Been a while. Sorry for the long delay.

I had to read the past chapters to figure out what was going on. But I think I know where I am at.

But I hope everyone can enjoy it.

After this chapter I think the story will finally jump off and become something that people will enjoy.

I hope

But without further ado let's get this chapter on the way.

Chapter 5: Goodbye…




The beating of Issei heart was ringing loud for the young devil. The spikey blond haired male standing in front of him was the cause of Issei rapid heart beating. And for the Sekiryuutei he felt a great deal of dread fill his entire body. There was no one in sight to aid him. Asia was not a fighter, and he felt that it was his duty to protect her from the blond male in front of him. But for the young half devil, he truly felt that he was outmatched. His mind was racing on how to save Asia and himself from the member of the Khaos Brigade.

"What do you want?!" Rushing to the side of Asia, Issei quickly put himself in a defensive stance, then he quickly summoned his boosted gear ready to defend himself along with Aisa. He knew that he wasn't a match for the blond but that wasn't going to stop him from trying. Or at the very least give the blond nun time to run away from the battle.

Naruto simply smiled, delighted too finally find who he was looking for. He started his long walk to his target, his eyes locked onto Asia.

"What do you want?" Issei repeated, not noticing were Naruto's eyes were locked onto. Finally sparing a glance at the young devil, Naruto, turned his attention to him.

"I am here for Asia Argento..."

Leaping backwards, Gavin, dodge another strike coming from the pawn known as Saji. This action seems to cause an opening for the devils he was facing as Ruruko came charging towards the heavy armored knight. Slamming both of her feet onto the chest of Gavin caused the knight to stumble back. Tsubasa seeing an opening run towards the tall male. Bringing her arm backwards she ready herself to knock his head off with one punch. Gathering all her strength she punched at Gavin.

"Kau Kau Furi Wenfe. (Renegade Hail)" Just as the powerful rook punch was about to make connect large boulders made of ice came crashing around on Tsubasa nearly taking her arm in the process. Amazed at the attack, Tsubasa, wonder where it had come from. Turning around she came to the sight of Horohoro seemly floating above her. His large snowboard seems to have change as large eyes appeared on the board, along with the board glowing a light blue.

Distracted by the snow boarder attack, Tsubasa, didn't realize that she had left herself wide open for an attack. Gavin seeing his opening lunged forward and grab the young lady by the back of her head and slammed her face forward into the ground, effectively knocking out the young rook. A small dent formed in the ground under the pressure of the attack.

Gavin wasn't given much time to enjoy his mini-victory as multiple water whips attempted to take the head of the young male. For the knight he was able to dodge the blows by using his claymore to take the hits. Glaring under his helmet, Gavin, focused his attention at the devil heiress standing in front of him.

Breathing heavily in and out was one Rias Gremory. For the red head devil, she felt lost. The reason behind this was simple. Her power of Destruction was useless. The power that was considering to be absolute was null. The very power that she trained herself since she was a little girl had no effect what so ever on her opponent. And that left her with one option.


And yet, anything she threw at Teela, was met with the same response. Her attacks, her magical spells, would simply vanished. She never knew that someone could defeat her family signature magic. As far as she knew the only way to prevent the power of destruction was another user. But as she looked at the lady standing in front of her, she saw no trace of the power of destruction.

No aura of destruction, like how her brother preferred to use their family magic. No glow from her hands signaling the residence of her magic attacks. Not even the magic attacks coming from this odd girl in front of her had the faintest coloring of the power of destruction. If this woman in front of her could prevent her family magic, what else could she do?

"Rias Gremory, I do not like repeating myself. All your power is useless against me. Either surrender or I will take your life." Teela spoke to the redhead. Her voice had zero emotion behind it. But Rias, felt the feeling of dread quickly consume her. This enemy before was one that would follow with her threat. She needed to find a way out of this fight and regroup. Before she lost everything.

Peko sighed as calmly searched for her master. She didn't care that the others were currently engage in battles, nor the fact that she could hear those battles raging on as she walked through the battlefield. There was only thing that she needed to worry about and that was finding her master. If any of her allies failed in their battles, then that was on them. That's how she saw the current situation. While many might call her heartless, Peko, just didn't care for many people in the world.

For now, Peko, only had one goal. Protect Naruto at all cost. That's all that matter to the silver haired swordsman.

Aidan, was gripping the skull of Tsubaki in one hand, slowly crushing the skull of the heterochromia queen. He knew that he was not allowed to kill the young lady. But that didn't mean that he couldn't severely hurt her. Grey wings, flapping the young man as he soared into the sky. Higher and higher he flew till he felt that he was at the proper height for his next attack. Releasing his grip, he dropped the young lady but that was not the end of his assault. Gathering his magical energy, he launched his attacked towards the lady.

A large fireball went soaring towards the young queen. It quickly engulfs the young lady as it came roaring to the ground below. But before it could hit the ground, several magical barriers appeared slowly downing the attack and soften the blow. Tsubaki still crashed into the ground a loud thump followed as the ground was scorched from the impact.

Akeno blame herself for not being able to prevent the attack on Tsubaki. All she could do was lower the damage for the queen. Looking up in the sky she saw Aidan figure still hovering in the sky. Dusting herself off she was left to wonder. Was she over her head? Was this an opponent that was beyond her capability?

Gulping, she knew that she had a duty to fulfill. Gathering her wits, she focusses her attention to Aidan. Placing both her hands forwards she focus her next attack towards the fire user before her. Within moments she launched a large lighting blast towards the fire user. Aidan brought his hands forwards and release a counter attack of his own.

Lighting and fire collided with one another.

The sky flash for a second in a blinding light.

Sona grunted as she dodges another blow coming from the ice user in front of her. Without wasting a beat, she quickly formed a watery barrier around her too block anymore incoming attacks. She knew that her defense was not the best tactic, but its only purpose was to give her a moment to think. She just needed to think what her next course of action would be.

Taking a deep breathe, she was able to calm herself down just a bit.

She knew that the small support group she had with her was no longer able to support her anymore. Each one had already been defeated and knocked out with their opponent. The tall one had simply overpowered and defeated her peerage with ease. That was a blow that she knew she couldn't easily recover from. The only she had was knowing that the tall one had yet to intervene. Maybe as a knight he had honor and didn't want to join in the fight while it was one on one. No matter what, at least she was not being overwhelmed.

She heard her barrier taking hits as ice slammed into it, but for now, it was able to withstand the assault.

She had to think of next action while her magical water defense was still protecting her. She had to find a way to take both of her opponent down in one fell swoop. The only attack plan that kept popping into her head was one large blast. If she created a large magical attack to cover the field, she could take both out. Yes, she knew that the ice user could potentially block her attack, but she was hoping that his control over ice was small. That his control was not on par with her elder sister.

Gathering her energy, she focuses all her magical energy into her next attack. She knew that one mistake would cost her. She just needed a few more seconds for her attack to be ready. Even though that sounded easy in writing. But she could feel it. The water barrier she had placed around her was slowly losing its strength. It would not fare for much more.

The moment finally came for the young lady. She force her watery barrier to expand and gaze both of her attackers. She saw the two stumble from her attack. Now or never! With all of her strength, a magical seal formed above the young devil. From the seal two spirals of raging water descended from the seals ready to cleanse Sona attackers from the world.

With a battle cry her attack commence.

The twinkle of Horohoro eyes was missed on Sona.

"You can hear it right?" Naruto question the young Sekiryuutei, as he calmly walked towards the devil in question. Issei was not sure what Naruto was talking about. The sounds of fighting could be heard everywhere. If it was not for the fact that Naruto was standing in front of him, he doubt that he would have been able to hear the blond. Was there something he was supposed to hear? Issei doubt that he would be able to hear anything.

He took a moment to listen to the battle that was raging on. In a moment he will hear blast coming from there magical attacks. The grounds shaking. His friend's battle cries filling the sky. There was nothing that…


Why was the battle field silent?!

There was no sound. No battle cries. No magical blast. Not even the ground being torn apart from anyone attack. The entire field was silent. That shouldn't be possible! Everyone he knew is a power house. There skills were second to none. There was no way he could believe that they could be defeated. The silence was just a trick. His friends had each beaten their opponent and were coming to see what was taking him. Any minute they would emerge from the bushes and laugh that it was taking him longer to beat the blond jerk in front of him.

Any second.

The sounds of footsteps were slowly being heard from the small group. Issei face brighten up. He just knew it. They won their fights. Quickly turning to face the person coming up, all the color drained from his face. That was not a friend of his.

Those red eyes, glaring at the young man. The silver braids, along with the sword in hand. He knew only person with that look, and that person was far from being a friend to the booster gear holder. Those red orbs only filled the Sekiryuutei with dread. They only promise pain for the young boy.

More footsteps were heard all around. Issei might of felt dreaded at seeing Peko, but there was no way that all of his friends were beaten. Maybe the only reason Peko had arrived here was because she had retreated. But the color from Issei face drained ever further as he saw more people emerged. Each one was a member of Naruto's group. Not a single person that had emerged was an ally for the young devil.

He was trembling. His knees were shaking. A single flicker of hope was created for Issei. Looking around him, he notice that Rias or the young lady that chosen to fight against the president.

That flickered vanished from the face of Issei. In the sky, he saw a ray of light descend from the sky. The bright light was blinding. It almost felt like the light carried holy energy in it. He heard a cry. The voice he knew who it belong to. Rias had screamed in pain. His heart was beating almost out of his chest. His breath had left his body. And within moments the light vanished from the sky.

Within seconds he heard footsteps coming towards him.

He hope, that the cry he had heard was just a figment of his imagination, but seeing the person that had just emerged only confirmed his fears. Rias was beaten just like the rest of his friends. The cold eyes that bore into him, only made Issei shivered. They were cold, freezing and all in all they looked past the young devil. She saw him as something below her. A ant that she could squish at any given moment. He needed to run, he needed to get out of her. He needed…

His hip bumped into the person standing next to him. Quickly turning to the person that was standing. The very target to this attack. The young lady that he swore that he would always protect. The one that was the first to believe in him. Asia.

Even if everyone had been beaten, He still needed to man up and be able to protect the former nun. Even if he was useless, there was no way that he could win, he still needed to protect the blond from these terrorist.

Stealing himself he eyed the group standing before him. He gently pushed Asia away from him. He was ready to fight all of them. Quickly summoning his boosted gear, he just hope that he could hold them off in till a miracle happens. The red gauntlet emerged ready to fight. He aimed his fist at the leader of the group.



Slowly powering himself up, he was going to make them regret their actions. He just needed a few more seconds before he could take them down with his massive shot. There was no way that he could be defeated as long as he wanted to protect Asia from all the harm that this group could do to them. Closing his fist he ready himself for his attack.


Before he could even close his fist, someone had stop him. Looking to his wrist he saw that it was being crushed by the force of the blond leader. Looking into the eyes of Naruto, he saw that the blond was glaring at him. But a smile was on the face of the blond. A smile that only meant pain for Issei.

"Now we can't have you powering up, now can we." The mocking tone was not lost on Issei. He wanted to yell at Naruto and tell him off. He wanted to punch the blond bastard in the face and tell him off, but as his mouth open the sounds that came from his mouth were his cries of pain. The grip was not lessening, it only seem like more force was being applied to his wrist. Any moment he knew that his wrist would be completely crushed from the pressure.

Issei attempted to swing at the blond with his free hand. But before he could even swing, Naruto, swept the ground from below the Issei. Seconds later he was staring into the sky as he felt the grip tighten even further on his wrist.

"You're being cruel." Horohoro commented on as he walked around the fallen body of Issei. Asia was trembling. She summon her scared gear to attempt to heal Issei from his the grip of Naruto. But as she brought her hands up, a sword was quickly pointed at her. She saw the imposing figure of Gavin pointing the sword at her, and she knew that there was nothing that she could do. She could not heal Issei, All she could was stare and watch as they hurt one of the most precious people in her life.

Peko brought her sword down next to the neck of Issei. She knew like the rest of the people that there was nothing anyone could do. She didn't do her action to scare the young boy. No it was to show him that he was at the mercy of all of them. Each one of his allies were defeated as if they were fly's being swatted down.

Aidan looked down at the fallen form of Issei. Without saying a world he lit his hand into flames. He was readying himself to burn the face off of Issei. Naruto let the wrist of Issei go, but before his head could hit the ground, Naruto grabbed the collar of Issei.

"I'm sorry that this must be done, but this was the only way." Issei looked up and before he could register the words he felt a fist come slamming down onto his face. Then, another, another an endless barrage kept hitting him. He felt numb after several punches came raining down onto his face. But the blows finally came to a stop.

Cracking an eye open, Issei, saw that the only reason the blows had stop was because Naruto was gathering energy into his palm. A blue spare was in the palm of the blond. And Naruto slowly brought the orb closer to the face of Issei.

Issei felt it. The sting of the orb was cutting into his skin. He knew that in a matter of seconds once this orb fully made contact there would be nothing of him. This was going to be his final moments and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Stop it!" Asia screamed out, as Naruto's attack was a inch away from touching Issei face. She did not know what that attack could do, but she did not want to find out. With tears running down her face, Asia looked at the group in front of her. "I'' do whatever you want me to do… Just please stop hurting everyone."

Naruto released the collar of Issei. And smiled. After everything he had done, the words that had just come out of the young nun were music to his ears. He knew that his actions were in some ways over the top but he felt that it was all necessary. He needed to ensure that they knew what they were up against. And with Asia words he was closer to his goals. That was all that mattered to the young blond.

End of chapter.

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