"No no no no! You guys promised that we would be able to have our girls night!" Emily stressed as she watched JJ and Garcia getting ready to leave her house.

"I'm sorry sugar but since Reid called JJ tell her he was sick, Henry needs to go trick r treating with someone. You should come with us honey, we can still wear our outfits if you want." A bubbly queen of hearts told her.

Emily looked down at her outfit and laughed, "Right like Henry needs to see his aunt in a skimpy devil's outfit! I think I'll just do something with Morgan."

JJ looked at Emily with sad eyes as she sucked on her teeth, "Oh Emily..."

"Please don't tell me that he's at Rossi's house." Emily hung her head at the nod from both girls.

"Just go to Rossi's house Emmy, you know that he'll love to have you over." Garcia said shyly.

"I can't do that, he'll be there!"

"He isn't that bad Em."

"I may be dressed as one but he is defiantly the devil JJ!"

"He's no the devil."

"He is! He still hates me for being put on the team! That was years ago now, get over it!"

"I'm sorry Emmy." Garcia said sadly, "I know you want to get drunk and forget this last case and I know it wanted to be with us, but you can still get drunk with the boys. Even though Hotch will be there."

"I'll think about it."

JJ smiled and hugged her friend goodbye as both blondes ran out of the house to go pick up baby Henry.

Emily groaned as she heard her phone rang a minute or two later.

"JJ I said I would think about it." She said annoyingly.

"Bring beer and garlic sweetie"

"What?" Emily frowned.

Dave's rich laughter flowed into her ear, "JJ text saying that they left you to take Henry out and that you just wanted to get drunk. So bring enough beer to get the job done and I'm out of garlic and I need it for the salmon."

Emily smiled, "Yes sir"

She heard some arguing over the phone as Morgan came on the line, "and stay in your costume woman! I want to see what it is!"

Emily rolled her eyes as she got into her tinted matte black range rover, "How do you know I'm still in it?" she teased her partner.

"You're killing me Em" He laughed, "See you soon."

Emily pulled into the long drive way 30 minutes later. She honked her horn to tell the boys she was here and popped the trunk for them.

Hotch was the first one out of the house, he picked up one of the four 30 packs of bud light she picked up for their night. Nearly dropping it as Emily rounded the car in a vary small red dress with red skin tight see through stockings, black fuck me pumps and a small red horned head band.

He gulped nearly swallowing his tongue, the tongue he wanted so much to run up and under her dress.

"Hotch? Are you ok?" The younger woman asked as she saw a fire in his eyes but before she could be sure about it, it was gone and his face was graced with a smile that made her heart stop.

"I'm just fine Emily." He said along with an evil smile making the brunette frown but smile slightly as she could tell that the boys had already started drinking. Hotch was always nicer to her when he drank, looks like the night wouldn't be a total buzz kill she thought just as the older men joined them.

"Well god damn Emily!" Morgan grinned looking her up and down as Hotch and Dave shared a side glance to one other.

"Did you buy out the liquor section" Dave asked as he saw the cases of beer.

"I told you that I want to go hard tonight Dave, plus they were having a sale." She smiled as she hand the oldest man there a bag of garlic along with other snacks and a bottle of his favorite scotch.

"Oh I'll go as hard as you want me too." Hotch said as he walked into the house with the beer.

Emily blushed at what Hotch said, she swallowed and grabbed a case following him inside.

Her stomach growled as she nose was filled with the all to familiar scent of Dave's wild mushroom rice, her favorite dish.

Dave gave her a hug hello once she put down the beer, "I made it just for you Bella."

Emily smiled, "Thank you"

"Dinner will be in about 20, so put the beer in the ice chest over there and go to the closet to pick a game for us." Dave smiled.

"Yes sir" Emily said again.

After dinner the four settled down for a game of beer pong, Morgan and Emily vs Hotch and Rossi.

To everyone's surprise, Hotch carried his team and won the first, second and third round. Making Emily and Morgan drink can after can of beer.

"You're so cheating Hotch! There's no way you can be better then me." Emily laughed at him.

"What can I say, I was wild back in the day."

Dave shook his head at the two and decided to up the stakes a little, "How about switching the game?"

"Sure, I'm game." Morgan smiled reaching into the cooler for more ice cold drinks.

"How about pool?"

Emily made a face, "That's to slow Da..."

"Strip Pool."

"Now that's a game I'm down to play with you boys." Emily blushed already walking down to Dave's den.

Hotch, along with the other boys waited till she was out of hear shot to make a comment, "Morgan you grab the cooler, Dave go get the sticks ready for the game. I'll set the table, our plan has to work as smoothly as possible or we might scare her."

"I say maybe 3 or 4 more beers and a few shy grabs from us and we'll have her right were we want her." Morgan laughed picking up the roll able cooler and bringing it down to the den.

Emily waited on one of the bar stools in the room, "What took you boys so long, scared to lose?" She teased as she unconscionably flipped her hair over her shoulders.

Rossi smiled, handing her a playing stick, "Ok rules are that there are no teams, if you fail to hit a ball into the pocket then a piece of clothing you choose comes off, sound good?"

Every nodded their heads to the rules, "How about a practice round?"

It was Emily's turn to make a shot, and as she was bending over to shoot, they all got a nice view down her tight dress where a whisper of a black lacy bra was peeking out. The boys starred at every inch of exposed skin they could, her legs, ass, and breast. When Morgan yelled, "Nice ass princess"

She just laughed and told him to behave himself.

It went on like that for a while and after sometime when Em went up to take her shot she would bend over the table making her dress ride up a little more exposing more of her shapely thighs. Several times one of the boys would 'unintentionally' rub up against her and cup a quick feel of her ass.

She was getting hotter by the second, blaming the liquor flowing through her veins.

It was time for the real game to begin, and each of them took shoots and continued drinking. First Morgan lost his shirt, then Dave and Hotch lost their shoes.

Emily oped to tease them, when it was her turn to take something off she ran her hands up her dress and to the small straps, playing with them before smoothly taking off her head band instead. Making all the men groan.

Hotch gave the other men a look when Emily had her back turned, it was time for their game to begin.

On Emily's next turn, Hotch squeezed her ass, causing her shot to go bad and leaving her breathless.

"Oh Emily, you were so close to making it." He breathed into her ear. He walked away letting Morgan take his spot, his hands played against her skin, working their way up to her dress and then her arms. He started off easy, taking off her red gloves that went with her outfit.

Emily gulped when he walked away from her, leaving her in tingles all over. Looking over to the two other men in the room, they both gave her evil grins and went on with the game.

Ties, socks, shirts and under shirts went next. Emily doing pretty good at not losing just yet, she was able to get ride of Hotch's tie and socks. She enjoyed getting Dave out of his shirt and under shirt while Morgan lost his shoes.

Soon her winning streak went down and it was at the point of her loosing her stocking if she missed this next shot. She lined up her shot while the guys reminded her what was at stake, it was Dave's turn to tease her. He rubbed his chest against her back while she got ready, rubbing his crotch on her ass as she bent over to shoot.

Her eyes did their best to focus on the balls in front of her not behind her, lining up she hit her ball and watched as it made its way into the pocket. Going all the way until the very end when it hit the edge and bounced back.

"Would you look at that, I guess it was for the best." He smiled into her hair and crouched down. He ran his hands up her thighs and under her dress, his fingers brushed against her panties as he pulled down the see through fabric. He picked up her foot and took of her shoe before taking the rest of the fabric off and then putting her shoe back on, he did the same with her other leg before getting up and walking to the bar for a drink. Emily stayed at her spot for a moment longer, her legs weak and hot from what just happened.

Hotch smiled, taking the stick from her hands, "I think it's may turn now."