The five sat at the dinner table, enjoying Gideon's blueberry pie. Judy swallowed her bit.
"So you guys are good now?" she asked.
Carl and Nick glanced at each other.
"Yeah, I would say so." Nick replied.
"As long as I don't beat him in his fantasy baseball league." Carl said jokingly.
"Hoo boy," Stu said, leaning over to Nick, "Just warnin' ya – my old man's got this weird 'power' when it comes to baseball. He almost always nails his predictions."
Hearing this, a look of despair spawned on Nick's face. He was going to go broke within a week against the old bunny.
"Wait, seriously?"
Everyone nodded at the table.
"He's been banned from a few too."
"So…" Nick gulpled.
Carl leaned forward and announced, "You got hustled, fox!"
The table broke into laughter at this turn of events. Things were good now, and you could be sure that Nick and Judy would come back to Bunnyburrow soon.
Author's Note: That's it! "Family Dinner" is complete! Thank you guys so much for reading and reviewing – you guys are awesome! While you're here, don't forget to check out "Jack Savage – Origins", my new Zootopia fanfic!