The Hopps' homestead was bustling, as their daughter, Judy, was coming home with her new boyfriend from the large city of Zootopia. So, in preparation, all the family members (2 parents, 1 grandparent, and the 275 siblings) worked together to clean the homestead for a lovely evening. After hours of preparation everything was set, from the nicest tablecloth cleaned and on the table to the huge buffet of food prepared for everyone. Exhausted for the moment, Bonnie and Stu Hopps plopped down on the couch, waiting for their sweet Jude to come home.

"I can't believe," Stu said, "that our little Jude has fallen in love."

"I wonder what he'll be like," Bonnie replied.

Then came the knock at the door. Knowing exactly who it was, the bunnies got up.

"Oh no," Bonnie whispered, "it can't be them yet! Gideon hasn't come with the pie!"

"Settle down," Stu whispered back, "he'll get it here soon I bet."

At a normal pace Bonnie walked up to the front door and opened it. As expected, there was their wonderful daughter Judy, a police officer for the Zootopia Police Department. Behind her, however, was not another bunny; instead, it was a tall, orange fox wearing a green collard shirt, khaki pants, and a tie. Seeing that her mother was speechless, Judy began talking.

"Mom," she started, "this is Nick… he's my boyfriend."

Stu, hearing everything but not seeing, walked over, his excitement building on who this man was that could possibly leave his wife speechless. Making it to the door, he too went speechless when he saw that it was a fox. Sure, they had trusted Gideon, but that had taken quite some time considering how he was when he was young. This time it was different; while Gideon had remained an acquaintance, this man was in love with his daughter. As Stu was thinking he hadn't noticed that Nick had extended his hand to greet him. Snapping out of it, he grabbed the fox's paw and shook it. Leading them inside, the four were immediately swamped by 275 rambunctious and excited children. Everyone was saying something, but the noise made it so that no one could hear a specific person say anything. After several seconds of commotion an ear-piercing whistle rang from the back of the room. Everyone turned to see that the whistle came from Grandpa Hopps.

"Let me see him," the elderly bunny spoke. Making his way through the crowd of kits, Nick stood in front of the patriarch of the large family, waiting to see what would come of it. The bunny took a long look at the fox that had stolen his granddaughter's heart.

"A fox, huh?" Grandpa finally said after a long inspection.

"Nick Wilde, uh, sir." Nick nervously replied, extending his hand. The old mammal didn't take it.

"Foxes," he muttered, "spawn of the devil."

"I'm sorry, what?" Nick replied. He had just barely heard the old man with his amazing hearing.

"You heard me, fox! All of you are demons!"

Sensing that this wasn't going to end well, Bonnie interjected with, "How about we get to know you better, Nick."

"That's a good idea," Stu added as he started to direct everyone to the living room. After all were settled a long discussion began.

"So Nick," Bonnie began, "tell us a little bit about yourself."

"Well," Nick began, "I originally was an ice cream, eh… vendor, up until I met Judy. After some time she recommended me to the Zootopia Police Academy, where I graduated and now work with her on a day-to-day business as partners."

"Doesn't, y'know, working together hinder your relationship?" one of Judy's many siblings asked.

"Well, not really," Nick replied, "except for maybe Clawhauser. Every time he sees us he kind of… what's the word I'm looking for?"


"Yeah, that's the one. He thinks we're adorable for some reason. Other than that, no, we really don't have any problems."

"And Judy," Stu started, "how's city life?"

"Oh it's great. Lot of nice restaurants and such. Crime seems to be going down after the Night Howler case was resolved, but we still get some action here and there." Judy answered. As she finished her sentence the doorbell rang. Bonnie began to get up when Nick politely offered to get it for her. Not taking no for an answer, Nick walked over and opened the door to reveal Gideon Grey, still in his apron, holding a pie.

"Sorry I'm late with the- oh!" Gideon started, "I don't believe we've met. I'm Gideon Grey, and I'd like to shake your hand, but I've got a pie in my hands."

"Nick Wilde. I'm Judy's boyfriend."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, but I've gotta get going home." Gideon said as he put the pie down on the dining room table.

"Why don't you stay for dinner?" Judy offered. She and Gideon had resolved their differences, and this was the nice thing to do. Silently Gideon nodded, folding his apron, placing it in his pocket, and sitting down with everyone else. After a little more discussion it was agreed that they should eat before the food got cold.

As the 280-odd people sat around the table they could not help but notice all the food that had been set out. There were plenty of carrot-related foods but some were more on the leafier side. The family could consider themselves lucky that Nick was a vegetarian, but he loved the food anyway. While everyone at the dinner table remained mostly silent Nick couldn't help but notice the dirty looks being shot at him by Judy's grandfather at the other end of the table. Nick was starting to get a bit irritated- the bunny had been sarcastic, and rude to him, and yet Nick wasn't sure if it was all towards him or to Gideon as well.

"Nick", Judy said, "are you feeling OK?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Carrots-"

"CARROTS?!" yelled Grandpa Hopps, his ears pointing up rather quickly, "Did you just call my little Judy 'Carrots'?!"

"Grandpa, relax, he calls me that all the ti-" Judy intervened before she was interrupted.

"No! Calling a bunny 'Carrots' is as inexcusable as calling a bunny 'cute'! It's degrading, and your boyfriend has no manners!"

"No manners?" Nick replied, reaching the last straw, "If I remember correctly, it was you who said that all foxes were demons!"

"Yeah… I'm gonna go… thanksforthedinneryouguys!" Gideon said as he quickly walked out. There was no way he was getting in the middle of that, especially if it involved the oldest member of the Hopps family, who nearly whacked him with his cane once many moons before.

"This whole time you've been shooting dirty looks at me as if I'm some sort of scum on your bathtub! Did I do anything to you?"

"You fell in love with my granddaughter, that's what! A bunny should only date a bunny- that's final!"

Nick sat silently for a moment, then got up and walked out the front door without a single word.

"I'm… I'm gonna go talk to him." Judy slowly said before she too walked out. Everyone else present still sat.

"Kids," Stu said, "can you step out of the room? Your mom and I need to talk to Grandpa."