Wow it's been awhile, huh? Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you enjoy this long overdue chapter!


"So basically, what you're telling me is that, we, as in me and them, are PRINCES?!" Sky practically bellowed causing the six females scattered around him to wince but nod their heads, nonetheless.

"Yep, your highness," Bloom said, snorting before bursting into a fit of giggles at the blonde's surprised expression. The twelve teens were currently sitting on the shore of the lake, watching the sunset during their free time. Surprisingly but yet not surprising enough; the Winx managed to take down both The Trix and The Wizards of the Black Circle, despite being outnumbered. But even though it hurt their women pride to admit; they couldn't have done it without the Specialists' quick thinking. Timmy – being the brains of their group – managed to sneak Tecna's watch off her wrist without her knowing. And as the boys pretend to run off to the 'safety of the campsite' they instead ducked behind some bushes, so they could watch the battle before them; because it was not everyday that you just see a bunch of apparent mythical creatures going all – as Riven cleverly put it – 'hocus pocus on each other'.

Once Timmy managed to figure out how to work Tecna's watch, the boys racked their brains in order to remember the instructions Bloom and Tecna had given them earlier on. "Tap the screen twice and click the icon on the top right corner that has the initials DC which stands for Distress Code. This will send an alert to all of us, including our headmistress at Alfea and possibly the headmaster of Red Fountain and will automatically switch on your Live Location. Please do not press it unless you really are in danger." Helia quoted causing a mumble of appreciation to fleeter around the group.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I feel very threatened right now and by the looks of it, the girls could potentially be in danger so…" Nabu trailed of, eyeing Timmy with a look that said it all.

Timmy did as instructed and quickly pressed the DC icon and they all watched as the watch started flashing and vibrating rapidly for not more than ten seconds before it went completely dead. The boys' watched in disbelief at the limp watch in Timmy's hand.

"Well that was a complete- "

But before Riven could finish his statement, the watch jumped back to life and let out a maddening squeal causing them all to jump away. Tecna's watch flew out of Timmy's hand and he let out a curse as it landed a couple inches away from him. But just as he was about to pick it up it sprung into the air and hovered a good meter and a half above the ground. Not saying anything, the boys got to their feet and crowded around the floating object before jumping back as a holographic image of a man and a woman appeared in front of them.

"Dear God, you're not Tecna," The woman said, smiling knowingly at the six men in front of her.

"Uh n, no ma'am. I'm – "
"Prince Timmy of Callisto. We know who you are, it's a pleasure to meet you, young man." The man grinned down at them. Timmy took a step back in fear.

"So, why is it that you have sent out a Distress Code? Where are The Winx?"

"Uh, sorry Mrs…" Brandon trailed off, looking slightly sheepish.

"Faragonda. But the girls tend to call me Ms. F," She smiled softly.
"Right, Ms. F, we think the girls may possibly be in danger," This caused the smiles on both aged adults to fall.

"Please elaborate?"
"Well, we're not entirely sure ourselves. We only caught onto the words "Trix" and "Black Circle". Apparently, the wizards want something to do with Nabu and the witches tried to lure us in by pretending to be injured. But I guess the girls caught onto it fast because they appeared before anything could happen. But now they're out there fighting or something and they're one man short and we panicked and remembered Tecna telling us to press this button if we were in danger and so yeah," Sky explained with a deep frown on his face as he just came to term with how ridiculous the words sounded coming off his tongue despite it all being true.

"Well, thank you boys. We're sending a backup team as we speak. They should be there shortly as they have your co-ordinates; I'd advice you to stay close to The Winx until they show up, however don't put yourselves in any danger," Mrs. Faragonda ordered and the boys were too much in awe to even think about debating with her.

Once the backup arrived, the Trix and The Wizards were boarded onto this weird red abnormally shaped aircraft with these GIANT handcuffs that gave the six males the shivers as they watched the life drain out of all seven of them.

"Do you think you could finally tell us what the actual hell is going on now?" Nabu nudged Layla's arm with his shoulder giving her a pointed look. She sighed and nodded.

"Well okay, you already know that you're all princes of a realm in the magical dimension. You all belong to one of the twelve powerful realms in the whole of this dimension, but I'll let Tecna get into those details herself since I don't know much about it all."

"Okay I'll have to do this individually since otherwise it'll confuse you all. I'll start with you, Sky. You're the prince of Eraklyon; which is said to have the most notably significant monarchy of all the realms. Your father; King Erendor and mother, Queen Samara are the current rulers with you being their only child; the heir of the throne. Brandon you're the prince of Espero; said to be the brightest and most tranquil of the realms. Your parents, King Hesperus and Queen Hope are the current rulers and you are the heir to the throne because your sister, princess Tullia is only five years old and is the second born. Helia, the prince of Isis; one of the wealthiest and most influential planets in the dimension. You're the son of King Roland and Queen Abriana, you're also next in line for the throne since you're an only child. Timmy, prince of Callisto; which is known as the fourth world of Magix Realm's upper ring, son of King Callen and Queen Varanda. You're next in line for the throne because your older sister, Allise, refused her role of future Queen as she wanted to live a normal life outside the palace grounds. Riven, prince of Romulea; which is known to have one of the strongest army forces in the whole magic dimension. Your parents, King Winetka and Queen Linley are currently keeping your throne warm as you'll be taking over in the near future as you're also an only child, and finally Prince Nabu of Ohm; the Realm of Inner Peace, you're the son of King Axel and Queen Eirini and brother to Prince Colm. You're next in line for the throne too as you were born a good five years before your brother."

"Wait…our parents, they're…alive." Helia choked, his eyes wide and face pale.
"Yes, very much so, at least as far as I'm concerned – they looked very alive and healthy when we spoke to them a few days ago." Stella nodded softly.

"You," he cleared his throat, "spoke to them recently."
"Well, Ms. F figured if we spoke to them, they'd help us identify you guys. And it did; you see we know your parents as obviously our families are all pretty close, and apparently, we all used to be one close-knit group when we were younger but that was years ago and, well, we forgot you." Musa explained and Riven snorted.

"Well that's not rude at all," Musa rolled her eyes and flicked his cheek.

"Because you guys so remembered us, isn't it?"

"So…what happens now?" Brandon asked, voicing the thoughts of all six princes.

Stella's brow furrowed; "That's where it gets complicated. The headmasters didn't give us much detail of what would happen once we found and protected you. All she said was that we'd be here until the school year ends, so we don't cause any suspicions."
"They also mentioned you guys joining Red Fountain." Bloom piped in, causing all six fairies to sigh dreamily.

The boys frowned at this and raised questioning brows.

"What's Red Fountain?" Sky asked, scowling at the dazed look on the redhead's face.

Bloom shook her head to get out of her trance before turning to face Sky; "It's the school for heroes. We go to Alfea - the school for fairies - and Red Fountain is our brother school. Cloud Tower is the third "sister" school for witches but because of the rivalry between Alfea and Cloud Tower; or more specifically, The Trix and Us, they kind of isolate themselves from any joint inter-school activities."
"So we'll be going to train as…heroes?"
"Well we call them Specialists. Only the bravest of boys get administered into the school in hopes that they'll graduate to serve their own home world's military one day."
"So basically what you're trying to tell me, is that I'm going to graduate high school to go to another high school?" Riven frowned causing Musa to roll her eyes and elbow him again, which he in turn shot her a playful glare.

"No, RF is not just high school, it's also college. And it's not all this boring bullshit that these earthlings do like trigonometry and whatnot. You'll be trained with classical weapons like swords and maces and modern weapons like blasters. The school has a diverse array of classes from basic survival and dragon wrangling and you'll probably have to take like one of the more conc. Classes with us like potionology, metamorphosymbiosis and biotransformation and all that."

"But more importantly you six will be our, I don't know, group partners…? - for our final year where we'll be sent on missions and stuff. And its compulsory for each group of fairies to be grouped with a team of Specialists and they just decided it'll be easier if they group us together because of well, this." Tecna continued.

The boys blinked as they took in all the information that they were given.

"Did you say…dragons?"

"Like, live, fire-breathing, scaly monster things?"
"Ew, that sounds painful."
"Have you seen me? Do I look like I know how to use a sword?"
Now it was The Winxs' turn to blink.

"Are these actually the future Kings of the most powerful realms in the dimension?" Stella snorted.

"So much for only the bravest of the bravest boys can be accepted," Musa chortled, her shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Uhm hello, if you aren't already aware but we haven't exactly been part of this, this lifestyle for a good - I don't even know how many years. All this is basically new to us and in our world, non-existent. In fact, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'd think you're a figment of my imagination." Brandon huffed, glaring at the two females that just insulted them.

"Don't worry, it's in your blood – you'll fit right in. You might be asked to take a few extra tuition lessons or something so that you can catch up with the rest," Tecna smiled encouragingly even though she knew it was going to be a lot of work getting the guys caught up with years of training.

"Yeah, I mean if we could teach ourselves about the whole civil war and I don't know, y=mx+c thing in a few weeks, I'm sure these professional trainers could teach you how to trap an ogre and whatnot."
"it's like every time you open your mouth you say something even more ridiculous than the previous time. Like what the hell? Trap an ogre? That's an actual thing? People go around trapping ogres?" Riven exasperated, shaking his head in disbelief. "Why the hell did you wait till now to come find us? I had to suffer years of finding the gradient and calculating specific heat capacity."
"On the bright side, you can consider yourself multi-talented? I mean your people would probably respect and admire you more if you can tell them the exact temperature of their water and stuff."

"This is no time for jokes, Musa, I'm having a mental breakdown," Riven scowled, flicking the blue-haired fairy's ear. She flinched and flicked him back.

"We should probably head back to the campsite before one of the teacher's get vexed." Flora piped up, quickly shutting down Musa and Riven's flick-fight.
"They probably already are, we've been gone most of the day." Helia said but stood up nonetheless and reached down to help the brunette up. She smiled up at him and took his hand, allowing him to pull her up.

The rest soon followed suit and then proceeded in the direction of their peers.

"You know, I haven't heard from Lana guys in ages," Layla suddenly said, breaking the silence between them all.

"Honestly I even forgot about them," Bloom shrugged, shooting her friends and amused look when they chorused an agreement.

Brandon burst out laughing at the pained expressions on the guys' faces; "Your fault for not ending things earlier like I did."
"Shut up, I never had the right moment okay," Sky grumbled, pushing a leaf with a lot more force needed so it swung back and hit Brandon in the face.

"Speaking of, I'm sorry about the way they treated you all this time," Nabu said, sincerely causing Layla to grin and shake her head.

"Nah, don't be. It was entertaining,"
They all laughed as the approached the clearing of their campsite.

"THERE YOU GUYS ARE!" Mrs. Bells bellowed once she spotted the twelve of them sneaking out the forest. "Where the hell have you all been!"
"Oh! Uh, we just went on a little stroll and got a bit lost. But don't worry! We're fine now." Flora said innocently, trying to charm her way out of trouble. And because of her sweet, innocent nature, the geography teacher decided to let it go with a warning.

"Go pack up your tents, the bus will be leaving in an hour or so," She huffed before going to join the other staff members.

"God knows what we'd do without Flora," Stella mumbled as they made their way to their tent.

"Hey, I think now would be a good time to talk to Teresa guys, you know; if you want to end things?" Tecna nodded her head in the direction of the six girls who were trying to put down a tent on the opposite side of the camp. Timmy nodded and signalled at the boys to follow.

"It's about damn time," Bloom mumbled under her breath but because Musa is Musa; she didn't let it slide at all.

"I'm sorry? What was that?" She asked, feigning innocence causing Bloom to blush.

"Nothing, I just think they were all wasting each other's time in such a fake relationship."
"Aw are you sure Bloomie? Or are you just finally glad you can bag a certain blonde for yourself."
"Well you're one to talk. How long are you going to wait before you shoot your shot with Riven?"
Musa scowled and gently shoved the red-head away; "I am not going to do anything even remotely close to that."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, unless you know, it's Riven," Bloom grinned, cheekily before jumping into the safety of the tent.

I'm sooo sorry for this very late update, honestly I have no excuse so you can throw as much shade as you please. I know its not very long – nor is it very good, but I still hope you enjoyed it anyway!
Please leave a review letting me know what you think!