Draco hates his job.
Harry/Draco | G | 186 | Post-Hogwarts
gameofcards Challenge #14 Drabble Tree | He can hang on a bit longer
Draco hated his job. When he'd pictured his career at Hogwarts assistant to the Head Auror had never come to mind. Still it was a Ministry job and he knew he was lucky to have any job after the war. He was the best assistant the Head Auror had ever had, whether he would ever admit that to Draco or not. And Draco would continue to be such until the second a better job was offered to him.
Auror Potter ran by, late again. Upon seeing Draco, Potter shuffled back and in a whisper asked what type of mood their boss was in that morning.
'Average, but he hasn't noticed your absence yet.' Draco smirked. 'I kept him pretty busy the last couple hours and he shouldn't be finished with his current call for another fifteen.'
Potter sighed. 'You're a lifesaver, Malfoy.' Then scurried away to some coffee before he started his day.
Draco told himself he'd quit the second he found a better job, but there was nothing of interest to him at the Ministry right then. He could hang on a little bit longer.