When did everything go wrong? It had to have gone wrong somewhere. And it all had been going so nicely before Alice showed up at the Red Queen's castle. It wouldn't have been half as bad if she had just gotten to the White Queen's castle before...
Mallymkun shook his head and squeaked a bit. It all was so terribly hopeless! The Hatter's presence made it worse. It wouldn't be half as bad if it was just himself.
Ugh! The Tweedles were there too, and the White Rabbit. That just made it worse and worse.
Wish it was just me. Wouldn't be so bad...
Oh dear! The Hatter looked horrible, even by his own standards and taking into account the general horridness of the day, which was considerable. I wish I could go f—Ow!
Really, the bit with the spear was too much. And jumping with chains on hurt! Some people...
But it was time to think of someone else. Firmly.
"I'm right behind you."
But...something was off about the Hatter. Even as he ducked, he couldn't help that thought...
! ! !
The IDIOT! I could KILL him now!
"You dog!"
NOT how the day was supposed to end either.