dami cuts in. "Did you see him? He's... It's worse than we could have predicted. He doesn't live at the Manor, his Batman has deserted him." (The older Dami completely ignores this universe's Bruce and Dick pointedly flinching). "He probably hasn't slept or ate in days. He has no family any longer."

"He does have us!" Jay protested weakly. "Pretender already-"

"You fucking douche." Other Jason snarls. "I stopped calling him that years ago, long before he ever died. He's my fucking brother, man."

Jay just stares at his counterpart, "yeah? Then why is he dead?"

The other Jason is up in a blink, other Dick obviously holding him back from coming across the table.

"Stop this," other Dami snarls, "it will solve nothing."

Other Jason just stares with that creepy Bat stillness, a promise that if he has the opportunity, the two Red Hoods are going to have the showdown of the fucking year.

"That also means the Tim Drake here stopped the invasion," other Dick cuts across the mounting tension, drawing his brothers' gazes. "The Insurgents didn't take control of this world. Get it?"

A whole new light enters other Jason and other Dami.

"We can ask him how he did it," Dami whispers. "He can still help us save our world."

And the Bats from the current universe exchange a glance.

"Never heard of-" Jay starts.

"The Titans," B interjects. "The JLA was…notified of an attempt the Titans handled. It was called-"

"The Insurgent Crisis," other Dick filled in. "Fuck. Most of the Titans were slaughtered in the initial fight. Superboy survived to warn the JLA, but…it was already too late."

Other Dami makes a 'there you go' hand gesture. "Our world is overrun. Only a few thousand of us remaining to fight and if this Tim Drake has insight on how to beat them, we could take back our world."

"…perhaps Drake should be here after all." The younger Damian allows. "If it is as you say-"

The elder Damian utters a strained laugh. "I will say it again, so you can believe me, but come to our world for a single day. Just one."

The younger sighs a little and in his counterpart's face, there is weight behind his words and the battle worn soldiers sitting before them. The scars, the more armored and weaponized suits, the air of constant fighting, all of it added up to more than the normal Gotham baddies, more than the off world missions and attacks.

This universe's Dick pulls a Batcomm out of his pocket and stands away from the table.

Red looks at the comm on the desk and fucking ignores it. His cell phone next.

Then it's Kon's text: dude. Call Nightwing or that guy might go postal on my ass. Seriously, I do not want to say hello to a Bat-fist full of kryptonite. K?

Well, Dick was Batman.


Dials his phone, puts it on speaker, keeps running algorithms.

Dick picks up on the first ring. "Lame, little brother-"

"Don't call me that." He snaps without even thinking (Dick hasn't called him that in so long, too long for it not to be anything other than lip service or muscle memory at this point). "What do you need?"

Significant pause because I'm your coworker, asshole, not your brother.

"I'm running the numbers right now, and there's a lot of universes. It's not going to be quick."

"I… Tim-"

"96 hours maybe. That's the best guess. I'll call B when I'm close."

"Fuck, Tim really-"

"Stop threatening my team." He adds for good measure. "I'm here doing my part."

"Stop. Talking." Ah, there's the Batman tone when Dick's about twenty seconds from that flawless spinning back kick. "Thanks. I'm going to need some face-to-face time to even just deal with what you just said to me. And that shit is going to happen, Timmy. Like movie nights and cuddles and fucking hot cocoa and train-surfing forever, but right now I need some input."

Blinking a little stupidly fifty-six hours since the last cat nap, Tim waits in silence because really, at this point, fuck Dick Grayson.



"Oh. So, the other universe guys need to ask you about a Titan's mission."

"Put them on." And the I'd rather talk to them than you doesn't need to be said.

Through speaker phone, he hears the thing clatter somewhere.

"Timothy," and older demon sounds really different because there's a whole lot of not-hate and disgust in that tone.

"Dami. What do you need?" He picks out the background noise, B talking to one of the Dick's, shuffling at the table. No echo of the Cave.

"Information on the Insurgent Crisis that also occurred here."

And…fuck. Fuck. Ask him how his last year of being Robin went. That would be easier than this.

"The report is in the JLA database-"

"It is tastefully vague and unspecific. Congratulations." Other Dami comes back, but it's not the usual sharp-edge.

"Are you really trying to be funny? I'm shocked."

"Forgive me. I've been around Grayson too long,"

Not one, but two affronted "heyyy!" in the background. He doesn't laugh.

"Tim, our world was not successful in the Crisis. There are a few thousand freedom fighters left. Us included. Your plan of action may be invaluable to helping us free our world." Other Dami just lays it all out.

And shit if that just doesn't-

"The Titans-?" And even he could hear the utter hopelessness in his tone because someone else had to have figured it out. Right?… Right?

"No… I am-I am sorry, Tim. Only Conner Kent, Superboy, survived."

And even though it's not his team, his team won, it's still a blow.

"Fuck," he says very gently.

"Yes," and other Dami is softer, more something that Tim doesn't even know how to handle at that moment.

He sighs audibly, "I'll call the team. No way this is happening on the phone."

"Timmy," and it's Dick but the subtle darkness in his tone, so Other Dick… "We appreciate-"

"I get it. It's fine. You three, meet me at 24th and Cypress. The Penthouse. I'll gather everyone while the calculations are running. Maybe you'll get insight before we get you home."

"We'll be there," and Other Jason seem genuinely pleased about something, something that must be important.

Tim doesn't bother saying goodbye. His to-do list just got longer.

And all the Bats showed up and he has no idea why. Sure, the multiverse versions wanted the deets because (fuck, the Insurgents won, his heart started racing at the initial realization) world saving, but this universe's BatFam…well, whatever.

He's already got the new costume on by the time they get to the Perch anyway, only saving the domino for last. He's reviewing the current data when bodies just start sliding through the windows on both sides of his penthouse. Current Bats on the right side, multiverse Bats on the left. Doesn't matter, they all get scanned anyway.

Tim drains his last swallow of bitter coffee, one hand bringing up holograms that will soon be his team. Both Red Hoods have a domino underneath, and it's fucking strange to see Nightwing and Batman with the same build and pose side-by-side while B stands by Other Dick's shoulder: both Batmen with very different costume designs.

The domino goes on and Tim becomes Red, the Titian's Red; he taps the comm in his ear once, and the cloudy pictures take on members of his team. Superboy, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Raven, Beast Boy. They're dressed to the nines because they recognized the call.

"Everyone." He greets his people.

A barrage of greetings would make him grin if the Bats weren't here, and he really needs to get back after this round of shenanigans is over.

"We've got multiverse company requesting Storytime." A nod over his shoulder has the team's attention.

"Holy shit," Kid Flash says immediately. "Multi-Bats!"

"Indeed," Raven manages to sound amused.

"They need details… On the Insurgents Crisis." And he pauses a little because yeah. Cassie already looks sick, and the usual rigmarole starts.

BB starts with a barrage of questions to the Other Bats concerning what they already knew. Kid wants to know if they still have chili dogs in their universe. Cassie remains quietly horrified in her own experiences (probably; again, sorry Cassie) while Raven wants a list of telepaths that could be a powerful asset in bringing down the Mind Field. Kon just shakes his head and claims how much almost dying happened that day (he gives Red an arched eyebrow, pointedly).

"All right," Red finally calls, and the Titans quiet. It's time to work out when they knew, start making theories. "Approximately eight thousand freedom fighters, half metas if that many. The Insurgents have had six months to create bio-tech suits to deal with Earth's habitat. The Queen probably isn't on world, not like it matters. Take out the main flux of their hive, and they all fall anyway. If they still have the same weaknesses-"

"Wait, whoa," the Other Red Hood has both hands out, standing to face Red and the virtual wall of Titans. "You're telling me the Queen ain't the way to take them down?" Without the helmet on, his voice cracks just enough to tell.

Red gives a half-shrug. "In our fight, no. We needed to hack their bodies and their minds to infect the rest. They function as an integrated network on a telepathic level. The Queen is their figurehead monarch, she directs their actions, but she isn't the main control board. They won't just fall if you take her out."

The older Damian as Robin (as him, in his Robin uniform) makes a choked noise.

"That was my initial assumption too," Red placates, "I had to figure it out while the others were trapped in the mind field. Raven and Miguel could shield me to a point, but it was enough to get into their, uh for lack of a better word, network."

"Holy shit…" The other Jason looks sick, the color draining out of his face around the domino. The guy's knees give out almost abruptly. Red, by some automatic response, catches him under the arm with a shoulder.

Other Dick as Batman jumps up and the two get him back to the sofa.

"Do you…do you know what this mean?" Other Robin is up pacing now. "We may have a way-"

"I can't say for sure this is helpful," Red counters, taking the other Bats down a notch. He motions to the Other Robin, obviously older than the current, almost-14-year-old, Robin. "There are obvious differences in your universe. This could be useless information to you if there are more significant differences we know nothing about. Or if the Insurgents have adapted to your world more than I can realistically predict. I would have to…" And Red pauses, sighing through his nose.

"Red," Kon starts in warning.

Kid Flash is leaning closer to the screen, his expression hard even with the KF mask, "dude, think about this, okay? We won't be there-!"

"Others will be," Red cuts across them in his 'this shit isn't up for debate' tone.

"We need to talk about this, Red," BB starts with his usual attempt at diffusing volatile situations.

"Nope." Red turns back to the screens with three beat-to-shit universe travelers behind him. "They won." Is all he needs to say to the Titans to get the point across because there are too many scenarios that could have made it true in this world; if he had been fully trapped in the Mind Field with the rest of the team, if he hadn't been good enough to hack an alien species, if he had been too slow figuring out how their network worked to maintain their actions, their bodies… It could very well be their world overrun. Red owed these travelers this chance at freeing themselves.

"I'm on my way to Gotham," Kon is already standing in the hologram pane.

"No. No one else." The tone again. "I'll have what I need to work with. O will be there and a few others. I'm not putting any of you in this path again. My call."

He doesn't see the Bats from his universe exchange glances, a whole lot of what the hell are we missing out on?

"The fuck, man-" KF being KF.

"Tim, you can't-" BB trying to placate.

"Dude, do you even remember what they almost did to you, to us!?" Kon is getting angry,

"You can't go alone," Raven is trying to be as sensible.

"And, all of you will be needed here, to defend our world. Got it? BB and Cassie are fronts while I'm gone."

"You can't," this time it's Other Dick, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. And…he doesn't flinch away by instinct because this—with the Other Dick, it's like the last two years hadn't happened and he could actually look the guy in the face again…"Red, you can't. There's no way we can guarantee your safety or return. We can't even guarantee our own."

Even with their world torn apart, this Other Dick is more concerned…Red just stares up at him from behind the domino, plans already starting to form.

"And I can't guarantee the original plan will work." Red counters. "The only way to know is if I can hack them again. For that to happen, I have to be there."

And the Other Dami is right up beside his Dick. "Regardless, you cannot accompany us to our world." The Robin is stone-faced, more grave than he'd even seen B. "We already have the death of our Red Robin on our conscience. We will not have yours as well."

And well, he's got nothing for that, has he? Not yet anyway.

Red eases both hands up with a hard sigh. "Fine. I'll give you the plans and the Titans can fill you in on their parts…then, I'm going to get tech together for you, like everything I possibly can. Get it? You're not going back there without something you can use to fight back."

Other Jason moves up too, that tired but genuine grin on his face, and the three Other Bats are looking at him with something they may forgotten they had.

And Tim.

After the Titans sign off, he doesn't answer shit from his world's Bats when they try staring him down (really? Like that's going to work at this point) and demanding answers about the original crisis (we had it handled fuck you very much). Rather he goes back to his system calculating and ignores Dick trying to plead with him to come back to the Manor, the Cave to work.

None of them reply to his terse, "It's not my place. Thanks anyway."

The staring, however, gets old fast.

"I have work to do." And he stops after that because he's had plenty of time to get the point (replacement, stand-in, weakness in the Bat-line).

All the Bats go, and he can breathe again.

He sleeps for eight solid hours while the numbers crunch and the Bats, along with the JLA, get the teleportation device built and somewhat calibrated, waiting for his final calculations.

When Tim wakes up, he starts with fabrication of tech, as much as he can get made in such a short amount of time. He calibrates his machine in the basement to start making force field generators to avoid detection. Then he gathers all his old reports from the Insurgents, everything on his ghost drive that the JLA and the rest of the team didn't know existed, especially the contingency plans should they ever come back.

He has to smile because someone(s) came to his Perch while he was sleeping, someone that made a fresh pot of coffee and left food in his fridge. It had to have been one of the visitors because really.

Why would this world's Bats give a shit?

Once his files are gathered, and the machine in the basement is churning out tech, he starts the set-up, creating a program that had specific purpose, his coding flawless. It has to be.

While he's drinking the coffee and finishing up, he gets another visitor.

"Nice try. I was a Bat too, you know."

Other Dick in his more armored Batman suit is hardly more than a shift in shadows.

"Sorry, kind of." He says without coming out.

"I'm sure you are. I appreciate the coffee though."

"Ah, that was Jaybird."

"Hm. And the food?"


"Odd but okay."

"Not…really. For our Tim anyway. He got close with Jay and Dami."

Tim slowly blinks. Just blinks.

Other Dick laughs a little, a rusty sound, nothing like this universe's. Tim has a sick feeling the Dick Grayson in front of him hasn't laughed, really laughed, in a long time. With the Insurgents taking over, he supposed it made sense.

"I could tell," finally out of the shadows, the other Dick lowers the cowl. "You, uh, weren't…happy to see us when you thought we were yours."

I was once. Tim looks back to the screen, "nope. They aren't really happy to see me either unless there's a situation."

"What…happened? Can you answer me honestly?"

"Why? The other Dick give you the run around?"

And Batman Dick's expression changes, gets harder, angrier. "He was visibly upset when I asked why you weren't in the family anymore."

Tim chuff an unfunny laugh. "I'm sure."

"You two didn't…make amends after you found Bruce?" It's hard to ignore the desperate edge to that voice because this Dick wants to believe things would have happened differently in his world.

And, wow, that's a hard one, too isn't it? "No. I'm not his little brother anymore…maybe I never was, but it's fine at this point." And the it didn't used to be fine is all there for the Other Dick to pick up. "I'm the leader of the Titans and CEO of Wayne Enterprises… But I'm not a Bat. Haven't been for a long time."

"Did he really take Robin from you?"

Pause at the keyboard because here's another thing he doesn't want to look back on. "Yes, he did. It's his right, I guess. Well, your right too, you know? The name was from your mother in the first place. You were the first."

"He should have known better. He, I, Robin was taken from us both. He should have talked to you like I…"

Ah, another of those subtle differences. "Your Tim gave it up by choice."

"He…I saw him as my equal. We talked it over until we both agreed he couldn't be my Robin. Jason offered him Red Robin in compromise and he was…honored really, to take over the name."

And Tim…Tim just blinks again, hand automatically going to the old scar on his leg, the one his Jason gave him after finding out Tim had taken Red Robin…

Other Dick is kneeling by his chair and the eyes are much different, older, tired. And that small smile is so damn familiar that for the first time in years, Tim just wants…

Fuck it. The smaller man leans forward and wraps his arms around those shoulders, let's himself hug this Dick. Maybe it was for himself, but maybe it was because he could venture a guess at how long it might have been since the guy got held. For whatever reason, it takes the other man a few moments to lift up his arms and embrace Tim, to hold on tight.

"It's going to be okay," Tim finds himself saying, "I'm going to give you everything I've got. It's good intel. You can make weapons, make plans. You can fight back."

That rusty laugh comes out again, making something in Tim's chest seize tighter.

"Haven't had hope in too long, Timmy."

"…I'm going to send you back everything I can, Dick. I'm going to put everything I know to use."

And those deep eyes finally look up at him, so like and unlike his Dick Grayson, the same color and depth but without the lightness and laughter. This man isn't lying. He's lost hope.

Tim pulls this other Dick against him and holds on.

He has to drive back to the Cave rather than take a bike because wow, he has so much crap for the Others.

Five hours ago his systems cracked the final code, matching the readings from the BatComputer from the moment the three appeared. His fabrication hadn't been complete so he fudged the time a little, the Bats in their right universe could deal.

After parking, he's toting the heavy as shit duffle bags, backpack, and suitcase up the walkway where they, all of them, are waiting.

He sets the huge load down by the Bat made transporter device and sighs a little, loosening his tie but leaving his jacket buttoned. B turns from the computer, but Tim's not here for a fireside chat. He pulls the flash drive from his jacket pocket and nudges the Batman to the side.


"It's the correct calibration. I triple checked."

"I'm sure it is, Tim, but I'd like you to stay for a while after-"

"A case?"

"Ah no-"

"Some other bad guy?"

"Nothing work or vigilante related."

"Then no. I need to get back to my team." His face lights up with his encryption, calibrating the portal. Lights flip on, a low grade hum starts.

"Tim?" The cowl is removed because, yeah, he just said no to Batman.

And he's already moving back to the portal, tapping at the settings, rechecking everything, adding a few lines of code. B moves with him, apparently with something else to say.

"You haven't been to the Manor for-"

"I'm right here, aren't I?"

"Stay for dinner then."

"No thanks," he returns without looking up.

"Then patrol with me." Changing it up, are we?

"You have a Robin to patrol with."

"Tim-" now there's the constipated look.

"I don't know what this is about. Everything is fine the way it is now." But even he can hear the hard edge to his voice.

"Is it?" The Bat challenges.

Tired of this shit since he's the one that comes whenever they call, Tim turns to face the man in the suit. "I've adapted," he starts flatly. "I do the job, take care of WE, and go home." And home isn't Gotham anymore, at least Bruce recognizes it now.

Those deep blue eyes turn hard for a second.

"I'm not a Bat anymore, so you can skip the lecture, use it for your own people. Once this is done, I'll be out of your hair until the next big crisis or until you need an IT guy." (How did you not know that? How did you not realize you're the reason I stay away?)

And that, that shakes the Batman out of whatever he might have said, those eyes wide and churning with…something. Something Tim doesn't have time to figure out. Voices coming down the steps interrupt the awkward as the current and other Bats make their way down.

Other Jason hit the floor first, looking at the equipment with a grin. "You brought us some toys Baby Bird."

Tim just blinks for a second because yeah, it had been a minute since he heard that…

"Yeah. I did. I promised I'd give you everything I have." He waves a hand at the cache of bags. Other Dick and Dami look at him with fondness that makes him a little shaky. Belatedly, he wishes for the cowl or domino instead of CEO wear, oh well, part of the plan anyway.

The Other Bats are silent while he kneels by the bags, pulling out the first round of discs, "these will mask your mind, hopefully, block the Mind Field trap so just watch out for the barriers. It should also deflect their scanners, but have O re-check them incase I'm wrong about the calibrations."

He stands to place one on Dick's chest, below the Bat insignia, "just like this," and he presses the center to activate it. The glowing yellow disc lights up the shadows of the Cave.

"Okay, next" and Tim goes through the tech with a short explanation and demonstration, the other Bats giving him their full attention. It's somewhat unnerving since none of his Bats had given him more than an errant thought in the last two years, but it didn't stop him. They would need to know how things worked (maybe).

"Again," he finishes, "this is all calibrated for what I know of the Insurgents here. You may need to reprogram this stuff if things are different or more advanced. Don't take any unnecessary chances," and he pegs the Other Hood with a look.

The guy gives him a peace sign and a shit-eating grin before fitting on his helmet.

Too soon and the three are already hefting the duffles, Other Dami and Dick letting them rest under their capes. His backpack is left unnoticed by the side.

And Other Dami, wearing Tim's Robin costume in what he claimed as remembrance (that just made him stare at the kid for a second with too many feelings running through him), puts a hand to his shoulder with a half-smile.

"We cannot express our gratitude, Tim. For everything."

He smiles, actually smiles at this Dami, the one that was his fucking brother (what he'd always hoped), and instead of words, he steps up to the demon brat and folds his arms around the kid, holding on.

Doesn't even phase the Other Dami, who just wraps his arms around Tim as well.

"I miss you," the kid says low.

"The coordinates are in the bag…in case you ever want to come back." Tim confides.

The kid chuffs a laugh at him, "you and your contingencies."

"Yeah, right? Some things don't change."

And right behind Dami is Other Jason, who doesn't even hesitate for his hug. "I'm sorry…for everything." The Red Hood says low, his arms tight.

"The other me…got it, Jay. At the time, you needed it. He let you do what you needed for the right reasons, okay? No regrets for either of us."


"It's true. If he was like me, then you were our Robin, not just Gotham's." And he doesn't really give a shit if this universe's Bats or Red Hood heard it; none if it would matter to them anyway, so it was fine. The one that really needed it is right here, with his arms trembling slightly around Tim, the one that hadn't even gone for a weapon the first time laying eyes on him.

One more squeeze and Hood steps away because that is, hopefully, what he needed to hear.

Finally, Other Dick, and Tim's heart finally eases a little as the guy engages octopus hold, folding his taller frame down. And this, this is the guy he can call brother.

"I'm sorry I can't do more." And the lies just roll off without a hitch.

"Don't say that, little brother."

The current Dick flinches when Tim allows it, doesn't correct his multiverse self.

"I wish-"

"It's okay, Timmy. It's more than we could have hoped for." And those arms tighten more, hold on with a desperate strength. "Thank you. Thank-you."

Tim just nods against the side of the cowl and tightens his arms too.

The portal glows green gently, a reminder of closing soon.

Other Dick finally sighs and pulls back. "All right. It's that time." Tim just nods.

He follows the three to stand by the portal, watching Other Dami and Jason give him a last wave before they step through.

Now, with the acting. "Dammit! Wait, Dick!" Tim snaps, keeping other Dick back a second. Tim digs the wrist computer out of his pocket and holding it out, "here! This…"but he's snagging the backpack behind his back by the strap with the other hand, coming so close to hold the computer out. Dick reached for it too late because Tim just flicks his wrist and tosses it into the circle of light.


"Oops," Tim grins and jumps in behind Other Dami.

"Tim!" He hears before his sense fade and Other Dick is right behind him, just like he knew would happen.

Contingency plans indeed.

"Tim!" Nightwing Dick Grayson yells as his multiverse counterpart dives in after him as the circle of light closes.

The second it does, the BatComputer lights up with programming and a countdown flashes in brilliant red until the portal activates again.

"Shit!" Hood stares at the programming language, "he planned this. Little asshole planned it all along."

The Batman's face is closed, angry. "Countdown set for four days from now."

In the Perch, Tim's system sends out prerecorded messages to his network of superheroes, giving a brief description of the Insurgents and a summary of the universe ruled by them. The message has his plan and the time frame for preparation.

Robin and Hood are pretty shocked if the eyebrows and altered cursing are any indication. Tim just grins at them, stripping off his jacket and shirt to show his Red Robin suit underneath. A domino, his harnass and utility belt, wings and pack out of the backpack he's carried through, and he's Red Robin by the time Dick/Batman is winding up in his impressive lecture (you're good, Other Dick, but B is the master of guilting).

"Yes, I get it." Red finally cuts through, peering around the mouth of the alley, looking at the destruction all around them, taking in the abandoned streets of Other Gotham. "You can't control my decisions, B. I do. So, yada, yada, oh my, I suck. Wow, do we expect anything else? Okay? We've got work to do, so we'll jump right to the point."

He's already picked up his wrist computer to start taking readings of his new surroundings.

Yup, this is still Gotham. Just, holy shit Gotham.

"Tim," and it's Dick's helpless tone when he's got nothing.

"My call. My risk," and Red turns Robin around enough to take out the discs from the duffle on his back and shove them on everyone's chests, including his own under the harness, and activate them.

A spotlight hits the street close to them, a moment of time to test shit. Robin grabs his arm, shoves him back against the dirty alley wall he vaguely recognizes as close to Crime Alley and his old theatre. The kid covers his body as much as he can, shielding Red Robin.

The hands on his arms, B and Hood's are painfully tight as they flatten at his sides. The three hold their breath, and the light passes over them without even pausing.

Robin turns to him with wide lenses. "How-?!" He starts in a hard whisper to the others.

"The discs hide your brainwaves, remember? It deflects their scanners." Red whispers back. "Okay, get me to your base. We've got a war to plan."

The bunker under the destroyed remains of Wayne Tower is still pretty damn impenetrable, no surprise there. Dick has closed off the passage to the Cave last year when they got Bruce back from time because the guy had apparently been very fucking far from okay.

O uttered a cry when she saw him behind Robin.


And her tone is so broken he hates to say: "Babs…sorry. Multiverse Tim." But he removes the domino to look at her with bare face.

She wheels over and reaches for him anyway, and Tim bends down to wrap both arms around her tightly, cupping the back her head when her shoulders start shaking. They both pretend she's not crying. He doesn't let go for a second, breathing against the top of her head.

Finally she pulls back, and Tim looks around to ignore her wiping her eyes.

Meanwhile the Bats are laying the duffle bags and case on work benches.

"Why would you come here?" She finally asks, wheeling over to the equipment. "Didn't they tell you what we're up against?"

"Yeah," Tim starts, checking his wrist computer and the new readings. "The Insurgents didn't get this far in my world. We, the Titans, were able to stop them."

Now O's eyes are HUGE. "You stopped them before they got this far?"

"We had to." he shrugs, "I had a plan."

Dami just looks at him with a sneer, and isn't that more like the demon brat he knew.

"Do not let him fool you, Barbara. It was nearly suicidal. Not a plan."

"It worked," Tim shrugs unconcerned. "I had to get onto their mental mainframe to figure out how to take them out. Programming the neural virus was a bitch to do on the fly while I was half trapped in memories but, you know, all good. I was a Bat, right?" He takes his other hard drive out of his backpack, unloading the hurriedly packed supplies on the workbench. Laptop, extra suit, some gadgets, a mini generator to keep his tech charged (in case they had no power or something since, you know, apocalypse right?), couple power bars, and a tin of his fave coffee. Voilà.

He turns to O's shocked face, "we'll go over it all," he promises. "We've got a war to plan before the next portal to my world opens and hopefully, our forces triple." He shrugs again.

Dick, now without the cowl, is staring, "that's what you were doing with five extra hours?!"

Tim just grins in reply.

Jay throws back his head and laughs, "Jesus Baby Bird, missed the shit out of you, you know."

"Hey man, as long as you promise not to slit my throat, feel free to traverse time and space to crash on my couch and mooch my cereal. 'Kay?"

"Fucking righteous, Timmer's." Jay holds out a fist for Tim to bump. He does, grinning like mad because he would do everything for this in his own Jason. To have this comradery.

Dami shakes his head with a sigh, "honestly, Timothy, encouraging him like this. For shame," but the kid is grinning under the domino.

"Aw, who else would, Dami? The guy's like a cat without a ball of string."

And that makes all of them laugh, the sound echoing in a place where laughter had long been left behind.

Vic, the alternate universe Vic, is still staring at him with a wide eye and mouth hanging open. It's been like ten minutes, dude, let's move on.

"Okay, Cyborg, man. Now it's creeping me out."

The League member blinks hard and seems to shake himself. "My bad, dude. Really, uh. Yeah. So…?"

"Taking on the Insurgents," Tim reminds him with a half-smile. "Got a war to plan and four days to do it, Vic."

"Right. You took 'em down in your universe and stuff, right?"

"Yup. Hardest fight in my memory, but we managed."

"And you and your Titans got caught in their Mind Field, so you could actually hack into their neural net and plant a virus to kill their hive."

"Right on one."

"And now you brought some of your tech to do this again."

"Mostly right." Tim gestures again to the older Robin. "Obviously there are differences between worlds. Anomalies. Before I can even start reprogramming my tech, I have to hack them again. Then get my systems calibrated to take them down on a world-wide scale. Some of it can be done before the big battle, some of it will have to be done during while they are distracted somewhat. I can fight my way through their main ship if Earth's forces can put a pretty good show."

Vic blows out a sigh, "woo, man. Don't ask for much, do you?"

"Heh. For right now, I just need a super-fast meta that can move me from base to base so they don't catch on in time. The rest is up to me. Once I have a sample of their coding and design, I can get to the real work."

And Vic blinks, "I've got someone in mind, but I have no idea how he's even going to deal with this."

"They… Told me. Kon is the only one that survived."

"Yeah," and Vic's images wavers slightly when his old school encryption to keep under the proverbial radar hitches to the next sequence. Red can already see it.

"He's…been in a bad place since then. No one's been able to reach him, not even Supes."

Tim stares, calculating. Seeing him could do irreparable harm…or it could give Kon back what he needed to move on, to fight again. When he lost the guy in his universe…yeah, it had been shit, hadn't it?

"I can't promise anything, Vic. When he died…I was insane, he was my best friend and I couldn't save him, so I don't even-"

"Oh. Oh shit. They didn't tell you…? Ah." And now the guy looks very uncomfortable. Even his bionic eye is looking away.

"Tim," Dick just frowns, "our Tim and Superboy were a…thing."

Slow blink time. "A thing?" He repeats it slowly since maybe he misheard.

"Yes," Dami confirms, "after our Timothy and Batman-"

"Whoa, what now?!" The lenses are up so they can see how slightly horrified his eyes are.

"Me," Dick specifies, "not B."

Now there's…Ah…

"I would so high five myself if I could." He murmurs to himself, "just, wow. Okay, so there's that and…" Red just uses a hand to erase whatever he'd been about to say. "Back to the matter at hand. We have no idea how Kon might react to seeing me, so maybe someone else…?"

After a moment of consideration, Vic shrugs, "Supes is off world trying to rally support for Earth. Superboy is going to be your best bet here, Red."

And Red sighs, rubs the bridge of his nose. "All right. What do I need to do to contact him?"

At that, Vic grins. "Easy, Red. Go outside where it's somewhat safe and call for him. He'll come. In the meantime, I'm going to put out the wave for every fighter out there to get in contact so we can get the plan moving. I'll be in touch." The JLA member gives a two fingered salute before the screen goes dark.

And Tim is at a loss, turning slowly to the Bats still staring at him.

Dami doesn't even let the awkward set in but just throws up his hands. "Babs and I are leaving. You two, do not make him regret coming here." He wheels her around abruptly, taking her out of the communications room, and her expression is decidedly not happy (some things remain the same).

Tim crosses his arms and waits.

"Ah," Dick takes the cowl off for it. "When you turned sixteen… You came to us."


Dick and Jay exchange a glance.

"Oh…Oh. 'Us' meaning you two… Wow. That's wow." And yeah, he would super high five himself. Twice. Dick Grayson and Jason Todd…just, wet dream of his fucking life before his relationship with the Bats went to shit.

"A few months after Bruce "died," you- our Tim- started trying to tell us he was alive somewhere and we…"

"Didn't believe him. Kon did, so that's how that happened."

Jay nods gently, "yeah. Our Timmy finally gave in to the clone. He, Superboy, went a little crazy when Tim went off to try finding B. He was here when Ra's brought the body back."

And Tim sighs a little because this is going to be a distraction from the reason he's here, but- "first off, I owe your Tim so many props. So. Many. Props. Because you two, wow." The two grin and at him, but he holds up a hand. "Second, I don't think your Tim is dead. He's alive somewhere."

And now, he's got their attention. "But, the body-"

"You also saw B's body. Was he dead?"

"Uh, no-"

"When you got to my world, did you feel a second heartbeat? Like, from the other you?"

The glance exchange again.

"Because that's what I felt, still feel. He's not dead."

And that bomb has Jay choking and Dick's knees giving out.

"Hey, hey, c'mon," he kneels by Dick and Jay falls beside the guy to throw both arms around him.

"Look, he's alive, still surviving. After this war thing, I will help you find him, but I'm pretty sure I already know kind of where he might be."

And both the older Bats look broken as fuck, "where-"

Tim just gives a half shrug, "Ra's." Is all he needs to say.

"Fucker," Jay snarls.

"Pretty much," Tim agrees. "But I already have a plan, so all good."

And the laughter this time is more tears soaking into the shoulders of his suit, but it's okay. Red Robin, the Other universe Tim Drake is sure someone is alive (again), and this time, the Bats believe him.

Dami and O are staring. Just still in shock.

"He's-" O starts.

"Alive," Dami finishes hoarsely, arms tucked tightly around himself. "Of course he is. Who else would be able to find him but you?"

Tim shrugs, "you felt yourself when you hit my world. I felt his heart beating when I got here. Logical conclusion."

Dami just nods and his expression takes a turn for the stubborn. The same stubborn Jay and Dick had when he told them.

Red throws up his damn hands. Fine. Just fine. Multitasking on a whole different level of we're on a time limit, people, it would be then.

"All right then. Dammit, you three. Okay, change of plans." And fuck. "Do we have a BatPlane?"

"Two, hidden in the underground," Jay answers tightly.

"Okay. Okay then. I need Kon first, he can help us fight our way in to get him out. I'll recalibrate the plane with my blocking tech so the Insurgents will have to be right the fuck on top of us to find us." He starts pacing now, thoughts going a mile a minute, diverting to other scenarios, other contingencies in case different things come into play.

"Christ," Jay finally whispers, "you're just like him. God-"

"I have to have other plans in case shit starts failing somehow," he defends, but Jay is suddenly up in his space, looking down fondly, eyes soft and warm and oh God what he would give to have his Jason Todd looking at him like this. What he would give to have his Damian shake his head with mirth and affection, a real brother. His Dick look at him with heat below the surface of those dark eyes, body coiled with tension and want…

Jay leans down and presses his lips to Tim's forehead briefly. And that just…

His breathing hitches; he turns his back on pure reflex, hiding the whole lot of pain and vestiges of longing welling up in his chest.

"It's okay," Dick's voice just wafts over, "sorry-"

"I can't," Tim interrupts ruthlessly, his muscles automatically tensing. "I can't have this. Can't get used to it, okay?" And fuck, is that his voice? "Don't take offense. I'm here for a job, so I've got to focus on that. Okay? Just don't-" hate me like the others.

"Okay, Tim. Okay," and the hand on his shoulder is almost too much but he still needs it.

Now, he can see the abandoned Manor in the distance but hadn't had the heart to ask where Bruce had gone or what happened to Alfred. Those answers would wait.

Instead, while the other Bats have his back, discs on, he takes a deep breath and rears back.

"Kon! I know you can hear me!" Pause. "If you're going to make an epic entrance, now is the time, dude!"

And here's the part where things happen that aren't really according to plan. He doesn't just get Superboy; he gets most the fucking other universe JLA.

Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Superboy, Aquaman Cyborg, and… Superman is carrying a tall man dressed in a dark ninja costume with the Tengu mask and…fuck. He recognizes that shit in a heartbeat.

Kon is the first one to reach him and for a Kryptonian, he's all skin and bones, face gaunt with those dark eyes.

"Tim!" And that broken voice just goes right to his heart, his best friend looked like death warmed over. "What happened to you? Fuck you're taller and-"

"Hey man, slow down okay? I'm not your Tim Drake, Kon. Sorry. Multiverse and stuff." He blinks behind his domino and suddenly finds himself holding the clone up with both arms. "It's cool, your Tim is alive and we're going to find him. Then we're going to have a hellatious war and send these motherfuckers packing. Okay? That's why I'm here."

And the guy breaks down a little (a lot), holding on to his shoulders and shaking like crazy.

"Let's get him to the bunker, out of plain sight," Batman suggests with a hand to Red's shoulder. "We can go over the plans with the JLA and go find our Tim."

And yeah, he agreed. The force field wouldn't deter the roving Insurgent security detail patrol for long. He lifts Kon as he stands (role reversal right here; his Kon would be dying of embarrassment), shaken by how light the guy is and by how much the JLA is staring at him while he moves with the Bats at his back.

"Why aren't they coming for us?" Diana asks while moving. Red cuts her a grin over Kon's grasping hands on his shoulders.

"We kind of sent them packing in my world, so I kept some of the tech I created during the Titan's battle. Seems some of the calibrations are good, but for the bigger equipment, I need more data. It's… Well, not something I want to leave to chance."

"You aren't really Tim Drake," and this from the Tengu.

"Really, B. I'm hurt. Well, not really. You found Shiva again, swell. Hate the mask still, just saying."

And it's telling about how much Batman the guy is not because he starts.

"How did you-"

"I was still your Robin when Bane broke your back," he deadpanned as the secret underground door opened for the new Batman. "When you healed enough, you went to Shiva to get yourself back." He glances over at the Tengu, "this universe has some different… Nuances. Did that-?"

"Yes," B interrupts, "yes. Our Tim Drake was my Robin during that time."

And the passage opens up to the bunker, giving Red a place to set Kon, even if he has to give the guy a minute or two to let go, talking gently to him all the while. ("It's okay, man. We're going to get him back. We're going to free your world. That's why I'm here. You're not alone.")

"So," he finally says, turning to the avidly curious JLA.

Behind him, Kon's hand stays fisted in his cape. He doesn't move any further away, letting the guy rest his forehead against the back of Red's shoulder.

"I'm multiverse Red Robin or Tim Drake. Your, uh, Bats appeared in my universe because, well, Lex Luthor is a tool and shit happens. I was able to get the coordinates of this world while they kind of told me the Insurgent's Crisis went down very differently here. So, me being me, I kind of fooled them and came through to help out on that front. I brought the tech we used to beat them. More so, I've set up the portal in my world to open up in four days, and sent messages out to my groups of superheroes to come through and help out on the 'Send the Invaders Bye-Bye' parade. Made some nifty invitations and everything."

Diana comes forward to grasp his upper arm, "knowing what has happened and you've still come to aid us?"

Red blinks at her from behind the domino, "well, I was a Bat. That's what we do." He shrugs again, "besides, the Insurgents were one of the worst foes we've ever faced. They will destroy this world eventually, overrun it completely. We have to stop them now, while there are still fighters to do so." And Red Robin pulls the domino away, facing them with his dark eyes, the leader in him coming to the fore as he throws out one fist, "who's with me?"

And this Tim Drake, this Red Robin is so like theirs in mind, in personality, the JLA, for the first time since landing to meet his call, straighten to their full height.

"I am with you," Aquaman says first, coming to lay his hand on Red Robin's. "Me and mine of the sea will lend strength to your fight."

"I am also," Superman steps forward to also put his on top, "you have my strength to add to yours."

"You will have the support of the Amazons." Diana swears, her hand atop the pile.

"I'll call the Lantern Corps again. This time we'll give 'em hell." As the Green Lantern ring glints on the pile of hands.

Shakily, the arm that comes around Red Robin from behind is the silent Superboy's full support.

Cyborg grins with anticipation, "what's a good fight without tech support, am I right?"

In a moment, the Flash grins, already across the room with his hand on the pile. "You know I'm in it to win it!" Because, well, Wally after all.

And the Bats approach steadily, silently, throwing their support in with the rest, Robin laying his hand on top with determination in every bone of his body.

Finally, the Tengu removes the mask to the man underneath. And Bruce, the World's Greatest Detective, the fighter that has never given in, lays his hand with finality on the growing pile, his blue eyes dark with strength that had left him, revitalized with the need to save their world.

"It's going to take everything we have, people. But, we're taking our world back or die trying."

And Red Robin grins like mad, his free hand behind his cape to hold on to Kon's other wrist for support, "well then, I guess it's time to be heroes."

A/N 2: The Insurgents are not from the comics, so no wiki on them. I make references to them in the main Fracture story, but here is where they're going to get fleshed out a bit more.

As always, thanks for reading. Hit me up or visit me on Tumblr under this name.