Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or any of its characters or themes, this is FANfiction...

AN: As with all my fanfics, beware of the OOC-ness! HAHA!

AN2: This is actually intended to be a Levi x reader fic...




Falling in



She always holds onto my shirt when we walk through a crowd, because for some reason she thinks I'll leave her behind. The fabric of my shirt pulls when she starts to slow down and that's when I finally hold her hand. I'll sigh and start insulting her. And then she'll smile apologetically, which always makes me hate myself since I can't stop blushing then.

She can take on titans in a blink of an eye. Her expertise in the art of destruction rival only my own and I'm left in awe watching her form that kills so effortlessly. Her technique is perfect and her cuts are flawless. And then there are times when she can't squash a spider without yelling and praying over its dead body whilst crying a river.

I'll never understand how her confidence seems to skyrocket just by pulling her hair back into a ponytail before battle. I'll never understand how she can become the sexiest woman alive when she lets her hair down afterwards.

There is always this one song that plays that suddenly turns her dancing form into one of a goddess and I can never tell which notes the music held afterwards.

How is it possible that she looks gorgeous in her uniform, her clothes when off-duty, dresses and sweatshirts but she never can take a compliment? In all else she trusts my honesty, but not in my most sincere compliments.

How is possible for her hair to fall like that on its own every time? As if she had spent hours to style it even though I know she had just woken up? And I let her know, every time and every time she seems to decide that her perfection is never perfect enough.

It makes her self-conscious when I stare. I know it. She blushes and I love it.

And each day, I seem to get drawn further into her language without words. Her courage without confidence. Her insecurities without imperfections. And it challenges me without issuing the contest.

It was then when I understood what wise men meant when describing love with the words: falling in.






Thanks for reading, please drop me pm or review if you liked it!