Name: Talking About School Work
Summary: Dick is tired of M'gann trying to listen in on his private conversations.
Inspiration: I was inspired to write this one-shot after listening to the first half of a Teen Titans Go episode called 'Obinray'. You don't have to watch it of you haven't seen it, this one-shot is just inspired by it.
Dick stiffened as he heard the clank of two arrow heads knocking together. He didn't even have to look around the gym to know that is was M'gann in camouflage mode trying to listen in on his conversation. Ever since Conner had walked in on him having a private conversation with Bruce about his school work, the team had been spying on him trying to find more hints about his identity.
Dick stood in the corridor that led to the rooms.
"B, I know I've been falling behind, but it's not my fault, Gotham Academy assigns way too much homework" Dick was paranoid enough to not use Bruce's real name. He heard a gasp. He quickly spun around to see M'gann, accidentally, trip over her own feet while trying to hurry away. He sighed and muttered a few cuss words in Romani. He jumped up and grabbed the vent cover and slipped inside replacing the cover as he went. He wandered around the vents until he found the vent above the main room.
"-an't believe that Robin goes to Gotham Acadamy!" M'gann exclaimed.
"Wait, how do you know about Gotham Acadamy? You hardly every leave Happy Harbor." Wally questioned.
M'gann looked at him sheepishly. "I was having a little bit of a hard time with math, so I asked a a guy who had the highest grade for help. He kept on bringing up a Gotham Acadamy student who was awesome at math, he said that the student kept on winning competitions. I was curious so I looked Gotham Acadamy up. Turns out Gotham Acadamy is where Bruce Wayne's son goes!" She replied excitedly.
-End of Flashback-
Dick's eyes lit up with a brilliant idea.
(A/N there is no translator for Romani and I could just use Google Translate, but let's be honest... It sucks, so italics=Romani"
"So what were you saying about teachers."
Unsurprisingly Bruce didn't question why Dick had suddenly switched into Romani.
"It has come to my attention that the teachers are doing nothing to stop bullying." Bruce stated.
"So what do you want my to do about it."
Dick knew that M'gann had left when he couldn't hear her breathing anymore. He was distracted and didn't hear Bruce's reply.
"Sorry B, I was distracted, what did you say?"
Bruce didn't even question why Dick had now switched back to English and continued the conversation.
He switched to Romani when ever he knew M'gann was listening.
Short and sweet. I apparently don't have the ability to write long one-shots.