Hi there reader LeafeonLover here!

sorry for the long authors note but it's the first chapter

So this is a new story of mine about Undertale obviously

I have recently found myself becoming a huge fan of undertale

There are so many wondeful stories, comics and animations out there

And the fandom has a lot of love for this brilliant game

I wanted to contribute to this fan community

and if I could I would draw an awesome AU comic

but unfortunately my drawing skills are barely on par

so here I am writing a story, something that I can actually do well!

Anyway so some info about this story

It features an older Female Frisk

And the pairing will eventually be Frisk x Sans

This story is kind of a novelization of Undertale with my own twists thrown in there

I suppose you could say its AU with a different kind of Frisk

In this story Frisk is more in touch with the her soul and the lost souls of the other fallen humans

Time also automatically resets whenever Frisk is killed

And Frisk does not have conscious memories of previous timelines only vague feelings

Chara is also more outspoken and a bit unhinged but that won't be gotten into until much later (Chara is also female as well)

there will also be some OCs (later in the story they'll show up too)

particularly in this first chapter as it's the prologue about the day frisk fell into the underground

We won't be seeing any familiar characters (apart from frisk) until next chapter

Lastly the disclaimer which I won't be repeating again


Undertale belongs to Toby Fox and I would encourage you to buy the game and play it yourself because it's pretty good

some notes on speech too

italics are specific thoughts, or past speech

bold and italics is chara speaking

now without further ado


Prologue: The Last

"Frisk! Get up already."

I bolted upright in my bed gasping to fill my lungs with air and sweating profusely. I tried to move from the bed but my limbs were tangled in the sheets.

"Come on Frisk, if you want breakfast then you'd better get moving." The girl –Elena- who had woken me sighed walking out of the room.

I struggled more furiously only succeeding in falling out of the bed and onto the floor. I emerged from the pile of covers a moment later standing to my feet. I glared at the sheets that had trapped me with hate.

"You win this round." I muttered grabbing them and throwing them over the bed messily.

I knew the mistress of the household hated messy bedrooms. Which was why despite sharing this room with three other girls relatively the same age as me it was spotlessly clean. I hurried over to the large wooden dresser set between my bed and Elena's. My clothes were in the left set of draws.

Pulling my pyjama top off over my head I speedily dressed in the school uniform. I lived in an orphanage with many other girls and boys who were parentless like me. It wasn't so bad. I had a warm bed to sleep in, clothes, food and lots of other kids around not that I played with many of them.

I sometimes played with the younger orphans finding them much more friendly than most of the kids my own age. There weren't many girls or boys in the orphanage who were in their older teenage years. They all thought I was weird to begin with anyway.

I looked in the small bedroom mirror attempting to quickly tidy myself up. I patted down my nearly shoulder length chocolate brown hair and took a moment to look at myself. I had a lightly tanned complexion, brown eyes that were hidden beneath the fringe of my hair and thick eyelashes.

With a young face and short stature I was often mistaken for being years younger than I actually was. Playing around with children when I was considered too old for games probably didn't help that misconception either, but I didn't care. They were a lot more fun to play with than the kids my age.

Besides someone had to watch out for the little ones. It can be really hard to get used to this place if you come in at a young age. I should know. I came to the orphanage when I was five-years-old and was often picked on by older children.

I didn't want anyone else to feel the way I did back then so I always tried to reach out to any new kids. Because of this I was well loved by the younger children. I nodded at my reflection in the mirror now dressed a white dress top with dark blue skirt , red tie, brown dress shoes and white shin high socks.

This was the uniform of the local school that mostly everyone at the orphanage went to. I turned away from the mirror to tie up my shoe laces but caught a flash of red in the corner of my eye. My head instinctively whipped around my shoulders tensing but I saw nothing.

Shrugging my shoulders to get rid of the strange anxious feeling I finished tying my shoes. I hurriedly left the run thumping down the curving staircase and hoping into the dining room. As one would expect the dining room was absolute havoc. There were kids everywhere pouring cereal into their bowls, spreading things on toast and stealing food from each other.

"Frisk, Frisk! I saved a seat for you!" I heard a high voice calling.

I turned my head smiling as I saw a group of kids I was friends with. The one calling me was called Lisa and we knew each other pretty well. She was short with tan skin and long curly brown hair and eyes. She was very cute.

I could tell that when she was my age she'd be one of those girls that turned the heads of guys. But for now she was just a cute kid. I was a bit older than Lisa, she was only ten-years-old but she'd been here a few years now. When she first arrived she kept to herself and didn't talk a lot with the other kids.

I tried talking with her but she stayed secluded it was only from continual interactions she eventually got to trust me. She was a lot more open now than she used to be. She had made many friends with other kids at the orphanage and in her class. I knew quite a few of them and we talked often.

I went over to the little girl pulling out the chair next to her and sitting down as I grabbed a plate with some toast. I was just in time too because nearly all the food was gone.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted quietly with a smile.

I got a chorus of "Good morning Frisk!" in reply from the kids who sat around the long table.

I sliced a banana onto the toast and poured a bit of honey on top before biting into it. I made chit chat with the kids at the table as they slurped down cereal for breakfast. Apparently they were very excited about a field trip their class was having today to the foot of Mount Ebott.

It was the last day of the semester before the holidays so there wasn't much more to learn in class. I found myself jealous of the young kids wishing I could go on the field trip. It'd be better than whatever we were learning in my high school classes.

The forest around mount Ebott was so peaceful and had many different forms of wildlife. It was a good place to go for thinking because barely anyone went there. Nowadays not many people seemed to appreciate the beauty of nature, besides there were also those rumours.

"Frisk can you tell us that story about the mountain you know?" Lisa pleaded tugging on the sleeve of my school uniform.

I smirked into my toast taking another bite of the crispy bread and chewing it. I knew that question would come eventually.

"Yeah I want to tell it to the other kids in class today!" a boy with black hair –who was called Max- added enthusiastically.

I chewed my toast pretending to think about it as the two other kids there also begged for the story. I swallowed the rest of my toast in seconds and grinned at them.

"Alright I'll tell you, but we've gotta get going soon." I agreed glancing at the clock on the wall.

The four kids at my end of the table nodded gleefully asking me to hurry and tell them. I wasn't sure why they liked this story so much. I'd told it to them about a million times.

Pretty much anytime anyone mentioned the mountain, as a bedtime story or when one of them had a nightmare. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, after all I loved the story when I was there age too.

"Alright, alright!" I laughed lightly at the kids enthusiasm pouring some orange juice and sipping it.

The kids watched me with an excited expression. I took in a deep breath trying to remember every detail of the folklore of my childhood. For a second I closed my eyes getting flashes of a gorgeous woman welling up from the back of my head. I pushed the memories away as I felt a tweak in my chest.

"Long ago, two races lived on Earth: Humans and Monsters. One day a war broke between the two races. After a long battle the Humans were victorious." A quiet cheer left Max's lips as the other three kids snickered at his addition of sound effects.

I smiled softly at the kids glad the story made someone happy.

"They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell." I continued softly.

I silently wondered if there was any truth behind the tale. Did the Monsters remain trapped under the mountain to this day? Waiting for an opportunity to escape and extract revenge on the beings that trapped them there. I laughed to myself, no of course not.

There was no such thing as monsters. Even though I told myself this a sliver of doubt wriggled in my heart as if it knew that was untrue.

In a neutral tone I spoke "Legend says that those who climb the mountain never return."

"Yeah because the monsters in the mountain kidnap humans, bake them into pies and eat them!" Max exclaimed.

All stared at him funny before the kids burst into laughter. Children had the strangest theories. A clapping noise from the doorway of the hall drew my attention.

"Children come on, time for school!" One of the mistresses of the household called into the dining hall.

All chatting in the spacious hall ceased for a moment before the sound of chairs being dragged backwards filled the hall along with voices.

"We'd better get going guys." I suggested to the four kids sat at the table.

They booed and hissed at the prospect of going to school despite their excursion.

"Max that was the stupidest thing you've ever said. You ruined the story!" a blue eyed blonde haired girl with pigtails scolded.

I hushed them as I shooed them away from the table and into the adjoining hall. Everyone's school bags were in little locker spaces ready to be picked up.

"S-shut up Anna it could be true!" Max bit back.

As they each grabbed a little backpack from their lockers.

"Come on guys don't fight or we'll be late." I soothed putting a hand on the head of each of the squabbling kids.

They continued to glare at each other before sticking their tongues out spitefully and turning to the door with a HUMPH. I chuckled a little smiling at the Mistress who stood by the door who nodded in return. Three of the kids were already out the door and I turned back to the missing child. David was near his locker shoving books into his bag messily.

"Come on David." I called kindly.

He pushed his circular glasses up hurriedly zipping up his backpack and racing out the door after the others. I slung my own brown book bag over my shoulder following the four kids out. Lisa and Anna immediately grabbed onto my hands swinging them back and forth as they skipped along beside me, the boys following closely behind us.

We left gate of the orphanage which was surrounded by a cement and black spear-like fence at the front of the property. We walked along the path for a few minutes the kids discussing different ideas of what the mountain hid.

"An alien landing site the government is hiding." suggested David factually.

He was a bit of a bookworm; sci-fi was his favourite so that theory wasn't at all surprising.

"I bet there's a colony of vampires hiding from the sun in there." Anna contradicted.

She held her fingers up to the corners of her lips as if to imitate the supernatural creature. I couldn't help but laugh at the act and the look of fear in Lisa's eyes. She was very peaceful like David, but quieter and a bit more timid.

"Nah there's probably nothing on the mountain but birds and tree. I don't get why we're forbidden to go there." Max stated nonchalantly holding his hands behind his head.

"I thought you were afraid of being baked into a pie." I snorted tussling his black hair.

Max swatted my hand away as Anna and Lisa giggled at him.

Max's cheeks burned red "I-I'm not afraid! I'd like to go up there and explore actually!"

He put his hands on his hips and cocked his head upwards. So would I, I couldn't help but agree internally. Max was pretty adventurous compared to the other three kids. He liked sports and the outdoors.

"You dork you know it's forbidden!" Anna sniggered as Max's face grew even redder.

Each child was so different it was a mystery how they even became friends. I wasn't the same as any of them either. Rather I was a combination of the traits which was probably how I managed to get alone so well with all of them. A frown tugged at my lips as I considered Max's words.

He was known to be the ringleader of the group often getting the other three into trouble. It had happened countless times before and this time I wouldn't be there to bail any of them out. We came upon the gate of the school and the four kids went off toward there class area.

"Hold on a second everyone. I want you to listen very closely." The serious tone of my voice seemed to gain the children's attention.

I was rarely known for being serious or getting angry so when I did people were often anxious.

"Now I want you all to promise me you'll be on your best behaviour. Stay with your class and in sight of your teacher. Don't wander off into the forest by yourselves. I'm looking specifically at you Max." My eyes stared at the black haired boy.

He smiled sheepishly fidgeting on his feet.

"The forest can be very dangerous and I don't want any of you to get lost. So be careful and have fun, okay?" I smiled brightly.

The smile seemed to put the four at ease quickly.

"Okay~" The four of them sang honestly agreeing.

I nodded appreciatively at them "I'll be waiting here for you guys this afternoon."

I waved at the four as they ran off toward the junior school area and I went toward the high school buildings. The school day was slow as one would expect of the last day for semester. English, math, break, art, biology, chemistry, lunch break and finally the last subject for the day came, history.

I took a seat in a mid-row near the window. We hadn't learned much today. The teachers had mostly talked about subjects we'd be covering next semester before graduation. I had mostly taken up time in class with doodling in my notebooks rather than taking notes.

After doing a general overview of next semesters learning plan our teacher got up in from of class.

"Now let's discuss something a little closer to home. Can anyone tell me why our city was founded here?" the teacher's eyes scanned the class a grin brimming on his face.

I wasn't really paying attention as was the majority of the class.

"Frisk?" The tip of my graphic pencil snapped as my name was called.

I looked up from my notebook at Mr Brown the high school history teacher. He was a good teacher, in his mid-thirties very enthusiastic and funny with a slight foreign accent from who knows where. I liked him, he was nice.

The only problem I had was that he seemed to have made it his personal mission to get me to 'open up' and 'become more confident'. I didn't consider myself a closed person. In fact apparently I could be quite charismatic when I wanted to be however, large groups frightened me.

If there was one thing I feared more than anything else, it was public speaking. I hated being the centre of attention. I hated giving speeches, because everyone would stare at me. I wasn't sure why but being stared at by a bunch of strangers, the idea made me extremely uncomfortable.

I would start to sweat profusely, my heart would start beating faster and my breathing would shorten. I actually fainted once when I had to give a speech in English class a few years ago. That had not been a good day. Even knowing how uncomfortable it made me and that I was a kid from the orphanage, he never gave up.

Mr Brown knew I was smart and was resolute in finding a way for me to show it. But the thing was, I really didn't want to. I didn't see any reason why I should show off. I knew who I was, why was it important that other people know as well? I didn't really care for the opinions of people whom I didn't know.

Despite that, I could already feel the gross sweaty feeling starting under my armpits. My hands becoming clammy as I felt the eyes of my classmates on me. I closed my eyes and told myself to breath for a second.

"Please Sir allow me to answer. Our city began as a small mining town. Mount Ebott was found to be a rich source of precious minerals, metals and stones." I knew that voice, it was Astrid.

A girl with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and a tall slim body and was very popular. And who for some reason hated my guts. I had no idea why she was always out to get me but I think it had something to do with this class, in particular Mr Brown.

Astrid was an overachiever and couldn't stand the fact that one of our teachers was more interested in helping me than praising her. Or at least, that was the only reason I could come up with other than she was just a cruel bitch. I liked to think that everyone, even bullies had more depth than that though.

I looked over to where the voice came from and saw her sitting in the desk directly in front of where Mr Brown was leaning against his desk.

"That is true Astrid much of the economic growth of our city we owe to the mining done in previous years." Mr Brown stated flatly.

I looked down at my desk just glad the attention was off me.

I saw Mr Brown frown at Astrid whose beaming smile faded at the look "However the question was not directed at you, nor was that the answer I was looking for. Frisk would you care to answer?"

Mr Brown gazed at me missing the look of rage that spread across Astrid's face. She whipped her head around to glare daggers at me. I could feel myself shrinking under the gaze already. I wasn't a confrontational person. Even if I didn't like something or someone I would probably never say so.

I felt as though being nasty never paid off and you were only hurting yourself and other people in the end. Everything cost a lot in this world but kindness, kindness is free. As I had been told many times when I was a child sometimes kindness was all we could give, sometimes kindness was enough.

I lived by those words or at least I tried to. I know… I know it would make her proud that I did so.

"Our city was founded hundreds of years ago because of Mount Ebott." I stated timidly.

Mr Brown gave me an encouraging look that filled me with determination. Of course he had known I would know the answer.

"It was believed by the early settlers, that Mount Ebott was a sacred place with magical properties. The people that believed this became protectors of the mountain and built this town in honour of that role. That is the reason our city is here today, and why mount Ebott is a heritage site." I finished breathing out shakily.

I knew this because history, folklore and ancient myths were some of my favourite subjects, especially those concerning my home. However I did have an affinity for biological science –not so much chemistry or physics- and art as well.

"Correct! The story of the mountain being magical is, of course, an old legend of the town. Access to the mountain and development on its land are restricted today due to the mining mentioned earlier. Much of the Earth beneath the mountain was removed at some point, making it unstable-"

From there Mr Brown took over the teaching but he seemed pleased with my response, even if it had been somewhat slow. I felt satisfied with myself also. For being brave enough to answer even with Astrid attempting to burn holes into my skull with laser vision.

Now that I thought about it she did look rather angry with me I noticed my shoulders drooping. I decided it'd probably be best to not anger her further and simply keep out of her way. About ten minutes later the bell finally rang and the class erupted with shouts and applaud from my classmates.

They were celebrating the end of class for another semester, chatting eagerly about their plans for the break.

"Alright settle down everyone, I'll only take a minute more of your time." Mr Brown called grasping the room of teenagers attention.

He looked over all of us with an expression akin to that of a proud parent, or so I imagined.

"We've learned a lot this semester and I look forward to seeing each of you again in a few weeks, please be safe on your break and have fun."

Almost as soon as Mr Brown had finished speaking students were pouring out the doors of the building and into the courtyard. I hurriedly packed my book bag wanting to reach the school gates as soon as possible. Astrid was talking with Mr Brown at his desk gifting him some homemade sweet as an end of semester present.

That was good, hopefully I could just… sneak… out. I tiptoed as quietly as possible trying to leave without drawing her attention.

It was going well until "Frisk!"

I froze with my hand on the door-handle cursing under my breath. I straightened turning to face Mr Brown who was smiling warmly. I returned his smile, as he had no idea of the trouble he had just caused me.

"I look forward to seeing you next semester Frisk, have a good holiday." He expressed happily.

Astrid was glaring at me again and I couldn't help a slight wince.

"You too Mr Brown." I whispered grasping the door and backing out as I opened it then closed it behind me.

I let out a breath once I was out of sight. I didn't really want to have to deal with Astrid on the last day of semester. I walked to the school gates and stood waiting for my troop. I waved off other kids from the orphanage sending them on their way.

As an elder of the orphanage it was part of my role to make sure all the little ones got back okay. I had been there since I was five I knew the routine very well, it was probably why the mistress's trusted me so much. I don't really know why I was never adopted.

People tended to lean more toward outgoing kids but besides that there wasn't many couple in town looking to adopt. The sad fact was the older you were the less likely you were to be adopted. Couples wanted a child to raise.

Not a teenager who had grown so quickly they could practically take care of themselves already. But I didn't mind so much. I didn't really want to be adopted. Sure having a family would be nice but I mean there were so many kids younger than me who needed a family.

If I could find someone to adopt them I would, even if I were to remain an orphan for the rest of my life. They deserved to have a loving family more than I.

"Hey Frisk!" I barely had time to look up from my thoughtful haven before I was knocked from my feet.

My book bag was torn from my shoulder and pages went flying everywhere before my eyes. My now empty bag was dropped in front of me. I looked down at it confused before looking up as a book came flying toward me smacking my square in the face. My world spun as I tumbled down my sight flashing black.

I opened my eyes seeing shiny black shoes standing in front of my face. I followed them up to legs, a skirt, white blouse then the unhappy looking face of Astrid flanked by her friends.

"Get up." She spat venomously.

I blinked dumbly pushing myself up halfway and feeling my head spin as I did so. My hand shot up to my face wincing as I felt a small cut on the cheek that'd been pressed into the dirt.

"I bet you think you're pretty smart showing me up like that." Astrid hissed hatefully.

I looked at her confused as to why she was doing this.

"Well don't get too confident, because you are worthless. No parents, no family, no-one to love you and no-one ever will." She stated with a vile smirk.

Her words cut my insides like a knife because I knew it was true. The only loving family I had ever known was gone now and I was alone. It had been a long time but it was still painful to think about, so I tried not to.

"Tell all the stories you want to Mr Brown and those little brats, none of them are true. In the end you're insignificant. You'll never do anything useful and will amount to nothing." She huffed.

I simply looked at the ground not wanting to say anything that may provoke her further. Astrid seemingly pleased with the extent of her verbal bashing turned on her heel and walked off.

"Freak!" they jeered.

My breath came in a short rasp my teeth gritting as I felt my eyes begin to water. Don't cry, I told myself.

"You're wrong." I muttered to myself more than anyone else.

My eyes narrowed as I clenched my hand into a fist swallowing my hurt.

"Frisk? Are you alright?" the tears pooling in my eyes died immediately.

I gazed sideways seeing Anna, Lisa, Max and David standing off to the side with their backpacks looking concerned. I forced a smile on my face as I bent to collect my belonging.

"I'm fine." I lied pasting a smile on my face.

The walk back to the orphanage was filled with excited chatter as the four kids explained to me all the things that had occurred on the excursion. Lisa squealing at different kinds of bugs, Max tripping over a log while chasing Anna and David laughing at them all.

When we got back I went straight to my room and sat on my bed quietly. I opened a Band-Aid package peeling the cover from one as I placed it on the small wound on my cheek. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened so I was used to it.

But it was the first time I had reacted that way and it frightened me. Usually I just kept quiet until they finally left but this time something had happened. Something felt different… I… I was just frustrated. I flopped back in bed and curled up in a ball closing my eyes.

My mind wandered into memories I hadn't thought on in a long time. Usually I would push them away whenever they came up but this time I just let them flow into my mind.

"My sweet little Frisk. You are so beautiful, special and kind. I love you so much. Don't ever change."

I felt a warm sensation in my chest as I remembered how her soft arms would embrace my small form in a warm hug.


A lone tear rolled down my cheek.

"I miss you."

And for the first time in a long time I had the urge to go back to that place.

The one from my last happy childhood memory. I felt my chest swell as I sat up in bed. Yes I would go there, I decided. I got dressed in one of my favourite outfits. A blue sweater with two purple stripes along the chest, short shorts that were the same shade of blue as my top and brown hiking boots.

I hoped to leave the orphanage without anyone finding out but as it would seem, luck was not on my side.

"Where do you think you're going?" Elena asks me as I stood in the doorway of the house.

I shuffled on my feet toward the door as I wrung my hands.

"To… to visit my mum." I spoke softly staring out the door longingly.

Elena's brow pinched in a mixture of concern and astonishment. It was pretty much an unwritten rule in the orphanage that parents weren't to be mentioned, ever. Bringing it up usually only caused pain which was understandable in an orphanage for children.

I especially never talked about my parents or how I ended up here. So to hear me even utter the word mum was surprising for her I understood. Usually I went and visited her only on the anniversary but I felt as though I needed to go there. Elena stared at me for a moment longer before finally nodding.

"Alright but if you get in trouble from the mistresses then don't say I didn't warn you." She cautioned turning on her heel and strutting back the way she came.

I let out a sigh of silent thanks as I closed the door behind me. It was late autumn so the air was a bit nippy but my sweater kept me warm. I walked to a bus stop before catching a bus closer to my destination.

From there I walked into the forest surrounding the base of mount Ebott jumping the flimsy fence to walk in deeper. It didn't take me long, maybe a few minutes before I arrived. An old park in a clearing of the wood. The swings creaked in desperate need of oiling as they swung lightly in the breeze.

The slide had long since been removed leaving only the rusty swings. I padded slowly over to the swings plopping down in the one on the right. I ran my fingers over the metal chain as I swung slightly. It seemed much bigger back then. Of course it would though. It had been what?

Ten years, or more since I'd come here. Of course I visited my mother's official grave every year and laid flowers there. But this place had been our favourite, a special place. We came here every week, and every week she would tell me that story of the mountain.

I missed this place. I… I missed her. I looked over my shoulder at the mountain looming above me another memory surfacing.

"Mum do monsters really live in the mountain?" I had asked staring up at the mountain peak.

Unlike the swings it still seemed as ginormous and confronting as it had back then, despite how I'd grown.

My mother had smiled at me and squeezed my small hand "I'm not sure, no-one really is. But I do believe there is truth in every legend."

I remembered how she told that story with such conviction. I had really thought monsters lived there when I was little.

"I think they do! We should climb up there and say hello to them one day. They're our neighbours after all!" I had proposed naively.

My mother had laughed at me causing me to become annoyed and puff my cheeks out. I knew better now. I knew she was laughing because I was just an innocent child.

"It's not funny! I really do want to climb the mountain and I will!" I had shouted with determination.

My mother quelled her laughter picking up my small frame and resting me on her hip.

"You'll just have to wait until you're older. The mountain is too dangerous for little people like you." She had nuzzled her head against mine making me squeal.

I pushed my mother's head away looking into her eyes with more willpower than a child should be able to muster.

"You promise? We'll go when I'm older?" I examined her closely.

She only looked at me with a kind expression.

"I promise."

I closed my eyes as I swung trying to find a sense of peace by distracting my mind before I could think back more on the events that followed.

We had made that promise and now here I was and I still had never been up there. I was too afraid to come back. Now I was here, at the base of the mountain. I was older and stronger. I could make it to the peak without too much trouble surely… Yes, I would do it!

I would climb the mountain and find out what's up there. Not just for me, but for her too… Nodding to myself finally I hopped off the swing and began my accession of the mountain. The peak wasn't very far so I could make it back before it got dark if I hurried.

I would find out what's up there and tell all the kids about it. I doubted it would be anything magical but there should be a nice view at the very least. The thought of finally making it to the top after only dreaming about it for years got me excited. I would keep our promise.

My excitement and determination allowed me to climb with vigour. It was late afternoon when I started but I hit a few bumps in the road, literally. I fell over rocks and branches on the track multiple times. The path up the mountain was indeed treacherous.

The plants of the forest had overgrown onto the trail all over the place. It was hard to distinguish what was trail and what wasn't. I suspected that I must have strayed off it at various times before finding it again. By the time I had nearly reached the summit the sun had almost set.

I was beginning to regret letting my curiosity get the better of me. At this rate I'd be going down in the dark. That did not sound appealing but it couldn't be helped. I came upon a lip on the mountain face that had a large hole in its side.

A cave with stalagmites and stalactites hanging near its entrance making it look like a giant creature opening its toothy maw to swallow me up. It seemed like a good place to rest before heading back. I could always come back another day to shoot for the summit.

Despite the rumours about people disappearing on the mountain I hadn't seen anything dangerous so far and it gave me confidence that I could come back again. I stepped inside the cavernous hole touching the walls of cave before retracting my hand at the damp sensation.

It seemed the walls of the cave were wet. Perhaps there was a natural spring in here, I thought. That would be most excellent considering my parched throat. I decided to explore the cave a bit, walking further into the depths of its darkness.

I could hear a soft dripping noise coming from somewhere unknown and tried to follow its sound. I could hear the noise of my feet scuffing the ground echoing in the cave as I moved forward. The cave seemed to brighten suddenly as I came to a place where a giant hole in the ceiling sat like a sky light.

It cast a very yellowish and pink glow into the cave. Bits of weed and ivy were scattered along the ground and walls of the cave reaching for the light provided by the hole in the cave roof. Directly underneath the skylight was a wide abyss like cavity in the ground. This sight… There was something about it.

It was recognizable, like I knew it from somewhere. I took tentative steps forward toward the black void only for my clumsy distracted feet to catch on one of the ivy vines. My breath hitched as I tumbled forward.

I gave a small cry anticipating a hard fall, but after a few seconds of no such occurrence I realised something. The light of the sky was getting further and further away. There was wind rushing past my ears making a roaring sound as my hair whipped about messily.

I was falling speedily down that giant crevice. A scream ripped its way from my mouth as I plummeted with nothing to stop my speedy descent. Then a familiar sensation of being swallowed by darkness came as I blacked out.


I'm sorry.

So, so sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

I never wanted to hurt you, or anyone.

It wasn't me, it was her.

But I…

I wasn't strong enough.

So it is my fault after all.

Forgive me…

Will you do me one last favour?


Please kill me!


The sound of shattering like glass thrown against a hard surface. I blinked my eyes seeing nothing but black. I felt light as if I was floating on air but at the same time I felt numb and couldn't feel my body.

"Where am I?..." my voice seemed to echo in the darkness.

There was no reply to my question.

"What is this place?..." I whispered looking around.

I tried to find something, anything, a sign of life.

Was I dead?

"Not quite." I then saw it a shape in the darkness.

I could barely make it out but what I could see was a pair of distorted red eyes shining through the dark.

"W-who are you?" I found myself whimpering as a sense of fear gripped me.

"Hehe forgotten already have you? Well luckily for me it's the norm for you to forget when resetting." The voice twittered happily.

I remained silent judging from the depth of the voice and the way in which is spoke it seemed to be female and young too. Still what this voice said confused me. Reset? What did that mean? It sounded vaguely familiar.

"You'll be waking up soon, but before you go I'd just like to say something even if you won't remember" There was complete silence for a moment as the red eyes glowed even brighter revealing a warped black smile.

"I know you don't remember it but, you ruined everything for me. Everything was perfect. I was so close, and I would have finished it too, if you hadn't stopped me. So now… I WaNt To SeE yOu SuFfEr." The voice that was once sweet changed into a much deeper voice filled with malice.

I wanted to scream but at that moment the darkness seemed to become thick like ice cold water filling my lungs. I gasped trying to move my arms and escape it but the ability to move still escaped me. I was drowning in the inky blackness. It was filling my lungs and swallowing me up.


Then a bright light shone through the darkness.

So that was the first chapter

like I said we'll see more familiar faces in the next chapter

As for other notes sorry if the first few chapters are bad

I'm still trying to find my way about the new characters

also I don't have a beta for this story (if anyone's interested PM me)

And another thing is I'm not terribly far ahead in chapter writing for this story

I kind of wrote it spontaneously not expecting to publish it so soon

and this story isn't my main focus either so updates will be sporadic

I'm mainly writing this for the fun and love of Undertale


If you have any questions, suggestions, want to be my beta or just wanna chat send in a review or feel free to PM me, I'm always happy to talk.

That's all for now my beautiful readers

until next time