A/N: You won't here much for me after this, so I just wanna say THANKYOU for reading and I know you won't leave without reviewing,favoriting AND following,right? ;) How shameless was THAT? Bwahahahah :) But yeah, hope you like it :) Peace.

Chapter One: No One Else

You. No one else. Just you.

: :

Brick Jojo sat on the side lines watching his team, the Gophers, finish up their practice for the night. Avery's plane didn't get in until tomorrow morning, so it didn't matter what time Brick got home tonight. He'd probably go out for a late dinner at The Chilli Ship with Boomer 'Boom' O'Malley, his co-captain, or go home and crash on the couch with ESPN.

Either way, he didn't have to worry about his girlfriend till later tomorrow morning and that was just fine with him. He loved his girlfriend, but there were times when he just wanted to be alone and not worry about a thing in the world. Tonight was one of those nights. But as Boomer crashed down on the seat next to him, he had a feeling 'worry-free' wasn't going to be a part of the equation.

Turning his head toward his best friend and partner he lifted his eyebrows to show him he was paying attention. "Ready for tomorrow night?" Brick was sure he had missed something, because he couldn't, for the life of him, remember what he was supposed to be ready for tomorrow night. He hoped it wasn't important.

From the blank look on his face, Boomer continued. "Class reunion. It's been ten years, man. Doesn't surprise me that you've forgotten, though. I think you've been trying to avoid it like the plague." Brick nodded, leaning back in his chair more, closing his eyes. "I have been trying to avoid it!"

Another voice came up from the other side of him, an object hitting him from the side as he looked down to see what it was. "What have you been trying to avoid, coach?" Brick looked up from the helmet at his thigh to the looming figure of 'Jules' De Lisle blocking the red setting sun from shining in Brick's eyes.

"Our high school reunion," Boomer answered for the silent head coach. Brick turned his gaze back to his best friend and glared. Boomer only chuckled. "Why wouldn't you want to go?" Again, Boomer took the opportunity to answer for the now annoyed Coach Jojo. "Because he doesn't want to get in the middle of the Bitch Fight to end all Bitch Fights. Enigmatic meets Egotistic."

Jules turned his head slightly, picking up his water bottle. "I'm not following."

Brick stood up between them, holding up his clipboard and his other hand as if to split the two of them. "Can we just leave it at that, please?" He was frustrated, and he really didn't like talking about his personal life, especially his past life, with his team. It was bad enough that Boomer was bringing her up but why did he have to bring her up in front of one of the team members?

"He doesn't want to get stuck in the middle of Armageddon with his girlfriend now and his high school girlfriend. Especially considering they were best friends back then." Brick dropped his head as Jules head snapped forward toward his coach.

"Damn, man!" He started, shaking his head in laughter. "I can understand why you don't want to go, Coach! I wouldn't want to go. But hey. Tell you what," he said, patting his coach's back, "O'Malley here, he and I, we got your back." He nodded, waving his finger back and forth between himself and Boomer. Both Brick and Boomer stared at him.

"How are you going to have my back, Jules? You won't even be there. We didn't even go to school together." Jules pulled his arms back, clasping his hands together. "I will be there," he told them, nodding his head slowly. "We haven't told anyone yet. Planning on telling people tonight. But I will be coming with my fiancée."

Both Brick and Boomer nodded slowly before starting to shake their heads together. "Who's your fiancée?" Jules' face lit up when Brick asked this.


Brick's face lost all color and Boomer turned quickly to look at him. "We haven't set a date yet or anything, but..." Brick looked around. He didn't know what he needed... to sit down... to get some air... but they were outside. He just needed something. "Coach?" Brick didn't even hear him. He walked past him, heading towards his office. He only needed to be alone. The love of his life was marrying another...

Brick just wanted to be alone. He knew Boomer would like to drag him out to The Chilli Ship tonight, but all he wanted to do was go home and drown himself in some booze. He hated thinking about Blossom, and he hardly ever did. It had been years since he had thought about her. He didn't like thinking about her. It was too hard for him to think about Blossom, even if her face was plastered all over the TV, her movies were always the talk of the town, but she wasn't Blossom to him.

She never had been, even before all the fame and the distance between the two of them. He had to figure out a way to get out of going to the reunion. He couldn't face her. Not after all this time. Not when he knew he still had feelings for her. He knew it wasn't right, considering he was dating Avery Carter, the rising super star, but since he'd known her since high school, he wasn't about to fall into the celebrity circles around her. He was her boyfriend and he had his own career. He was famous in his own right. But she just… She wasn't… She wasn't Blossom either.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jules asked. Boomer shook his head as they watched Brick head down toward the locker room. "Nah. Not really." He turned to look back up at Julian De Lisle as he stood. "The Enigmatic of the bitch fight I was talking about, is none other than your fiancée, the one and only, Blossom." Boomer shook his head. "But she wasn't always that big. Back in high school, she was just plain old Bloss, all round smarty-pants, miss prim and proper, or my personal favorite Agent Orange." He laughed, remembering coining it himself, but also remembering no one else having caught on to it. It was a damned shame too. He had really liked it.

He held back on telling Jules Brick's nickname for her though. That was something that had been for the two of them alone. He was the only who ever called her that, and Jules wasn't about to have the satisfaction of knowing that. Boomer and the rest of their class had always thought that the two of them were meant to be together, but things had happened, things that... no one had seen coming, even if they had been spiraling down a road that both of them could have prevented. They weren't together now, and Brick was with Avery now and Blossom was apparently marrying Julian De Lisle. But even though Brick had been with Avery for a long time... Boomer was sure he wasn't over Blossom. He was sure he had never gotten over her.

"And what did Coach Jojo call her?" Jules asked as he and Boomer started heading toward the locker room as the rest of the team started pulling in. Boomer shrugged his shoulders. "Same thing as everyone else." It was a lie, but he didn't see the harm in telling him that. He didn't need to know how close they were, or that Brick still had feelings for Blossom. Never mind it was his fiancée, everyone still believed they should be together, whether Blossom did or not, whether Brick would allow himself to or not, other people did. All of their friends, well maybe not Avery, but the rest of them did, and that was enough for Boomer, and if it took all of tomorrow evening to get them back together, he'd do it. Single-handedly if he had to, but they would be back together by the end of the night.

Boomer walked into Brick's office, seeing him staring at a picture of him and Avery and tried to think of anything, anything to distract him. What Boomer didn't know was, Brick wasn't thinking about the blonde in the picture, he was thinking about the girl who used to be Avery's best friend.

"The Chilli Ship?" Boomer asked, clapping his hands together, if for no other reason than to add extra distraction to Brick's pensive contemplation. Brick sighed, placing the picture frame down on the desk, turning to Boomer. "Not tonight, man. I just want to go home and... forget. Like I've been doing for ten years, like I want to continue to do. And I'm not going to the reunion tomorrow. Can you just accept that and go without me?"

Boomer shook his head, walking around the desk and leaning against it beside his best friend and partner. "No. I can't and I won't. I am not going to let you crawl under a rock just because you are afraid of seeing your old high school girlfriend." Brick pushed himself away from his desk, his chair rolling back and hitting the wall loudly. "Fucking hell, Boomer!" He muttered under his breath, turning away from him and pacing the floor toward the award stand.

"You can go home and wallow in you misery tonight because Avery's not home to keep you dry and sober tonight. Probably the only reason you're not a drunken mess at all." It was harsh and it was cruel, but deep down, the two of them knew it was probably the the truth. Brick had never told him the truth about why he and Blossom had broken up and Boomer had never pushed on the subject, but the truth didn't change that fact. He would be in rehab, maybe even have died from alcohol poisoning by now if it hadn't been for Avery in his life.

Boomer came up to his friend's side, staring him down. Brick knew his friend wasn't going away and turned to look at his best friend, staring him down as well. "You're going to the reunion tomorrow. You're going to suck it up, and you're going to be a man about it, and you're going to go!" Brick narrowed his eyes on his best friend, breathing deeply.

There wasn't anything more he wanted than to stay drunk clear through the weekend, but hangover or not, he had to pick Avery up in the morning and he couldn't do that drunk. He knew he would get a lecture about drinking, and he knew Boomer would have his back and say he was out drinking with him last night, even if it wasn't the truth. They were still best friends and there wasn't anything they wouldn't do for each other.

"So, you go home. You get your ass smashed. And tomorrow night, Bubbles and I will pick you and Avery up, and we will all go to the Morbucks Hotel." In that moment, Brick hated his best friend, but he knew that Avery wouldn't let him get out of going tomorrow night either, and there wouldn't be a legitimate excuse for getting out of it. If Boomer was going, he couldn't use the team, and that was the only excuse he could have used. He had to go and he knew it.

Brick nodded and sighed heavily. "I hate you, you know that." Boomer nodded. "Of course you do. That's why I'm your best friend." Brick scoffed, shaking his head, looking down at the floor. "Can you really believe she's marrying that French kid?"

Boomer only remained silent. He knew if he had anything to do with it, and he would, she wouldn't be marrying no French kid. She'd be marrying the man standing next to him, and he'd be standing right there beside him, just like he had been standing right there beside him the day Boomer had married Bubbles. They had all been together since high school. It was only right that Brick and Blossom make their way back to each other. It's not that he didn't feel bad that he was going to be tearing Avery's world apart, but she and Brick didn't belong together. Brick belonged with Blossom, and when they all realized that they all would be a whole lot better off.

"Come on, son. Want me to give you a ride home?" Brick lifted his head, giving it a slight shake. "No, that's alright," he said, raking his fingers through his auburn hair, pulling at it slightly. "I've got my car." Boomer nodded. "Call me if you need anything."

Brick sighed heavily, dropping his hands to his side. "Thanks, Batman." He hated that he was being treated like... like he was being babysat, but he was just going to let it go.

He left Boomer standing in the room, not even bothering with talking to the teammates, especially not the one who was responsible for his night's future alcohol binge, as he headed out the back way through the locker room toward the parking lot. He wanted to get as far away from him, and as far away from Boomer and anything that reminded him of her. There would be things at the apartment he shared with Avery that reminded him of her, but he would do his best to stay away from every picture of him and Avery. He wouldn't turn on the TV. He wouldn't turn on the stereo. Nothing would remind him of her. He wouldn't be reminded of her no matter what he did.

It took what remained of a bottle of vodka and half a bottle of apple brandy, Avery's favorite. It wasn't particularly Brick's favorite, but unless he wanted to go down to the liquor store or the local grocery, which had nothing short of nasty wine, he'd drink the apple brandy. By the time half of the brandy bottle was gone, he didn't care that the flavor wasn't his favorite. He wasn't even thinking about what he was drinking anymore. He wasn't even thinking about Avery or Boomer or even the Frenchman on his team either. The only thing occupying his thoughts was the one person he swore he didn't want to think about anymore.

She was the only person he had sworn several times over the years that he didn't want to think about anymore. But every time he swore he didn't want to think about her, she always came creeping back into his mind. It always happened. She never stayed gone long either. It usually came around the time that Avery would start talking about the M word. So it only stayed true to reason that she would pop back in when De Lisle would mention that he was… Did he seriously say he was marrying her? That she was his fiancée?

Brick's heart tightened in his chest. She had always sworn to him that there was no one in this world for her than him. He had made the same promise. And he had kept it. That's why he'd never been able to make the commitment to Avery. He could never marry Avery because it was the truth. He was still in love with the one person he should forget, and he always would be. She was everyone else's Blossom, but to him, she would always be his Pinky. Despite what had driven them apart, despite their loss, she was his Blossy and he still loved her. He would always love her, and he knew... or at least, he had to believe she still loved him.

: :

She ran into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck, and as he spun her around, she kissed him. She pulled back, staring into his beautiful eyes. "I missed you," she whispered, her fingers playing with the ends of his hair at the back of his head while his tangled in her long locks at the base of her spine. His heart leaped in his chest as he continued to hold her in his arms, her feet dangling slightly off the ground. "I missed you," he repeated her words, kissing her chin gently.

It had only been a few classes they had been separated, but they never could keep their hands off each other, even while they were at school. "Take me home," she whispered. And when she said home, she meant his home. She didn't mean her home. At his place, they could be alone. His parents were never home, and they could do whatever they wanted. And what they wanted was each other. They'd been together forever, it seemed. They had been best friends since they met in the third grade when she had moved from France, until puberty hit and they went from being best friends to being... well, you know how the story goes.

"I love you, Blossy," he told her, holding her in his arms late one night. The rain poured down heavily outside his bedroom window. She was half asleep, but she mumbled, "I love you too, Brick." She was barely able to keep her eyes open, but she didn't miss a moment telling him she loved him. He was the most important person in the world to her and she knew he would always be. She knew no one in this world would ever take his place.

He kissed her bare shoulder and pulled her closer to him. Even though his parents were right downstairs, he knew they wouldn't walk right in without knocking. They knew what they did in here. "Marry me, babe," he asked her, whispering softly against her ear. She groaned softly. "Briiiiiiiiick... Not nowwww."

He smiled, kissing the side of her head, laughing slightly. "No, not now. After graduation." She pulled his arms more against her, shaking her head. "No," she groaned more, burying her face in his arm, pushing her cheek into it. "Don't ask me now. I'm sleeping." He kissed her head again. "No you're not."

She pulled away from his chest, letting out a huff of air. "Je ne peux pas croire que vous faites maintenant. Sérieusement? Ce soir? Oh mon Dieu! Qu'attendez-vous?"

I can not believe you're doing this now. Seriously? Tonight? Oh my God! What do you expect?

Brick winced slightly, pulling his head back. "Is that a no?" He knew she was speaking French, something she spoke only with her family, seeing as it was their first language, and when she got really frustrated, but he didn't understand any of it. He hadn't really being paying attention in his French classes at school.

She reached over, flipping on the bedside lamp before turning to him. "Brick, we're still in high school. If you're worried that I'm going to find someone else, you can stop worrying. I swear to you, I'm never going to to find anyone else." She sat up, looking down at him. She was wide awake now, obviously confused that he would even… "Where is this coming from, Brick?"

He sat up, helping her pull the sheet up around her naked body. "I want to be with you, forever, Blossy. Not just while we're here in high school. And I know you're not going to find someone else. I'm not going to either. I just," he tucked her hair behind her ear, caressing her bare shoulder, looking into her light pink eyes, "I want you to be my wife. I want everything with you, babe. Forever."

Blossom smiled softly at him, biting at her lip gently as she pulled her knees up against her body, tucking the sheet around her. "You sound cheesy, but... Forever?" He nodded, rubbing her arm softly. "There will never be anyone else in my heart for me than you."

She turned back to the lamp, turning it off before laying back into his arms, smiling brightly. "Forever! Pour toujours mon amour!" Forever, my love!

He knew that was her way of saying yes. He didn't know when but they would be getting married and he couldn't be happier. Blossom was happier than she ever thought she could be. Forever was a long time, but Brick had started out as her best friend, and she knew that's what he was, and on top of that, they were in love. They would live happily ever after, and that's what a happy marriage needed. She knew she had nothing to worry about as she fell fast asleep in her future husband's arms.

~End Of Chapter~