Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. And In this case I do not share Inuyasha's beliefs on tattoos that are not good.

Chapter 1.

A black haired young woman passed in front of the shop for the umpteenth time. Her hands were sweating and she dried them on her pants, again. Took a long, deep breath, placed her hand on the handle, and pushed.

The place had pictures and drawings covering most of the walls, it had three different booths, a couple of chairs by the entrance and a display case was close to the door, with a young man sitting behind it using it as a desk.

The man was drawing something over the display case, with his hand moving slowly and carefully over the paper. He was frowning, his eyes not moving from the white surface at the same time the tip of his tongue played with the sharp edge of a fang.

Kagome stared at the man, he had long silver hair that was partially covered by a deep red bandana just behind his bangs, and the rest was loosely braided down his back. His bangs were covering his eyes from her, but she knew they were bright gold.

Her dark eyes scanned the place again wondering what she was supposed to do now... was she supposed to walk to him? And interrupt his work? Maybe, walking around the place looking at his sketches and designs until he noticed her presence? Or wait patiently using one of the chairs by the door? Kagome was leaning towards waiting on the chair when something on the wall called for her attention.

It was the sketch she had seen before, the one that gave her the idea of getting a tattoo. She walked to the wall slowly, with her eyes glued to the drawing. It was beautiful, it was an image of a full moon and inside of it was the silhouette of a howling dog, and inside the dog was a black haired man with his eyes closed. The drawing was small, maybe the moon was four inches in diameter, maybe even less. But for Kagome the size didn't make it less hauntingly beautiful. The silver and blue tones of the moon, the delicate form of the dog. She wondered how could a silhouette look like mourning, and how an artist could draw a sleeping face in that reduced space that reflected so much loneliness, helplessness. Her hand moved closer to the wall, she needed to touch his face, she wanted to erase the tears that weren't even there.

A deep voice made her jump and her chocolate eyes went immediately to the man behind the counter. She wasn't sure what he had said, so instead of answering whatever it was he wanted she stared and blinked stupidly at him.

Inuyasha looked up at the woman in his shop with a bored face. Since that stupid article was published people with no business inside a tattoo studio had been bothering them. Some of those people came and only asked for pictures of him or asked for his number. That, or people that pissed him off even more showed up.

He stared at the young woman, she was wearing something normal, nothing too flashy. A blue skirt, a white blouse, high and pretty shoes and a small purse. At least this person was looking at his art and not ogling him like the last one…

"Are you here for a tattoo?" Was the politest thing he could think of saying.

He expected her to nod if she wanted him for work, or maybe she would give him a flirty smile expressing she wanted him for something else. But he did not expect her to turn and stared at him with giant deer eyes and only blink.


Inuyasha scowled. "I said: Are you here for a tattoo?"

Kagome nodded energetically and walked closer to him. "Yes, I want to get one?"

Inuyasha smirked as he stared at her with narrowed eyes. "You're asking me, wench?"

"Yes! No!..."

Kagome took a deep breath before continuing. If she thought talking with this man was going to be difficult before, she had no idea how intense his eyes were. Those amber eyes made her nervous enough to talk coherently. Now she needed to relax and talk like she would do if Sango was with her, and not this very handsome and rude artist.

The man was still staring at her expectantly.

"Um… Yes I do want a tattoo…" Kagome said with her most confident voice.

Inuyasha stood straight and crossed his arms before nodding. "What do you want inked?"

She had been thinking about something that she liked enough to get on her skin.

"I want something pretty and feminine"

His only reaction was a nod and a soft grunt.

"I want something that goes with me…"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. This kind of clients had been coming to his studio too often. People who wanted a tattoo because now tattoos were 'In' and 'cool' but those people didn't know what a tattoo really meant most of the time.

"Can you give me something more specific?"

Inuyasha kept saying in his head "Please! Please! Not a feather, a peace sign or an infinity symbol!"

She looked at her hands before speaking quietly "I want a pearl necklace. Only one pink, shiny pearl with a threaded necklace…"

Inuyasha sighed relieved. Looks like she didn't just want the pretty tattoo she saw on Pinterest. If the design was something that she wanted for herself, he was confident about delivering something good enough.

"… and I want the thread to be shaped like an infinity symbol"

Inuyasha was getting excited for nothing. It was another variant of the fucking infinite symbol. And he was not going to do that.

She was still talking. "Maybe on my ankle or high on my back, I think it would—"

He raised a hand and Kagome stopped talking. "I won't do the tattoo…"

She did that thing with the huge eyes and the blinking. "Why not?"

The silver haired man snorted a dry laugh. "Because I don't do stupid tattoos. I make art." She was still doing that thing. "I make art, for people who knows what it means to get a tattoo."

She finally changed her expression. Now she was frowning. He kept going, using what Kagome thought was a condescending voice.

"A tattoo is not a pair of cute shoes. It is not something you can just come and get as you please. A tattoo is something you cannot change with the seasons…It. Is. Permanent. Tattoos become part of you and a part of who you are. That is why they need meaning, and people that plan to get one need to know what it means to get a tattoo, and I refuse to make copies of tattoos from Pinterest or shit like that. If you want something pretty that other people have. Go to the mall and buy some fucking shoes! Don't waste anybody else's time with a shitty thing like that."

During his speech he had moved closer to the door and now he was holding it open.

"There is a mall two blocks down…" He shrugged as if he couldn't care less. "Go and buy something pretty"

Kagome was speechless. She had never felt this humiliated before. This asshole of an artist was telling her that she didn't know what she wanted? She had no words to describe how disappointed she was right now.

Without another word she walked out of the shop. It had not turned out how she had expected. Her wish of getting a tattoo from the only artist that had ever amazed her was now impossible.

Inuyasha saw her walk away from his studio with misty eyes and closed the door as soon as she was out. He made an uncomfortable face. Maybe he treated her like a jerk. Maybe he went too far.

He let out another sigh. He knew he was an asshole. He half expected her to fight back and call him names, appropriate names for his behavior, but she had remained silent. Saying without words she didn't really want a tattoo.

Or maybe he was just waiting for someone who could stand his temper and mouth.

Inuyasha walked to the door and turned off the 'open' sign.

None of those things mattered. He had thrown out the best client prospect from the lousy line of people looking for him for his looks and not for what he did best, and he was sure she would not come back. Who in their right mind would?

A/N: After discussing a few headcanons with a friend of mine and reading an article about which tattoos were the most hated by tattoo artist, this came to me. I just picture Inuyasha having all the opinions he can about everything, and this case judging about what tattoos are good and what are not good enough for him.

Kagome will challenge his beliefs no doubt, but for now he is really opinionated about it.

Thank you for reading and reviewing, it is always a pleasure to know about what goes through the reader's mind after this. Thank you for taking the time.

