...Hello, there?
First of all, I'd like to apologize for the radio silence for over...seven months? Whoa, it's been really that long. Oops. I've really lost track of when I was last online. It were exams first, then my university got shutdown because of COVID, so I've got to do all my assignments over the Internet, all the while trying to finish writing my thesis, then exam season again, then defend my thesis. Good news, though—I've got my bachelor's degree now! Now onto Master's. I already feel the sleep deprivation, ugh...
To soothe everyone one's concerns—I am not at high risk of contracting COVID-19. My country essentially went full on lockdown in mid-March when we had like only 150 confirmed cases, all schools were ordered to shut down and every non-essential business/institution was ordered to close and it was mandatory to have one's mouth covered when outside one's home. However, since the start of June we have gradually been lifting the restrictions. Sure, there are local outbreaks, but those are being contained. Currently, the risk for a common person is so low that essentially all of the nation (except for the regions with outbreaks, of course) have already went back to normal operation and we are no longer required to wear masks, not even in public transport or when going grocery shopping.
For those of you in USA, please, wear a mask and wash your hands. Your government and fellow citizens might have failed you, but you should still do what you can to protect yourself and the people around you. Minimal protection is better than none.
Second of all, thank you all for your amazing support and lovely comments. I'll do my best to go through them all today.
Third of all, I do not know when I'll update DD. I have yet to write a single line of the next chapter and it's probably going to take some time as I need to reread it and rework the story-plan as I had veered off course (read: scrambled the order of events and took liberties in some places) a little bit more than I've thought, so I feel I need to straighten out the plan for this story before continuing.
(If it's any consolation the next chapter (or the one after) should finally have a Shadow's POV. You'll probably curse me at the end of it, but trust me, you'll be very glad I didn't manage to post it before I went on hiatus. ;))
Fourth of all, I loved the movie. I laugh anytime I remember Tom's "I was breastfed," line. That whole conversation was comedy gold, honestly. 10/10
Fifth of all, I'll delete this AN once I post the next chapter.
That's all. Missed ya all. I'm gonna check what you all were up to while I was away.