Infinitely Zero

Chapter XIII - Death

Friday, April 1st 2011
Weather: Clear Skies

Walking into the house, I stayed silent as I saw her.

Amongst stars, millions perhaps even billions of stars, she stood. She was different, it was easy for me to see plainly with my eyes. It wasn't the glowing silver skin, the changes to her build that got rid of her slight paunch, nor any multitude of small things that one could possibly point out. It was her presence. Previously it was akin to standing next to someone whose negativity gave way to hope, hope that her situation would improve, hope that life would stop beating them down and just maybe...things would get better. Even after the transformation, I could still sense that presence ever somewhat, but now? It was like looking at an alien being, something so beyond me that the only thing I could compare it to would be Louise.

"Did you know...that this realm is this world's unconscious thoughts and desires manifest? What you desire most can appear here, but it will simply be an illusion. Annette Hebert is dead, yet even for a short while she and her daughter talked. It is a sad thing, I think... but I believe I can understand the reasons why you humans cherish such familial bonds." Reaching out to one of the stars, she clasped it within her hands and pulled it close...but it faded away after a few seconds passed. "I had thought that perhaps I could sway this realm some after being relocated here by that being, perhaps see if I could do something about The Warrior and start this cycle over...but as I thought these things...I felt a pain. It was odd, unique you could say. Being nothing but the shard of a being but due to these odd circumstances I gained something so cherished. My understanding of humans is flawed, and I wish to see more of the world but I believe as I am not strong enough to throw away the bonds I have linked to me to one who would destroy it all, it is ultimately useless. What do you think?"

"..." I simply stayed silent in the face of her question. She chuckled, a bitter sound that was filled with pessimism.

"Hahaha...I suppose you can't help me with this. You'd probably say that this is something I'd need to figure out myself or maybe you'd lend a helping hand even though this body isn't rightfully mine. I am Taylor, yet not. I am the Queen Administrator, but not. I am something more, yet worse because of it. I couldn't even become a proper Entity, I still remain a Shadow. Do I have the right to exist? Do we have the right to exist when we are bound to such alien beings that play games with you humans to solve their problem? I think that I'd much prefer to do something about it, but even with all the power I have, the most I can do is take control of a multitude of the powers on this planet and fight a battle in which ultimately...I lose. But, I know that hope is not non-existent... even if I myself can do nothing but die...maybe it's for the best. Maybe I should just give away this body and simply fade away, hoisting this power on someone that could find a way to win. You could do that, couldn't you? Be the hero, the messiah that these humans don't know is needed and save it all. But... hoisting such a fate upon someone is such a selfish thing to do. So, I thought about the simpler things. Eradicating the Endbringers would certainly be possible, but I saw the world without such creatures and death runs rampant even as the heroes win a gradual fight when helped by the one gifted with Victory. So... what should I do? I find myself lost, and so I'm sorry if this is selfish of me but I would like to fight you in this realm where both of us can go full force and see if I can reach an answer."

So... another battle against someone who was beyond me. I could manage.

Walking forward, I thought about one of the items I had sorely missed. As I felt the familiar feeling of the headphones on my hand, and the weight of the MP3 Player in my hands, I felt a bit of nostalgia. I had missed these, more than I had thought that I would, but if it was even for a short awhile that I could have them once again it would only be fitting to play a classic.(play Mass Destruction)

Striding forward, I reacted quickly as a bolt of lightning struck out towards me forcing me to dodge to the side. Retaliating with an Agi, I wasn't surprised when the flames were redirected and sent back at me, it had given me enough time to switch Persona's after all. Feeling the familiar sense of Death within me, I drew upon it and called forth my Persona.

"Thanatos! Megidola!"

Thanatos roared as he opened his maw and let out a beam of pure energy that rocketed towards the Shadow extremely fast. However, it was easily dodged as space seemed to warp around her as she took a step forward and was suddenly next to me. Swing her fist at a speed that certainly would've done a large amount of damage to, I countered by switching Personas again.

"Alilat!" As the stone obelisk floated behind me, I quickly righted myself as she was sent flying as all the force of the blow was redirected towards her in a single instant. I was thankful for Alilat's ability to reflect all physical damage, that could have actually hurt. Pointing towards her, I coalesced more of my mana and fired off a Mabufudyne and watched as large icebergs formed in a rough triangle and rapidly closed in on the Shadow. Her response to this was to of course send out a large condensed wave of flames as she set herself on fire and simply melted the icebergs that were converging on her. As her eyes seemingly locked onto mine I could feel an odd sensation run through my entire body. As if someone was telling me to stop fighting, that this was a futile effort.

"Asura!" As the multi-armed deity appeared behind me, I could feel my mind quickly clear up. Was whatever she doing effecting my mind in some way? I had to assume as such if that was all it took for it to stop, but it could possibly be quite worse than that. No, no time for thoughts like that, I had to keep on pressing my attack and not let her adapt. Silently activating a Tetrakarn, I quickly switched Personas again as I rushed forward intent on attacking. Masakado's blade forming in my hand instinctively, I swung the blade whilst activating my ability.

"Siegfried! Vorpal Blade!" With a single swing, lines appeared all over the Shadow's body before she had a chance to react as a she was hit simultaneously by 8 slashes all within the same instance. The cuts themselves didn't seem to do do much damage, but I could see very light scratches where each of them had ended up hitting. I was getting somewhere at the very least, even if I was having to run through a lot of mana to be able to do so to begin with. My time on Tartarus had helped me greatly and enhanced the amount of energy that I could draw on greatly, but I was feeling a sort of mental tiredness from switching out Personas so rapidly.

Switching Personas once more so that I could begin to recover mana, I was slightly thankful for the small intermission that occurred as the Shadow stopped her assault to... look at herself. She seemed very intent on observing the damage that had been done to her, even if it had only so far been superficial. She was silent for a few seconds before she spoke.

"...So this is what physical pain feels like? It's an odd experience, but... not a horrible one. It is something that reminds me of humanity, of what humans must go through to make advances. This is a good sort of pain, right? The type that reminds you that you are alive? I wish to experience such emotions more, if you are ready, let us continue into the next phase."

Rising higher up, she glowed even brighter as I could an immense pressure bore down on me. Despite not changing physically in any manner at all, there was a subtle shift in the air that put me on guard. My hands shook as I stared at her, this feeling... was it fear? Clenching my hands tight around the blade I held in my hands, I focused on the aura that it gave off to keep me focused. I had fought against Death before, my hands had shook then, but that hadn't been enough to stop me. Staring at the being in front of me, I did not see an enemy... but instead someone who needed to be helped.

"Let us continue our dance of death... until I get the answer I wish."

I could tell, as I rushed forward with blade in hand that she had already decided...

That one of us would die here.

I refused to accept that.